Kathleen McPhillips Energetic & Spiritual Healer

Kathleen McPhillips Energetic & Spiritual Healer

� Energetic & Spiritual Healer


Somewhere over the rainbow dreams do come true. I’m excited to share that I am Co-author in the #1 Best-Selling Series: The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Life
“This wellness book collaboration is the 5th edition in the #1 Best-Selling book series from The Wellness Universe. As a member of The Wellness Universe, we are launching this book in partnership with Brave Healer Productions and 24 more Author Experts who bring their top tool to live a happy, healthy, healed life!

I’m excited to share my personal story and tool for self-care.
Book launches January 2025”


Love. It’s that simple, yet somehow we complicate this state of Being. Be Love. Express Love through your every word, action and thought. Create a life of Love and all that is wondrous and beautiful will follow. With love and blessings, Kathleen


Create the life of your dreams, because you are the creator of your life by what you think, say and do, then have patience as your dreams become your reality. Knowing this is true…I encourage you to dream big, let your light shine brighter and above all, be grateful. 💗🙏💗🙏


Inner happiness, joy, peace cannot be taken away unless you choose to give it away. Once you make the journey inward and discover the Divine spark of Enlightenment was always there…you’ll never consciously give your power away again. Enlightenment is about Remembering.💗🙏


Your Angels and Guides are always with you to guide and assist you on your journey through life. During sessions with me they often communicate messages you need to hear. I assist you in remembering that you are never alone. We are so focused on our humanity that we forget our Divinity, our Divine connections to these glorious beings assigned to us. Sometimes messages are from our loved ones. These sessions are unique to you and full of blessings, light and love. www.kathleensmcphillips.com


Do you realize the light within you is so powerful it affects the world around you? Use that Light to create the life of your dreams. Use that Light to illuminate Love and Peace. You are all powerful! Powerful enough to change the world. One by one we can change the world forever to one of Peace Love and Abundance for All.


There are simple things you can do throughout every day of your Life to shine: Connect to Nature, be rooted and grounded in the earth. Be grateful, gratitude opens your heart. Be aware of the blessings, gifts and miracles that are ever present in your Life. Be kind,compassionate and empathetic. Be wise, the wisdom of your Creator is within you. Open your arms, heart and mind to embrace the fullness of your Life. You are the tree of your Life! Be Love. Be Light. Be Peace. Be the extraordinary, exceptional, unique Glorious Soul you are! Shine on.


I remember when I first began my own journey inward, I was genuinely afraid of what I would find. I moved through the fear and discovered there was nothing to fear. It was a process of burning through what I no longer needed, releasing all that no longer serves me…to find an incredibly peaceful place within myself. Through this process I found that elusive Light within me…that same Glorious Light is within you!


Life is a journey of remembering. Remembering you are Soul having a human experience. My journey to remembering was through the path of Yoga, meditation and self reflection. What’s yours? I’m here to guide you on your journey to remembering. Once you remember, you’ll never forget. Namaste 🙏💗


Today is a powerful day for Love frequency. Open your heart, sending your love throughout the world and the universe. This raises your vibration and expands your frequency. Love frequency changes everything for the better. Imagine a world where there is only love, light and peace. You are the creator of your life and your life affects the world around you. Manifest the life of your dreams, a world of your dreams. Today is the beginning of powerful transformation into Christ consciousness for all….with this understanding….Imagine. Dream. Love. 🙏💗🙏💗🙏


Your energy is a reflection of your inner self. When you are centered in your heart, you fill the world around you with the energy of love. Love with your whole heart. In the end the only thing that matters is how you lived and loved. Love love love is all that matters. This is why we are here, to learn this lesson…to love All and Everything as our Creator loves you…unconditionally. 💜💗💜


Your story is your own. Your challenges, hardships, traumas have transformed into wisdom, resilience, courage, strength and triumph. We all deserve that crown…so what will you do? Shine! Let your well deserved glorious Light shine. Be the Light and let’s change the world! 🙏


I was constantly looking outside of myself for God, asking, begging, please show me…and one day I was led to a teacher who guided me on my own journey inward. In time through a dedicated meditation practice and the practice of deep self reflection my prayers were answered. God dwells within each of us. In our hearts, through our Soul to realize we are One with All and Everything. The Resurrection of Christ is a reminder for us all to live in Christ consciousness, to love and be the Christ in our world today. Be the Light, Love and Peace of Christ. This is how we honor the Life of Christ.🙏


It is through our greatest challenges and difficulties that we have the opportunity to rise up to the fullness of our potential. Challenge empowers us realize that all we need is within. Remember you are strong, courageous, wise, resilient and powerful! With love and blessings, Kathleen


Healing comes in many forms and ways. I believe we are all healing on this journey. We learn and we grow. I’ve always recognized the challenges of my life, both great and small, as a catalyst for assisting others in healing body, mind, spirit and life. All you have to do is reach out. There’s nothing to fear because within you is perfection, a glorious light that is meant to guide you, inspire and encourage you on your journey, to Know you are worthy of the most amazing life and to love yourself. With love and blessings, Kathleen


Are you ready to discover your own amazing light or to make your own journey inward? Unlock your inner potential. Embark on a journey of self-discovery.

For March & April 2024, I am offering one time $111 sessions.

With the Solar Flares & Eclipse coming, this is a powerful time for letting go of what no longer serves you and stepping into your own power!

Solar eclipses are opportunities for introspection, reflection, and transformation. Will this solar eclipse bring about your spiritual awakening? Let’s get started on your journey of looking within.


It is time to remember. Remembering is a journey. A journey inward to discover all of who you are and to reach your highest potential in all areas of yourself and your life. I have spent my life and countless lifetimes on this journey, and I offer guidance for you and so many others along the way. The time is now. With love & blessings, Kathleen


You are meant to fly, to soar, to break free from your cocoon and spread your wings. The real essence of your being is your light and your love. It is time to remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are beautiful, amazing, extraordinary! Shine on….
With love and blessings, Kathleen

Photos from Kathleen McPhillips Energetic & Spiritual Healer's post 28/02/2024

Do you know? You wear a crown of perpetual Light? A subtle energy thread that connects you to Source? Let’s talk about awakening your soul with one of my programs. Swipe for more information or visit KathleenSMcPhillips.com


Awaken to the most beautiful and amazing parts of yourself… let’s start the conversation 🪬


Energetically this is what happens when you’ve done your deep inner work and meditate. You are so much more powerful than you think. You are the Creator of your Life by what you think, what you say and what you do. It is critical that each person do this deep inner work to clear the energy of hurt, pain, anger, non-forgiveness, all of which creates the divide between you and the Divine within you. May you look within, heal what needs healing and find Union with the Divine Light. Remember that love is your most authentic power. If you want guidance on this journey DM me. .com


Want to learn more about Multidimensional sessions? Read more below 👇

All sessions to include messages and guidance.
#1. Entire energetic field clearing aura and seven chakras.
#2. Physical body scan and organ regeneration and clearing.
Sessions #3 and #4:
Physical body systems: nervous system, circulatory system, skeletal system, muscular system,
lymphatic system, endocrine system, reproductive system, respiratory systems.
#5. Cellular regeneration, DNA upgrade and activation of the higher chakras: eight through twelve.

Our energetic field and every part of our physical body and systems hold not only the dense energy of
the world today, but our emotions and our life traumas and experiences as well.
Clearing all these fields is essential to greater health and wellbeing in addition to your own self-
awareness and self-care. Often through these clearings we become more conscious of our needs
and honor them.
In addition, you may awaken to the most beautiful and amazing parts of yourself, your senses will
peak; such as your psychic, creative and intuitive abilities. Your intuition is a critical part of your life.
Your intuition is your very own GPS, the inner voice that guides you through life according to your
highest good.
In sessions moving forward I’ll teach you how to do these clearings for yourself, to establish a
relationship with your body and yourself unlike any you’ve ever known to empower you in all aspects
of your body and your life.
From here we can move into more depth through the Soul Activation course. To learn more, please visit kathleensmcphillips.com or message me directly 🙏


“When we all awaken to this truth and allow the most beautiful versions of ourselves to come to life every single day....together we will change the world….”
KathleenSMcPhillips.com ⚡️💫


Your mind is either your greatest friend or your worst enemy. Learning how to be aware of your mind is not easy, but the rewards are priceless. You are the creator of your life by what you think, what you say and what you do. With this knowledge and awareness is the opportunity to create an amazing life! Each of us have that power. www.kathleensmcphillips.com


Did you know you wear a crown of perpetual Light?

A subtle energy thread that connects you to Source?

God the Creator of All and Everything?

Do You Know that your True Essence is Love, Light and Peace?

Your True Essence is Divine?

That is all.

There is no need for anything else.

Anything beyond this is learned, taught, influenced to

distract you from your Divine potential.

You are an Infinite Soul being Human.

Learning, growing, exploring…

fully experiencing being human.

What is it to be human, with all our flaws as we see them or

perhaps ignore them.

With every teardrop of a broken heart

or compassion for pain of another?

Perhaps the contrast of joy and sorrow,

victory and loss, success, and failure.

Light and dark, birth and death…and forgetting.

This is being human.

Yet we must remember the One Truth

we’ve long forgotten.

You are Divine.

You are actively creating your Life every single moment.

Dear Ones,

It is time to awaken from the slumber of being human.

It is time to remember…

You are Divine.


Did you know that there is an indistinguishable light within you? Let’s talk about how we can awaken that light on a spiritual journey 🪬✨🌙


This is so true. With all the challenges I have faced I have healed and grown. It is through the pain and suffering in life that I stepped into the role of being a teacher of life and the spiritual journey, offering the opportunity for you to heal yourself and your life. My work doesn’t heal you , love does. As you awaken to yourself you begin to be aware of your needs, to honor yourself and finally to love yourself. Love is the greatest healer of all. I am here to support you on your journey.

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Humanities search… a mindful minute from Kathleen S. McPhillips.Are you ready to journey inward? Message me or visit: ka...
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