Davis Racing

Davis Racing

Davis Racing is a race team from Carnegie, Oklahoma. The Team consist of Drivers, Sierra Davis (17), and Logan Davis (15). Davis Racing is a Family Ran Team.

Both Drivers are in their 3rd year of competition. We believe in teaching moral values to our Drivers both on and off of the track. We believe in establishing and strongly representing these values within the Racing Community. We above all enjoy a positive and close relationship with Race Fans! We are always seeking potential Sponsors to become Partners with Davis Racing. We guarantee a positive experience that promotes both Our Sponsor, and Davis Racing.

Timeline photos 30/07/2014

Coincidence? I think not!


Get the Snake & Mongoose Movie here:


Logan will be headed to I44 this weekend for Nationals! Sierra will not be able to arrive until late Saturday, but wants to be there to support Jeramiah! We are looking forward to some great weather and great racing!


We will be loading up and traveling east this weekend. We will be at Outlaw Speedway on Friday and at Port on Saturday! We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Jeramiah Green 18J- Racin' for a Cure Debut 07-19-2014 22/07/2014

A very special Young Man and the Newest Member to The Racing Family!!

Jeramiah Green 18J- Racin' for a Cure Debut 07-19-2014


Davis Racing will be traveling to OKC tonight to support the Inaugural Race of Jeramiah Green! We will be leaving the cars at home and lending our support to our #1 Fan! Jeramiah has been a large supporter of ours and Davis Racing is proud to support him in his first Jr Sprint Race! We would like to invite everyone to come and see this special Young Mans dreams come true! A courageous battle with cancer has taught us all how to keep going when we think we can't! We Love You Champ and are very proud of You!!!!!!!!!

Untitled album 02/07/2014

A great/bad weekend of racing. We raced at Outlaw Speedway in Muskogee Friday night. Logan had a very good run going. He was in 3rd and pressing 2nd. We had a reoccuring issue with his throttle sticking and he had to drop out. Sierra ran good and had a little tie up that tore off her front bumper. All in all we came away really impressed with Outlaw Speedway! It is a very nice facility and we plan to return. It was great to see alot of people that we knew there! Saturday Morning we went to Tulsa to see Frank at RPM to effect some repairs. With the weather outlook we decided to go to I44 instead of Port. At I44 Logan started inside 2nd row. The pole car spun out on the start causing the next 3 cars (including Logan) to pile up. Logan sustained damage to his front end and didnt have enough control on the car to continue. So he took it to the pits. Sierra was hit in the side by a car coming through the infield and took on severe damage. So looking back I wish that we would have continued home! LOL! If only we had a crystal ball! We have decided to spend more time on the east side of the state racing at Outlaw in Muskogee and Port in Tulsa. We will be trying to repair the cars for the 2 day race at Port next weekend. We are hoping to have Champ and Family as Our Pit Guest at the event.


We have the cars ready and will be at I44 this weekend! Sierra is back in her car and Logan's car has been converted to A Class. We are looking forward to seeing The Racing Family again this weekend.


It was great to see the Racing Family at I44 again. Logan wasn't with us tonight, but Sierra was back on the track. Sierra has some really good runs but was damaged early in the A Feature and had to return to the pits. After everything that she has been through the last couple of months it was great to see her back in her car! Great job tonight Sierra and we will work on it and be ready for the next one! Happy Fathers Day to all of the Dads out there!!!!

Untitled album 15/05/2014

Logan driving A Class

Powri "Belleville Bash" 13/05/2014

Joe Hoener Belle-Clair Speedway


Big week this week! Sierra graduates and gets ready for her next big step at OU! We appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers sent for her! We are hoping to have news this week. Doneitta and I have learned to appreciate the fact that racing is just a sport and that the wellness and health of Our Kids is a million times more important! I would ask that we all take time to make sure that we prioritize! Racing is just a sport that we a blessed to be part of. We are many times more blessed to be Moms and Dads! Again, Thanks to everyone for Your concern and prayers.


As usual We were happy to be with the Race Family again last weekend! It was especially cool to spend Jeramiahs Birthday with him! I was however bewildered by some of the issues on the track. I watched the wreck in the restrictor class in I Race TV. This wreck practically took out or damaged half of the field. My puzzlement and question was shared by many of the Race Family watching. Why after 2-3 laps were completed were we ligned back up for an original restart? The field had alread ligned out and alot of passing had happened. The start was clean and everything looked good. Then there was a caution and the original restart called. This was when the big one happened. None of us could understand why we dropped back into an original start. There was alot of damage caused by this decision. Not to mention the risk to our young drivers. We saw it happen again in the A Class. For the safety of Our Drivers We depend on sound calls. I know that everyone is only human and can make mistakes, but we need more correct calls than wrong ones. My question would be... Did the scorers loose control/track or did someone override them? We pay and invest alot of money to be in this sport. I also watch as the same drivers week after week crash (literally) their way through the pack. I know there is bumping in racing and expect it. But when the same drivers knock cars to the side and take them out week after week... come on! This is not racing and I routinely use the videos to show my drivers how not to drive! Yet all they ever get is a rolled up black flag pointed at them week after week. We and the fans are the customers and deserve a fair and controlled track. I know that running a track is not easy, but please consider Our Drivers/Teams.

