Communist Party of Australia - Western Sydney

Communist Party of Australia - Western Sydney

This is the official page of the Communist Party of Australia - Western Sydney branch

A global community of shared future - CPA 24/05/2024

The author proclaims that:

"The unipolar world has failed the people-- it is heading to a catastrophe. The proposal for a “global community of shared future” makes sense & has become a necessity

declaring that:

“We must be able to walk away from the interests of the powerful few and embrace a more sustainable world that prioritises interests of the majority of people” & aspires to “an inclusive world in which there is no need for billions to be wasted on a military” ….

YES! TO BECOME ABLE TO DO THAT is the task of a civilised humanity! WHERE DO WE START FROM? Here? Now?

The article then challenges the reader – as a first concrete step:

“We commend the thoughts and proposals for a global community of shared future as presented by the People’s Republic of China.” VM, CPA

That certaibky puts it up for debate?

To commend them means we need to at least look up the thoughts and proposals, see what they are & from there consider what they offer in a revolution of opportunities … and maybe, this has many ways of working out on common humanity attaining & sustaining ‘happiness’ & ‘beauty’!

A global community of shared future - CPA Humanity refuses to die at the hands of war-mongers and profiteers. The planet and its people are at a cross roads. Capitalism and its blindness are pursuing a no-through road. It is destroying the environment, and is putting billions of people in an unprecedented situation.

Exclusive: Ken Loach calls out Sir Keir Starmer, what were his dealings in the Julian Assange case 26/03/2024

A report from UK showing the extent of the conspiracy to entrap Julian Assange for exposing the war crimes of USA -- the current British Labour leader was up to his neck in the conspiracy. What about our Labor leaders? Also lackeys of Uncle Sam.

Exclusive: Ken Loach calls out Sir Keir Starmer, what were his dealings in the Julian Assange case Everyone knows the real story everybody can see it, we can't believe anybody is hoodwinked. it's not espionage this is journalism! Ken Loach spoke out after a screening of a new film highlighting Julian Assange's political incarceration titled ' The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange.'

Last Days of Julian Assange in the United States 17/03/2024

What we are finding is that we the peple, common humanity, the workers of the world, have less & less leverage on our governments and institutions as they drag us along the road to war, police states, economic dislocation & environmental catastrophe.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that nothing less than full on social upheaval, revolt and revolution is going to save us from the exterminatory class of imperialist expoitation.

Here in Australia we pretend we are "partners" to the planet's self-appointed global hegemon; but we, our governments & establishment institutions are lackeys of empire.

Nothing shows us that more than the fate of Australian journalist & publisher Julian Assange, rotting in a dungeon in UK while USA waits to get him, so he can rot till he dies there. No Australian government has been game to demand his release from our 'grat & powerful allies. Utterly piss-weak & disgraceful. FREE JULIAN ASSANGE! DROP ALL MILITARY ALLIANCES WITH USA & UK!

Last Days of Julian Assange in the United States The WikiLeaks publisher may soon be on his way to the U.S. to face trial for revealing war crimes, Matt Kennard reports. What he would face there is terrifying beyond words. By Matt Kennard Declassified UK Babar Ahmad was extradited from Britain to the United States in 2012 on charges of

History of Ukrainian Fascism - PSMLS Class 04/06/2023

A class run by the Peoples SChool of Marxist-Leninist Studies .... share & like!

History of Ukrainian Fascism - PSMLS Class The PSMLS and the PCUSA stand with those fighting the war against Ukrainian fascism, and with this class, we seek to explain the history of Ukrainian fascism...

For a Popular Front May Day! - Daily Worker USA 01/05/2023

May Day Statement: Party of Communists, USA:

For a Popular Front May Day! - Daily Worker USA (Statement of the Central Committee, Party of Communists, U.S.A.)  Demonstrate in the Streets; For the Unity of Action by All Working People in Defense of Their Living Standards, Their Civil Liberties, and in Defense of World Peace  TO ALL PEOPLE:  On May First, people...

What's happening in Peru? Coup and protests explained 09/03/2023

Bit of an insight into what's happening in Peru -- you don't buck the neo-liberal regime of capital's global hegemon & its comprador financial-feudal elites ...

What's happening in Peru? Coup and protests explained TRNN reports from Peru, speaking directly with union leaders and protestors battling to save their nation's future and democracy. The Real News is an indepen...

Communist and Workers Parties: “We Condemn the Plan to Assault and Intervene in the CP Venezuela” | MLToday 05/03/2023

Commend communist rights ...

Communist and Workers Parties: “We Condemn the Plan to Assault and Intervene in the CP Venezuela” | MLToday Communist and Workers Parties: “We Condemn the Plan to Assault and Intervene in the CP Venezuela” Posted by MLToday | Feb 20, 2023 | Other Featured Posts | 1 facebook Twitter Like Gmail Joint Statement by Communist and Workers Parties February 17, 2023 The undersigned Communist and Workers Parti...

Jeff Bezos fails to kill Amazon's union. Here's what's next. 12/02/2023

Labour struggle in a neo-liberal 'gig' economy -- Amazon workers make a breakthrough in a strongly anti-union corporate giant...

Jeff Bezos fails to kill Amazon's union. Here's what's next. JFK8 worker-organizers Michelle Valentin Nieves, Jordan Flowers, and Gerald Bryson join TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez for a discussion on the figh...


we are proud we had two solidarity events with our american brothers & sisters here in Australia in Sydney & Melbourne over the MLK long week ...



The 27th UN Climate Conference (COP27), as with the other COPs, has ostensibly been convened to address the impacts of human species induced climate change. In reality the ruling interests that have brought about the prospect of global ecological catastrophe in the first place, use these UN conferences primarily to try to resolve their global crisis, that is, the crisis of financial monopoly capitalism – imperialism -- in their favour, irrespective of the consequences for humanity or future life on the planet it may have.

The forces of Capital, whose hegemony has come about in the course of (not quite) creating a global (‘neo-liberal’) market with economies based on fossil fuels & technologies along with energy wasting societal modes, are desperately struggling to turn the critical need to transition from a fossil to a non-fossil energy base into an opportunity to maintain and extend their rule, while holding off, or defeating the progressive alternatives emerging to their political-economic domination.

It does this even as the capitalist/imperialist order itself sinks into social-economic chaos, with a growing prospect for all humanity and life on earth of nuclear war and environmental disaster.

The objective situation in regard to the natural world (the ecosphere) within which human society is embodied and with which it must interact to reproduce itself over generations, is that our economic activity, among other widespread environmental impacts, has generated greenhouse gases as a by-product (CO2, but increasingly CH4) in line with our economic growth and they continue to build up in our oceans and atmosphere. To get off this path for the capitalist involves trillions of dollars in ‘stranded assets’, not to mention trillions yet to be made from fossil fuels if it can be got away with – so for the capitalist any transition is to be delayed and minimised as far as possible.

As a result global temperatures continue to rise with continued emissions. We now could be reaching tipping points, beyond which runaway global warming takes off (cf P19).

The COPs are meant to be the deliberative mechanism by which the world’s nations, through the UN take the steps deemed necessary to address global warming. In the three decades they have been convened and plans of “action” declared, carbon levels & temperature rises have risen consistently.

Among points to consider for discussion:

• Imperialism’s main preoccupation is not the environment itself, but the challenge posed by socialistic China in its leading-edge development of new technologies and investment relations that are already undermining financial capital’s prospects for future global exploitation;
• As capital sees the crisis it can only be resolved if “investment in the future” is in the ‘neo-liberal’ mode, i.e., under the control of financial capital, for the purpose of bringing control of the global economy back under its hegemony; for capital, climate is merely another theatre of war, or struggle with the anti-hegemonic forces opposed to it, i.e., it is an integral aspect of the class struggle historically inherent in a constantly “revolutionising” class system.
• Imperialism is not a policy (see Lenin on Kautsky), it cannot be reformed; it is the very way capital drives itself toward creating a self-serving global market. It must be overthrown.
• Despite more than 100 years of suppression of the system that has grown to resist and counter it and will surely replace it (the only other alternative being a descent into barbarism & societal, environmental collapse and destruction: the “common ruin of the contending classes”), the socialist, humane alternative is not only emerging, but gaining the upper hand, whether it be “little” Cuba with its ‘red/green’ people-centred development; or China, driving on a socialist pathway toward an “ecological civilisation”. People, whether within the imperialist matrix, or in the “global south” can see an alternative future emerging. At this point, we are not only at the edge of disaster, but in a global situation super-saturated with revolutionary synergy.
• We are the subjective element in this revolutionary situation. We have a responsibility to ensure we are the most conscious and most committed, understand the juncture & trend of events and can persist in getting across to the broad masses of ‘working humanity’ the ‘line of march’ -- to relate to them the ‘historical movement going on under our very eyes’.

An interpretation of the CPC’s 20th congress report: the western media’s omertà on the China model of modernization and its disingenuous response to the CPC’s self-revolution | MR Online 25/11/2022

This explains the significance of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, the leading force in bringing about & guiding China's socialist revolution, that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty, is building a modern socialist economy and is pioneering an 'ecological civilisation' that is a key pathway to humanity's shared destiny ...

An interpretation of the CPC’s 20th congress report: the western media’s omertà on the China model of modernization and its disingenuous response to the CPC’s self-revolution | MR Online The Western media, due to their own bias, have either ignored or maliciously misinterpreted General Secretary Xi Jinping's recently published report on the just concluded 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). All peace-loving and progressive people who are concerned about the...

Chris Hedges: Strike! Strike! Strike! 22/09/2022

If the warning bells for labour are ringing in USA, then the alarms should start to ring out here in the US empire’s ‘neo-liberal’ colony with its hopeless procession of lackey governments. That is especially so, now that Labor & Liberal have tied Australia to the US War Machine & its war economy through AUKUS and associated alliances.

A Labor government thus committed to the US empire will be in no better position to withstand the economic strictures that go with that, than a Liberal government could. As Chris Hedges says in this article:

“… All resistance must recognize that the corporate coup d’état is complete. It is a waste of energy to attempt to reform or appeal to systems of power. We must organize and strike. The oligarchs have no intention of willingly sharing power or wealth. They will revert to the ruthless and murderous tactics of their capitalist forebearers. We must revert to the militancy of our own.”

Chris Hedges: Strike! Strike! Strike! The global ruling class is determined to prevent mounting protests against social inequality from employing the weapon that can bring them down. By Chris Hedges The ruling oligarchs are terrified that, for tens of millions of people, the economic dislocation caused by infla

WATCH: Australian Politicians on Fire For Assange 01/08/2022

At the "Convergence on Canberra" rally last Thursday (27th July), held to call for freedom for Julian Assange, currently the world's most significant political prisoner, of the seven politicians that spoke out in his support, six were Greens or Independents.

The other was a backbencher from the Australian Labor Party, the largest party and the party that is in government; the Party of the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, the leader who recently attended a NATO meeting in Spain to demonstrate his complete & utter lackeydom to the US War Machine & who had time to fly to Ukraine to visit the Nazi-backed, US-sponsored clown, Zelensky, puppet ruler of the Kiev regime, but did not have the time or inclination, to visit fellow Australian, Julian Assange, rotting in a British prison, awaiting deportation to a US dungeon where he will be disappeared from the world.

'Solidarity for Ever!' sings the Labor leader -- not with workers, or for those who speak truth to power -- but with his mates in AUKUS and their plans for endless & exterminatory war!

Good on yer Albo! We're all gone if you're the best Australia's got to offer!

WATCH: Australian Politicians on Fire For Assange At a rally before the Parliament building in Canberra on Thursday, Australian politicians decried the British and U.S. governments' persecution of Australian journalist Julian Assange, the imprisoned publisher of WikiLeaks, and demanded that he be released. Video by

Zelensky government bans Communist Party of Ukraine, seizes assets 31/07/2022

In fact, since the 1917 Great October Revolution in Russia all wars and regime changes can be best understood through the lens of how the sides involved relate to the communist movement. the post-2014 Ukraine regime definitely falls into the camp of imperialist reaction:

Zelensky government bans Communist Party of Ukraine, seizes assets The Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) was permanently banned Tuesday after a Lviv court ruling which turned over all its assets, including party buildings and funds, to the state.

Assange Is Doing His Most Important Work Yet 20/06/2022


Our rulers in Australia are the US empire’s “comprador bourgeoisie.” They and all those who serve them as the global, neo-liberal capitalist US empire leads them into war and catastrophe are our opponents and enemies of a sustainable and sustaining future for humanity.

The fight to save Assange from the clutches of the US global police state is the same fight we must fight for our own national sovereignty, our fight to be free from colonialism and exploitation, as well as the fight by labour for our emancipation and to take power into the hands of the people, for people’s needs, out of the hands of government by big corporations for greed and profit.

“Assange’s fight against US extradition benefits us not just because the empire’s war against truth harms our entire species and not just because he cannot receive a fair trial under the Espionage Act, but because his refusal to bow down and submit forces the empire to overextend itself into the light and show us all what it’s really made of”…

The fact that London and Canberra are complying so obsequiously with Washington’s agendas, even while their own mainstream media outlets decry the extradition and even while all major human rights and press freedom watchdog groups in the western world say Assange must go free, shows that these are not separate sovereign nations but member states of a single globe-spanning empire centralized around the US government. Because Assange stood his ground and fought them, more attention is being brought to this reality…”

Assange Is Doing His Most Important Work Yet Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ British Home Secretary Priti Patel has authorized the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States to be tried under the Espionage Act…
