Terah Belle

Terah Belle

Terah🌎 Indy🌻 Birdy🕊 B🐝 sharing our journey through Down syndrome, cancer/transplant, & healing 💗


Andy Grammer 🫶🏼🤟🏻😭 I would like to hug every single person at this show who sang to me and B. I did get to hug Andy Grammer. The most incredible + special experience that I’m still in shock over. Full story coming next! The tears on B’s cheeks just really get me 😭 we miss our baby. But we are gonna be alright.
Thank you for lifting us up by the thousands!

Photos from Terah Belle's post 05/06/2023

2 years of missing you, Indy Llew 🧡 Our brave, adorable, necklace twirling girl. The wound is still so raw it feels like it was just yesterday. And in the same breath, it feels like a lifetime since we’ve held her in our arms. Today holds a lot of pain for us. But all day I’ve been thinking about the beauty of this day for Indy. The day she went back home✨ completely whole and healed. I imagine her transition was full of promise & peace, and overwhelming love. While I can hardly bear to live without her here I am happy for her. All I ever wanted for her was her health and happiness. Now she is free 🦋 And she is the most incredible angel.
Please keep showing us you are near Indy Llew, we need you and we love you.
🧡💜✨🦋🤞🏻 #1111

Photos from Terah Belle's post 18/01/2023

Oh my goodness, Facebook fam! After one full year of being hacked I think I have gotten my page back!
If you haven’t been following on my backup page you’ve missed a lot- we are having a baby boy 💙 a gift from our angel. I am due any day now and we are excited to welcome him into our family.
Grateful to be back on my FB page!
Much love 🫶🏼

Watch this reel by terahbelle on Instagram 16/05/2022

Birdy runs her first Spartan race!! 💪🏻 She blew us away with her determination, strength, and joy while running. She even asked to do it again the next day, and she did! After she finished my dad said “it’s like she knew exactly who and what she was running for. Indy was running right next to her!” 😭💜🤞🏻 of course.
All the cousins ran for Indy and it was truly the cutest + most special & heartwarming experience.

We are so proud of you Birdy! We love you and Indy Llew too!

Watch this reel by terahbelle on Instagram Terah 🌎 Indy 🌻 Birdy 🕊 B 🐝 () added a video to their Instagram account: “Birdy runs her first Spartan race!! 💪🏻 She blew us away with her determination, strength, and joy…”


Hi Facebook fam! I haven’t been very present here and I apologize, my page was hacked again 😭 and it is still hacked. I have posting privileges this time, so it seems like Its not hacked but someone else has control and is using my page to make money 😖 I haven’t had the energy to deal with it… so I just took a break from posting. I will do my best to see if I can get my page back again (all attempts so far have been unsuccessful) but in the meantime, you can go follow my new backup page Terah Belle (). Love you all!


There’s a way 🫶🏼

It has been harder than I could ever express here, our entire world crumbled when we lost Indy and we realized if we didn’t continue to fight really hard in life, we would lose our marriage too. It’s hard to fight when you’re deep in grief but we’ve realized it comes down 2 things- Grace and Time.
Clarity comes with time.
Love renews with time.
Grace helps you through the turbulence of time.

Tears flowed freely last night & so did the smiles. We had fun together and we also grieved- together. It’s a really hard thing to do. Lately, I feel proud of us for how we’re surviving this.
At the end of the day B is the only other parent on the planet who knows what it’s like to have lost Indy. We need each other.
There’s a way 🧡

Photos from Terah Belle's post 01/05/2022

Bucket list item: ✔️
Trevor Hall at the Red Rock amphitheater in Denver! It was beautiful and soul-nourishing. There were elements that were also really hard. Indy loved his music & could be caught regularly lip syncing to her favorite- ‘Green mountain state’ 🧡 His music has been a big part of our journey so it cracked our hearts wide open. We miss our girl so much. We took our time to feel, cry, and open up to the pain but mostly, we had a great time together. [[It was needed]]
We felt her close. She showed us some pretty cool signs of her presence 💜🧡🦋
We’re continuing to walk the line of joy and pain + heaven and earth. The lines are thin…. and challenging. They collide often. Thankfully (divinely), the line that separates heaven and earth only gets thinner when someone you love so much lives on the other side.

We love you Dindy Woo & can’t wait to get home to your sisso!

Trevor Hall

Photos from Terah Belle's post 30/04/2022

Hello from Capitol Hill! It’s been an exciting few days over here. I’ve been in Washington DC with my Beautycounter family, meeting with members of congress across the U.S., advocating for reform of the beauty + personal care industry. There hasn’t been reform since 1938! Thousands of chemicals have been brewed up and added to our products since then and there is almost no regulation.
It was empowering to lift my voice and ask for change. It was also really hard, to share my story and the reason I am so passionate about this. My baby girl ❤️ It’s more personal then ever. My baby deserved better. Our future generations deserve better. Children shouldn’t get cancer.
Our environment and our home products MATTER. Everything we put on our skin goes in our body. Chemicals that we breathe in travel from our lungs to our blood stream to our organs. Some of these chemicals enter our bodies and they NEVER LEAVE.
So we are fighting for what we deserve as humans- Safety and transparency in the products we use (now who can I meet with about the food industry 😂)

It was a nourishing experience to advocate alongside so many incredible women. I was taken in and comforted as I shared my hard story. I made many good friends. And I feel like earning this trip was a gift from God + Indy in such a hard time in my life.
Swipe to see some of the fun & read the back of the bus!
If you’ve supported me in Beautycounter I want to thank you- You are the reason I made it here.

Photos from Terah Belle's post 21/04/2022

I’ve been trying to suppress the heavy emotion surrounding all the one year marks that are upon us. But today it hit me hard, as a memory popped up on my screen that reminded me…Today was the day we were told Indy had cancer in her abdomen and along her spine, and they suspected she had 2 weeks left to live. There are no words that could describe what that felt like, which is why the memory of it is so difficult. But I wanted to share the angelic nature of Indy and how she handled that day.

We were given the news out in the hall while Indy stayed in the room. I fell apart, then tried to pull myself together before going back in to be with her. But she knew… she felt it. I sat beside her in the hospital bed and snuggled her as tight as I could. Tears fell quietly from my eyes. She looked up at me with caring love in her eyes and said, “mommy cryning?” Then she wiped my tears with her precious little fingers 🥺 I told her I was sad but that I would be ok. “Oh, mommy be ok”. She smiled, and I started to cry harder. She looked at me for several seconds, then said, “sorry, mommy”. At that moment I felt like I was communicating with the wisdom of Indy’s spirit. She knew exactly what was happening, and she was sorry. She was worried about her mommy. Her angelic nature so gentle and pure.

As I read my journal entry from this day last year it stood out to me that in such a hopeless moment, I told Indy I was going to be ok. I know she needed to hear it. She needed reassurance that we would be ok if she left. I had the strength to tell her that, and now I need to keep my word. I need to try and be ok for Indy.

The next couple of months are going to be hard for our family as we relive the hardest anniversaries. It is a true, physiologic change that takes place as your mind and body remember. If you are in a similar place in your life, please know we see you and you are not alone.
Thank you for continuing to support us with love and thank you for remembering Indy! We love hearing how you see her in your lives still.

Love you Dindy 🧡


I went in Indy’s room and prayed over and over for comfort & peace. I asked her and God to let me know I was going to [survive] and be ok. I left the house, drove for 60 seconds then saw…. this beautiful pair of angel wings- amongst the purples and oranges of a gorgeous morning sunrise🧡💜
This is one of several pairs of angel wings Indy has left us, and this is the start of my series of telling you about them. I feel deeply grateful for the divine experiences Indy + God share with me. Thank you Indy Llew. Always here for me in my hardest moments.

Photos from Terah Belle's post 17/04/2022

Happy Easter! 🐰🌸
I hope you never get sick of throwback pictures because it still feels really wrong to post photos without her in them. Especially surrounding holiday’s.
This was 2 years ago in 2020, and it was the best Easter of our lives! We found out the day after Easter that Indy no longer had any cancer cells in her body, after she was given a few weeks to live. She was getting stronger and healthier, and the veil has never been so thin for us. It almost felt non-existent.
It was truly the miracle of a lifetime.
Proof that miracles still happen today.
But sometimes the miracle isn’t permanent.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
The greatest gift we have in this life is time- and even one extra day with Indy is a miracle to me 💗

Thank you for giving me a space where I can share my thoughts and our story, thank you for reading. I hope you all have a beautiful Easter weekend! ✨🦋


When Birdy woke up this morning I told her that the Easter bunny had come and she said, “oh no I wanted to pet him mom!” ☺️

We had such a fun morning together. I know Indy is watching and is happy we are happy today. If you’re ever feeling down, turn on some music and dance it out!
Happy Easter Fam 🐰


She’s got that sass factor doowwn doesn’t she 💯🎯
Some of my favorite things are happening right now- Cherry blossoms, tulips, and Holy Week! I think it’s the most beautiful + meaningful time of year. While all of it feels difficult without Indy it also feels more personal. When you go through something like we’ve been through- trauma, cancer, loss, child loss…. Everything you’ve ever believed and known gets poured out on the table, laid out in front of you for question & evaluation. I have a lot of questions. But I’m learning that questions are good. I am growing & evolving. I see things differently. Growth is painful but it is most necessary! And despite my questions I know that Jesus is the man & I need His teachings in my life. So I’ll be celebrating him big this week (binge watching & reading ‘Jesus & The Essenes’ for the second time!)

I would love to hear what things you do for Easter, Passover, Holy Week, and all the things (Or none of the things!) I value all perspectives and belief systems & love to hear about different traditions. What makes this time of year special to you?


Indy’s first Easter 🐰💗 2017. Look at all that squish! She was the softest snuggliest baby of all time.

We had our first Easter egg hunt of the year today. Indy LOVED hunting for eggs so much, that in the year of 2020 when we were all locked down, we had egg hunts almost daily for a month. It brought us all so much joy! Both girls couldn’t get enough & it was great physical therapy for Indy as she was healing from transplant.
Today was bittersweet. It hurt to only take Birdy’s Easter bucket from the bin, and leave Indy’s. It’s the little unexpected things that hit the hardest. I cried, then Indy sent me butterflies to let me know I wasn’t really doing anything without her. With how much she loved hunting for eggs she was surely right there guiding her sisso.
It’s not always easy to see the beautiful side of this story. Sometimes it hurts far too much. But I always feel better when I look at things in positive light, and remind myself that even though Indy isn’t physically in front of me she is ALWAYS right beside me.
In the words of B- we are not victims. This is our story. And Indy is still very much alive.
Let’s remember that 💗🤞🏻

Dindy Woo, we love you!
And I sad a hip-hop- a hippie to the hippie to the hip hop hop 🐰


We watched the documentary for the first time right alongside you, and wow. It shook us! It was beautifully done and such a powerful reminder of Indy’s impact. I am exhausted from crying and processing but I am grateful. Her life story is heartbreaking but completely beautiful. Thank you for watching and sending us your love yesterday. It has meant so much. You can still watch through the link I shared in my last post
We went to ‘Indy’s park’ after the airing to congratulate her on a job well done 😌 we are so proud of our beautiful girl.
Indy Llew, the world loves you!

The Indy Effect 03/04/2022

Here is the YouTube link for Indy’s documentary tomorrow! You can watch it live with us or watch it later if the time doesn’t work for you. Thank you all for sharing and for your support + love!

The Indy Effect Influencer and blogger Terah Belle Jones broke the news to her Instagram followers that her 5-year-old daughter Indy Llew Jones had passed away following a b...


Coming this Sunday…. “The Indy Effect” 🧡✨🎈
It has been an honor working on this beautiful project for our girl. I hope you have the opportunity to watch, share, and take in the miracle that is her story. A story that so many of YOU- are a part of.
Indy Llew, we love you 😌

Sunday 4/3 at 12:00pm, mountain standard time, on KSL tv. For those who don’t have access to that channel you can live stream it on the KSL app, and there will also be a YouTube link available after the airing. I will post more details as it approaches.

We will be watching this for the first time right along side you on Sunday! This 30 second clip tears me up and I’m not sure how I will make it through the whole documentary, but I trust my angel will be proudly watching with me. I know she has been busy orchestrating the details of this project from where she is now ☺️

Thank you KSL 5 TV for honoring our girl 🧡

Photos from Terah Belle's post 31/03/2022

I’ve been having way too much fun with this. One of the few pictures I have of myself as a child, but putting it next to my girls, wow! What do you think? Do you think they look like me? Like…. Twins right. Especially Birdy. She is so much my twin that it often freaks my parents out. And Indy…. It goes to show that Down syndrome doesn’t stop you from looking just like your family 💗
Swipe to see all my creations with me + Indy + Birdy 😂 [[filling up a speckle of the empty space]]
They are my girls forever, through and through, and they look like me too 🧡


I think the hardest questions to be asked now will forever be- do you have kids? how many? Do you just have this one or are there others?
Anytime the question is asked, the stranger on the other side of the conversation just cracked me right open. Unsolicited tears accompany my answer every time, as I tell them I have 2 beautiful little girls. A 5 year old and a 3 year old. But, my 5 year old died from cancer recently. If Birdy’s with me she usually adds to the conversation by saying that her sister Indy died & she lives in heaven now. I feel sad for myself and for the person who just had to hear my sad story.
The part that doesn’t get shared in our short interaction is the part about Indy still being actively present in our family + everyday life. That is the easiest part to forget when the story seems so sad, for me too.
What I know is that I will forever be the mother to these two beautiful girls. I am a mother of two. Birdy is forever the little sister to her big sis Indy Llew. Death can’t change that. But sometimes it’s hard to say that.

Remember that what we see on the surface is never the full truth about someone. To strangers I appear to be a happy mom going to yoga classes with a darling 3 year old at my side. Then we start talking.

Be kind and gentle.
Don’t judge.
Offer endless grace.

Most of us are walking around with a broken heart in some form or another 🧡

We miss you Indy Llew! Our sisso forever.


World Down syndrome day 🧡
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can say with certainty that this little girl was a game changer.
We love you Indy Llew.

Photos from Terah Belle's post 21/03/2022

She asked for an Encanto birthday party with lots of butterflies 🦋 she got to wear her sisters pretty dress and she chose butterflies to go on her cake instead of characters. That felt a bit atypical for a girl her age…. but I think that’s another way Indy speaks to us through her. Dos oruguitas 🐛🧡
We saw glimpses of our sisso all weekend and I’m so grateful for the way Indy continues to be a present part of our family, even if we can’t see her [But I’m pretty certain Birdy sees her regularly ☺️]

Thank you for all the birthday wishes for our baby Bird! I’ve spent the last few days feeling extra grateful for her existence in our lives and the beautiful surprise that she was. The timing with which she came was inspired. She’s been my survival these past 3 years.

Birdy Roe we love you so!

Photos from Terah Belle's post 18/03/2022

It just gets better and better with this girl 😂 Happy Birthday Birdy Roe!!! 3 years old! 🥳 She makes us laugh SO HARD (teenage baby maniac) and is the sunshine in our lives.
We love her colorful beautiful soul. Thanks for choosing us baby girl!

Song: Tubthumping by Chumbawumba


Daddy daughter date night! 🏀
This is something that has always been important to B, one on one time with his girls. I love the way he treasures them. I love their date nights. When it comes to dad’s I think my girls really scored 💯💛 Have fun tonight Birdy + B!

(Also feeling proud of me for taking out my camera today- I haven’t used it much since Indy, but I miss it! I think I’ll leave it out this time 📷)


She’s been living 9 months without her sister and I just have to say how proud I am of her. She is bright, soulful, and SO funny. She has come so far. It hasn’t been pretty, it’s been very messy. For all of us. But the past few weeks I feel like I am truly seeing her again… the her she was before all the hurt. The hurt of not just losing Indy, but processing sick Indy too💗

How does a toddler grieve the loss of someone so close to them?

For Birdy it looked like:
•Difficulty sleeping. For the first couple months she did not sleep well at all. She was up every night asking to go outside and look at the stars + heaven + Indy. Her sleep waxes and wanes but currently she is dealing with nightmares and sleep anxiety. It is a work in progress.
•Lots of accidents/wetting her pants in those first 2 months. She had been potty trained for a year but regressed. Even until recently, there were phases of accidents when her emotions were high.
•lowered energy •frequent tummy aches
•frequent tantrums and meltdowns
•(intense) separation anxiety

It has been very hard to manage these hardships as parents who are knee deep in grief ourselves, but we have tried so hard to be there for her in the ways she needs us. We have been doing play therapy/family therapy weekly for her. She has made huge strides in her ability to cope and process over time. We have all learned how to openly talk about Indy and our feelings in a way that allows Birdy to feel safe and stable. Tonight I realized that it’s been a couple weeks since she had an intense meltdown/tantrum 💗 there used to be multiple a day. Her sweet and loving side is shining through, like she feels it’s safe to convey her positive emotions again.
She misses her sisso and talks about her every day. But now it’s usually with fondness- a kind of playful reminiscing instead of sadness. She doesn’t like that there is only one sister now though and keeps asking Indy to send her a new baby sister ☺️

I am sad she has had to endure so much in her tiny life but I know it will make her stronger and better. I’m so proud of my girl. Keep shining Birdy babe✨


A story of hope & our good news moment!
My dad is back 🧡💜
I picked him up from rehab this week and he is his bright, happy, vibrant self. Showing up with bells on- literally 😂. He is the funnest good-vibe guy [[when he is sober]] and we are grateful to have him back around. I think we are lucky he made it back this time.

I wanted to tell you that after I shared my last post about him, so many of you responded with love and prayers. It wasn’t long after that that he checked himself into rehab and turned things around. It was a testament to me once again of the power of prayer. I needed that reminder 🙏🏻 Thank you for contributing to that burst of love that lifted him from his dark place. We are so grateful for this community!

Addiction is such a hard road to navigate, and I have heard from many of you who are trying to navigate it too. I see you 🧡 I think it’s important for you to know that in times past I had big walls and tight boundaries. I wasn’t always quick to allow him back in. I went long periods of time without speaking to him because I had to protect myself. If that is the space you are in, that is ok! For me now, our experience with Indy and as a family these past few years changed so much about me & our relationship, how I view life and people… I see him with compassion and understanding of his emotional pain and past experience. I know he desires to be better and do better. And I know that no one judges themselves harder than the addict does themself. I’ve learned that our mortal time here is short and not promised, so I want to enjoy what time I can when he is present. In my situation it helps that he is pretty great when he is not using drugs 🤓
Each situation is unique but all are hard. If you are an addict or love an addict I pray you find strength, peace, and courage to keep going. There is always HOPE in healing and repairing hurt relationships 🧡 our story is proof!

And I can’t end this post without mentioning my angel Indy and how deeply she was involved in helping him (and my family) through the incredible dark moments of the past several months. She is pretty incredible✨🦋 & Birdy is pretty adorable! She’s happy dampa is back.


Oh my goodness! Facebook fam I finally got my page back!! I’m so happy to be back with you and will start getting my page caught up on life 🧡💜😚 thank you for sticking around and helping me in this process!
New butterfly pants have me feeling my angel today and I’m certain she helped with getting my page back 🦋


Loving a drug addict is the second hardest thing I’ve ever had to do🧡 If you know my dad you love my dad- he is charismatic & driven, outgoing & funny, a natural leader & a joyful grandpa.

I worried about him when we found out cancer was back and Indy didn’t have much time. In her last few weeks my dad and I had a tearful conversation in my kitchen, where he told me that I didn’t have to worry about him- he could never use again because he could never do that to Indy. Whqether she is physically here or not, he couldn’t hurt her like that. I believed him. And he believed himself too. But shortly after Indy passed and the pain became too much to bear, my dad left too.

I was counting on him. He had a lighthearted way of cheering me up. His vibrant energy lifted me, as he’d burst through our front door with arms stretched open, shouting “grandpa’s here!!!” Or the phone call I received every morning with an excited “hi sunshine!” just to see what I was doing that day. I was counting on his presence to help me survive without Indy.
But instead he felt like he couldn’t survive without Indy. So he’s been coping in the only way he ever learned how, and it has felt like a great loss to our family.

I wish he could feel his worth. I wish he could see how valued and loved he is, how needed he is as a father and a grandfather. I wish he could see his potential for greatness and healing. I wish he could see that life can still be good and that God loves us even though Indy had to go.
I wish he was here with his family.

Loving a drug addict is the second hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Only second to losing my Indy Llew 🧡

Love you, dad. We miss you.

Videos (show all)

Andy Grammer 🫶🏼🤟🏻😭 I would like to hug every single person at this show who sang to me and B. I did get to hug Andy Gram...
There’s a way 🫶🏼 It has been harder than I could ever express here, our entire world crumbled when we lost Indy and we r...
I went in Indy’s room and prayed over and over for comfort & peace. I asked her and God to let me know I was going to [s...
When Birdy woke up this morning I told her that the Easter bunny had come and she said, “oh no I wanted to pet him mom!”...
Coming this Sunday…. “The Indy Effect” 🧡✨🎈It has been an honor working on this beautiful project for our girl. I hope yo...
World Down syndrome day 🧡 I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can say with certainty that this little girl was a game c...
Last Christmas was the happiest Christmas of my life ❤️
The Butterflies of the Ocean 🦋A gift from my Angel this morning, in her colors 🧡💜 I went out for solo beach time and not...
Tomorrow ❤️ One of the sweetest moments since Indy’s passing was watching Birdy sing “tomorrow” to her sister up in heav...