Nick Tigges

Nick Tigges

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Nick Tigges, Health & Wellness Website, .

My goal is to help corporate professionals take control of their time, achieve work/life balance and become the strongest, fittest version of themselves they can possibly be!


If you're trying to achieve your career dreams, better work life balance and get in the best shape of your life...

But are struggling due to the fact that...

❌ Your schedule is cluttered

❌ Something always comes up

❌ You're just too tired most days

Then you're going to have to prioritize the items on your schedule in order to declutter your life, increase your energy and eliminate the useless stuff...

So you can become clear on...

✅ Where you currently stand when it comes to your goals

✅ What you need to do to move forward

✅ Exactly how you can take control of your time

Once you do this, you'll begin to have the clarity and certainty needed to know what you need to do and to get on track to doing it!

If you need help sorting these thing out...

Click the link below and let's chat!


I want you to imagine climbing Mt. Everest alone...

Would you actually attempt it?

Your answer is probably going to be "Of course not! Why are you even asking me this Nick?"

And that's completely understandable!

If you did try to climb Mt. Everest alone, you would run into several major challenges that are almost impossible to overcome alone...

❌ Terrible Weather Conditions

❌ Unforgiving Terrain

❌ A Long Exhausting Hike To The Top

❌ Likely Injury and Risk of Death

Without a support system to make the climb, you will surely fail in your attempt to overcome these challenges.

And the same can be said when it comes to your career, work/life balance and wellness goals!

If you struggle with...

❌ Advancing your career

❌ Achieving work/life balance

❌ Getting to the gym

❌ Sticking to a sound nutrition plan

❌ Avoiding stress, exhaustion and burnout

And lack the support system to help you overcome these challenges...

You will struggle much more with them and find it harder to achieve success!

I want to provide you with that support so you overcome these challenges and make sure you stay...

✅ On track

✅ Accountable

✅ Successful in your endeavors

To ensure true accountability and help you develop the belief that it's possible to achieve your goals!

So if you’re ready to get started...

Click the link and let’s chat!



If you fell off the wagon during the weekend when it comes to your training and nutrition, don't make it worse by giving up!

I understand how hard it is to get back on track after a slip up.

Because after having a setback, you probably think to yourself "I did it again! What's the point of trying if I just can't stay consistent?"

The problem with that way of thinking is that it starts a vicious cycle of telling yourself stories...

Stroies such as...

❌ You just can't stay consistent no matter what.

❌ You just can't focus properly so what's the point.

❌ You just can't stay in control so why not let fate take over.

When you tell yourself these stories, your mind will subconsciously make these stories into a reality for you.

It will say, "Oh, since this story is true and you can't stay in control of your diet and fitness during the weekend you're never going to get there so might as well give up!"

Block those stories out!

Instead, what I want you all to do when you find yourself slipping up is to ask yourself these questions:

✅ WHY did I slip up?

✅ WHAT can I do this upcoming week to make sure it doesn't happen again?

✅ HOW well did this new strategy that I tried work for keeping me on track this week?

When you ask yourself these questions, answer them honestly and really assess where you stand on them.

If you do this, you will arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to tackle your challenges and overcome any slip ups that occur!

So give this strategy a shot and see what happens!


“[This Exercise Routine/Trend] is still better than sitting on the couch and doing nothing”

This statement is one of the most untrue and dangerous statements in the fitness industry right now!

If you’re running yourself into the ground on a daily basis or using a program/routine/class/trend that is not programed properly…

You’re setting yourself up for injury!

And if/when you do get injured…

You’re now stuck on the couch doing nothing AND you have a debilitating injury that you may not ever recover from; you’re even worse off than you were before you started!

So train smart. And avoid things that will get you injured!


Rapid results instead of long term progress...

Exciting and trendy fitness, health and wellness fads over proven concepts...

Supplements and diet aids instead of long term nutrition changes...

The above are more emphasized today instead of the other way around. And this results in so many being tired, unhealthy and unhappy!

Let’s flip those statements around instead:

Long term progress instead of rapid results...

Proven concepts over exciting and trendy fitness, health and wellness fads...

Long term nutrition changes instead of supplements and diet aids...

Focus on these things and I guarantee not only will you get results, you'll also feel much better!

How are YOUR results coming along? Comment below and let’s discuss...


You’ve been taught by the fitness industry to believe that quick fixes are the answer to your problems…

That this specific workout plan will be the one to finally get you in shape…

That this specific diet plan will help you drop the pounds...

That this 30 day challenge is all that’s standing in the way of you and your health and fitness goals…

It’s all a lie.

Quick fixes don’t work for long term health and wellness improvements…


Becoming the best and fittest version of yourself will be a long, hard journey…

But at the end of it, you will be rewarded with a body and mindset that you will marvel at every day…

So focus on the long term and reaching your goals over time. Your body and mind will thank you!

And if you need help breaking out of the quick fix mindset, DM me and let’s create a long term strategy goal together...

Timeline photos 07/06/2019

You probably have compared yourself to fitness influencers and celebrities before when it comes to your body, health and wellness...

Maybe you feel frustrated that you’re having trouble achieving what they have...

And now you might be feeling stuck because you’re not sure if you can ever get to their level.

But you don’t need to get to their level to look great, be healthy and feel strong, sexy and confident in all you do!

Comparing yourself to others only hinders your progress because you’re aspiring to their standards, not your own…

So, instead, focus on comparing yourself to where you were previously…

Focus on all the improvements you’ve made over time…

And focus on building on those improvements in order to become the best version of yourself possible!

Your body and mind will be in a much healthier, happier place if you shift your mindset in this direction. And by doing this, you’re more likely to reach your goals and keep them for the long term!

So change your mindset to focus on the long term. And focus on yourself and how far you’ve come. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

If you still need help getting to where you want to be when it comes to your fitness, health and wellness, DM me and let’s talk about how we can make that happen...

Timeline photos 07/06/2019

Just because you look good in pictures doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to train or diet properly or that you know how to design programs for your clients…

Photo manipulation, good genetics and drug use will go a long way towards creating the illusion that you are an expert when in reality you just got lucky or are not being fully honest with your followers...

So whenever you are thinking of buying a plan from a trainer or fitness influencer, ask yourself these questions:

How long have they been in the industry?

What is their area of expertise and what is their certification/education background?

Do they sell quick fix plans like 30 day challenges that are not sustainable for the long term?

Do they peddle any kind of supplements?

Do they plan for long term goals and mindset/lifestyle change as well?

If you want the real deal, no tricks or quick fixes, I’d love to help you achieve your goals! DM me for more details...

Timeline photos 06/06/2019

I know that you always feel like you’re busy and that you have no time to work towards reaching your goals.
But in all likelihood your schedule is not as busy or hectic as you think it is!
Very few people are so busy that they have absolutely zero extra time.
And even if you are really busy, you probably still have SOME time for leisure activities and relaxation.
This means that you can find time to workout, and you have to put aside the excuses and do it!
If you’re having trouble finding the time to workout, ask yourself these questions:
Am I currently doing something that I don’t need to be doing that’s taking up my time (binging Netflix, unnecessary busy work, tasks that could be delegated to others etc.)?
Have I actually mapped out my schedule to see if I have time to workout?
Can I wake up a little earlier or stay out a little later so I can get to the gym then?
Once you figure these things out, it becomes much easier to make the time to train! So get to it!
If you still need help figuring out the best strategy to find the time to workout, DM me and
let’s do this together...

Timeline photos 06/06/2019

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on comparing yourself to where you were previously.

Look back at where you used to be and where you are now. Focus on all the improvements you’ve made over that time period. And focus on building on those improvements in order to become the best version of yourself possible!

If you still need help getting to where you want to be when it comes to your fitness, health and wellness, DM me and let’s talk about how we can make that happen...

Timeline photos 05/06/2019

Without a deadline, there’s…
No sense of urgency
No incentive to push yourself
No reason to hold yourself accountable
But every reason to coast and procrastinate!

Write down where you want to be and when you want to be there by. Then make it a priority to see it through!

What deadlines have YOU set yourself recently when it comes to your goals? Comment below and let’s discuss...

Timeline photos 05/06/2019

We all have setbacks. We all have doubts. And we all struggle to achieve our goals.

No one is perfect. And anyone who claims to be is not being truthful.
Instead of striving for perfection, strive to be the best version of yourself possible.

If you’ve been struggling with your goals and can’t seem to overcome your challenges reaching them, message me and let’s figure out how we can get you back on track!

Timeline photos 04/06/2019

Whether it’s adding weight to an exercise, changing your morning routine, or swapping out certain foods for lower calorie options, improving small things in your life every day and making those small things routine habits will add up to big changes in your fitness, health and wellness over time!

What are YOU focusing on improving today? Let me know in the comments!

Timeline photos 04/06/2019

We all have struggles when it comes to reaching our goals. However, some challenges are tougher to overcome than others.

What’s currently the biggest challenge you’re facing when it comes to fitness, health and wellness? Discuss below...


The #1 way to motivate yourself is to use a PHYSICAL OBJECT that you can place in front of you every day; something you can directly see that:

Stares back at you...

Hits at the heart of your pain...

And reveals the true situation of where you are and where you want to be.

Once you find this object and see it staring back at you every single day, your willpower and motivation will grow and you’ll actually take action to become fitter, healthier and happier!

What object is YOUR motivational tool to keep you on track? Comment below and let’s discuss...

Timeline photos 03/06/2019

When you set a goal for yourself and begin the journey to achieve it, be aware that you're going to have...

To rethink and retool what you do.

The important thing is that you stay on course! Take action, find out what doesn’t work, refine and polish what does and keep pushing towards your goals.

If you’re still struggling with challenges that are in the way of your goals, I can help you overcome them! DM me and let’s chat about it...


Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing in the gym...

Don’t worry about the guy lifting more than you...

Don’t worry about the girl who looks better than you do...

Focus on your own progress. As long as you are better, stronger, faster and tougher than before, you are closer to your goals! You will get there!


Don't worry as much about how fast you reach your goal.

Focus on if you are going in the right direction towards your goals in the first place!

What goals are YOU working on? Let me know in the comments.


"I'm too tired to workout today. I'll just go to the gym tomorrow..."

"I really want this slice of cake right now. I'll just start my diet tomorrow..."

"I'm down to go bar hopping tonight. I'll just quit drinking and smoking tomorrow..."

How many times have you told yourself these things in the past?

And how many times have you actually followed through with what you said you'd do?

If we're being honest, I'm willing to bet that either:

You never followed through with your statements


You made a half hearted attempt to follow through with them but eventually fell off the wagon.

Because of this you have consistently fallen short of your goals whether they be fitness related or relevant to other areas of your life. And if something doesn't change you will continue to fall short of your goals.

But there's hope...

There's a way for you to finally break this cycle once and for all...

And the way you can do that is this:


From now on when you set a goal for yourself, take at least one action per day that will help you eventually reach it. The action you take could be a major action like working out in the gym or quitting smoking or it could be a minor action like trying new healthy recipes.

Doing little actions like this everyday will eventually lead to a big payoff in the future when you finally hit a goal you've been chasing for years!

So will you take action today to build a better, healthier body and mind? Or will you continue to use the same excuses and fall behind?

And never be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Reach out to me if you need assistance on your fitness journey and I will help to ensure that you get there.


Videos (show all)

If you're trying to achieve your career dreams, better work life balance and get in the best shape of your life...But ar...
Why Quick Fix Solutions Keep You From Becoming Fitter, Healthier and Happier