Arnold Wellness Design

Arnold Wellness Design

Sharing our homeschooling journey. Just a mom doing my best in this wild adventure of homeschooling. No day is the same.

Follow for tips, encouragement, and a dose of reality on what it's like to parent and homeschool neurodivergent, and medically complex kids. But I'm not "just" a momβ€”I'm also a fierce advocate for the beauty of diversity and the power of embracing every unique ability. I'm teaching my kids in a way that celebrates who they are in all their splendid uniqueness. Inclusive Finds is our little corner


Every. Single. Year


Happy Easter to all who celebrate!


Springtime is trampoline time!

Jumping and being active on a trampoline can help kids process sensory information better, improve their balance, and even boost their concentration.


Coffee. Lots of it.


Just a little reminder of something pretty awesome about the homeschooling journey.

We get this unique chance to meet our kids exactly where they are, both academically and emotionally. No rushing, no pressure to keep up with the class, just pure, tailored learning.

Struggling with math? We can take it slow, find resources that click, and celebrate those lightbulb moments, no matter how long they take.

And on those days when the world feels a bit too much, we can put the books down and focus on what really matters - their wellbeing.


One of our favorite Dollar Store finds!

Homeschooling doesn’t have to break the bank! Seriously, you can score some amazing finds without spending a fortune. πŸŒˆπŸ’Έ

First off, the Dollar Store is like a hidden treasure chest for supplies. From craft materials to workbooks, you’d be surprised at what you can snag for just a buck (or a buck twenty-five now). 🎨

Walmart is a goldmine for affordable basics and beyond. You can stock up on everything from pencils to poster boards and keep your budget happy. πŸ›’

And let’s not forget the wonders of Facebook Marketplace and used curriculum sales. You can find books, educational games, and even science kits at a fraction of the cost. It’s all about keeping an eye out for those deals and being a bit savvy. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’Ό

So, before you worry about the financial side of homeschooling, remember these budget-friendly havens.
With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can give your kids an enriching education without emptying your wallet.


Happy Taco Tuesday!!


This is geared toward people in the United States, but if you're considering homeschooling in another country, the first step is to thoroughly research the local education laws and regulations, as they can vary greatly from one place to another. I understand that, unfortunately, in some areas, homeschooling is not legal.

Look into the specific requirements for homeschooling in your country or region, such as registration processes, curriculum standards, and assessment procedures.

It's also a good idea to connect with local homeschooling groups or networks, as they can offer invaluable advice, resources, and support based on firsthand experience.

Understanding the legal framework and building a community around you can lay a strong foundation for a successful homeschooling journey wherever you are!


She may be non verbal but the attitude is still strong with this one...


When we look at a person with disabilities and decide what they can or can't do just based on a label or a diagnosis, it's like we're not really seeing them.

It's like picking up a book, glancing at the cover, and thinking you know the whole story.


Games have become a HUGE part of our learning adventure. It's like, why stick to the traditional when you can learn math with a board game or conquer history through role-play?

We've seen how games can deepen their understanding and build skills in the most fun way possible. Plus, it's a win-win when learning feels like playtime, right?

So, if you're looking for a way to mix up the learning routine or support your child's unique learning journey, throwing some games into the mix might just be the game-changer you need.

Here are two of mine playing one of our favorites- PieFace!


Ever find yourself in those endless debates about homeschooling or how you're raising your kiddo with disabilities? Yeah, been there. But here's the thing – it's just not worth it. Our energy? Way better spent elsewhere.

We all know we're making these choices out of pure love and what's best for our little ones. Every step we take is carefully thought out to give them a learning journey that's as unique as they are. 🌈✨

So, let's not waste our breath on the naysayers. Instead, let's pour all that energy into our kids – helping them grow, learn, and shine in their own awesome way. Their smiles, their progress, that's the real win.


Today marks the beginning of our favorite season for learning outside!

Spring is the perfect time for a sensory garden project, feeling the textures of soil and seeds and smelling the fresh promise of flowers to come. It's a hands-on lesson in science, patience, and the joy of growth.

It's also great for a nature scavenger hunt, tailored to each child's interests and abilities, to explore the vibrant changes this season brings. It's amazing how much learning happens when we simply observe the world around us.

Spring, we're ready for all the lessons you have in store. πŸ’š


Counting down the days until it's warm enough to go fishin' 🐟🌞


I have never seen something so accurate!

This is one of the things I love best about homeschooling. It allows my kids to learn in their own way, in their own time, and also focus on the things they are interested in so they will be more motivated to learn.


SlÑinte! 🍺


I can't belive that in 2024 I even have to address this, but here we are....

Using the word 're****ed' as an insult is not only outdated but deeply hurtful.

This term, once used clinically, has evolved into a slang that diminishes the experiences and dignity of people with intellectual disabilities. It's a word that, intentionally or not, spreads negativity and perpetuates stigma.

TLDR version- don't say better.


When you homeschool, you can do your work wherever you want!


Wishing everyone a stress-free day! is there such a thing when you have kids?


Happy Pi Day!


Accurate AF!

I'll take a quiet day at home with the people I love most any day of the week...and homeschooling has been such a blessing in this regard.


For those who might not be familiar, stimming (or self-stimulatory behavior) is a common way individuals with autism and other sensory processing differences express themselves and manage sensory input. It can be anything from flapping hands, rocking, to spinning objects.

In the traditional classroom setting, these behaviors can often be misunderstood, misjudged, or even suppressed, leaving our kiddos feeling anxious or out of place.

Having two kids who stim routinely, I can tell you that from experience.

Homeschooling offers a safe environment where our kids can be themselves, stimming included, without fear of judgment or reprimanded. Here, stimming isn't just allowed; it's embraced as part of their unique way of experiencing the world. It's about adapting to their needs, not the other way around.

In our home, we celebrate these differences rather than viewing them as something to be 'fixed.' It's a place where learning goes hand-in-hand with being true to oneself, where comfort and personal growth lead the way.


Tell me your kids have sensory issues without telling me they have sensory issues.

This is an everyday occurrence here. If the clothes have tags, they're put on inside out 🀣🀣

Thankfully a lot of brands like The Children's Place have started coming out with tagless tops but now that my kids are older we've had a more difficult time finding tagless stuff.


I'm not the only one who does this, right?


Who else has had some stranger give you the stink eye and some unsolicited advice in public?πŸ™‹β€β™€

There are so many reasons a kid could be melting down or acting up. They may be:
Overwhelmed by noise or crowds
Anxious about the environment
or too many other reasons to list.

It's not anyone else's place to judge. Just focus on your child, giving them comfort and keeping them safe, and remember that you're doing your best in a situation that others may never understand.


Love me some books! Although lately it's been audiobooks because I love listening to them when I'm in the car or doing housework.

My current listen is "Still Just a Geek" by Wil Wheaton.

What books have you read and loved lately?


Navigating the world of parenting in the digital age can feel like walking a tightrope, especially when it comes to screen time. It's one of those topics that's as polarizing as pineapple on pizza! πŸπŸ•

We've all been there, trying to find that perfect balance, reading article after article, and still wondering if we're doing it right.

In our household, we've evolved our approach as our kids have grown into teenagers. We've let go of strict screen time limits, trusting them to make their own choices. And you know what? It's been a revelation. 🌟

Screens have become more than just a source of entertainment; they're gateways to knowledge, windows to new worlds, and tools for learning that we could have only dreamed of at their age.

We've seen firsthand how technology can enrich education, spark curiosity, and even inspire new passions. From online courses to educational apps, the resources available at their fingertips are truly astounding. It's a reminder that screens aren't just digital babysitters but can be instrumental in our children's learning journey.

But here's the thing - what works for one family may not work for another, and that's okay. πŸ’–

Each child is unique, and as parents, we're all doing our best with the tools and knowledge we have. Let's give ourselves and each other a little grace. In the end, we all want what's best for our kids, and sometimes that means embracing the screens, sometimes it means setting boundaries, and always, it means loving them through every click and swipe.

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Julia Rothman's illustrated anatomy books! Each page is packed with beautifully detailed illustrations that make explori...
