


We connect back to the body and invite the mind to listen and allow our Soul to Shine � Reflexology and Reiki sessions.

Details of yoga and pilate classes, workshops, beach locations and retreats. Affirmations, meditations and visulisations.



Photos from Yogawithabbey's post 04/11/2023

Summer Solstice Wellness Weekend -


A beautiful read 🙏

"The healthiest relationships are the honest ones, the ones grounded in Presence, not fantasy or false hope, and a deep commitment to a living truth.

Where two souls can share their authentic, real-time, embodied selves with each other, reveal their deepest truths – raw, messy, unresolved, unfinished and rough at the edges - and continually let go of their preconceived, conditioned ideas about how they ‘should’ be.

The relationship is continually renewed in the crucible of intimacy. There may be ruptures, misunderstandings, intense feelings of doubt, anger, fear, anxiety and groundlessness along the way, yes, of course, but there is a mutual willingness to face this mess as it arises. To be vulnerable. To say “I hurt. I am in pain. I feel deep sorrow” and not blame the other for that pain. To say “I need some support” but not demand it of the other. To share desires and hopes and longings and dreams and not command that the other see things in the same way, or meet all of your needs. To receive their ‘no’ and their ‘yes’ too, even if it hurts. To stay in the crucible of transformation; to look with wide open eyes together at the present rupture, not turning away, or clinging to ‘the way it used to be’ or follow other people’s ideas about how things ‘should’ be. To let second-hand concepts of happiness burn up. To sit together sometimes in the rubble of shattered dreams and expectations, plans and hopes, and work towards finding a place of reconnection, repair and reconstruction. This is the courageous and often intense work of relationship.

Even if we have to start by admitting deep feelings of disconnection. This is a relationship that is alive. A relationship that makes space for our deepest longings, fears, pains, yet does not expect the other to resolve these, or take the hurt away. That asks the other to be a witness, a midwife for our own healing. And offers the same in return.

To inspire each other to find our own happiness. Even if that means letting go of or 'breaking up' the relationship in its current form. Love holds the other lightly, it does not cling or attempt to control. It only wants the best for the other, only wants them to step into their power, live their fullest life, find their deepest joy, follow their original path, learn to love their bodies and their own deepest feelings, and find new ways to take care of themselves.

“I love you, and I want you to flourish”.

Relationship can be the ultimate yoga, yes, an ever-deepening adventure and rediscovery of ourselves and each other, rediscovering ourselves in the mirror of each other, a continual letting-go and a meeting, a dance of aloneness and togetherness, not losing ourselves in either extreme but playing somewhere in the middle. Sometimes coming together, sometimes moving apart. Closeness and space. Intimacy with other, intimacy with self. Breathing in, breathing out.

Relationship is not a place we reach, a point of arrival, a destination, a 'thing', a dead story; it is alive, and forever a point of departure, a beginning, each day. We can only start together, here, and there is joy in that beginning.

There is excitement in the not knowing. There is life in the continual death of expectations. Staying close to a healthy fear of loss. Staying near to the groundlessness of things without losing ourselves in that groundlessness. Finding safety in the uncertainty. Finding a new ground in the power of love itself. Standing where we stand. Breathing in, and breathing out.

As Eckhart Tolle says, relationships aren't here to make us happy - for true and lasting Happiness lies within us all, that unshakable Presence that nobody can ultimately give us, or take away. We are safe either way.

Others will not complete us. They will not save us, or resolve our deepest inner experience for us. They will, however, give us the gift of exposing our wounds, our inner children, those lost fragments, bringing them to the surface, the places within us that are crying out for empathy, those beautiful orphans of the light.

And then, a risk! To reveal our raw hearts, our loneliness, our vulnerability, our sensitivity, our not knowing, our joy, our ‘shameful’ secrets, to another human being on this small blue planet in the vastness of space. To drop the mask and expose the unprotected, unguarded heart. To risk being rejected, left alone, shamed and ridiculed. To risk a repetition of the old, perhaps.

But a bigger ‘risk’, maybe: To be loved for who we are! To be held in the blinding light of another’s fascinated attention, like a baby held with such tenderness by an adoring, attentive mother. To be met in the present moment, nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. To let in the New. To risk losing the image, the false self, the carefully constructed persona, and to let another embrace the softness here.

This is the highest possibility of relationship - to see another’s exquisitely delicate heart and to let your own soft heart be seen. In the seeing, there can be healing, transformation, great beauty. We can be therapeutic vessels for our brothers and sisters. We can bring each other medicine, encouragement and great companionship on this sometimes lonely path of coming alive before we die.

And maybe it takes a lifetime to discover:

The One you always longed for was actually deep inside of you. And to have that One reflected by another – a partner, a friend, a lover, a therapist, or an animal, a tree, a mountain, the moon or the Vastness of the Cosmos – even if it’s only for a moment…

…well, then you know Heaven on Earth."~

~Jeff Foster
Art: unknown

Healing Intimacy


This is beautiful 🙏


Perfect pranayama 🙏


Lovely afternoon at Timmy’s catching up laughing eating drinking fizz remembering our Showbiz days with great affection raising a glass to celebrate Timmy and Julie signing to Hat trick TV production company to make the series “ Timmy’s World “ fabulous times ahead Whoop Whoop


Tonight’s yoga class… we will open our hearts, surrendering what no longer serves us 😊 and shining Love on what does ❤️
As we snuggle into Autumn

7 pm Tuesday
The Sports Hall
St Lawrence Colledge
Holly Rd
Ramsgate 🙏
£8 🙏


This is so very true ❤️
So why not come and join us Saturday
For a delicious yoga journey and sound therapy with Clifford Sax.
As we welcome the The Autumn Equinox, flowing up through the chakras 🙏
9.30 am / 12.30 pm
The Space
Top floor old Burton building
Just £40
Message for booking details 😊



I’m back 🙌
Your Classes

Tuesday 7pm YOGA
St Lawrence College

Thursday 9am PILATES
North Foreland Golf Club

Saturday 8.30am Beach Yoga
Viking Bay

Monday 11.30am Mat n Chat
My studio, Magdalen Retreat.


Beautiful ❤️

I am strong because I know weakness,
I am compassionate because I have experienced suffering,
I am alive because I am a fighter,
I am wise because I've been foolish,
I can laugh because I have known sadness.
I can love because I 've known loss.
I am a strong woman who has weathered the storm but still loves to dance in the rain...

~ Unknown ~

Artist Credit : Chaitanya Sohani


Tonight is a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon occurs when there are 2 Full Moons within the same month, this is the second Full Moon of August. The name Blue Moon comes from an ancient word which is 'Belewe' which means to betray, so the Blue Moon literally means Betrayer Moon. Monthly Moon phases were each given names, this helped farmers to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations, so the extra Full Moon in a month would often confuse people giving it the name Betrayer Moon.

Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time.

There is so much happening around this Moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances. It’s as if we are all on the edge of something so big and we have to make the decision to take the path we’ve always taken, or to jump into the territory of new possibilities. Tonight's Full Super Blue Moon is very rare as there won't be another until 2037.

This Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces it is about celebrating our individuality, our little quirks that make us different from everybody else. Let your creativity come out. Do something a little different, dress a little differently, wear your hair a little differently, rebel against the norm. Take a walk on the weird side of life.

Our minds will be clear and uncluttered around now, we will be able to see things as they really are, we can take off our rose tinted glasses and take a good look at ourselves and the world around us as it is and not how we want it to be. This will also have us asking ourselves if we are happy with where we are and what what we're doing.

As amazing as this Moon will be, and necessary, it’s going to be one that challenges us on every single level. In the build up to this lunar event we may have been feeling restless, or have had an excess of nervous energy. Our pulses may have been racing and it may have been harder for us to relax or fall asleep at night. Our spirits can sense that we are on the verge of something big, but it’s up to us to initiate change. We are on the threshold of having massive pieces of the puzzle collide or fall into place.

There may be big changes or upsets in the status quo during the next several weeks. We may find ourselves acting in ways that only a few weeks ago we never thought possible, but Pisces is lighting a fire inside of our hearts and daring us to break the boundaries that have held us back for far too long.

While we may feel anxious at all of the possible changes being presented to ourselves, know that the universe won’t bring us anything we aren’t ready for. The truth of it is there is no such thing as the perfect time, so now is as good a time as any.

Everything that we have been going through the past year has been leading up to this Moon. It’s the time of infinite possibilities, of desires bubbling over and manifesting themselves in our lives in ways we never thought possible. No matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted, we just have to make the choice now to not let it go.

Because certain chances only come around once in a Blue Moon.


Workshop date change and class info -


~ Teela 🐾♥️🐾

Artwork found on Pinterest 🐺


BEACH YOGA Saturdays 8.30 am
Viking Bay Beach,


Beach yoga IS now on tomorrow 🙌
Saturday 8.30 am
Viking Bay, by the lifts
Please bring and a mat 🤩 £6 🙏


Yoga, is back tonight 7pm. St Lawrence College, The Dance Studio. Bring your mat and leave your troubles at the door 🙏


Important class info and Summer Solstice at Oxon Hoath 2024

Hope this email finds you well.
I have a very exciting week of filming on the new Brad Pitt film starting this Wednesday.

TUESDAY YOGA 6.45 pm/7.45 pm
for 1 week only
St Lawernce Colledge

Back next week


Summer Solstice at Oxon Hoath 2024
How very exciting ... Oxon for the Solstice!
A special day, at our spiritual home, just amazing.
Please pop the date in your diary and get your deposit paid quickly, as this is already selling fast!

Friday 21st / Sunday 23rd, June 2024
More info to follow shortly.
Retreat £425... non-refundable deposit £150
To the usual account, feel free to message me for banking details.
All-inclusive of accommodation, food, and workshops.




Beach Yoga, Saturday 8.30am. Viking Bay Beach, Broadstairs. Please bring a mat and £6 🙏

Our Story

I’ve been flowing with the rhythm of Yoga for over 30 years, and been teaching for 23 of them! My practise and my teaching has been my solace. I found Pilate was a great companion to Yoga. In Pilates your mindful of alignment and core strength, great grounding foundation to support your Yoga and sink deeper into the body.

Too many of us today have completely disconnected from our bodies, through pain or trauma...feeling like our bodies aren’t a safe place to be, thus just living in our heads, causing stress and anxiety.

I carefully bring you back to your body, invite your mind to listen...thus allowing your Soul to Shine.

I run weekly classes, Workshops, beach locations and Retreats.,Reflexology and I’m a Reiki Master. Creating Sessions, Affirmations, Meditations and Visualisations.

Videos (show all)

Yin Yoga 🙏

Opening Hours

Monday 06:30 - 20:30
Tuesday 06:30 - 20:30
Wednesday 06:30 - 20:30
Friday 06:30 - 20:30
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00