Apostolic Perfecting Institute

Apostolic Perfecting Institute

API seeks to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the body of Christ


Corporate Prophecy πŸ—£οΈ A Harmonious Sound

Musicians have learned the art of unison as they follow behind one another in tandem to achieve a harmonious sound that is pleasing to the Lord. We too as leaders in Gods glorious body must likewise learn to "play together" on one accord in unity and order, as we have been given the part of the oracle and mouth piece of God. So whether we be called an Apostle, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist or Prophet we must put aside ALL divisiveness, strife and envy to push forward and promote the agenda of Gods kingdom over and above the personal agendas for self promotion, prosperity and vain glory, for this behavior is not of God, nor does it please the Lord. The present condition of the church is a result of our behavior and as five-fold gifts offered to the body to instruct them, we must do better! Arise in unity, harmony and kingdom agenda so that we may glorify and please the Lord with a mighty and glorious sound. May Jesus Christ be lifted up and glorified by ALL of His people throughout all of the earth now, for the time of His appearance is coming quickly!!!!! Please share, the body needs to hear this message πŸ™πŸ½


Righteousness in terms of obedience to God unlocks the blessings and favor of the Lord. If you are not seeing that upon your life, examine yourself, repent and pursue diligently the the righteousness that only comes through a life that is obediently submitted to Jesus Christ.


Results require work! We can't be of those who expect results without first developing the discipline of a consistent work ethic, prayer life etc. That's a recipe for jealousy and disappointment.


When God has anointed you, not only do you become unpopular with those in the world, but also amongst some "family" members. Don't believe me, read about Joseph and David in the bible.


Gods favor isn't common, it's
1. Precise
2. Selective
3. Purposeful


I'm a waiter how about you? Wait on God!

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint ~ Isaiah 40:31

Beloved, we live in a time where people are anxious for a lot of things (relationships, career growth, new house, new this and new that). One thing God told me a long time ago as I waited patiently (many years) for my wife to be revealed to me was that "Special orders take time". See... I asked God for a wife and it seemed like it was taking forever but God was letting me know that not only did he hear me, but He was preparing one for me, just as God was preparing me for her. Tip: πŸ”‘ Singlehood is a time for you to mature yourself and prepare, so that you can rid yourself of the selfishness that would destroy the covenant of a marriage. A good marriage is one of selflessness, forgiveness, provision and love!

God could give you any old thing to temper (soften or calm) the cries of the baby, but it would not be long lasting or satisfying says the Lord, so to please His children, He delays endures our cries for instant gratification for the gratification that brings long lasting joy with "no sorrow". This is how intentional and deliberate our God is about supplying us with good gifts.

Matthew 7:11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Philippians 4:6 goes on to say: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

So while you're making your request realize that what you are asking for isn't a common thing but a special order, and special orders take time to both prepare and create! Let us please the Lord with patience, showing Him that we trust Him to deliver, and while we are waiting let us offer Him thanksgiving, praise and adoration for He is a good God!

Read Psalm 40 about how waiting patiently on the Lord brings blessings. God bless you and please share πŸ™πŸ½. Someone desperately needs to be encouraged by this message.

God is preparing a "special order" just for you! 12/08/2024

Watch todays brief 10 minute mini-teaching to learn how patience will allow you to unlock special blessings from the Lord. Please share πŸ™πŸ½ and be blessed!

God is preparing a "special order" just for you! Watch this video to find out how to receive special orders from the Lord!

Photos from Apostolic Perfecting Institute's post 09/08/2024

I'm sitting at the dealership looking out of the window. I notice that there is a dark fringe on certain parts of the windows. Now the reason I can see them is because I'm wearing my sunglasses. As I look without them, I can no longer discern that the windows have a tint on them because my natural eyes cannot detect them. Such is the case in the spiritual realm. With the natural eyes you cannot see the things of the spirit, but the soul whose lens has been modified with the correct prescription from the "Lord" is able to see clearly that which is invisible to the naked eye and what those who are naked (blind & carnal) cannot see. We need vision from the Lord, because satanic vision (sorcery, psychic etc) does exist. This vision is forbidden. It is accessed through illegal means (drugs & alcohol, evil covenants, and conduits such as psychic mediums and evil technology).

Prayer: God give us your eyesight, so that we may safely see and discern with your vision
the things of the spirit. Remove the scales from our eyes in Jesus name πŸ•ΆοΈ


Keep your heart bowed. What do I mean? Man will bow in obedience to whatever it is that is within his heart. For it is within the nature of a man to perform the will of his heart, the heart however is desperately wicked who can know it? This is why we must surrender our will to God. Therefore in righteousness the children of God obey the Laws of God that are written on the tablets of their heart, and likewise the wicked to perform the will of their father (satan) who works in "every" child of disobedience. The good news is that God has the power to transform the heart & soul and to renew the mind of all who will actively pursue the Lord Jesus Christ. It ain't over until it's over, and there is still time and room at the cross of Calvary for both repentance and salvation! Some of you have given up, but get back up! Do not throw yourself away says God! Seek the Lord with your "whole" heart, because this is what it takes to avoid the mass deception that has filled the entire world. Fight against the flesh at ALL costs, and submit to the sovereignty of the Lord in obedience to Him in godly living, for it is our reasonable service. Beloved obey God and live. Jesus is returning soon, and His reward is with Him. Blessings


In life there ain't no safety nets, it's either Jesus or nothing. Take the plunge He got you! It ain't called a faith walk for nothing πŸ’―. The path is gonna look scary sometimes but what is fear in the face of a God like the one that we serve? πŸ˜‚ He's UNDEFEATED! πŸ₯ŠπŸ† Give up that thing He's been asking you to give up for the longest, and go where He's been leading you. Our vision is limited but His vision is limitless (catch that revelation), trust in God! He's coming back for His own, the real question is do you belong to Him and are you preparing now for His return by keeping yourself unspotted from the world 🌎 πŸ€” Beloved, the only sheep that belong to Him are those who obey Him by following His commandments. Obey the voice of your shepherd lest you fall into deception. Walk in the spirit and live!!! The bible ain't changed and it ain't changing, we have to line up with the word of God and stop thinking that God has to line up with us and our societal norms. God we need you!


Discipline is the ability to work through pain and discomfort w/o excuse. Successful people know this well.


Let them be wrong about you says God. Waste no time explaining to people the very things that God has hidden from them. Jesus didn't waste time on folks. He operated on the principle: "ifyaknowyaknow". What are you seeking from man? Acceptance, affirmation, acknowledgment? If they accept you then they are you πŸ’£πŸ”₯πŸŽ―πŸ’―, because the world only receives its own. So the only question that truly matters is "who do you belong to?" When you belong to God rejection by the world is your affirmation to God. If the Father doesn't reveal it, then conceal it. Yes... even you are one of Gods mysteries. Waste no time wasting time. Keep moving!


Never waste resources: Just as you would not set out to waste your money, likewise learn where and most importantly, "who" to invest your time in. Time is something you can NEVER get back. I am NOT saying to stop investing your time in people, heavens no. People are Gods treasure, but you have to know who is currently ready for the investment because they possess the capacity to do something with the treasure (wisdom) that you have invested in them, and who is not. Unfortunately, due to us not being discerning of who we have invested our time in in the past, some of us have gotten stingy with our time whereas the people who God has truly called to us have gone WITHOUT the deposit/investment that was due to them through us, but because of our previous failure, we have closed up the well and shut it down. Others only see value in their own family and do not invest outside of that circle. Repent of closing down your well and allow others to drink from you again says God, but this time be discerning! How can we raise up disciples and a generation holding on to every treasure that we ever got? Be a lender again for the world has great need of you says the Lord.


Saints ought to ALWAYS love one another, but if you can't love them, then stay away from them until you can deal with you! It's okay, we all go through things and may need to withdraw from others for a season in order to recover in our soul, but know the state of your souls wellbeing so that you do not cut, offend or leak toxicity onto an unsuspecting and yes I'll go even further, an undeserving child of God. It's not cool and not only are your damaging your reputation, but you also damage the reputation of Christ when you act unchrist-like. And PLEASE πŸ™πŸ½ learn how to APOLOGIZE when you hurt someone (too many Christian's are too prideful to apologize these days when they hurt others πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ) πŸ’―. Heal and be well. Talk about what you are going through so you can get some help and prayer. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you, this is only a test!


With age should come maturity. Just because you dropped the ball before doesn't mean that you should keep dropping it. Learn how to catch and learn how to keep! Thankful that God has NEVER fumbled a soul. We can all stand to be more like Christ! Grow πŸ“ˆ


A prepared place for a prepared people:

1. When God created the earth was it not prepared for the children of men?
2. Was not the promised land prepared for the children of Israel?
3. Did not Jesus go before us into heaven to prepare it for His redeemed?
4. Was not hell created for the fallen angels?

My friends... there is a place that was prepared for us (1-3), but many will go to (4) because of sin and rebellion against God. Did not satan and the fallen angels get cast out of heaven due their rebellion against God, what shall likewise be our fate if we too live a life of rebellion (sin) against God and His holy ordinances and statutes πŸ€”. Hell was not created for us, but it shall be our part if we do not turn away from our wicked ways and repent! Beloved... live a life of holiness through Jesus Christ (the hope of glory) so that you may go to the place that God has prepared for all of those who have placed their hope in Jesus Christ! God loves you so much and wishes that none would perish. He has placed before us life and death, choose life! There is ONLY life in Jesus Christ! Please share πŸ™πŸ½


Developing discipline is about developing NEW Habits! It's NEVER too late! The better you is waiting for the current you to renew your mind about what you can do instead of what you fear to do. Fear is nothing but False.Evidence.Appearing.Real.
We overcome fear with Faith!
It's time to shatter the limitations!!! You got this!

The acronym F.A.I.T.H.:
β€’ F: Fallen humanity
β€’ A: Adopted by God
β€’ I: Intentional atonement
β€’ T: Transformed by the Holy Spirit
β€’ H: Held by God

Scriptural reference: Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


We need stubborn faith to deal with, combat and conquer the stubbornness and the rebelliousness of our flesh.

The flesh should be subject to the spirit of God in us! πŸ€” Who is winning? If our flesh is winning woe unto us, for it is preparing for us a place of death in hell, but if our spirit is winning blessed are we for the spirit ALWAYS brings unto us LIFE! Resist the flesh and obey the Spirit of God beloved.

API - Perfecting the Leader in You!

Welcome to Apostolic Perfecting Institute!

Our mission at API is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ, until all have come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ! (Ephesians 4:11-13).

We will do this by providing training and educational services to the members of the body of Christ in the area of the five-fold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher and Evangelist) so that believers can grow in the maturity of their faith, and fulfill the individual calling that God has placed upon their lives as leaders in Christ’s church.

Through the use of practical teachings, explanations of scripture, training activation, prophetic insight, wisdom, and revelation, believers will become empowered and activated in their faith to execute the plans and purposes of the kingdom of God as leaders, who have had their faith sharpened through the application of the word of God.

Perfecting the Leader in You in what we’re all about. Contact us today!

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You are a spirit, you have a soul, and dwell in a body.
Prophetic word!

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00