Centaur Fitness

Centaur Fitness

Centaur Gym. Home of Paul McIlroy's famous 12 Week Physique, Belfast Kettlebell Club and StrongFirst Ireland.

In the early 1960's none other than Arnold Shwarzenegger trained at Centaur. Over the years many other famous athletes and bodybuilders have trained here including the great Reg Park and the ageless Albert Beckels. Centaur's more recent fame stems from the mind-blowing body transformations that Paul and the team have put hundreds of people through. Some of these people have gone on to represent th


"What if I told you that very little of what everyone espouses as being essential in strength/size programming really matters? The truth is that strength/hypertrophy coaches haven’t been able to see the forest for the trees, and I promise that once you see the truth for yourself you won’t be able to unsee it, and it’ll change how you view the construction of a strength/size building program, forever…”

(Extract taken from my new book)

Pre-order my new book 'Perpetual Strength' by Dragondoor today and save $10 plus get free shipping.

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Outside US Link:


What can I say guys, it's been one hell of a journey to get HERE, but here we are.

My first book, 'Perpetual Strength', is finally here!

They say there's nothing new under the sun when it comes to strength programming...well now 'they' are gonna have to say something else.

I'm willing to make the statement that the programming sections of this book contain information which is clearly unlike anything that's come before.

For many years now, a fascination has existed around how I've been able to consistently get dramatic results in muscular size and strength, with both average folks and world class athletes, to a magnitude which seems like it shouldn't be possible in the timeframe it happens.

My journey as both an athlete and a strength coach has been prolific.

Thousands of physiques from all over the world transformed in 12 weeks to a standard not commonly seen after 12 years of training. World champions in multiple sports, multiple Beast Tamers, the highest totalling Irish Powerlifter of All-Time, Physique champions, Body-For-Life champions, Men's Health Magazine cover model champions and much more. The success of all of which came down to the mastery of two main areas of control:

1: Exercise Technique
2: Programming.

This book sees not a single stone left unturned for both.

It contains without doubt THE most detail I've ever went into on exercise selection and optimal technical ex*****on for hypertrophy optimisation, strength optimisation, and both combined.

But it's been my unique programming style which has garnered the most interest over the years, and thats been well and truly reflected here by the HUGE amount of programming information I've poured straight from my head onto the pages of this book.

The deeper my understanding of conventional strength/hypertrophy training grew, the more it became clear to me what the missing pieces of the puzzle were.

This led to my developing a unique programatic principle which has consistently produced the most remarkable results in muscle size and strength for me, and the thousands who I've worked with around the world, for decades...
..the Comfort Zone Expansion Method.

Beneath the cover of this book lies a 360 page definitive bible of comfort zone expansion programming containing everything you've always wanted to know about how I do what I do. The what, when, where, how and much more.

You'll get innumerable ALL NEW comfort zone expansion based programs of every variety. Including whole programming chapters dedicated specifically to beginner, intermediate and advanced lifters separately (with several highly detailed programs and programatic explanations for each).

We take a deep dive into how it interacts with, and metamorphoses, the application, impact, significance and ultimate outcome of all other programmatic methodologies, principles and variables.

There is even a short autobiographical chapter dedicated to my own life story and the various significant situations and challenges which have been responsible for forging my own strength. And I'm not talking about lifting weights, these short stories are highly personal, most of which I've never spoken about publicly until now.

Speaking about personal, I couldn't make this announcement without telling you how much it means to me to be working with Dragondoor Publications for my first book.

Dragondoor Publications and their now legendary authors (Pavel Tsatsouline, Dan John, Marty Gallagher, Paul Wade, Ori Hofmekler, Andy Bolton etc.) were almost singlehandedly responsible for bringing the Kettlebell and the notion of sub-maximal intensity cycling to the general population of planet earth.

I can remember being a 20 something athlete/strength & conditioning coach, eagerly waiting for the latest Dragondoor book by the likes of Pavel or Dan John, to arrive through the post.

Now, the latest Dragondoor book (with the foreword written by Dan John) due to arrive through the post, will be my own! I feel very grateful for this.

While I’d like to thank everyone who made this possible (and you know who you are). I wish to reserve a special acknowledgement to my wife Carmel and children, Luke, Rachel, Sophia and Ryan who remain my own personal source of perpetual strength.

Stay Strong.

Photos from Centaur Fitness's post 29/03/2024

10 years ago this month I became only the second Irishman (first from the north) to ever make an official certified bend of the infamous IronMind Enterprises, Inc. Red Nail.

I also remain one of the lightest men in the world to ever do this in 30 year history of the challenge.

Stay Strong.

Photos from Centaur Fitness's post 11/03/2024

Overhead Pressing Mastery: Lessons from a Lifetime of Experience

In the world of overhead pressing, I've seen and done it all. My journey has taken me down numerous paths, each leading to a higher level of mastery. Through this extensive and varied experience, I've arrived at profound conclusions – conclusions that I will share with you at my upcoming live Pressing Masterclass event.

I would go as far as to say that the technical insights and nuances I've uncovered would likely take a lifetime for most to unravel on their own (it certainly did for me), and even then, there’s no guarantee that you ever will. What I’m offering here is the opportunity to leap frog a 3 decade long gamble and skip straight to a certain outcome after only ONE day's tuition.

At this masterclass, I will unlock the secrets that have eluded so many, sharing the hard-won wisdom that has elevated my overhead pressing prowess to extraordinary heights, despite being the complete opposite of biomechanically ‘built to press’ . Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to the discipline, this event promises to be a game-changer, equipping you with the tools and understanding to achieve levels of strength and proficiency you never thought possible.

Prepare to have your preconceptions shattered and your boundaries redefined. This is your opportunity to tap into a wellspring of knowledge that few have access to, accelerating your journey towards true overhead pressing mastery.

Stay Strong.


I’m back.

The whole ‘only online’ thing’s been fun, but the people have spoken and I listened, so I’m returning, live and in person.

Can’t wait to meet you all face to face.

(For more information, watch this video, and click the link for your region below)

UK/Ireland Event - https://paulmcilroylive.com

US Event - https://www.paulmcilroylive.com/us

Stay Strong.


What if I told you there was a time and place where you’d have your preconceived ideas of optimal shattered?


Once you’ve seen the truth for yourself, you’ll never train the same way again.


Once you open Pandora's box you can never close it again.


Death is afraid of Chunk Norris

Stay Strong.


No pump, no filter, no PED's required.

You can't fake 30 years of work.

Stay Strong.


How much money have you spent on supplements, gym memberships, workout videos and fitness magazine in the past, only to NOT get the results you wanted?

Meet Amazing 12 graduate Ricky.

Ricky was one of those people. Until the amazing 12 came into his life, he found it very hard to put on muscle no matter what he tried. But during the Amazing 12 he packed over 8kg (approx. 18lbs) of muscle in 12 weeks! Ricky's strength also went up significantly, as you can imagine after lean mass gains of that magnitude.
His bench press 1RM improved by 33.3%. He also went from barely being able to do 2 or 3 chin-ups, to pulling 32.5kg plus bodyweight for 1 rep. Most astonishing of all was his Military press, which actually almost DOUBLED in weight by the end, going from 32.5kg (approx. 72lbs) to a massive 62.5kg (137.5lbs).

This is what Ricky had to say about his experience on the Amazing 12.

“I’d just like to say a huge thank you…to Paul McIlroy the creator of the Amazing 12 program…I struggled with fitness for years and was constantly in an out of the gym wasting money on memberships and getting no results, or being given the same boring gym program that everyone else gets that isn’t structured or catered for you to reach your goals. I ended up eventually quitting. So I thought I would commit to the 12 weeks and it was by far the best thing I’ve ever done. I didn’t think it was possible to achieve such a change in such a short space of time but thanks to…the program I could start to see a huge change in my body within 2 weeks. It’s the best program I’ve ever done and would strongly recommend to anyone interested in getting into the best shape of their lives, and taking their strength to a whole new level to get on this straight away, I was so happy with my results”

NPE Assembles a World-Class Lineup of Fitness Industry Experts for its New Faculty Program to Support Fitness Business Growth 30/03/2021

We are excited to announce that Amazing 12 creator Paul McIlroy is going to be a part of NPE's new Faculty Program to support fitness business growth for Exercise Professionals around the world.

This really is a world class line-up! If you work in the fitness industry, or even the martial arts industry, and want to take the success of both your clients and your business to the next level (or several levels up), then be sure to get involved.


NPE Assembles a World-Class Lineup of Fitness Industry Experts for its New Faculty Program to Support Fitness Business Growth Fitness business education and coaching company NPE is proud to announce the launch of a powerful new resource for fitness professionals and business owners, the NPE Faculty Program.

Videos (show all)

I’m back.  The whole ‘only online’ thing’s been fun, but the people have spoken and I listened, so I’m returning, live a...
What if I told you there was a time and place where you’d have your preconceived ideas of optimal shattered?@followers
Once you’ve seen the truth for yourself, you’ll never train the same way again.
Once you open Pandora's box you can never close it again.