Artistically Fit

Artistically Fit

Online/Personal training
Move stronger and feel healthy. Click the link for a free consultation!


Check this out and please vote for my partner. We need your help to give her and her business HerBlackHealth a chance to be in the top 5 and pitch for a chance to win 25k. This will be life changing for her and her business. I appreciate you all joining me in support.

See more details below. And voting link in bio!

I'm finally putting myself out there FB Fam!😊

I have entered a Black Pitch Contest for my business called Her Black Health:

An online holistic wellness network for Black women.

For me to make it to the first round I NEED YOUR HELP. ❤️❤️

It would mean so much to me if you would take the time to VOTE

Click this link in bio to VOTE and see details about

Please Vote Daily! Voting closes March 20th.

Thank you so much community for your support!


Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. It’s also time to clean up our bodies, our minds and start a plan of consistent training and eating habits.

This is a priority! During these times, it’s easy to put other things above our own well-being.
-the home/house
-work demands
-going out/socializing
-running here and there
-even taking care of others

These things are all a part of life, but, without a healthy foundation of the body and mindset, how are all of those things even possible?

Have you thought about food? What’s am I eating today? Or that movement goal, stretching or exercise routine until that reminder comes in a glance at the mirror or sometimes being around someone else that has the body of our dreams, or when there is a flight of dreaded and painful stairs to climb.

Then comes the reminder of how many times you tried working out and couldn’t stick to it or there was so much pain you had to stop. Or, how many treatment options you have tried to help with the knee pain and back pain and it’s still there. Lastly, maybe you are reminded that you don’t know what to do to get your fitness goals so you try the one or two things you know like jogging for example and hope for the best.

It can lead to a path of pain, frustration, burnout, exhaustion, depression or even injury or illness.

But, it doesn’t have to…

There is a way to increase your mobility, flexibility, strength, mindset and nutrition to keep you energized and ready to take on any of life’s tasks or fun activities/challenges.

Take the first step, begin to prioritize self more.

Get the guidance, empowerment and the confidence to be the best version of yourself today!

Click the link in bio for a free consultation.


Ready to take running to the next level?

Discover pain-free, strong and efficient running no matter if you are a sprinter or a distance runner.

Comment below if you are interested in a free running session.


Wellness is a big part of our lives especially in these times. Health and wellness is our wealth and can be considered currency in a lot of ways.

I love what I do. I get to help transform the lives of so many by way of fitness, health/wellness and creating a lifestyle that gives freedom, joy, encourages fun and longevity.

Artistically Fit is just that! Wellness and fitness is not a cookie cutter that shapes us as humans into copies of other people. To me, fitness and wellness starts with finding YOU! The way you train, the way you fuel your body with nutrition, what works for your environment and life may not be the same as someone else.

This is YOUR path to wealth. And it is your journey to becoming Artistically Fit


Dig deep and Surprise yourself today!



-It does not just appear out of nowhere.
-It can be from compensation, inflammation and structural issues.
-It will not go away on its own and may get worse, spread or transform if the cause is not addressed.

This is a short snip of realization in the mind, the nervous system and the muscular system. Each one is learning that being in alignment is the new normal and is being trained to stay aligned. Staying aligned is giving the foot a reason to not signal pain.

Using floss wraps in this way help by providing compression to increase circulation, release muscle tension and gently align the bones/tendons and ligaments. There are different techniques to achieve this and on this day we are focusing on creating space between the big toe and the second toe to release the bunion, align the ankle and activate the arch!

You see, the body is simple in theory but it is so unique. We have to give it enough reason to change and then practice that change until it is like second nature. These are joint, muscle, tendon, nervous system, mental, emotional, environmental and professional life lessons all in one session!


The New Year is coming!

Do you have a wellness/fitness plan?

Now is the time to learn more about self care and maximizing on that knowledge and change your life.

Find out more:

Videos (show all)

#movementismedicine #motivation #moveyourbody #movementtherapy #strong #challengeyourself
This spicy curry chickpea dish with mixed veggies was Sooooo delicious 🤤                           Adding more plant bas...
Wellness is a big part of our lives especially in these times. Health and wellness is our wealth and can be considered c...
PAIN?-It does not just appear out of nowhere.-It can be from compensation, inflammation and structural issues.-It will n...

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 17:00
Thursday 07:00 - 17:00
Friday 07:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00