Lawndale Home Workout

Lawndale Home Workout

Lawndale Home Workout is a free informative site to help you get fit and healthy. You're in the right place if you love Health, Fitness and Nutrition.


For example, you find yourself in a hotel with no desire to investigate their gym facilities. Below is a simple workout that will have you warmed up, worked out and cooled down in twenty minutes, using nothing but your body and some furniture.

You can get a lot done in a little amount of time with exercises that utilize multiple muscle groups and get your heart rate going and this workout is suitable for any able-bodied, injury-free person with two square meters to spare (if you are not the above person…proceed at your own risk!)

It’s basic, yes, but the basics work. So set aside 20 minutes (preferably in the morning, it’s less likely to actually get done as the day goes on), focus on your form and tempo and I defy you to not break a sweat.


Sometimes, the hardest part of working out is physically getting yourself to the gym. And then dealing with the crowds at said gym. Or, you know, paying for the gym to begin with. So why not cut out the whole "gym" step and work out at home? There are so many effective workout routines that don't require a full-on gym or any equipment—and we've rounded up 13 of our favorites here.
Some of the many benefits of at-home workouts: You can do them while blasting your favorite jams out loud, binge-watching a Netflix series, at random times throughout the day (when cookies are in the oven...), or while petting your pup/cat between sets. And that satisfying post-workout shower (and snack!) is just a step away. Bookmark this page for the next time you gear up for an at-home sweat sesh. And before you work out at home, be sure to brush up on proper form here.
Now, some quick, essential information before we get to the workouts. Exercising is great for plenty of reasons, like giving you more energy and making you stronger. But if you're interested in exercising for weight loss, know that while healthy, long-lasting weight loss is partially about eating well and exercising, elements like your sleep quality and stress levels also matter. So do factors that can be outside of your control, like health issues and hormonal changes. And since weight loss is different for every person, if it's a goal of yours, be sure to determine how do to it in a way that's healthy for you. If you have a history of disordered eating, check in with your doctor before changing your life to lose weight, including trying a different workout routine.


Incline Pushups
Incline pushups are performed with the same movements and muscles as those used for regular floor pushups. However, the main benefit of pushing off of a higher surface is the decreased effort compared to pushing off from a totally prone position. Balance yourself on your toes and hands, keeping your body straight. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a stable surface and push yourself up to arm's length. Descend, allowing your elbows to bend outward, until your chest almost touches the push-off surface.

Test surfaces of different heights until you find the right surface for you. From kitchen-counter height to step-bench height, the height that makes it possible for you to do a pushup is the right height to begin your pushup workout routine. A female should be able to do 16 pushups at the age of 40, states Tara Parker-Pope, and a man of the same age should be able to do 27. Begin at the height that works for you. As you reap the benefits of this upper-body exercise and become stronger, use a lower push-off surface.

Strength-training programs benefit the body by building muscle and bone density. Metabolism is increased with an increase in muscle mass, making it easier to manage weight. Incline pushups use your own body as weight, making it easier to include this exercise in your busy routine as no special equipment or location is needed to perform this exercise. Do strength-training exercises at least twice a week. Allow 24 to 48 hours between strength-training sessions.

Consult your physician before you begin a new exercise program to determine the right amount and kind of exercise for you. Warm up your muscles before strength-training exercises, such as incline pushups, by doing arm circles or jumping jacks. After strength-training, do stretches. Do chest stretches by resting one hand against a wall and crossing your outside foot over the foot nearest the wall. Twist your body away from the wall, leading with your outside arm. Stretch your arm and shoulder muscles by raising one arm at a time behind your head and pulling against your elbow with the opposite hand.


10 Fat-Burning Exercises You Can Do at Home
You’ll be ripped in no time using these simple, at-home fat-burning exercises.
Erin Coleman Fitness Cardio

Fortunately, you don’t have to hit the gym or use expensive exercise equipment to do fat-burning exercises from home. Such workouts come in handy when you’re traveling or staying in a hotel, as they don’t require much floor space — and simply use your own body weight for resistance. For best results, complete at least three sets of each exercise below.

1. Burpees

Burpees will help you break a sweat in no time, and burn fat fast. To complete this exercise, start in a standing position and squat down placing your hands on the ground in front of your feet. Kick your feet out back behind you until you’re in a plank position. Complete one push up; then quickly pull your feet in toward your hands until you’re in a squat position once again. Finally, fully extend your legs and jump up in the air; repeat the exercise for 10 to 20 reps, or until you feel fatigued. You can eliminate the push-up option while in the plank position if desired.

2. Squat Jumps

You’ll have tight, toned legs in no time by regularly performing squat jumps. Begin with your feet wider than should width apart. First, squat down until your thighs are at least parallel with the floor. Then, swinging your arms for momentum, jump up as high as you can and fall back down into a squatting position. Repeat this exercise continuously — completing at least 10 repetitions in a row until you feel fatigued.

3. Jumping Lunges

Jumping lunges are similar to jump squats, and there are several different ways to do this exercise. One way is to begin in a lunge position, with one leg in front of you and the other extended behind your body. Swinging your arms for momentum, jump up and lunge down continuously keeping the same leg in front of you the whole time; then switch legs. To change things up a bit, try alternating lunge jumps by switching legs (like a pair of scissors) every other jump.

4. Squat Kicks

Tone up your legs fast by incorporating squats kicks into your fat-burning routine. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and squat down until your thighs are about parallel with the floor. Then, stand up and kick your right leg out in front of your body. Complete another squat and kick your left leg out in front if you. Repeat continuously until you complete at least 10 to 20 squat kicks.

5. Rope Jumping

You can burn a significant amount of calories jumping rope — 300 to 450 calories in just 30 minutes, according to Harvard Health Publications. Try a variety of different rope jumps, including jumping one foot at a time, jumping on one foot, high-knee jumps, jumping two feet at a time, jumping front to back or side to side, scissor-kick jumps, and speed jumping. Even if you don’t have a jump rope, you can reap fat-burning benefits by going through the same motions — but without a rope.

6. Jumping Jacks

While jumping jacks may seem simple, doing this exercise is an excellent way to tighten and tone your entire body. To complete jumping jacks, jump in the air while spreading apart your legs and raising your arms above your head; then jump again to return to a standing position with arms at your side. Repeat continuously until you feel fatigued.

7. Jumping Elbow-Knee Touches

This exercise not only burns calories and fat, it helps trim your midsection and strengthen your abdominal muscles. To complete jumping elbow-knee touches, stand up and touch your right elbow to your right knee while jumping in the air; then jump again and touch your left elbow to left knee in a continuous body-bending, side-to-side motion.

8. Pushups

Pushups are an excellent addition to any fat-burning regimen because this exercise strengthens your entire body — especially your chest and arms. Begin in a plank position. Keep your body straight and slowly lower it (using your arms), until your chest is almost touching the floor. Slowly lift your body back up into a plank position using your chest and arm muscles, and repeat the exercise.

9. Horizontal Abdominal Workouts

Complete horizontal abdominal workouts daily to achieve a tight, toned, and flat stomach. Do jackknife sit-ups, crunches, leg raises while on your back, and plank exercises. Start in a plank position and work your oblique muscles by touching your right elbow to your right knee; then touch your left elbow to your left knee and repeat the exercise while maintaining a plank position.

10. Calf raises

To finish out your at-home fat-burning workout, try calf raises to tone up your lower legs. While in a standing position, slowly raise up your body using your calf muscles until your weight is on your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds; then lower your body back down until your feet are almost flat, and repeat the exercise until your calf muscles fatigue.


There are many reasons why women prefer to workout at home  the rising cost of gym memberships, fitting their routine into an already packed lifestyle, or simply because they like the privacy.

By transforming your home into your own workout space, you also avoid the little things that annoy you about gyms such as having to wait for equipment, then finding it's not been cleaned properly when you get it. Add to that the fact that all your gear, food, drinks and supplements will be in easy reach and it's a win-win situation.

We've laid out the best workout routines for women at home  and some refueling essentials  to help you on your road to fitness.


This age-old home workout movement will help you build a strong and muscular core and has multiple variations to make it challenging and interesting. Get into push up position on the floor. Bend your elbows, place it on the floor, and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should be in a straight line from your head to your feet. Do not drop your hips down or push it up towards the ceiling. Hold the position for as long as you can. You can hold it for a minute, rest for 40 secs and hold it again for a minute. You can do this for 5 full rounds.


If you're a regular exerciser, youll have surely noticed the marked influx of bodies at your local gym every January. As predictable as the daily sunrise, this is traditionally the busiest time of the year, when the highest numbers of new memberships are signed. While this is great for the facilitys bottom line, many regular gym rats'loathe this time of the year.


If you prefer to exercise at home, make sure to set up a small space dedicated to your workouts. This doesn't mean you have to convert your spare bedroom into a state of the art home gym, although that does sound cool. It means do whatever you have to do to prep a space in the hours prior to a workout. If it means moving some furniture around, do it the night before. That way you can fall straight out of bed into a sweat without any potential excuses.


Anyone else loathe the gym during January? My usual workout classes are suddenly packed to the brim with new gym-goers, and I have to wait to get on any cardio machine. Plus, this cold weather has been a major deterrent for me when it comes time to make the 7-minute walk to our neighborhood workout center. The thought of bundling up, to take it off, and bundle up again sounds absolutely miserable on a 5-degree day.


When we say "daily cardio exercise," odds are you immediately think about logging miles on a treadmill or elliptical. But it doesn't have to be that way. After all, you should never feel boxed in or bored by your workouts ("Ugh, I guess I'll just hop on for 20 minutes and hate every second of it" is probably the world's worst approach to fitness.)


Lawndale Home Workout is a free informative site to help you get fit and healthy. You're in the right place if you love Health, Fitness and Nutrition?
