The Bare Nutritionist

The Bare Nutritionist

� Nutrition student at Deakin University
� Primary School Teacher
� Knowledge is power
[email protected]


You can’t out supplement a poor diet.

There are so many supplements on the market. If required, their role should be to supplement a healthy diet. A bonus if you will.

Sure it can be tempting to reach for a quick fix hoping that it will solve our health issues. But eventually we need to start creating sustainable and healthy eating practices.

🌻 Let’s start providing our bodies with enough calories.

🌻 Let’s start varying our intake to get a range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre.

🌻 Let’s start eating enough protein to feel satiated and to provide us with enough energy to get through the day.

🌻 Let’s erase the fear of fat. We can select good quality fats to feel satisfied after a meal, support hormone production, blood glucose levels and reduce cravings.

I could go on. But let’s start eating like we love ourselves.

Let’s eat to feel well 💫

If you need support, head to my LinkTree ☝️



Made with just fruit 🍌🍓 and filtered water 💧

👉 Blitz up fruit of choice and pour into moulds.

We had mango + banana and strawberry 😋using stainless steel moulds! Yummo!
