Young Adults Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle

Young Adults Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle

A page to motivate our future generation to pursue a healthy lifestyle at a young age! "Health is wealth."

The earlier we pursue it, the healthier we will be in the future.


-I’m not looking for your like, follow, love, or to become anything worthy of your worship. I am inspired to awaken, alert, persuade, and direct you to the Only One Who will ever deserve your worship and all that you are, have been, and will ever be. We were created by One. We were created for Him. We were created for worship. Unless we ask, seek, and knock at the right doors, we are going to leave this earth without a personal encounter with the very One Whose Throne are the Heaven’s and Whose footstool is the earth. With the Only One Who is King of all king’s and Lord of all lord’s. It matters who captures your attention and who demands your time and worship. I encourage us to wake up to the times we are living in and to know Whose we are and why we believe what we believe. If you don’t train yourself up and your children-family in the ways that you should go, someone else and something else will. I am begging you to make JESUS Christ of Nazareth-Who is the only One True living God, as your true Savior, Lord, and King over your life in 2024. You have the choice between eternal life or eternal death. I encourage you to choose life. I encourage you to REPENT of your sin’s and to encourage your family, friends, and all that you cross paths with to come to repentance. I encourage you to ask GOD to help you to turn away from all that He hates and to love all that He loves. I encourage you to make your salvation a priority. This earth is not our forever home. There is another life after this one. I encourage you to give your life to JESUS, make Him your Lord & Savior, surrender your heart, will, and mind to Him, and make the choice to become born again in water baptism full immersion-in JESUS name, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of a new praying language. If you are reading this, please KNOW that JESUS’ love for you is calling you to Him-Who is your Creator and God and His Holy Spirit is drawing you to Himself. If you are soul searching and even if you are not, know that the empty void that is inside of you that you have been trying to fill with the lust of your eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life, will NEVER satisfy you. The love of money, the love of the world, and the things of this world, can never fill the JESUS void in you. My prayer is that the perfect LOVE of God that was shed for each of us sinners, will spiritually awaken you in JESUS name. TODAY is the day. NOW is your time. Please DO NOT delay. God’s love, grace, mercy, and kindness is calling you to REPENT. GOD loves us too much to leave us in the sin we are in. As He is Holy, we must strive for a life of Holiness, Righteousness, and purity. “For they keep talking about the wonderful welcome you gave us and how you turned away from idols to serve the living and true God. And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—JESUS, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭nlt (see also: Isaiah ch. 43, Matthew chapters 5,7,8,10,18,25, Isaiah ch.66, Psalms 103, Revelation ch.17, Deuteronomy ch. 6 & 30, Exodus ch.20, Romans ch.13, Proverbs 22:6, Ezekiel 14:6, 2 Chronicles, Acts ch. 2, John ch. 3 & 10, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, Leviticus 20:26,+1 John ch2)
-passionately The passionate & inspired JCds


Is it painful? Yes. He is + will always be our comforter & healing. He is still forever good and faithful. “He is making all things new.” Is it easy? No. It never was for Him. It never will be for me + us. Can it get complicated and or confusing? Yes, but “He is not the author of confusion.” In His perfect wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, He will sort it all out according to His perfect will for you and for His glory. Will I or any of us have questions? Yes. Many. “He is the truth, the way, and the life.” If it’s His will for us to know, He will reveal all things to each of us through His perfect Helper, Who is The Holy Spirit and through His Holy Bible. Will we have weaknesses and or will we get weary in our well doing? Yes. Many times. “Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” Matthew‬ ‭26‬:‭41‬ nlt‭
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭nlt
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I do not know and never want to know how on earth a person can live without a daily-throughout the day fellowship-relationship with God (Jesus). I cannot imagine living one second, one minute, one hour, or one day of my life without the presence of my God that is available to His children through His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is life changing. Life giving. The One Who fills all empty voids inside of us. The comforter of comforter’s, the greatest helper, and The One Who continually guides us into God’s truth. The Holy Spirit is the perfect counselor, advisor, the One Who convicts, and gives life giving correction. Only God can fill the empty void in each of us through His Holy Spirit. No person or thing can ever come close or compare to the completeness God gifts us through His Holy Spirit. We cannot and will not live a God fearing, God honoring, holiness filled, and Biblical based life without God’s Holy Spirit living inside of us. God is the most perfect Father and best friend. He has allowed us to experience this fellowship with Him by the power of and gift of His Holy Spirit.

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Yes, there is beauty here on earth. In the world. Lots of it. It is all fleeting. Yes, there is wealth. There are riches. Lots of it. Many people strive for it and may even have it. It is all fading. Yes, there is pleasure. Lots of it. It may come through people and or things. It is all dying. They are all temporary. There is nothing on this earth or in this world that is eternal, except our faith in Jesus. Our salvation. Only Jesus will last forever. He is the only One Who does not die away. We humans-we will pass away one day. All of us and all things will die away. How we live our lives today, how we act, what we say, the state of our hearts, the thoughts in our minds, and how we treat people, etc, matter. They matter to our Creator. They matter to our God. The Bible says that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; no one can go to His father, Who is God, without Jesus. I have made up my mind and settled it in my heart that Jesus is my God. I have made up my mind and settled it in my heart that my god is not the lust of my eyes, the lust of my flesh, the pride of life, the love of money, the love of the world, and or the things of the world. I have chosen my Savior-Jesus today and forever. I choose Him over anyone and anything and will forever decide to choose Him. Why? “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”
Matthew‬ ‭16:25-26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

(Photo credit: The Knot)


If a person fears the Lord, they most likely can be trusted. If they have the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit, then they are truly a Christ follower. Look for the fear of God and His fruits in all. Please do not be deceived by someone’s title, their gifts, or talents. Especially in these times we are living in. The spirit of error, confusion, manipulation, deception, and delusion is every where. The Bible tells us there will be a great falling away. It also tells us we must pray without ceasing. Pray continually. Pray so that we will not fall into temptation and or so we can escape it. I highly encourage myself and all I’m connected to to read our Bible’s daily, memorize it, meditate on it day and night, fast & pray, worship God in Spirit and in Truth, and try your best to be connected to like minded believers. These are not times to be a cold or lukewarm Christian. We must be hot-on fire through God’s Holy Spirit or we will not make it. JESUS is coming back for His Bride-His church/children much sooner than we think. He is looking for His people that are spotless. Spiritually ready-clothed. My prayer is that we would be found like the 5 wise virgins, not the foolish. It is very easy to fall for anyone or anything if we are not spiritually minded, full of, & led by God’s Holy Spirit. May God help us all to be spiritually AWAKE + watch and pray. Our soul-spirit depend on this. This world is not our home. We are just passing through. Jesus is coming “like a thief in the night.” Are we ready? I pray we will be🙏🏽

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“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help. This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what He has promised; yes, I praise the Lord for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? I will fulfill my vows to You, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for Your help. For You have rescued me from death; You have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in Your Presence, O God, in Your life-giving light.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭56:8-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Thank You JESUS 🤍🙌🏽😭🙏🏽 GOD is faithful to all of His promises. He is with us in our joys, in our suffering’s, in our mountain top moments, valleys, and wilderness. He is closer than my every breath. I cannot see Him with my physical eyes but I can feel His presence all around me. He is in everything we see. The sky’s, the trees, the wind, rain, animals, all humans, the sunrise and sunsets, and every “good thing that came from Him.” He is with me, He is for me, He is my all, and as long as I am walking according to His ways + the fear of the Lord, I have no reason to fear anything or anyone else. We were created by Him, for Him, and any good thing that is found or seen in us is for His glory. You should never fear being real with God. He created you. He already knows you inside out. Be vulnerable with Him. Share it all before Him in prayer. Cry out, speak softly, share your hurt-anger, just seat still in His presence, share your joys & happiness with Him, and everything in between. He is the perfect counselor, advisor, and teacher. His spirit is the perfect helper, comforter, and will forever guide us into His truth. JESUS. The most perfect name I’ve ever known. Speak it out. Shout it out. Whisper it. Think it with your mind. Let your heart, soul, and spirit be consumed by His holy name. His name is cleansing, has all power, healing, speaks peace, makes whole, is forever faithful, is filled with mercy, grace, and perfect love. Meditate on His life-giving name in the morning, at night, and throughout the day. King David was a wonderful example of a person that was always genuine & vulnerable with God. He was called a man after His own heart. You were not alone in anything you have gone through in your life. You are not alone today and you will never be. God sees you, He is for you, and He is with you. The victory belongs to Jesus. The victory belongs to His children- His people. Do not allow the enemy of our soul to put you in a dark corner as he fills your heart & mind with his lies. Remember, “he is the father of lies…there is no truth in him.” Speak God’s Words-His promises over you and your family. Over your neighbors, God’s people-your forever family, friend’s, and your community, in Jesus’ holy name. Speak life. His promises. His unchanging truth. His faithfulness. Of His perfect love, mercy, grace, and kindness that leads to repentance & restoration. Allow your every part to be filled with worship of Him. He is perfect. His ways are good. He is “the truth, our way, + life.”

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I am inspired to share with you through the love of God, tomorrow is never promised. Today is truly the day to get ourselves prepared for JESUS. Either I or we will meet Him when He calls us home or when He comes back to take His church (His children;His Bride). We must stop acting like we have all this time on this earth and making plans like we are the owner of our lives. We are not. God is the owner of our lives. Today is the day for salvation. Today is the day to repent and turn away from every sin that separates us from drawing closer to God & walking in obedience to His Holy Word-Bible. Today is the day for us to be baptized in Jesus name in water and His Holy Spirit. Today is the day for us to begin to read our Bible’s, “meditate on it day and night, pray continually, worship God in Spirit + Truth, and fast & pray.” Today is the day to love, show grace, mercy, and the ways of God to yourself and those all around you. Today is the day to be His light, testimony, salt, and His witness wherever you are. Wherever you go. Today is the day. Do not wait. Do not allow the enemy of our soul to lie to you and make you think you have tomorrow or the day after. We don’t. We are not even promised the rest of this day. Please, I encourage you to take deep thought about this. About the state of your soul + spirit. About your life here and now. Whatever you do, TODAY is the day ♥️🙏🏽

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