Rising Youth

Rising Youth

Rising Youth is a peer-organized mental wellness education between medical and high school students.

Timeline photos 12/06/2020

We are determined to never stay silent, never look the other way, and never ignore injustice.

Rising Youth stands against racial injustice.

Photos from Rising Youth's post 03/04/2020

My name is Rasika, and I'm so excited to be a part of Rising Youth! Mental Health is such a pertinent topic in the current chaotic climate, and I love that Rising Youth is moving to foster more discussions about it in today's youth! I'd describe myself as bubbly, talkative, and definitely happiest when I'm feeling engaged in my community. This picture was taken mid-dance at my sister's wedding and captures some of my favorite things--dressing up in Indian clothes, meeting new people, and being surrounded by family and friends. Unfortunately, lately it's been hard to do these things. Wellness is always important, but it seems even more relevant now as so many struggle to adjust with life in quarantine. So I've been using this time to hone some of my baking skills, and while this waffle is not one my creations, it definitely embodies my love for all things desserts! Let us know what you've been doing to take care of yourself lately!!

@ UCF College of Medicine

Timeline photos 30/03/2020

THANK YOU to our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare provider during this difficult time! We are so grateful for you 🙏🙏🙏

Image: twitter

Timeline photos 28/11/2019

Happy Thanksgiving from Rising Youth 💛
The holidays can be a tough time. Whether you have lost a loved one or you couldn't be home with your family on this holiday, you are not alone. Reach out to friends. Eat lots of food. Enjoy TV time. We are so thankful for you!! 💜❤️🦃

Photos from Rising Youth's post 13/10/2019

We recognize that it can be difficult to know what to do when someone is in a mental health crisis. So to prepare our volunteers, our second-year medical students went to the Youth Mental Health First Aid class they learned about suicidal prevention, symptoms of someone in crisis, and what to do in that situation.

If faced with these situations, take action! Call the su***de hotline(1-800-273-TALK), encourage them to reach out to people, or if it's an emergency, please call 911. ***de

Photos from Rising Youth's post 13/10/2019

A day for 40 seconds of action! We are proud to announce thay today we taught our first session of the semester at Oviedo High School today! Thank you to you guys our supporters and shout out to all of our volunteers. This would not be possible without your support! 💛 📷:

Photos from Rising Youth's post 03/10/2019

Rising Youth has been working hard over the last several months to prepare for our second semester in action! This week, we welcomed our new mentors to the Rising Youth team and shared our tips on how to lead successful mental health education sessions with their students.

All our volunteers at Rising Youth are currently medical students at the UCF College of Medicine, and we especially appreciate the first-year students who stepped away from their studies during their first final exam week to attend our training session! It is incredible to watch our team grow, and the commitment from our volunteers speaks volumes to the importance of mental health education, as well as their desire to make an impact.

We look forward to meeting our new students at Econ River and Oviedo High School this month, and we thank you all for your help in making mental health a priority!

Timeline photos 14/09/2019

Who else had a difficult week this week? 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋
I sure did. It's been a really hard week full of emotional ups and downs (definitely more down😢). I have to remind myself, it is okay to not be okay. It is okay for me to feel sad, to have bad weeks, to let it out and cry, and most importantly to ask for help if I want it.
If you've had a terrible week full of stress and emotional turmoil, you're definitely not alone. 👭👬👫

Timeline photos 09/09/2019

On this Monday morning, remember that you are wonderful & you can conquer the world 🌎

Timeline photos 03/09/2019

Stay safe during this storm ❤️
Reminder that applications for medical student volunteers are due this Thursday at midnight! https://forms.gle/NxFD7KBMJ1yK9qGWA

Timeline photos 27/08/2019

I think we all go through times in our lives where we feel like we are completely alone, and that feeling can be devastating. Those are the times we need to reach out to our people the most and this post is a reminder that we are all here for you. We are all here for you in whether you're fighting against depression, anxiety, a looming school assignment, or just having a bad day. You are not alone.

Timeline photos 17/08/2019

Great !
Just as 911 is universal to Americans during emergencies, the National Su***de Prevention Lifeline in the upcoming year will be shortened to three digits: 988. In 2018, more than 2.2 million people called the National Su***de Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


Excited to start our program at Econ River High School and Oviedo High School this week! We have 50 new students who will be learning more about mental health with us over the next 6 weeks. A couple of students wanted to show off their new journals. We're happy they're excited about the program like we are!


Thank you to everyone who has liked our page so far! We have been getting many phone calls and e-mails from people from all over Florida and across the country, asking how they can get involved. We see how much passion is behind Rising Youth through all of your support, and we could not be more excited! Stay tuned as we make our way into classrooms in the Orlando area.

Happy Holidays!!!

After brother's su***de, UCF medical student aims to teach youth about mental health 09/11/2018


After brother's su***de, UCF medical student aims to teach youth about mental health Through her new nonprofit organization, Rising Youth, UCF medical student hopes to bring education and awareness about mental health to local high school students.

Our Beginning

In my first year of medical school, my brother confided in me that he was severely depressed and he did not see a way out of his pain other than ending his life. Like most people in this situation, I did not know how to respond. I thought about asking my school psychologist for advice but ended up being too intimated to approach a trained professional. Unfortunately, things did not improve and days later, he ended his life.

Now two years later as a third-year medical student, I have spent countless hours diligently researching and analyzing how I can prevent this from happening to someone else. Half of all chronic mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 and it takes an average of 10 years between our first sign of a mental illness and receiving any form of treatment. We need to tackle mental illness early, before the first signs occur, and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Through Rising Youth, we can accomplish this and help alleviate mental illnesses.