Gallery of Mo

Gallery of Mo

Help raise awareness and donations for Movember (Men's health Charities) -

Gallery of Mo is a website created by twentysix to help encourage donations to our Movember Team. Every person who donates to our team will get to request a portrait of themselves (with the addition of a moustache)

2012 - We raised over £11,000, illustrated 599 portraits with the help of 174 artists

2011 - We raised over £5000, illustrated 189 portraits with just 20 artists helping

Gallery of Mo 03/06/2024

Our artist site is up and running and ready to you lovely artists and illustrators to sign up and help raise lots of money for Movember UK.

Find out more and sign up at

Gallery of Mo Generated by create next app


That's right! After 10 years away, we're happy to announce that the Gallery of Mo will be opening its doors again this Movember.

The Gallery of Mo raises money for using art. Every person who donates to Movember from our website receives a moustache-themed portrait (or mo'trait) of themselves.

Once live, you can visit our site, pick an artist and donate the amount the artist requires. The lovely artist will then get to work on your unique Mo'trait.

Our Artist sign-up site will be live in the next couple of months. So watch this space. We're excited to see what money we can raise for Movember, 10 years on.

Keep up-to-date with the latest GoM news by following our IG -

Timeline photos 07/11/2015

Here's the first portrait completed for Gallery of Mo in 2015! And it's a corker from the very talented Phillip Marsden. He's busy right now, but check out the artists available for your own Mo portrait, or sign up as an artist to create your own for a good cause

Gallery of Mo - by twentysix 06/11/2015

We've been away for a while... but we are back! Artists, sign-up here to create amazing portraits for donors to the Movember Foundation... -signup

Gallery of Mo - by twentysix
