Jinowa Consortium
We are JINOWA based in Italy & Japan founded in 2014 to promote regenerative development of soil. Together, we are determined to make a positive impact.
GEN is a social innovation enterprise based in Italy, founded in 2014 to promote sustainability and regenerative development. Since 2020, as an operator of the JINOWA consortium, we bring together a diverse group of experts including chefs, architects, scientists, farmers, food producers, and social entrepreneurs. In 2023, we are taking our mission to the next level by delving into the crucial con
Grazie Carlo Nesler!! We see you in Jinowa master course 2025
guided us to Sunny ☀️
Sharpen up knives and explored artisan world with
🌿 Touched down on Shodo Island and immersed ourselves in the world of passionate olive oil producers. Inspired by their dedication to regenerating soil and preserving biodiversity. The quality of olives and oils left us in awe. Excited to explore collaboration opportunities on our soil journey!
🔥Last-minute opportunity🔥2024
Join us on an 8-day exploration of Japan's hidden gems in Tokushima and Kagawa through a unique JINOWA Fermentation Masterclass.
Immerse yourself in this extraordinary event that brings together miso artisans nationwide, masters of their craft in wooden barrels, shaping the Kioke Miso Consortium.Prepare for meaningful interactions with these skilled artisans.
Our adventure begins on January 31st from Osaka, unfolding over 8 unforgettable days until February 7th.
Additionally, optional courses exploring
for 3 days and for 2 days are available.
Currently, we can accommodate 2 more participants. For further details, please DM for inquire now. 🌟🇯🇵
Piatti creativi con il
Tartare di pecora con maionese al Kioke miso di
Stefano Ruzzoli
Croccante di riso, Tuorlo marinato, insalata di cavolfiore con Tartufo nero ed emulsione di mandorla al Kioke miso di
黒トリュフ風味のアーモンドエマルジョンと 石孫本店の木桶味噌ソース かりかりに焼いたライスに卵黄のマリネのカリフラワーサラダ添え
Matteo Taccini
Fungo porcino alla brace marinato in un brodo di funghi ossidati e Kioke miso di
Salsa di tuorli d uovo marinati nel Kioke miso di limone acerbo e mentuccia romana
佐藤醸造の木桶味噌のブイヨンでマリネしたポルチーニキノコの焼き 糀和田屋の木桶味噌で漬けた卵黄ソースに早熟なレモン、そしてローマンミントを添えて
Lumachine, siero innesto, b***o affumicato & agone
ルマキーネのパスタ(かたつむり型の小さなパスタ)、 シエロインネスト(乳酸発酵したホエイ)とスモークバター&淡水魚アゴネ
Contrada Bricconi
Buchteln, gelato al colostro, caramello al Kioke miso di
【in Italian below】
We are extremely honor to host the upcoming events for Japan's finest miso artisans and esteemed fermentation producers from Italy.
Kioke Miso consortium in Italy
'A sostegno degli ecosistemi artigianali di fermentazione'
Our exclusive, invitation-only producer's gathering showcases top producers committed to ecological practices, featuring the best of biodiversity in Italian wine, cheese, balsamic vinegar, and more.
Our venue is nestled in the breathtaking mountains of Bergamo, currently one of the most buzzed-about destinations, Contrada Bricconi. Leading the culinary journey is Michele Lazzarini, an under-30 chef extraordinaire, alongside talented chefs from Rome and Bolzano. Prepare to be delighted with their creative dishes featuring Kioke miso! 🍽️🌿
Stay tuned for updates!
Siamo estremamente onorati di ospitare i prossimi eventi per i migliori artigiani del miso giapponesi e gli stimati produttori di fermentati italiani.
Consorzio Kioke Miso
"A sostegno degli ecosistemi artigianali di fermentazione"
Il nostro raduno esclusivo, su invito, mette in mostra i migliori produttori impegnati in pratiche ecologiche, offrendo il massimo della biodiversità nel vino italiano, nel formaggio, nell'aceto balsamico e molto altro.
La nostra location è incastonata nelle affascinanti montagne di Bergamo, attualmente una delle destinazioni più discusse, Contrada Bricconi. A guidare questo viaggio culinario c'è Michele Lazzarini, un giovane chef straordinario sotto i 30 anni, insieme a talentuosi chef provenienti da Roma e Bolzano. Preparatevi a essere deliziati dalle loro creative pietanze a base di Kioke miso! 🍽️🌿
Restate sintonizzati per gli aggiornamenti!
The most beautiful vegetable box ever seen. All Kyoto heirloom vegetables in one luxurious box like jewelry.
The most beautiful vegetable box ever seen. All Kyoto heirloom vegetables in one luxurious box like jewelry.
Jinowa Master Course's Featured ‘Soil to Table’ Restaurants👏👏👏
Jinowa Master Course's carefully curated dining experience where is committed to delivering delicious organic food while promoting regenerative soil stewardship.
Discover the hidden gem of Saitama - .
They serve as centers for ecological impact, with a focus on selecting endemic species and composting organic matter. Enjoy fresh, locally sourced endemic vegetables presented in a visually stunning, Shojin ryori (temple food) inspired style, complemented by the earthy flavors of Japanese satoyama.
Step inside the refurbished farmhouse barn, where you will be greeted with a cozy and warm atmosphere, surrounded by the revitalized satoyama community of Village.
Experience the essence of traditional Japanese rural life, where the natural resources are carefully managed and conserved in a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.
After your meal, take a stroll through the Kunugi Forest for a calming forest bath, or soak in a footbath surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of satoyama.
"The JINOWA Master Course is now in full swing! 🚀🚀🚀
Since 2014, the Genuine Education Network has been working with various Japanese regions to promote advanced gastronomy education. We aim to preserve local cultures that are at risk of being lost and offer educational programs to chefs, architects, researchers, and others from 30 countries.
This year, we are shifting our focus to the Soil Consortium JINOWA, established in 2020, to serve as a professional association for environmental regeneration and community-based innovation.
As changes in soil and climate change continue, JINOWA serves as a hub for individuals making a positive impact in the region. Here, we connect and exchange knowledge, uncover traditional wisdom, and create new innovations, leading to solutions and joint ventures.
Get ready, as soon as next week, 12 change makers 🌍 from Italy, Spain, Finland, and Thailand will embark on their journey to Japan for the relaunched Master Course of Fermentation.
🌱Read more our NEW website!
Home | JINOWA consortium We support change-makers who creatively tackle social issues by embracing nature, discovering food, acquiring traditional knowledge, implementing sustainable farming practices, turning waste into resources, and advocating for future generations.
2月25日(土) 発酵と土壌の国際フォーラム
当日は埼玉県内の発酵食品や発酵飲料 (日本酒、ワイン、ビール)などが一同に集まるグローバル交流会も同時開催。
ここでは、石坂産業の資源再生工場見学や、再生された里山見学をはじめ発酵や地域に根ざした滋味を楽しめる納屋茶寮MEGURU、石坂オーガニックファーム ReDAICHIなどの総合的な食と農の循環を体感することができるフィールドです。
石坂産業株式会社 / 三富今昔村
2023/2/25(土)14:00〜17:00 *開場13:45
※最寄り駅の、東武東上線 ふじみ野駅または西武線 所沢駅より循環バスの運行がございます
※ イベントご参加は上記のPeatixページよりチケットを購入ください。
6000円(税込) 通訳・お食事・お飲み物付き
石坂産業株式会社 & 石坂オーガニックファーム
一般社団法人埼玉県物産観光協会 飯能信用金庫 Food Field Creative
株式会社GEN Japan (JINOWA土壌回復国際コンソーシアム)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
■Living Soil, Living Food
主催者ご挨拶 石坂産業株式会社 代表取締役 石坂典子氏
三芳町町長 林 伊佐雄氏
Living Soil 北里大学名誉教授 陽捷行 氏
Living Food 弓削多醤油株式会社 弓削多洋一氏
1967年 埼玉県坂戸市生まれ。千葉大学工学部卒業後、株式会社明治屋で流通の仕組みを学ぶ。
~世界が注目する発酵食が生み出す健康・環境・循環~ ※随時通訳付き
カルロ・ネスラー 〜Made in Italyの醤油〜 いま日本発の発酵イノベーションが海外で必要とされている理由
弓削多洋一氏 〜日本の生産者の視点から〜 海外での県産醤油の影響力
ファシリテーター 斎藤由佳子(株式会社GENJapan代表取締役社長 / 国際土壌コンソーシアム JINOWA主催)
Carlo Nesler カルロ ネスラー
(ヴィテルボ, イタリア)
カルロは、イタリア国内および海外で発酵を教えています。また、コンサルタントとして、一流のシェフたちとコラボレーションしたり、発酵の分野で最も権威のある出版物と言われているサンドラ カッツの「Wild Fermentation」をイタリア語に翻訳しています。現在、イタリア・パーマカルチャー・アカデミーでトレーニングに取り組んでいます。
生きている土と微生物と共に生きる Living Soil, Living Food 発酵と土壌の国際フォーラム 【2月25日(土) 発酵と土壌の国際フォーラムとグローバル交流会開催】▼開催概要 埼玉県三芳町で産業廃棄物の再資源化に取り組みゼロウェイストをヴィジョンとし、あらゆるご... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.
テーマは「土 菌 森 腸 生命力」
A happy new year 2023🎉
GEN/JINOWA is very pleased to announce the start of our New program for chefs and bio-innovators.
We reactivate our study trip to Japan in February with 9 participants from Italy, Finland and Spain.
This time, We collaborate with well-known Italian fermented food producer, Carlo Nesler and chefs network to organize the field study in Japan.
We have encouraged the chefs and innovative producers in the food industry because We see them as great change-makers to create a more circular and sustainable society.
The Challenge we all face today is the coexistence of our health and planetary health. It is inevitable to rebuild our food security resiliency and self-sufficiency.
The new program is focusing on fermented and preserved peculiar Japanese food traditions but more on the synergistic connection between the human health system and soil ecosystem, how microbiome should be maintained by human hands, increasing the biodiversity to utilise the neglected resources in our society while giving positive impact to the environment.
We have fabulous participants from 3 countries, highly professional on health, nutrients, bio-forestry, wild food and biodiversity.
The destination is also diverse from south region, the fermentation kingdom Kagoshima to routes back the history of Edo from Tokyo, Saitama, Gunma to Shizuoka.
This time application was only by invitation, however, We will make the next study trip in June with an open application.
Please check our trip report and stay tuned for our next adventure!
ーStory of Mother Earthー by Ishizaka Organic Farm
Japan is known worldwide for its abundance of water. However, it is actually the soil that is as rich as the water. In fact, compared to the rest of the world, the soil in Japan has, on average, a much higher diversity of micro-organisms, and there are many places where the number of soil bacteria is dozens of times higher than in the rest of the world.
In his book 'Civilisation of Sand, Civilisation of Stone and Civilisation of Mud', the late historian and thinker Kenichi Matsumoto categorised the origins of civilisations into three types rooted in the climate, and described Asia, including Japan, as a 'civilisation of mud'.
'Mud produces many lives, many creatures. People have built rice paddies there, settled in nature which provides them with the same amount of food year after year, received blessings from nature and made good use of them. In order to increase yields and increase wealth, efforts are made to manage the quality of the paddy fields and to improve the varieties to withstand the weather, pests and diseases, while the mud in the paddy fields accumulates and the mud provides people with even richer food. Thus, in the mud civilisation, from a system of mutual aid to maintain agriculture, every effort is made 'to work harder' to accumulate wealth for the community."
Rice is an integral part of Japan's food culture. It is exactly what the mud produces.
Indeed, the Japanese lived not only with regard to food, but also with regard to the building materials used in their houses, which were mud (beto) mixed with straw and other plants and fermented, and then used as mud walls, adding ingenuity and ingenuity to suit the climate of each region of Japan.
The beautiful natural weathering of the mud walls is an appealing feature of the space, but there are other benefits beyond the visible ones, such as the power of the soil to fill the invisible space with micro-organisms by creating a space with living soil, water and plants. People in the past knew that 'soil breathes and is alive' and they properly incorporated its power into their lives.
At that time, soil was a key element in the material cycle, and the soil used for walls was later turned into good compost and returned to the farmland.
Read more.
生きている土のちから 日本は世界的に水の豊かさで知られています。しかし、実は水と同じくらい豊かなのは土壌です。実際に日本の土壌には世界と比較し、平均的に微生物の多様性が非常に高く、その土壌菌の数が何十倍もある場所がたくさん...
JINOWAとIDEAS FOR GOODがソーシャルグッドな体験「Experience for Good」の一環として提供するのが、「土」について考え学ぶ国内外でのフィールドワークの機会。
環境教育の未来は”手を動かすこと”にある。イタリアの「命あふれる土」をめぐる旅【土とリジェネラティブ#1】 | 世界のソーシャルグッドなアイデアマガジン | IDEAS FOR GOOD なぜ土がこれほどまで世界から注目されてるのか?なぜ土をテーマにした旅で最初にごみ処理場を訪れるのか?手で触れて感じるイタリアの旅から、これからの環境教育について考えます。
国産生ハム普及協会様の欧州調査を株式会社GEN Japanで総合監修いたしました。
昨年多くの方にご応募いただいた動画コンクール「Green Blue Education Forumコンクール」が、今年第3回目を迎え、9/30まで応募を受け付けています。
<Green Blue Education Forum公式サイト>
Thanks for featuring GEN and Jinowa’s biotoilet project🌎 J-STORIES
Read more;
Sharing traditional Japan knowledge with the world Tokyo outfit organizes global educational programs introducing age-old practices
Genuine Education for the world
GEN is an intercultural education provider since 2014 in Italy and Japan.
GEN enable learners from children to professionals to develop the traditional ecological knowledge-based creativity with practical skills needed to solve the most complex issues of sustainability today.
GEN educational program is designed for learning multidimensional SDG's (sustainable development goals) issues. We are specialized in ‘Sense of Place’ design to transmit core cultural value in each region through experiences.
GEN has been certified as a social innovative start-up by the Italian government and GEN Japan is responsible for national levels of regional revival project through UNESCO creative city network. We believe the power of education to create mutual understanding for Peace, Security & Sustainable development in the world.