Spirit Whispers with Selene

Spirit Whispers with Selene

As an Empowering Love coach & Angel Intuitive, I teach the healing and empowering tools that are nee

More than two decades ago, a spiritual door opened up for me, through the loss of my beloved son Christopher. The sadness was tremendous, yet through it a light shone from the other side, which showed me that we are not alone, that we need only ask and we can be helped by the angelic beings which surround us every single day. By nurturing my connection with the angels and with my intuition, I came


For the past months, I have been working on letting go of habits that no longer serve me and starting new ones that help me move forward.

I have noticed how easily I can "numb" myself doing the same thing over and over again and how my discipline seems to have gone down the tubes. (I used to be disciplined...)

As an HSP/Empath, I have to make sure to manage my energy exposure so that I don't feel exhausted all the time. This is one reason why getting serious about having a morning and night routine (among other things) is key!

If you are also interested in upgrading your habits:
“Tune in this Wednesday where I will be sharing with you the 10 habits that will alter your course in life)"


Hi everyone! It has been a long while since I have posted here. A lot of things have happened that led to much growth but my commitment to helping people improve their lives while receiving guidance from connecting with the Angels and Archangels has not changed.

I want to share with you that I am starting a new group that focuses on those who are highly sensitive or empaths. This new focus has been spearheaded by Archangel Metatron who is the Archangel of Empowerment and the one who guides the Highly sensitive and empaths of this world.

Not only am I a Highly sensitive /Empath but also we are only 20 % of the population. As a result, we feel like we don't fit in and it is hard for us to meet others like us. We also suffer in our relationships because of our loving hearts always open to love and because of our pure intentions. It is necessary that we gain wisdom and learn how to protect ourselves energetically from anyone who targets us in relationships. This is something I will be discussing and you'll be learning about if you are a HSP or empath and choose to join!

So, if you want to belong to a peer group where as a highly sensitive person (HSP) or empath you are with others who get you, do not judge you, and with whom you can grow and upgrade your life, I invite you to be there for the LAUNCH of my new FB group: Sensitive Soul - How to Live your Best Life!

Here's the link to the group: www.facebook.com/groups/sensitivesoulwhereyourdreamsgrowwings/

I will be posting tomorrow about my FB live on Wednesday at 10 am. I will be talking about "Why Archangel Metatron wants you to know that the world needs the gifts and power of the highly sensitive and empaths right now and the reason why it is imperative that we reclaim the power we have lost as a result of our life's experiences."

I hope you tune in because it's going to be a good one and if you tune in and share in the comments, you will receive a surprise on Friday!

Hope to see you there! 💗


Good morning! I invite you to check out my new page Sensitive Soul 44:


I hope you like it as much as I do!

During the past few years, what I am meant to do and who I'm meant to help have become clearer and clearer to me. As some of you know, I'm an Angel intuitive. Archangel Metatron made its presence known to me and is behind my impulse to be of service to the Highly sensitive people and Empaths at this time.

I have been working as a mental health therapist and that work has brought up to my consciousness the awareness of how many of my clients benefit from realizing that they are HSPs or Empaths and that what that means is that they benefit from having a guide -who like me- is also an HSP/Empath, who can help them know what being sensitive really means, what a superpower it actually can be if they learn how it is a function of their nervous system and how to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

So, I'm super excited about this new, sharper direction my life is taking me in and I hope that if you are a highly sensitive or an Empath that you will follow alongside me all the way! 💗💖💕

Sensitive Soul 44 Life coach who helps highly sensitive people and empaths tap into the superpower of their sensitivity

My Inspiring Story

Twenty-two years ago, I experienced a big crisis when my oldest child was diagnosed with cancer and died three years later. That experience opened up my eyes to a different way of seeing life and, most importantly, to a different way of seeing and experiencing love.

As a society, we receive so many messages about love and they all seem to concentrate on romantic love, as if that is the only love to aspire to… As a result of those messages, there is a sense of urgency to find someone who completes another and in the process, humanity has lost its inner power - the power that we all were born with.

The way the Angels see it: It’s crucial to realize that we must complete ourselves first, before we can enjoy a truly loving connection with another. In order to get to that point, inner work is required to get to the bottom of the areas in which we have given our power away to others -during the process of growing up.

As an Angel intuitive, I have been guided by the Angels to help those who are ready for the steps they can take to reclaim their power. They want everyone to experience as much love- from all sources; to have as much prosperity as they want and to enjoy making a living doing what they most love to do in life— in short, to experience Big Love!

Videos (show all)

What the Angels say about Romantic Relationships - Part One
Right Thinking - The First Step on the Journey towards the Right Love for You!