It's Me, Melis

It's Me, Melis

Love Move Vibe #bodypositive transformation coach Melissa started her practice in 2010 and has worked with women and men from all walks of life.

Melissa is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, and is also Plant-Based Certified from Cornell University and spokesperson for Empathy Plant Co. From those who may be on a new health journey, entrepreneurs, traveling executives, stay at home moms, former fitness competitors, professional athletes and more.

The central message that Melissa shares with her clients is that, "there should be a love fo


Over 35? ME too... I am actually 40!
I have spent the last 15 years coaching women and have created a specific nutritional protocol that literally has helped my clients take back total control of their eating, in a way that leaves them vibrant, full of energy, and releasing hormonal weight that they thought was a byproduct of perimenopause and menopause.

My custom coaching programs have helped these women feel comfortable in their skin and to not fight, but work WITH their hormones!
And now, I have taken every single part of my Custom 1:1 Coaching Program and turned it into a Blue Print Course so that you can do this too... at a fraction of the cost!!!!

What is inside?

✅I will share the protocols I have used MYSELF to heal my metabolism, increase my strength, and feel freaking fabulous in my 40's! All of this, using one simple (yet proven!) method.
✅I will teach you the secret to aligning not fighting with your hormones, and healing not repeating those years of dieting damage to your body and metabolism.

This is for you if you are a woman, 35+ who...
✅Has been struggling with the same 10-20lbs
✅Works out, and eats healthy but is still EXHAUSTED
✅Binges before dinner, or is controlled by late evening snacking!
✅Does not understand why it feels like your body is betraying her now... (everything that used to work, doesn't anymore!)

If this sounds like you.....This Is For You!
This is what you will get:

❤️Healthy & Sustainable weight loss
❤️Protocol to repair your metabolism
❤️Understanding of hormones and how they impact your body

My vision is to help women understand and see past all the LIES of .
And I promise, you will feel FABULOUS after just one week of implementing the nutritional protocols in the program!!

So don't wait! This Nutritional Blueprint program is on sale now!!! We can do this together!

Learn More Here:

THIS JUST IN.... A program just for women 35+ 29/12/2023

This just in... EMPOWER40 is LIVE - A new LMV Program, created specifically for women 35+ !!

I took of a little time from social media, to fully build out EMPOWER40, and now it is REAY and LAUNCHED! I am starting with only 10 spots for women interested in a program designed specifically around Hormone & Metabolism for women entering their 40's.
READ for more details and APPLY today for a January START!

THIS JUST IN.... A program just for women 35+ Does this sound familiar to you ➡️ You turned 35, and it was like you became a visitor in your own body. Your body started to change in small ways at first, and now as you are entering your 40’s you are almost unrecognizable. I don’t just mean in how you look, although that has been impacted...

Self care is not a face mask and green juice.... 22/12/2023

Are you done with hormonal or age related weight gain OR with not understanding why all the self care you do is NOT working?????

Self care is not a face mask and green juice.... I remember the day, clearly. It was a Saturday, and I was sitting on my couch with a cold coffee in my hands, looking out the window... filled with anxiety. I had laundry to do, lunches to make. The dishes were piled up behind me, and in front of me were my two little ones, who were in a full battle...


FLASH SALE: LMV Programs are 85% OFF for 4 DAYS ONLY!


Photos from It's Me, Melis's post 06/04/2023

🍦 without guilt at 11pm 🥰
“ I have worked with Melissa as an athlete and, now, as a brand new first time mama and I can definitely say her program works for whatever chapter of life you’re in. From the f*** social media & diet culture to the smash & shift practices to mindfulness in everyday life, this program has allowed me to be conscious and present without comparing myself to others and without feeling guilty for having that ice cream at 11pm. Melissa is knowledgeable, organized, available, and genuinely cares for the women in her program! If you’re looking for a program that focuses on you without the BS, it’s this one!”

Katie Watson

A few years ago I stopped using or pictures in testimonials.
Why? 🤔

🧐Because I wanted others to see the smiles, not focus on their bodies.
👓 I wanted others to read the words, and learn about the pivots, shifts and changes that these women experienced, not ask “how many lbs?”🥰 I wanted to reiterate HEALTH DOES NOT HAVE A SIZE!!
💫 I wanted those scrolling past learn about what happened within and now shines throughout 💫

This is mind, body and soul total transformation.
This is LMV ♥️♥️♥️

Apply for 1 of the remaining TWO spots in our Routine, Rituals & Habit Reset Program!
Link In bio. DM me for details


🍦 without guilt at 11pm 🥰
“ I have worked with Melissa as an athlete and, now, as a brand new first time mama and I can definitely say her program works for whatever chapter of life you’re in. From the f*** social media & diet culture to the smash & shift practices to mindfulness in everyday life, this program has allowed me to be conscious and present without comparing myself to others and without feeling guilty for having that ice cream at 11pm. Melissa is knowledgeable, organized, available, and genuinely cares for the women in her program! If you’re looking for a program that focuses on you without the BS, it’s this one!”

Katie Watson

A few years ago I stopped using or pictures in testimonials.
Why? 🤔

🧐Because I wanted others to see the smiles, not focus on their bodies.
👓 I wanted others to read the words, and learn about the pivots, shifts and changes that these women experienced, not ask “how many lbs?”🥰 I wanted to reiterate HEALTH DOES NOT HAVE A SIZE!!
💫 I wanted those scrolling past learn about what happened within and now shines throughout 💫

This is mind, body and soul total transformation.
This is LMV ♥️♥️♥️

Apply for 1 of the remaining TWO spots in our Routine, Rituals & Habit Reset Program!
Link In bio. DM me for details


It’s not what we have been trained to think… Let’s REFRAME.. why you move.
Most of the time we fall off any fitness programs because we are motivated by the wrong thing. Our body.

When you shift movement to a new place of being for your mental health, to be STRONG.. to release stress.. to be your sacred time away from every day life….
It becomes a non negotiable…

When I stopped working out for weight-loss… everything changed!

Apply (link in bio) today for one of the remaining spots in the April Program!

Register now for one of the remaining spots!! If you are feeling the vibes of looking to shift your wellness into a more optimal space- let me remind you of something!!

"You CANNOT hate yourself, into loving yourself"

I have THREE spots left in my April PROGRAM!

What to expect!?

❤️❤️ How to approach your wellness journey from a place of self-love first! (And have my support along the way)

❤️❤️ How to stop the internal fight with negative comments and break free of generational trauma or beliefs embedded in your mind through gentle brain 're-training'

❤️How to start rewriting your story (or beliefs) - so you can begin to eliminate toxic relationships with food and exercise

❤️I will share my NO-FAIL trick to re-setting your metabolism AND your self love meter!

❤️I am going to share with you the lies you are sold and told when it comes to working out - and what you really need to do!

❤️ We are going to touch on ways to get your mindset right around food, and how to keep your energy vibrations HIGH - in order to achieve your health goals!

Register now!



I talk a lot about my daughter, and how I want her to be . But it is just as important for my SON! Let me tell you a story 📕 that shook me, it happened when he was about 10. He went through the typical and science based phase where is body held onto some weight in preparation for his massive growth spurt this year. We are talking, this not so little man is almost my height & wears size 13 shoes (he just turned 13 & I am 5’9 ) - side note try telling a kid who is at your eye level they are grounded! 😭

Okay, so we were fighting a lot at that phase, and one day he snapped. And he said something along the lines of not being happy, hating his body and a bunch of other words/things about himself he never hears in our home, especially with my anti diet work and an athletic focused family.

I felt like we failed him, and I cried that very day. Society won.
BUT IT DIDN’T…. Wait for the end.

Just yesterday he said “I love being so strong” (after asking me if he beat my bench press weight yet 😂) and he brought up that he doesn’t care about how looks anymore he just wants to be strong and he knows he needs size and food to be strong!
I told him how proud I was of him. And he said “I know now I needed that extra weight for energy or else I would have grown and been not strong and then I would get hurt in football”
We talked about how he has grown mentally around food & his body - and how I tried to protect him from those old feelings.
He said “Mom you could not stop what I heard at school or on TV”….
We both agreed he came around because in the back of his mind all the things he saw and heard at home and with the family that surrounds him with positive body image, sports and strength focus.. he could lean on that to get him through the uncomfortable and daunting pre-teen years!
I tell this story for moms of boys! We have work with them too, they are just as “at risk” to have body issues or be swayed outside of your home. The work you do on yourself is seen by them! Boys are proud of strong moms, they are inspired and motivated by strong women!
If you’re looking for a little MoFa (Motivating Factor) to start on your own wellness journey… this is it ❤️


Register now for one of the remaining spots!! If you are feeling the vibes of looking to shift your wellness into a more optimal space- let me remind you of something!!

"You CANNOT hate yourself, into loving yourself"

I have THREE spots left in my April PROGRAM!

Wha to expect!?

❤️❤️ How to approach your wellness journey from a place of self-love first! (And have my support along the way)

❤️❤️ How to stop the internal fight with negative comments and break free of generational trauma or beliefs embedded in your mind through gentle brain 're-training'

❤️How to start rewriting your story (or beliefs) - so you can begin to eliminate toxic relationships with food and exercise

❤️I will share my NO-FAIL trick to re-setting your metabolism AND your self love meter!

❤️I am going to share with you the lies you are sold and told when it comes to working out - and what you really need to do!

❤️ We are going to touch on ways to get your mindset right around food, and how to keep your energy vibrations HIGH - in order to achieve your health goals!

Register now!! Link in bio to apply for one of the last three spots!!

Link in bio



LMV Application 24/03/2023

Spots are now available for the April Routine, Rituals and Habits RESET !!
What do we focus on? And is this for you?
This is a 6 month, 3 Phase program - that focuses on YOU!
Over this time together we work on:
1. Resetting your current routines and habits - and setting you up with rituals that lend to a body loving, self care based life!
2. We learn to say NO, and be okay with it, so you can make time for yourself!
3. We focus on little shifts and pivots while still being able to enjoy your fav foods, eating out, and sipping on your fav wine 🍷
Click you are interested in learning more
4. Movement that is sustainable and you ENJOY! 😉
What we DON'T Do
❌ Limit carbs, or food of any sort!
❌ Work out for hours a week!
❌ Yo-Yo Diet or Re-start on Monday (this is sustainable and enjoyable)
Want to learn more? Fill to the form below for your chance at one of the spots in the April Co-hort!

LMV Application Turn data collection into an experience with Typeform. Create beautiful online forms, surveys, quizzes, and so much more. Try it for FREE.


This morning we didn’t just put on our shirts, we had a discussion. Today is a day to mourn the lives of children who were taken from their families, the lives lost, to recognize the trauma, and to commit to change. Our children will be leaders one day, and it is important that they are aware of the past. We wear "ORANGE" to honour all First Nations, Inuit and Métis Residential School survivors and in memory of those who never made it home. Today is a day to educate, connect, listen and learn. It is so much more than the shirt. Consider having the conversation with your family and choosing a local organization to make a donation to together.

🧡 Every Child Matters


SHE hears, sees and remembers everything …

We cannot stop what they hear or see, but we can build up their minds and hearts so….

I think before I speak, I pause before I act and I make sure to fill her mind with powerful thoughts so she remembers them when she is faced with social media or messages knocking on her self-confidence door.

She will be told about diets, she will question her worth, she will judge herself so…

When I move I invite her along.
I show her strong, self-loving and patience.
She sees me eat and she sees me enjoy and she partakes it in all.

You see, we can’t prevent everything but we can demonstrate what we wish for them, in OURSELVES.

That was why I created Love Move Vibe. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be healthier, focusing on wellness, a desire to be stronger, to maybe change your nutritional habits but there can be everything wrong in the way we go about it, speak about it or embrace it.

Love Move Vibe was created for:
🙋🏻‍♀️ Women who want to do better for themselves
🙋🏾‍♀️ Are done with diets and want a Mindful and Brain Re-Training LOVE focused program
🙋🏼‍♀️ Want science not gimmicks
🙋🏽‍♀️Movement is for longevity and strength! NOT doing cardio so you can eat the cake
🙋‍♀️ Know that eating carbs and having wine are A-Okay and done with guilt based programs

IT’S A VIBE! Vibe with your food, vibe with other humans and dammit emit a VIBE that others want to be around you and are inspired to commit to self care, self love and wellness for LIFE (not for weeks or months)….

And it’s for the SHE’S in your life…

You started off just like her, are you treating yourself the way you would want her to treat herself? Because SHE is you, and YOU deserve a beautiful life wearing the shorts, eating the cake and loving yourself for how amazing you are (just like you want for her).



My face when someone says a food is bad- since when did food have morals or values?? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Balanced eating is allowing treats - because when you over restrict your brain naturally craves.

Filling your plate will goodness first, is the key 🔑 to longevity.
Allowing treats and not food shaming, locks 🔒 in your ability to commit long term.


Never for one moment, doubt your strength... because you are magical and you brought beauty to this earth in the form of a baby...

Even when you may not feel it, you are undoubtably strong.

Sisters in motherhood, it’s our duty to remind each other of this and share our strength with each other 💕

So let a mama in your world know you love them, and you stand with them!

Your babies see it, look through their beautiful eyes at your self, especially today.


💯 DOWNLOADS!! This morning I woke up to over 100 downloads of the Love Move Vibe app! It may not be a big number to some, but to see this baby grow over the last 6 months, is a journey I don’t take lightly. I heard your feedback, made changes, added new options, with a passion for creating a small space in the online world that helps you create space, be filled with body positive content, little ways to shift into a more balanced life and promoting the most important thing we need to do - love ON ourselves.
So thank you!! For those who tested it, joined, shared it, or just took a sneak peek!
I am fulllll of gratitude this morning!!

DOWNLOAD NOW! 11/09/2022

If you have been wanting to try out the Love Move Vibe Program, now is the time.
My dream was to make this available to everyone, and now it is!
There are three levels and you can choose what you want!

Download the APP for free for the monthly subscription - all content for FREE!
(workouts, videos, nutritional guidance and more)

Join the LMV Group Program - 8 weeks, all content in the app, and weekly custom coaching with Melissa

CUSTOM Private wellness program: includes 12 weeks of private 1 on 1 coaching, custom workouts, nutrition, mindset coaching/training/ and so much more!


DOWNLOAD NOW! The Love Move Vibe FULL Membership APP is now available for FREE!!!!

Videos (show all)

I’ve gained/lost the same 20lbs since I was 20 & truly HATED my body.  Then… I got implants, because I thought 💭 (or was...
Don’t Run from the foods you love! When you RESTRICT… body will fight back!This is Reset #1Eat in balance! Sure get yo’ ...
Spots open for the April #RRHReset program!! 🥘 Let’s learn to love food again!  So so so many of us have reeked havoc on...
Morning Routine with 🍄 Extracts (*note these are from actual fungi for natural medicinal purposes and not psychedelics)W...
Launching this FALL - Love Move Vibe 30 Day #BackTOBasicsSo while the babes go #backtoschool let’s TOGETHER get back to ...
9 months ago… I broke my hand.Here is a little story….I had 2 open hand surgeries, one was reconstructive because my bon...
🗣What your parents spoke over you, is now a part of who you believe YOU are, the decisions you make and actions you take...
Repost @hbh_heartbeatshate - “Be kind to others. However they are proceeding through these [difficult] times is for thei...