

Artist at play! �


We all have times when we go through tests, challenges, obstacles and/or struggles. What matters most is HOW you get through it. Not the why. You only know what you know right now in this moment, so be kind to yourself when you are learning. Give yourself time and space. Be positive and patient. It’s ok to say hey I know it’s been a while I was going through some stuff and needed to handle it on my own, but hey friend I am here. It’s ok feel low vibrational feeeling, it’s not ok to stay in those low feelings. (anger, jealousy, defeat…) Do some introspection and change that anger to sadness and keep changing low vibrational emotions until you can reach a higher one. Happiness comes from you, it starts with you, anyone or anything. What are you about? Now hold on to that happy.

Chart added in comment section if you’re interested in changing low vibrational emotions.


🧿🧿🧿🧿Shadow work!🧿🧿🧿🧿

Shadow work is a process of making the unconscious conscious. It’s about confronting that hidden side to our psyche/personality, addressing our negative habits and traits, but also learning to embrace the unappreciated gifts we have.

Warning please know that doing shadow is to uncover things that we disowned and rejected. Please DO NOT do this prompt is you are not ready.
Ways to know you your ready:
1). Being triggered and later wondering why? Or how?
2). Doing things that “YOU” yourself think is out of your character.
3). You desire to understand yourself at a deeper and more intimate level.
4). You desire to heal.
5). You have a lack of direction.
6). Unhealthy escapism.
7). Emotional outbursts.
8 ). Cyclical relationships.
9). Aversion to the negative

Doing shadow work isn’t the same for everyone and everyone reacts differently and in their own time. Take it one step at a time. Breathe and trust in the process. I am not a therapist, you may need a therapist or someone you “TRUST” to help you get through certain feelings.
You will need a notebook, pen/pencil, and time.


You never know someone is going through under that smile and those pleasantries.
Be nice, be kind, be gentle, and LOVE!


Water signs
Pay attention and be mindful. Now isn’t the time to have your head in the clouds. Don’t contribute to daily pollution, be mindful of your eco footprint. Be clear in intent, and virtue in action, thought, and presence. Toxicity and pollution can be purified, are you contributing or working to eradicate it?


Fire signs
Stop being stubborn and closed minded. Heal and get empowered. Be confident about new ventures. It’s ok to show love and care with courage. Now isn’t the time to worry about what you hear, look at actions. Your wrapped in the conditions of society, are you stuck in a condition that no longer serves you?


Earth signs
Let go of what is familiar and safe. Get uncomfortable in order to break the stagnant cycle and discover new possibilities. Balance the feminine and masculine dualities. Balance emotions. There is strength in appearance of stillness, but remember not stand idle. Trust your intuition. Don’t second guess nature.

Moon, yin & yang, crossroads


Air signs
Here are some things that will help you this week.
Get your chakras aligned, practice healing, and healthy habits. Shed the ego. There is vulnerability and wisdom in self-care. Be powerful in your sensuality. Know your worth. Reclaim your energy from days, months, or years of lending it out. No procrastinating, finish those projects, stop overthinking your next move, and get back to that creative work you have been putting off.

333, 222


November 1, 2021 to November 7, 2021
Take what resonates and leave the rest. Time is constantly fluctuating and changing, Time is also affected by your decisions or lack there of. Apply to Sun, Moon, Mercury.

Water signs
There is a calm energy with little distractions. Some of you need to focus on your goal and leave the distractions where they are. If you have been taking care of things that are important to you, the benefits of your hard work and dedication will take time. You are knowledgeable in your craft, keep going. Have patience. Take an herbal bath and spend time in nature. Don’t worry about what others say about you. If they gossip with you, they also gossip about you. Act with dignity. A chance to fulfill your destiny.

Buddha, temple, time, friendly, tortoise and the hare, gossip, plants


November 1, 2021 to November 7, 2021
Take what resonates and leave the rest. Time is constantly fluctuating and changing, Time is also affected by your decisions or lack there of. Apply to Sun, Moon, Mercury.

Fire signs
Some of you guys are bothered. There is going to be some pestering or nitpicking going on, don’t explode. People are watching you whether you know it or not. Stay calm and do things that keep you centered and relaxed. Breathe and go with the flow even if you have doubts. Spirit has your best interest at heart. Check your ego. Be patient and observe protocol. Choices must be made and in order to make the choice you have to know yourself. Make the decision before it’s made for you. Don’t do too many things at once. Don’t argue with yourself. Don’t complain. Growth, success and abundance. Give dive to the earth. Go back to school. Look at the big picture.

Nagging, crow, anguish, starting a garden


November 1, 2021 to November 7, 2021
Take what resonates and leave the rest. Time is constantly fluctuating and changing, Time is also affected by your decisions or lack there of. Apply to Sun, Moon, Mercury.

Earth signs
Some of you have some balancing to do between work, family, leisure time, and self care time. Things are always in motion, obstacles will come and go. If you are in good times, appreciate these times and plan for obstacles. Don’t be blindsided. For every negative situation there is a positive. Some are loosing faith, this is the one thing you shouldn’t loose. There is a crisis within you where life feels meaningless. A time with no clear direction or end. It’s ok to grief, don’t stay in the grief. Feed your ancestors. Make boundaries and goals. Don’t be afraid of dirty work. Hard work will pay off. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Ask for help. Gifts from a loving person spirit.

Save money, yin and yang, betrayal, bills, court,accidents, depression


November 1, 2021 to November 7, 2021
Take what resonates and leave the rest. Time is constantly fluctuating and changing, Time is also affected by your decisions or lack there of. Apply to Sun, Moon, Mercury.

Air signs
Some are getting messages and are not paying attention or understanding. You are your worse enemy, but you are more than capable of many things. Focus and work hard on what you desire, that’s the only way to move forward. Don’t drink, you need to focus.

birds, numbers, self-sabotage, pride, clay


Take what resonates and leave what does mm
*Air *
The energy surrounding you is slow and calculated. The things you have worked on will start producing fruit. Celebrate the battles won and don’t focus on what was lost or wrongfully taken. Good things are coming. Explore, have fun, do things that make your inner child smile. Stand strong in your beliefs. Meditate, sit with your spiritual team and pay attention.

Fish, pine trees, trip to a valley, 333,123


Take what resonates and leave the rest.
*Water signs*
There is some fast and stern energy flowing here. Very direct and to the point. Some of you have been getting messages from animals and dreams. Clear your mind and try not to force the meaning to come. Listen and you will hear. Look and you will see. You have opinions, plenty of options. Take your time and choose, make a list if you need to. You may need to go into hermit mode, use that time wisely.
Jewelry, surrounded by plants, baby blue, 444


October 25, 2021 to October 31, 2021
Take what resonates and leave the rest.

*Fire signs*
There’s messy and chaotic energy flowing. Take a break and breathe, just focus on one thing at a time. Center yourself. Get your emotions in check, but let your fiery nature burn you out. When you feeling off listen to yourself, trust your instincts. Be courageous. Don’t hide your strengths, let them shine. Balance out your life. All work and no play isn’t healthy. That’s not healing. All play and no work/effort isn’t healthy either. Balance helps you flow. If your emotions are too much too fast, don’t be afraid to take a break or talk to someone you trust.

Flaring temper, 1010, lion, pack


October 18, 2021 to October 24, 2021

Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Apply to Sun, Moon,and Rising.

• Earth signs •
New ideas, smooth movement forward, and beginning new projects. Your ideas have value. Be adventurous and go forth. There unity in diversity. Some are having creative brainstorming. Appreciate your ideas from out in the left field and what they may offer. It’s hard work, but align yourself with success and recognize the many forms of abundance. Celebration and common goals are near. Gather with friends and family/companions.

Dreams, tiger, differences, resources


October 18, 2021 to October 24, 2021

Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Apply to Sun, Moon, and Rising.

• Fire signs •
Your being hard on yourself. Take it easy, breathe. Show love and care to yourself. Get generous and heal. Your not broken, so may feel that way. Stop and look around before proceeding to the next step. Use caution and reevaluate your circumstances. Listen to your inner wisdom. Balance between work and play. Be adaptable, if things change- change accordingly. Trust your intuition.

Questioning, stars, 9


October 18, 2021
Take resonates and leave the rest.
Apply to Sun, Moon, and Rising.

• Water signs •
Sometimes things need to broken down to get rebuilt in a better way. There are some unexpected events or sudden shifts about to occur. Keep your eyes open you don’t want to miss whatever it is. Enjoy your community, celebrations, and friendships. Accept people for who they are, they will show you. Your will and skill alone will yield limited results. Partnering with spirit, committing to a co-creative relationship and seeing results. Keep learning and gaining experience. Use your intellect overall. Truth is everything. Someone is keeping a close eye on you and what your doing.

Surprise, epiphany, team spirit, common goal, judgmental stares


Take what resonates and leave the rest.
October 18, 2021 to October 24, 2021
Apply to Sun, moon, rising.

• Air signs •
Time to heal, meditate, rest and recuperate.
It’s time to rest your mind and allow peace to take the place of busyness or boredom. You have been putting forth effort and hard work. You have been compassionate, self-loving and self-caring, and healing. Get comfortable in your own skin. Love and cherish yourself. Love is all around you open your eyes and choose it. There is unity in everything. Set healthy boundaries, get well organized, communicate clearly. Work on your self-esteem. “I have clarity of purpose.”
6, 9, alone time, balancing, sea creature, pearl

Photos from Cr8ive.0f.Many's post 13/10/2021

Photos from Cr8ive.0f.Many's post 11/10/2021

Weekly readings!
Take what resonates. Apply to Sun, Moon, Rising/Mercury, and Venus.

Photos from Cr8ive.0f.Many's post 04/10/2021

Apply to Sun, Moon, Rising and Venus.

Photos from Cr8ive.0f.Many's post 27/09/2021

Please apply to Sun, moon, rising, Venus


It’s ok to be cordial, it’s not ok to allow someone take advantage of your kindness. 💗🙏🏾

Photos from Cr8ive.0f.Many's post 20/09/2021

Please apply to Sun, Moon, Rising, mercury, Venus.
For guidance purposes, not fortunetelling. 
