Dr. Jeff Perrin

Dr. Jeff Perrin

I am a pediatrician who focuses on lifestyle changes to create Generational Health We need new ways to empower our youth, our future depends on it.

My experiences as a primary care pediatrician for 20+ years, a leader, a community servant, a constant learner and a father of three young adults position me uniquely to pursue this mission. Modern society is not nourishing us as humans and I feel our children, especially, are suffering. I want to create a better path for them.


Hello Friends.

I have been working on creating the next version of my career, so I have not been posting for the past few weeks. I hope to get recalibrated soon and be back in action soon, sharing my insights.

Stay tuned 😎

Start With WHY - 5 Things Your Kids Need To Be Successful That School Is Not Teaching Them 17/05/2023

I was fortunate enough to be a guest on Reggie Gentry's Start with WHY podcast. We talk about the Fundamentals of Parenting and Living. I would love it if you would take a listen.

Here's the link to the You Tube version

Start With WHY - 5 Things Your Kids Need To Be Successful That School Is Not Teaching Them In this episode, we expose our listeners to the Fundamentals of Parenting and how that relates to 5 Things Your Kids Need To Be Successful That School Is Not...


Eating real, whole foods is one of the best things you can do for your health. Whole foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that help protect against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. From fruits and vegetables to nuts and seeds, there are many benefits to eating real whole food. Not only do these foods provide essential nutrients, but they also help boost energy levels and improve overall well-being. By incorporating more real whole food into your diet you can enjoy a variety of health benefits that will help you look and feel your best!


πŸ“£ Today starts the 5-day Overcoming Anxiety Challenge!!
πŸ“• Hopefully, you signed up and downloaded your workbook

There is still time to join us
Register at www.metiswellness.com/challenge


πŸ“£ Tomorrow startm the 5-day Overcoming Anxiety Challenge!!
πŸ“• If, you signed up, check your email and download your workbook

🧐There is still time to join us!!
Register at www.metiswellness.com/challenge


😀 Frustrated trying to figure out how to help your young adult succeed

🧐 Not sure who to turn to for advice

😎 Follow me for tips to help

βœ… Start with my Free 5 day Overcoming Anxiety Challenge

Sign up at www.metiswellness.com/challenge


β˜€οΈ Hello Friends!!!
πŸ“£ Spread the word!
πŸ˜ƒ Share with your friends!

Register at: www.metiswellness.com/challenge


Happy Friday!!

I am happy to announce, that I am looking for beta clients!

If you or your young adult wants to work with me on Health & Lifestyle Coaching please message me. You do not have to be in the Raleigh area as I will be starting via Zoom meetings.

Check out my website at www.metiswellness.com


β˜€ Good Morning!!

Life can be overwhelming! It seems especially true for our young folks these days.

If you want to work on your work-life balance and decrease your stress levels in 5 days all for FREE then the Overcoming Anxiety Challenge is for you!!

Sign up today at www.metiswellness.com/challenge


β˜€οΈ Hello Friends!!!

πŸ“£ Spread the word!
πŸ˜ƒ Share with your friends!

Register at: www.metiswellness.com/challenge


β˜€οΈ Good morning!!!

πŸ“£ Spread the word!
πŸ˜ƒ Share with your friends!
🧐 Details to come!!


I have been harping on a growth mindset b/c learning about it has made me rethink the way I approach my patients.

Medicine taught me to make a diagnosis. However, A diagnosis can potentially have a lasting impact on the way we view ourselves and our lives. It can create a fixed mindset - a belief that our condition is unchangeable and that we cannot improve our lives in any way. This type of thinking can add to feelings of hopelessness and keep people stuck.

I want you to know that whatever you are struggling with, you can work on and improve. I want to instill in you a growth mindset in order to help you improve your life.

If you like this type of content, please hit that follow button!! πŸ˜ƒ


Our identity is a powerful force that drives our behavior and shapes our habits.

According to James Clear in Atomic Habits, you should start with your identity (not your goals) to bring about change. If you see yourself as β€œa healthy eater” then it will help you make healthier eating decisions.

Those small changes in behaviors reinforce our identity, making it even easier to continue creating healthy habits.

With enough repetition and dedication, these small changes will add up over time and eventually fully become this identity.

Follow me for more tips to reshape your Identity and become a Superhero!


Got a Growth Mindset? πŸ€”

If not, it’s time to develop one! πŸ’ͺ

A growth mindset means you understand that with hard work and dedication, you can become better at the things that are meaningful to you. πŸ€—

I want to empower you to reach your fullest potential.
So follow me to learn about how having a growth mindset and focusing in on what matters can help you achieve the life you want. πŸ“ˆ


I am proud to reveal the logo for my new venture, METIS Wellness. Where I will be working on improving the lifestyles of young people.

Comment below what you think!
Let's go!!

Mindfulness exercises can be as effective as anxiety drugs, study shows 18/02/2023

And it's free!

Mindfulness exercises can be as effective as anxiety drugs, study shows Breathing and body exercises helped relieve anxiety as effectively as medications over an eight-week study of 208 people.


Mindful eating is a practice of being aware and present while eating. paying attention to how food tastes, smells and looks.

Mindful eating can help improve digestion, reduce stress, and increase meal satisfaction. It has been found to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes as well as improve mental health. Additionally, mindful eating can help people become more aware of their hunger signals so they can better regulate their food intake. (i.e.: is this true hunger or am I eating due to emotional, conditioned, or traditional reasons).

If you are like me, this is a challenging thing to do. As a busy pediatrician, I was often rushed, especially to grab something for lunch between patients. Unfortunately, this has formed a horrible habit. I eat like someone’s going to take my food away. I am working on this, I feel it would benefit you as well.

So, this week try to be mindful while you eat.

Please give me a like or even better, share this post with someone who, like me, eats too fast


Part 2: Eating healthy is too πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’² (especially organic produce)

How do you know what is worth buying organic vs. conventional at the grocery?

EWG Clean 15 is a list of fruits and vegetables that are considered to be the least contaminated with pesticides. By choosing these items, consumers can reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals while still getting all the nutritional benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Produce on this list can be bought conventionally grown.
See their website for the most updated list: www.ewg.org

Please give me a like or even better, share this post with someone who wants to live a healthier life.


Eating healthy is too πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’² (especially organic produce)

How do you know what is worth buying organic vs. conventional at the grocery?

Here’s a helpful tip:
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) Dirty Dozen is a list of the 12 fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides grown conventionally. This means that they are more likely to contain harmful chemicals than other produce,so it's best to buy them organic whenever possible. By doing so, you can help reduce your exposure to potentially dangerous pesticides and protect yourself from potential health risks.

Produce on this list is worth buying organic.
See their website for the most updated list: www.ewg.org

So take this list to the store with you to help you make a healthier choice.

Please give me a like or even better, share this post with someone who wants to live a healthier life.


More announcements coming later in the week... STAY TUNED!!

Timeline photos 07/02/2023

Your stomach does not have teeth!!!

Chewing your food is one of the most essential steps in the digestive process. It helps to break down food into smaller pieces, making it easier to digest. Chewing is important for your body to absorb nutrients from your food. When you eat too fast and do not properly chew your food, you do not get what your body needs from your food. SLOW DOWN and chew 30 times per bite. By taking the time to chew your food properly, you ensure that your body is getting all of the nutrition that it needs.

So, this week try to chew your food after every bite. It will be harder than you think.

Please give me a like or even better, share this post with someone who wants to live a healthier life.


Yesterday I talked about intermittent fasting related to food. But there is another, possibly more important, similar concept.

Intermittent Digital fasting is intentionally creating a greater amount of time between screen inputs. Most of us are constantly on alert for emails and text messages both for work and socially. It is too much. I recommend you create a window of time during your day to shut off the digital inputs for a period of time to give your nervous system a rest. Simplest way is put your phone on airplane mode at 8pm and not turn it back on until you have completed your moring routine to get ready for the day. If you want to be all in on this concept- do not turn back on until you have completed your first block of work for the day. That way you can be creative before you are reactive to the world.

Benefits of Intermittent Digital Fasting
*Being more present for your family in the evening and morning
*Better sleep
*More productive in the morning.
*Better mood & energy throughout your day

This has been a life-changing concept for me these past few months. I strongly recommend you give it a try!! Have an amazing day!!!

Please take a moment to think of someone who could benefit from this information and share this post with them.


I’m looking for 5 young adults for a really unique opportunity.

This is specifically for you if you are…

● A 20-something who is interested in simplifying your health and wellness
● Who is willing to invest in their health and vitality but not sure where to start
● Who wants to be mentored and coached to feel amazing!
● Who wants to show up in the world with more energy, more zest, and more confidence
● Who wants to be in a private group with other peers on the same journey

If this sounds like you, please message me, and I will send you the private details.


Intermittent fasting is intentionally creating a greater amount of time between meals. The most common type limits eating food to an 8 hr period during the day. You eat your 2-3meals in this time window. This gives your GI tract a rest for the remaining 16 hrs. ie, you only eat between 12 pm to 8pm (8hrs) and then fast from 8pm to 12 pm the next day (16 hrs).

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
*Your body burns fat for fuel, you lose weight
*your body digests its own damaged cells. A vital cleanout process- like taking out the trash
*Increases your metabolic health - reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease & cancer
*Gives the digestive system time to rest and heal.
*Has been shown to boost mood, improve memory & energy and create new brain cells

The metabolic reset program incorporates intermittent fasting, and I have found it helpful in improving my own health. Consider planning some intermittent fasting in your day. If 16 hours seems too long, there have been found benefits in 12 hours fasts as well. It just means you stop eating after 8pm and don't eat breakfast until 8 am, basically cutting out late-night snacks.

Please take a moment to think of someone who could benefit from this information and share this post with them. Have an awesome week!!!


πŸ˜‹ 🍜πŸ₯—
So you are Meeting Freinds for Dinner but you are trying hard to eat in a healthy way. Here are some tips on what to order.

Asian: Chicken or seafood with broccoli or asparagus steamed.
*Ask no MSG and cornstarch.

Mexican: Grilled chicken, shrimp or beef with grilled veggies
*Whole beans (not refried)
*Guacamole and salsa are good
*Corn chips and rice are not (limit these- this one is a bit tough

Italian: Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables or salad

Steakhouse: Lean sirloin steak with salad, grilled vegetables

Breakfast: Omelet with vegetables side of fruit

Hope this makes eating out a bit more healthy!

Please take a moment to think of someone who could benefit form this information and share this post with them. Have an awesome weekend!!!


Weekly Meal Prep:
Prepare meals a week at a time: sit down on Saturday and plan on meals for the week.
*Then shop for what you need, buy in bulk.
*Batch cook 1-2 days a week (Sunday and/or Wed)
*Marinate meat on Sunday in ziplock bags and freeze for easy meal prep during week

Create slow-cooker meals in large ziplock bags and freeze them to use in future
*Pull out and let thaw overnight. Ready to go in the morning before work.
*Cook all day. Meal is ready when you get home.

Make salads for the week in individual containers with smaller container of dressing

Boil a dozen eggs at a time for quick breakfast or snack during the week

Keep some healthy snacks in obvious, convenient place
*Keep nuts in the car for easy snacks
*Keep veggies, fruit & nuts in your desk at work for quick, easy use
*Cut up bunches of vegetables on Sunday & keep them in fridge at eye level

Have an amazing planned week!!
Please take a moment to think of someone who could benefit form this information and share this post with them.


Blue, Green or Yellow?

For a long time never knew what kind of sweetener to use?
Is sugar better than artificial sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose? Is there a better choice?

β€’ Eating sugar leads to weight gain and tooth decay. It causes increased blood glucose and metabolic disorders

β€’ Artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal & NutraSweet) and sucralose (Splenda) mimic sugar. However, they have been shown to cause weight gain and even increase your appetite. They are linked to metabolic disorders as well. There is also a potential link to cancer

β€’Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant leaves making it a great alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia also is low on the glycemic index, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, and providing antioxidant properties. It can be used as a natural flavor enhancer in many recipes.

I rec you reach for the green packet of stevia next time you need sweeter for your coffee or tea.

If you found this helpful, please share it with someone who is interested in creating a healthy family. Have an awesome weekend!!!