Bancents Tradestation

Bancents Tradestation

dealer in machinecut/ quarry stones, wall coppings, vent blocks, ventilations, balusters, bricks &


It has been a challenging year on our input mostly on cement but we hoping for the best


The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in democracy you vote first and follow orders later but in dictatorship you don't need to waste time voting.


A small survey; your analogy for decision to vote for a particular candidate;
1. Improve your living conditions.
2. He/ she is charismatic and eloquent.
3. He/she is your clan member/Kinsman .
4. The candidate has monies.


The corrupt gurus are now seal every loopholes, the are now demanding the investigators (DCI) should stick to their offices playing hide and seek.... This time wakenya tutakiona ... Declaimer! nikipotea mnafute mwili mwituni, mnaeza mwili.
