CFI - Christian Fellowship International - Malawi

CFI - Christian Fellowship International - Malawi

CFI supports, facilitates, and equips believers to fulfill God's calling upon their lives.

Dry Bones … come to life! 13/02/2024

Dry bones ... come to life! Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers ... if you've thought, "God can't use me any longer," watch this video. It's time for you to, "Come Alive!" For those this video speaks to ... my email address is ... [email protected].

Dry Bones … come to life! It’s time for those who have been called to minister, who have for whatever reason taken a seat on the “sidelines,” to come alive. The gifts and calling of G...


The Lord had me share the following earlier with the leadership of all the countries around the world associated with CFI - Christian Fellowship International. There may be some of you who aren't a part of CFI - Christian Fellowship International, and yet still need to hear this word. So, I present it to you now.

"Please understand, and hold on tight to, the truth that no man can take away from you what God has given you and poured out upon you! Man cannot anoint you! Man, and man's organization, may recognize the anointing upon you, but your power and authority come from God, our Father. It's by His favor (also known as grace) that you have been chosen. Walk in the favor of God, and the anointing of God which is the Holy Spirit. Be bold, be strong, and be courageous. Walk in the power of His might!"


God is good, all the time!
He has a plan & purpose for you!
He has placed greatness within you!
Expect great things today, and also going forward.
His blessings are abundant in your life!

Have great expectations each day!
2024 will be an amazing year!


CFI - Christian Fellowship International announces CFI - Christian Fellowship International - Malawi... we greet those of you in Malawi with abundant blessings and love! Welcome to the CFI family!