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PowerPage/Skytel Philippines

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"Walang araw na malungkot, mas masaya ka lang kahapon kaya feeling mo malungkot ka ngayon." – bob ong
"Wag kang maarte kapag wala ka ng makain." – bago ong
"Wag mo akong madaliin alam mo namang ganito talaga ako eh." – pag ong
"Di porke’t nabali ang isa ay babaliin mo na rin ang kabila.. di maitatama ng isa pang pagkakamali ang isang pagkakamali." -tak ong
"Umulan o umaraw, ako’y laging masisilungan." – bub ong
"See you soon." – kaba ong

via Maruism

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The Most Effective Ways to See a Person's True Personality

1. Observe their actions when they are under pressure.

2. When you give them a lot of power and responsibility.

3. Compare what they say with what they do. Never trust words alone.

4. Observe if they can keep appointments

5. Ask them for help and see if they will show up.

6. Lend them money and see if they will return it, without you reminding them about it.

7. Compliment or even flatter them to know if they play their accomplishments down and show genuine humbleness or brag about the achievements.

8. Observe if they take responsibility for their life or always looking for someone to blame in everything.

9. Observe how they behave when they are drunk or high. If they can be aggressive, emotional, look for troubles or let out any underlying issues or personality.

10. Find out their role model. Someone they are looking up to.

11. Find out the type of books they read or if they even read at all

12. Observe how they treat animals, children or anyone that does not have control over them.

13. Observe how they talk to staff, waiters, cleaners, gatemen or security people.

14. Observe how they talk about the other gender or their judgement of other s*x.

15. Observe their conversations. Are they discussing things or people?

PowerPage/Skytel Philippines 06/08/2022

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Timeline photos 17/03/2022


eh anong pangalan mo kapwa? :D


Raising Your Daughter to Lead

1. Encourage them to take risks.
Remember the famous Teddy Roosevelt quote?

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena …who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Of course, Roosevelt used the masculine. Most of us default to that as well. However, we want both our sons and daughters to dare greatly, to take worthwhile risks.

2. Let them fail.
If you’re going to encourage risks, you’re going to have to learn to let them fail. Failure is part of life. Any risk has some probability of failure (otherwise it’s not actually a risk). But don’t protect your daughter from failure. Let her fail and then help her learn from her failure. Help her get back up and try again.

3. Give them responsibility at home.
A significant part of leadership is taking responsibility for what is yours. As parents, we play a key role in developing this in our children. It can be tempting to want to make life as easy as possible for your daughter. Yet, there are valuable lessons for her to learn in having to step up and take responsibility for herself.

Encourage her to get a job when she’s old enough. Give her chores to do around the house. Talk with her about managing her money. Have her cook dinner once in a while. These are basic skills, but they are also building blocks for teaching her to take responsibility for what is hers.

4. Give them role models.
As I grew up, my world was filled with strong male role models both in life and in fiction. From leaders in my church to Indiana Jones and Luke Skywalker, I constantly had men who modeled leadership in ways that allowed me to imagine myself as a leader. That kind of imagination helps our daughters to see themselves as leaders. What role models are you giving your daughter? Are you intentionally introducing her to strong women leaders in real life and fiction? This is important if she’s going to be able to see herself as a leader.

5. Bite your tongue.
“May we, as dads, be our daughters’ biggest advocates.”
There will be times you might be tempted to make snide comments about your daughter being overly emotional, or dramatic, or “needing a man,” or something else you don’t really mean. But you heard your dad say it to your sister, or it sounds funny—stop. Bite your tongue. Remember, your words are powerful. Words make worlds. Use your words to build possibilities for your daughter, not barriers.

All Pro Dad
