EarthE Honors

EarthE Honors

Explore XOEarth Honors to see how to use your talent, art, music, kisses & eco money to thank friends for their eco actions.


If you are a Palestinian or Israeli,
Make friends with someone
on the other side to fight the
climate change monster that
is intensifying wars, droughts,
heatwaves, floods, poverty,
starvation, violence, inflation
and extinction. If you are not a
Palestinian or Israeli, help facilitate
a friendship between two people
from the two groups.


Palestinians + Israelis : Unite to fight the climate change monster and its heatwaves, starvation, droughts, violence, floods, inflation and extinction.

EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 21/12/2023

Please dedicate 44% of your time to save our sweet+crazy+dying Earth.

For For

EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth Dedicate 44% of your time [19.4 hours per week] with an environmental team, community project, and/or climate activists who are fighting to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. [EarthTime44] Every week that you meet your EarthTime44 goal you are standing with millions of other amazing and bold Earth hero...


Aloha Friends , Millions of Earth lovers are taking big climate actions every day to help slow down and stop the climate monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, extinction, wars and other mega disasters that hurt our Earth home.
Some rad ways to join those Earth lovers to help save our planet are the EarthDare, EarthLover, EarthTime and EarthMoney.
Even if you are already taking big climate actions every day to help cool our Earth please add one of those big XOEarth actions too. And thank you soooo much if you are already taking big climate actions to keep this planet party going!!
By the way, those millions of people who have been taking big climate actions for the last 50 years have already helped keep the biosphere alive and helped prevent a total collapse that could have happened already.
If you are one of those who have helped keep our planet alive to this day please tell me so I can send you a thank you.
For love and life, Stele
Read on at XOEarth .org


Is it worth giving 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting our charming+wild+burning planet Earth?

Endocrine hormone disrupters affect alligators and frat boys. 25/03/2023

David Rovics sings his *City of Jenin* and *Alligator Dick* songs in this interview I did with him in Boulder. Thrilled that my biggest political eco songwriting hero had time to sit a spell with me. I talked to him about how musicians can get their talents and songs working for a better world. Be sure to listen to the City of Jenin song, even if you skip over the Alligator Dick song if it is too snarky for you.

Endocrine hormone disrupters affect alligators and frat boys. Declining alligator and Frat Boy sexuality due to the estrogens in plastic that disrupt hormones and our endocrine system.

Stand with Democrats nationwide 03/02/2023

Aloha All, Just donated s'more buckoes to help elect Democrats nationwide in special elections &beyond.
For kids, people & mother nature join me in supporting rational science & a kind democracy.

Stand with Democrats nationwide We're counting on grassroots supporters like you to build a powerful movement to take on the GOP.


Help cool the planet and help slow down animal cruelty. So here is how to make a bunch of different vegan cheeses.