Grammar School Videos

Videos by Grammar School. I made this page to discuss English grammar . I know when we study English we face some problems . N

best birthday wishes

When it comes to writing a birthday wish, there are many options to choose from. Here are some ideas from the search results:
Wishing happiness and love: "Hope all your birthday wishes come true!" "Wishing you the biggest slice of happy today." "May all your dreams turn into reality and may lady luck visit your home today. Happy birthday to one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known." "May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy birthday."
Expressing gratitude: "Thank you for all you do, and may this be your best birthday yet."
Sending warm wishes: "Wishing you a very happy birthday and a year filled with love, adventure."
Being sentimental: "Happy birthday to a best friend who truly brings out the best in me." "Wishing a happy birthday to someone who’s beautiful inside and out." "I hope your birthday is peaceful and joyful, just like you."
Being funny: "Birthdays are the universe’s way of telling us to eat more cake." "Having me as your best friend is really the only gift you need." "They say you get wiser and better with age. Is it true? I wouldn’t know, I’m forever 21."
Sending well wishes: "Let's your dreams come true! Good luck in your career! You are amazing and inspirational! Nice happy years, good." "May you be greater than your mentor and constantly be a source of pride and dignity to your family!" "Use your SUPERpowers to live a SUPERlife!"
Being appreciative: "Well-worded quotes supply some delightful birthday wisdom, while funny wishes are great for kicking off the celebrations with a smile and a giggle!" "I can’t think of a better gift than your friendship."
Sending touching messages: "Wishing my bestie, the absolute best on her best day of the year!" "I can’t imagine life without my best friend. Happy birthday!" "You make the world a better and brighter place. Happy birthday, bestie!"
Remember to personalize your message an

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best birthday wishes
When it comes to writing a birthday wish, there are many options to choose from. Here are some ideas from the search results: Wishing happiness and love: "Hope all your birthday wishes come true!" "Wishing you the biggest slice of happy today." "May all your dreams turn into reality and may lady luck visit your home today. Happy birthday to one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known." "May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy birthday." 1 Expressing gratitude: "Thank you for all you do, and may this be your best birthday yet." 2 Sending warm wishes: "Wishing you a very happy birthday and a year filled with love, adventure." 2 Being sentimental: "Happy birthday to a best friend who truly brings out the best in me." "Wishing a happy birthday to someone who’s beautiful inside and out." "I hope your birthday is peaceful and joyful, just like you." 3 Being funny: "Birthdays are the universe’s way of telling us to eat more cake." "Having me as your best friend is really the only gift you need." "They say you get wiser and better with age. Is it true? I wouldn’t know, I’m forever 21." 3 Sending well wishes: "Let's your dreams come true! Good luck in your career! You are amazing and inspirational! Nice happy years, good." "May you be greater than your mentor and constantly be a source of pride and dignity to your family!" "Use your SUPERpowers to live a SUPERlife!" 4 Being appreciative: "Well-worded quotes supply some delightful birthday wisdom, while funny wishes are great for kicking off the celebrations with a smile and a giggle!" "I can’t think of a better gift than your friendship." 5 Sending touching messages: "Wishing my bestie, the absolute best on her best day of the year!" "I can’t imagine life without my best friend. Happy birthday!" "You make the world a better and brighter place. Happy birthday, bestie!" 6 Remember to personalize your message an

Who Loves You secretly
It can be difficult to know if someone loves you secretly, but there are some signs to look out for. Here are some of the signs mentioned in the search results: He stares at you 1 . He acts nervous around you 1 . He's around you a lot 1 . He asks personal questions 1 . He disguises his questions 1 . He's willing to help you 1 . He smiles every time he sees you 1 . He mirrors your body language 1 . He makes himself available to you 2 . He can't keep his eyes off you 2 . He remembers every little thing you say to him 3 . He asks for your opinion 3 . He changes his appearance or overall personality when he's around you 1 . He doesn't break his promises 1 . He craves quality time with you 4 . He remembers the tiniest details about you 4 . He gets noticeably more up and down depending on the attention you show him 5 . He makes eye contact with you 6 . He smiles when he sees you 6 . He checks you out when you're not looking 6 . He leans in when you talk 6 . He mirrors your movements 6 . It's important to note that these signs are not definitive and may not apply to everyone. If you're unsure if someone loves you secretly, the best way to find out is to communicate with them directly.

Safe sex mistakes in English
Safe sex is an important aspect of sexual health that can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. Here are some safe sex tips from the search results: Talk with your partner openly about your sexual health . Limit your number of sexual partners . Get tested for STIs . Use condoms every time you have sex 2 . Choose a male condom made of latex or polyurethane, or a female condom made of polyurethane . Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs as this increases the chance that you will participate in high-risk sex . Women should not douche after intercourse . If you have an STI, get treated . If someone is pressuring you to have sex or makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them . Safer sex can be enjoyable and pleasurable. It's important to focus on pleasure and your partner without worrying about STIs 3 . Use plenty of lubricant to reduce the risk of microtears that can spread infections 4 . Prioritize protection and practice using condoms until putting one on feels natural 5 . It's important to remember that there is no such thing as completely safe sex, but practicing safer sex can help reduce the risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy. Communication with your partner, getting tested, and using protection are all important steps to take for safer sex.

How To speak English in the classroom
Here are some tips to encourage students to speak English in the classroom from the search results: Give clear goals and instructions: Clearly communicate what you expect from your students and what they need to do to achieve it 1 . Reinforce any attempt of speaking: Reward any attempt to speak in English, even if there are mistakes. This will encourage students to keep trying 1 . Use the element of surprise: Use unexpected factors to keep students motivated and attentive 2 . Eliminate pressure: Give students time to practice talking without the anxiety of needing to say everything perfectly. Allow them to speak freely with a partner or small group each lesson 3 . Find relevant topics: Choose topics that are relevant and interesting to your students to encourage them to speak more 3 . Normalize speaking: Make speaking in English a regular part of your lessons so that students get used to it and become less intimidated 3 . Mix it up: Use a variety of speaking activities to keep students engaged and interested 1 . Create a friendly, comfortable environment: Encourage students to speak more English by creating a friendly, comfortable but controlled environment for them 2 . Forget the errors: Focus on the fact that students are speaking, not on their mistakes. This will help them feel more confident and willing to speak 4 . Give easy topics: Choose easy topics that students know a lot about to help them feel more comfortable speaking 4 . Provide cues: Give students cues or prompts to help them start speaking 4 . Dare to make mistakes: Encourage students to make mistakes and learn from them. This will help them feel more comfortable speaking 5 . Accept English: Encourage students to accept English as a language they can learn and use, rather than fighting it 5 . Use it or lose it: Encourage students to use English as much as possible, even outside of the classroom 5 .

How to find who dislike you
However, if you are in a situation where you need to change someone's mind, here are some tips from the search results: Engage them in regular conversations to show that you care and want to become better friends 1 . Ask them why they don't like you politely, and try to find out what's wrong 2 . Consider the reliability of the sources if you've heard that someone hates you from someone else 3 . If you can't come to an agreement with someone, then avoiding them is probably the best option 3 . Don't pester them by trying to figure out whether they hate you or not 3 . Shift your focus to personal growth, don't wait for approval from others, and surround yourself with people who care about you if someone doesn't like you for no apparent reason 4 . It is important to remember that not everyone will like you, and that's okay. It's best to focus on building positive relationships with those who do like you, rather than trying to change the minds of those who don't.

travel, trip or journey
The terms travel, trip, and journey are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between them. Here are some explanations from the search results: Travel: The term "travel" is often used as a verb that means "to go to a place and especially one that is far away" 1 . It can also be used as a noun to describe the act or activity of traveling in general 2 . Trip: A "trip" is the act of going to another place, often for a short period of time, and returning 2 . It usually refers to a small casual outing that can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks 3 . We use the verbs "take" and "go on" with trip 2 . Journey: A "journey" is the process of traveling from one place to another by land, air, or sea 4 . It can be one or a number of trips (transfers) combined to make it from point A to B 5 . A journey may imply a longer (in terms of time and/or distance) trip, perhaps to multiple destinations, or with a greater sense of unknown 3 . To summarize, a trip is usually a short-term outing, while a journey is a longer process of traveling. Travel can refer to either the act of going to a place or the activity of traveling in general.

An accident is an event that happens unexpectedly and often results in harm, injury, damage, or loss . It can be caused by carelessness, ignorance, or chance 4 . There are different types of accidents, such as: Collision: When two vehicles drive into each other 5 . Mid-air collision: When two planes collide in the air 5 . Head-on collision: When two cars collide front to front 5 . Car crash: When there's a serious car accident involving another car or object, or not involving anything else 5 . Derailment: When a train comes off the rails 5 . Accidents can cause injuries, damage, or even death 2 3 . Some accidents are covered by law, and compensation or indemnity can be legally sought 1 .