And so it is....

And so it is....

Just mindless rambles


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No edit…. I did not include notes as usual. You guys are going to have to figure placement. Please leave sceen mouth intact. Ok lets go:

She had really been in no mood for much of anything, her mind was somewhere far away most times. Not really mindlessly going about life but at times you might wonder. Life had always been an adventure of sorts however this trip would be very different.

As soon as she left the house for work, I started my mission. It was a nothing specific day, like birthdays or anniversaries,none the less, everyday is special. We challenge each other to come up with surprises, which is always fun because f**k knows what we will get into.

Everything flies off the bed. Sheets, pillows (her f**king pillows) everything to the mattress r***d off an into bags for the cleaners. Into the kitchen I rearrange our butcher block and chairs against the wall, as to leave nothing in the center of the room. Lastly, I go into the living room, typical Florida cracker house, the damn terrazzo floors, f**k, and make certain that as much sand that can be, is gone. Living on the limp dick (thats my pet name for the county we live in) you get sand everywhere even if you never go to the beach (yes there are people whom live here I swear have never seen sand but in their house) Seeing how I know what I am planning, well...the sand has to go. Readers note: making love on the beach is never a good idea.
With the basics completed I really start my day.
The weather has been s**t but that's not stopping me from going out in it. I have to drop the fur babies at the sitters, hit the market, the florist, XTC and Mazzaro’s. With that taking up the first half of my day and having a break, we meet for a lunchtime quickie. You know, just the 15minute workout, in the parking lot, where you hope St Petes’ finest doesn't walk up. Hell, thinking about that, we may have to go for that next time. Us, lewd and lascivious or public indecency , no, say it's not possible, too late for that this go round to find out.
She’s back to the office. Thinking of her power tripping gets me off. That's for another time.

With only a few hours left, I fly down 275 across the bridge to Gene’s Place for some crab, shrimp and snapper. While there I noticed this beat the f**k up shack, a miilon times there an had not noticed. Asked about it, I bought it. What till she sees this. Everyone is good-bye and hugs. That was kind of creepy and I felt the need to just spray every part of my body with lysol. Covid is a bitch an I would love to ‘throat punch’ it but I am way the f**k over here afraid of it.
Coming off 41 to hit the bridge at 80, home free, in time to get there before her but I can see as I incline I am going nowhere but to a crawl. F**k, what now? Oh lovely, its another jumper. S**t i was hoping it was the weather, I am going to be on this bitch for hours.
Sulking like a child about it, I thought about how she would be making fun of me and the best of the situation. So that's exactly what I did. The car, in park, we are not going anywhere for enough time, for her to slide her fingers in me. I turned the radio up, perfect timing as Enigma was on.
I slide down in my seat, enough, my fingers now hers an I let her do whatever. Slow strokes, gentle, easy, faster. Tasting her on my lips sends me over the top and right there on the Sunshine she made me cum. I could have gone another round but the jumper had long before jumped or had since changed their mind, as I heard a horn honk, realizing it was me, I laughed. I am just happy to be getting off and getting off this bridge. Soaring past most everyone, yes I am that as***le driver on 19 you want off your ass, I get to the house in plenty of time to off load all my treasurers for the day.
Tossing all the seafood in the sink (they always pack it in ice) Mazzaro's and market buy in the fridge, I yank up the flowers. I had ordered calla lilies for the kitchen, Bells of Ireland for the living room and 20 dozen white roses for the bedroom, which the roses are arranged first. I get the sheers and start lopping off rose heads, tearing them apart, tossing them all over the room. More rose heads fell until I had killed and stripped their petals apart, heavily covering the mattress. The entire room was covered in white silk of roses. They had to die for this so I am not feeling too bad about it.
In the kitchen, calla lilies are nestled in the red satin of our whipping box. Carefully placing it on top of the fridge, I sprint to the living room. I've but 2 hours, bells of Ireland are placed in the center of the room on the floor, just in a heap, laying there like some discarded w**d. I felt bad for the poor mess it looked but no matter, they too would be dead soon.
In the last hour I shower, shave everything, it's how she likes it, and from head to toe cover myself in rainbow dust, hence XTC. Getting dressed consists of nothing more than my black platform mary-janes and my UK themed apron, so that was simple.
Bathroom cleaned form that f**k all mess, onto dinner. Mazzaros is a must have when you are in no mood to cook but want to feel like you have. Getting the braised ribs and scalloped potatoes out along with the lavender shortbreads, I place them, neatly, on the floor and cover them. To the seafood, I am not touching that until she walks in the door, timing is everything.
One last check around, what had I forgotten? Music! I start screaming at ‘Computer’ (Alexas new name)to play some something le***an, like that was going to happen..what did happen however is Egyptian Lover, Egypt started playing. DIving in the lyrics list I see why, the sound is awful however, so I scream shut-up. I settle on Le Roi Est Mort, Vive La Roi, yum. The Die Cast sounds like rope being pulled taunt, my mind darts to the time she had my hands tied behind my back, the rope looped up around my neck, on my knees, I can't think about that right now, I have to finish up, whatever it is I am missing. Scene set? Flowers yes, food yes, music, me, what is it? No matter, I take my hair down in hopes she will hold onto it.
She's due in 10 minutes and then, yum.
One last check, whatever I've missed, I'm certain it will be just fine.

She pulls in the drive, gets in a fight with something in her front passenger seat, like a fly, composes herself and then just sits there. I know what she’s thinking, I am going to be in the pool, naked. waiting. Not this go. I just let her sit there, I go to the bar, in the kitchen and pour her a glass of wine.

I didn’t hear her when she came in, at first, I kept my back to her and said:
“Not late, this time, I see”?
No time to turn and face her she was right against my body, whispering ‘I want to f**k you’ in my ear. I have the height advantage and take it. I arch back to her,turning my head back, kissing her lips, turning to face her all at once. Still kissing her, my hand instantly finds the button on her slacks , open it goes. I slide my hand every so slowly, just barely to her lips, touching softly, teasing. I refuse to give in right now so I flip her around, against the bar, hard, my fingers slam into her, harder each time until Ive managed to f**k her right on top of the cold marble top. Wine is everywhere.
“ No cu***ng “ I whisper
I know what she wants, and as soon as she opens her mouth to mention she wants a shower, I shove my finger in her mouth so she has to shut up.
Then we kiss, long deep passionately . Running her finger through my hair, down my back, her hands across my hips, kissing.
Pulling away from her mouth, just staring at her eyes, one more taste of her mouth.
‘Want more wine, I need to clean this up’? I tip her glass up in her direction.
‘Yes, please’
She could just f**king make me cm with her voice. Smiling, pouring another glass and handing it to her, I kiss her again , then make it over to the fridge.

I wasn't going to get freaky with the cheese wiz, or the whipped cream or even ice cream. No, this was something far more interesting. I carried the bright red yumminess over to her, looking, ‘What’s this”? She whispers.
‘Just taste’ She puts her finger in the bowl, then to her mouth. I am fixed the entire time.
“Just use me like a giant cracker” I tell her. I get the odd look I knew I would, however we had talked about food play in the past, and this was my call. I knew she’d love it, raspberry jalapeno coulis. Oh yeah.
I top off her glass and pour myself one. To the living room we go. She led me over to the Bells. Motions as to what is this, I shrugged and smiled. I told her we should be next to ‘it’. We do.
Sitting in silence, listening to the music, smiling at each other. She sits her glass on the floor next to her, takes mine and does the same, leans in further, kissing me.
‘You know you are in trouble’ she smiles as she says it.
‘Umm Hmm’ I can barely reply.
Pulling me over to her, then on top, calmly says ‘Daddy missed you more than usual today and now this, you must really want me to f**k you hard’.
I have to look away, I feel like I could explode right then however no telling what trouble that may lead to, maybe I should be ‘bad’ more often.
Nothing is said we don’t need to… Still on top,reaching between my thighs, I start fi*****ng myself . This doesn't last but a few seconds as she flips me over in one move. Firmly on top of me, just looking at my mouth, face, eyes, drinking me in, Then there’s the smile. Oh f**k, here we go.
Pushing between my thighs harder to fit right in next to me. That f**king button hitting my c**t harder and harder, then dead stop. Coulis and fingers in me at once. The intense power and heat swimming over my entire body. I can’t move, transfixed on this pleasure and pain. I can feel the tears running down my face as over and over again, in and out, faster, almost time.
Before I know it, I am on my knees being shoved from behind to ‘bend down’. Which I do but then I feel my body being je**ed upright by my hair. I just freeze. Ah, the prop has now been spotted for what it is. The bells found their way around my neck. The thorns dug in my skin hard enough to draw blood. Breath on the back of my neck as I am being shoved furth into the floor, any movement at all and the bells dig in harder, again I feel my tears wet my face, I can save nothing. Move hips are pushed in the air, high, legs shoved apart, I know better than to move. Leaving me exposed, just there, open wide, unable to protect myself or know what was about to happen. I hear sounds coming from the hall or bedroom, I can’t tell but the footsteps followed by one loud breath and there, it happened. One thrust and I was completely filled by her c**k all the way to the balls. My mind is screaming as loud as I have ever, but not a sound. Just take it, find enjoyment. All the way out and back in again, this is a new one. Slowing down, pushing my hips toward the floor, she yanks me back on her hips one more time. ‘I need to cum’ she says, That's it I am hitting the roof, no holding back, so sexy..turning around to face her, while going back in me, she grabs the bells off my neck, tosses them away, kisses me, says ‘I love you baby girl’ and begins to kiss my neck. Slowly, until she tastes me, I feel her mouth heat up and her jaw move to better her mouth to take from me. My hands to her head, I don't want her to stop but I have other plans, I pull her head back, kiss her, whisper ‘Take me to bed’.

Fumbling down the hall, kissing, touching, we make it and just fall on the bed. Petals everywhere. Instantly her body is on top of me, her hand holding my chin back up, so she can taste me again. I am ready, this time won't be like anytime before, this time is very different. ‘I’m ready’ I whisper. An just like a searing icy hot dagger of pure pain, pure lust, pure hate, she synced her teeth on my skin until her teeth met together inside me. An at that moment all the pure ugly faded. Floods of pure love, desire, beauty, grace, and fulfillment washed away the other away, gone from us. I realized I had been saying ‘I love you’ over and over, there are her tears. I feel her breaking apart and coming back together. She’s almost there, so I asked her to let me taste, taking her finger to her mouth, not stopping, she drops a little blood on her finger and feeds me. I am about to cm and she slides her c**k in me, slow. That’s it right there… Ripping her mouth away, arching herself back, so she can push into me, I see a small amount of blood down her chin, when she leans in to kiss me, I lick it first. Kissing, tasting, the room spinning. I see my blood on the petals, the music plays, I hear us breathing, saying how much we love each other, then silence. The most beautiful silence known. Our hearts stop at the same time while the chaos of heaven parts away. We just lay there, tangled up, I see the blood running down my chest and have her clean it up an in doing so, gives me a chance to slide her into me. Straddling her, all inside me, leaning down to kiss her, she grabs me by the back of the head and says ‘Take’ while pushing my mouth on her chest. Her hands on my hips guiding me up and back and forth and down. I feel her heart, there's no turning back, my mouth finding the place to be, I clamp my jaw shut. ‘Baby girl’ I hear. The iron rushed into my mouth, more and more, still not enough, I’d waited long enough for her. I know she's about to cm in me, I can tell by how she sounds and feels. I’m not ready to stop yet but the reality I need to slow down if we are ever going to have dinner and play with the whipping box.


This is draft 2 of Nowhere Last Night
The day, what is there to be said of it except it’s here.
I had been to Dali many times for the late open for c**ktails and some such. I went every Thursday, this one started off just the same. Walking around, waiting for favorite bench to be open, a movie moment happened. The room had possibly 50 guest and of them all the was Atlas, looking like youd think Atlas would look like, strong but tired. Something about this situation called to me to investigate further. Crossing the room I settled right in, ordered my wine an with intent made my small talk. Atlas we available , thats all I needed to know. I would have bought her a drink but we both had VIP, unlimited anything. So I did the next thing, invited her to my place after the gallery closes, ‘yes’. A few more minutes of small talk an I see my bench is open. I tell Atlas I must go but she could come with me. I normally just sit there in silence, looking at this amazing apocalyptic painting, Atlas has a different plan.

My black flare dress seems to be the perfect choice for the night as she starts slowly sliding her hand under the hem. Ever so slow as to draw no attention as she slides her hand up over my thigh. Resting her hand right at my hair line. A few sips on our drinks and she was sliding her hand further, sitting directly next to ma, she with ease pushes between my thighs, her middle finger slowly rubbing my c**t. She looks over at me as she leans in to whisper in my ear pushing her finger in me, whisping, ‘Yes’ Leaning back, pulling her hand completely back, she licks her finger.
‘Do you want to wait till close’? She purred
‘No’ I quickly said.

It took us an hour to make it to my place, I live off Cherry 10 minutes away? We found that drivers side seat actually lays back in the perfect position for the driver to be rode. So we took her car, nowhere fast except am organism. She had dressed hoping to run across me and I was to happy to entertain her huge c**k. This is a challenge I look to win an we did… As soon as I started sliding down her, trying to fit her all in me, we both started cuming...staying on top of her I keep going until I feel both of us right that point again, slowing way down. I pull as far out as I can and slam back on top of her until she fills me up. When I hear her coming and feel it..I flood everything. Out of breath, I collapse on her..I lay crumpled in her arms with her still inside me for a few minutes longer. Pulling her out of me I plopp in the passenger seat and laugh.


it's time....
IF i have to disclose on what your about to read you may just want to go over

So here is what I am working on…(this is my actual paper to type rough )

(Tender soft lips, locking
Green amber to green amber, locking
Fingers exploring, unlocking
Legs spreading, unlocking

Watching as we fall
Sliding in there
We become lost in Nowhere.

Take from my heart
Let me leave my mark

We are one as meant to be.)

Soft write.. ‘Nowhere’ 7/7/21

My fingers twisted in her hair, pushing her mouth hard on my wet p***y. She had already made me cm by just telling me to, now I seek a higher release, i must feel her cum. I let go, she went wild. Bitting, pulling, tugging, sucking and just as I thought i were to explode she slammed her fingers into me.Instantly she took me over the top. On and relentless, the more I came the more she made love to me. She has my body so arched that only the top of my shoulders are still on bed an as soon as i think she is going to release, she pushes me , hard, down, her body slams mine. She is sexy to watch, fixing on her, shes turning me into a frenzy. Sexy that she smiles when its good.both spinning..faster, deeper, pushing all the way in me..pounding me with all the strength … no matter she doesnt stop… i sq**rt everywhere , more pounding, even harder.. An there was the smile again with this little laugh...frantic deep in me...filling me full.. The sounds she makes takes me there… my orgasisms crashing one after another as she keeps f**king me. The room is spinning… and then..she explodes...directly on top of me...shaking...still slowly playing, in an out.Slightly pulling away from me so we can look into each others eyes, I see my beautiful wife. Rolling over on top of her...whispering, Are you ready?... Yes… I start making love to her..deep kisses, slow strokes in an out, pushing her open a little more each time. So wet and she smells so good , tightening up some, I know she is getting ready… my lips find the way to her neck, Softly kissing I follow the path to her heart….looking up at her, she grabs the back of my head ..pressing my mouth into her. Gently sucking and licking until I feel her skin start to swell. She’s starts cu***ng at the moment my teeth piece her… spasama running across us both.. She screams my name while I’m drinking from her, my fingers in her...I feel mine returning but I don't want to stop she feels and taste so good. Pouring her soul into me, the tears start to flow… I stop and kiss her lips, telling her it will be okay. Worried I had hurt her, i too started crying. She whispers I Love You. Holding me tight she rolled me under her...kissing my lips..tasting herself….an as I had done to her, she followed. She took as much as she wanted, cu***ng along the way, she could bite me again if she wanted, she did. As I felt her teeth dig deep an she hit the mark, my body jolted, tears streaming down my face…..our bodies are alive in a way weve not known. Her fingers are electric on my skin…. Running my finger across her jaw line, tilting her mouth toward mine...the first kiss after…

the energy starts surging..we are both finger finds my mark..feeling it, its perfect… kiss there again I say, kiss there anytime you want…
I taste you one last time. Wrapping our bodies together, to hold one another, just there, in the moment, lost in Nowhere.

Needs a lot of work but writers block gone after almost 2 years....( of this nature) So no I am not asking for grammar I am more interested in does it flow threw or is it choppy read?


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