Inter Light Wellness

Inter Light Wellness

Reiki is a a form of energy healing that treats the whole person including body,emotions,mind and spirit.

Reiki restores inner balance and relaxes us in a wholistic level. Reiki is not a religion but operates in the universal energy that is every where.


The best way to heal is by sitting with all the junk that keeps you believing negative things about yourself. No one is perfect so allow yourself time to heal, most importantly love yourself through it all.


The parasympathetic nervous system is our rest and relax nervous system, this helps us restore our nervous system from fight or flight mode.


Happy Humpday


⭐️ Book a session between April 1st and April 15th and get a half hour session for $35 dollars that’s a $10 savings. DM me to get on the calendar ⭐️


Reiki is a new concept to some people, others have heard about it but never tried it. I hope the information below helps you understand energy healing a little better.
Feel free to ask questions.. that’s how we learn🤓

If you’ve ever tried reiki let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Feelings of depression frustrated with life check in with your crown chakra, when our crown chakra is unbalanced we can have these feelings. Take a few minutes to breathe and say something nice to yourself just by doing those small things it can raise your vibration which helps with depression and feeling out of control.


Ever have days where your brain is all jumbled? Or where you don’t like to think “ outside the box”?
These are some signs of an unbalanced third eye


The throat chakra helps us speak our truth and helps us be our authentic self. Check in with yourself, are you speaking your truth? Are you assertive with confidence when you needed?


Our heart chakra is where we hold a lot of our negative energy towards others and the world around us.


Happy Friday!


Today’s chakra is the solar plexus. This is where we get our feeling of self love and confidence.


The sacral chakra is where we hold our emotions it is also where our sense of desire comes from. Our ego resides in this chakra which if unbalanced can cause chaos within our relationships including the one we have with ourselves.
Happy Hump Day… don’t forget to remind yourself how awesome you are today🤩


Since chakras are the energy centers of our spiritual power I thought I’d share a little about each one. Today we are starting with the root chakra, this is where we hold all our fears and insecurities.


Mondays can be hard.. just remember to show your self some love and good energy.
Affirmations are a great way to raise your vibration and elevate your mood.

Have a great week🤩


Here’s a quick breathing exercise you can try next time you’re feeling a bit anxious or stressed. Fun fact..Focusing on our breath helps regulate the nervous system and calm down the bodies fight or flight response.
