News Crete

News Crete

This site was set up to inform people of Corona Virus news in Crete. Seeing as the pandemic has now p


A question for those of you that visit Crete. How important is access to the hospitals? Are tourists aware of the dire situation befalling the hospitals, particularly in Crete but all over Greece too? That our Government is more invested in tourist dollars than it is in the general population's access to public health?

Today a friend of mine presented at Rethymno General Hospital only to be told that there were no doctors in the emergency department and told her to drive to Heraklion or Chania instead. Pretty frightening in an emergency!
#ΕΣΥ #ελλαδα

"Storm" of hospital doctors' resignations threatens Greece's health system 11/08/2023

"Storm" of hospital doctors' resignations threatens Greece's health system A "storm" of public hospital doctors ' resignations due to poor working conditions cause a new and intense pressure on Greece's National Heal

«Λευκή Νύχτα» στα Χανιά - Μια πολύχρωμη και φωτεινή γιορτή στην «καρδιά» της πόλης 10/08/2023

Chania: "White Night" in Chania - A colorful and bright celebration in the "heart" of the city.

On the initiative of the Chania Trade Association.
On Tuesday, August 22, at the initiative of the city's Chamber of Commerce and co-organizers the Region of Crete, the Municipality of Chania and the Chamber of Chania, the "White Night" is being organised, an action that will be implemented in central parts of the city.

According to the organisers, "from the early afternoon, until 11 at night, the central streets of the city will welcome a colorful and bright celebration. Residents and visitors are waiting for offers and discounts from the shops. The event will include free refreshments and beer, entertainment and demonstrations by animators and jugglers, dance performances by the city's traditional clubs, as well as performances by Zumba and Latin dancers, aerial dance, and various other activities. Our little friends will be welcomed by Mickey, Minnie and other mascots. The music coverage of the evening will be from well-known DJ-music producers in various parts of the city and the closing of the evening will take place with a concert and show on Halidon Street by Marmita's band and show".

In their announcement, the organisers invite citizens to participate in the celebration of Chanio trade.

With information from APE-MPE"

«Λευκή Νύχτα» στα Χανιά - Μια πολύχρωμη και φωτεινή γιορτή στην «καρδιά» της πόλης Με πρωτοβουλία του Εμπορικού Συλλόγου Χανίων

Χανιά: Προθεσμία για την Κυριακή έλαβαν τα 9 μέλη της εγκληματικής οργάνωσης εμπορίας βρεφών - Τι υποστηρίζει ο «εγκέφαλος» και ιδιοκτήτ 10/08/2023

Chania: "The 9 members of the criminal organisation of baby trafficking received a deadline of Sunday - What the "brain" and owner of the center claims.

After a marathon process that lasted 7 hours the 9 arrested requested and received a deadline for the coming Sunday
A deadline to apologize on the morning of Sunday, August 13 was requested and received yesterday, Wednesday, by the nine arrested who, according to EL.AS (police)., had formed a criminal organisation that was active in professional human trafficking through the "industrialisation of births".

The defendants passed yesterday, Wednesday, August 9, the prosecutor's doorstep shortly after 6.30 in the afternoon and after a marathon process that lasted 7 hours they got a deadline to apologise on Sunday. Speaking to reporters, the defence attorney for the 73-year-old doctor said: "The case is extremely complicated. It is also unprecedented for the region's data, but possibly also for Greek data. This resulted in a lengthy process by the prosecutors. We set a deadline for the apology because the volume of the discography is unimaginable".

According to him, his principal claims that "his only goal was to strengthen people who aimed to become parents and that with the processing that will be done, the real dimension will emerge and it will be different from the one that has been released so far in the media".

With information from ERT"

Χανιά: Προθεσμία για την Κυριακή έλαβαν τα 9 μέλη της εγκληματικής οργάνωσης εμπορίας βρεφών - Τι υποστηρίζει ο «εγκέφαλος» και ιδιοκτήτ Μετά από μια μαραθώνια διαδικασία που διήρκησε 7 ώρες οι 9 συλληφθέντες ζήτησαν και έλαβαν προθεσμία για την ερχόμενη Κυριακή

Μεσαρά: “Ζαλίζει” το... εκκρεμές των τιμών στα κηπευτικά - Ντομάτα, η “βασίλισσα του πληθωρισμού” 10/08/2023

Heraklion - "Mesara: The... price pendulum in horticulture is "dizzying" - Tomato, the "queen of inflation"

There is water in Timbaki, but there are many exaggerations that make it difficult for the local TOEB (water authority) to manage it
Like an "elevator", the prices of most products of the Cretan land in the plain of Mesara are going up and down, with producers trying to deal with this summer's peculiar weather conditions as painlessly and efficiently as possible, while cucumber prices are high, as well as in greenhouse tomatoes, but as other outdoor species enter the market, greenhouse prices are also gradually decreasing, with production costs still high. At the same time, the distribution of water in Tympaki is characterized as problematic, since the boreholes are working at full capacity, due to the fact that the agricultural world often overdoes the consumption, having feared for the future of their harvest!

Speaking to, the grower of greenhouse products and president of TOEB Vangelis Tsipragakis told us that these days both cucumber and tomato are doing well, but products such as zucchini have "bottomed out" in terms of producer prices. The question is, of course, why the consumer finds them on the shelf at prices two and three times higher, in fact they have already "hit the red"!

"The cucumber has a price of 1.20 euros per kilo. The tomato is a little more than 0.80 euros per kilo. Eggplants are at 0.80 euros per kilo. But the pumpkins are far below", according to what Vangelis Tsipragakis tells "Zucchini have fallen to 0.30 euros per kilo...".

Regarding the greenhouse cucumbers, he points out to our newspaper that "there are ups and downs. Now they went up to 1.20. They had gone down to 0.60 to 0.80 euros, etc. There are ups and downs in the market depending on the tourist traffic. That is, when there is tourism, we have more demand. But when tourism had not yet descended on the market, the products were in less demand and had much lower prices. On the other hand, today it has many open-air pumpkins and thus the prices of greenhouse pumpkins have fallen sharply compared to the previous period. In fact, it is typical that at the same time last year the greenhouse zucchini did not have a price below 0.70 to 0.80 euros per kilo...".

Vangelis Tsipragakis makes a special mention of watermelon. “Last year due to low prices people moved away from the crop. So this year the price of watermelon has not fallen below 0.35 to 0.40 euros per kilo to the producer, precisely because there is a reduced supply in relation to the demand...".

Tomato, the "Queen of Inflation"

In the meantime, the tomato, which is characterized as "the queen of inflation", as it affects the prices of all other products of our land, at the level of producers, currently has prices ranging from 0.50 to 0.90 euros per kilo, depending on the quality . A month ago it was at one euro per kilo. "This reduction has to do with the increase in supply on the market, since the outdoor tomatoes have now started to arrive," says Vangelis Tsipragakis.

They water constantly because they are afraid

In the meantime, according to what the president of the TOEB in Tympaki, Vangelis Tsipragakis, told, the agricultural world of the region, due to the unprecedentedly high prices of olive oil, even exaggerates the water for irrigation, as a result of which problems are created in pumping water.

"Due to the expectations people have for the new olive oil season, we have excesses in irrigation. Meanwhile, the olive groves that were abandoned, we now see that the producers have taken care of them and watered them a lot. There is an increase in water consumption. And given that in terms of rainfall we had a bad year, we are facing water disposal problems at TOEB. And we are talking about problems of disposition and not of competence. Especially for us here in Tymbaki it is very difficult to run out of water, because below Tymbaki we have 180 million cubic meters of water. In other words, the drilling here is sufficient. They have problems in the Divisions. But not us here. The Faneromeni dam cannot support us much this year. Because in terms of rainfall, last year was not good and so we rely on drilling...".

At this point, the president of TOEB says that "our problems with the producers are regarding the observance of the programs announced for the irrigation of agricultural holdings. We are trying to mitigate these problems. Sometimes successfully and sometimes not. We call on the producers to comply with the programs issued by TOEB. And to obey the orders of the watermen, so that there will be no problem for anyone..."."

Μεσαρά: “Ζαλίζει” το... εκκρεμές των τιμών στα κηπευτικά - Ντομάτα, η “βασίλισσα του πληθωρισμού” Στο Τυμπάκι νερό υπάρχει, αλλά γίνονται πολλές υπερβολές που καθιστούν δύσκολη τη διαχείρισή του από τον τοπικό ΤΟΕΒ

Plan to tackle illegal beach occupation | 07/08/2023

Greece- beach beds

Did you know that a total of eight bodies and services are involved in the licensing and monitering compliance of beach beds!

"Plan to tackle illegal beach occupation

The government will aim to bring order to the images of unauthorised occupation of public space that are reflected on many beaches, and have elicited angry reactions from residents and visitors alike, with strict controls for the remaining portion of the current tourism season.

Relevant instructions have already been issued so that within the next few months a new framework for the distribution of responsibilities will be established and will be in force for the next tourist season.

The main aim is doing away with the division of responsibilities, which serves to avoid responsibility and perpetuate illegality.

The situation at many Greek beaches with the violations of the terms of use of coastal areas has sparked protests from the public and, in some cases, the degradation of Greece’s tourist product.

The goal is to strengthen the responsibilities of one of the departments concerned, which will assume a supervisory role over all others and will be ultimately responsible for overseeing legality implementation.

Tellingly, a total of eight bodies and services are involved in licensing, monitoring compliance with legality, confirming any arbitrary acts and infringements, and imposing fines.

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis told Skai on Thursday that “the implementation of the law is above all and there will be no discount on this anywhere.”

“What we will see as the next step, in order to make it even faster and to deliver a beach much faster to the citizens, is to impose the appropriate fines when there is a violation, and that is why we need the simplification, the unification of these procedures, in order to have the best possible results,” he said.

In order to activate the process of checking, establishing and certifying violations, and imposing fines, five to six different agencies and departments need to be coordinated, according to government sources.

They noted that this often makes it very difficult to carry out the required checks in time, while it also makes it possible, where appropriate, for some people to hide behind the fragmentation of responsibilities and not to carry out effective checks, thus allowing the perpetuation of irregularities."

Plan to tackle illegal beach occupation | The government will aim to bring order to the images of unauthorized occupation of public space that are reflected on many beaches, and have elicited angry reactions from residents and visitors alike, with strict controls.

Ξενοδοχοϋπάλληλοι στο Ηράκλειο: «Πέφτουν» σαν τα κοτόπουλα στις κουζίνες των ξενοδοχείων - Λιποθυμούν από την υπερκόπωση 07/08/2023

"Hotel workers in Heraklion: "Falling" like chickens in hotel kitchens - Fainting from overwork

A further ten cases of workers fainting due to overwork within 2 weeks were reported to the Union.

Exhausting hours, pressure, heat and overtime to get the job done, since there is no staff... lead to workers fainting in hotels in Crete. According to the president of the Association of Cooks and Confectioners of Heraklion Prefecture and general secretary of EKI Nektarios Moussakis, only in the last two weeks ten workers in Heraklion hotels had fainting episodes while working and had to be given first aid.

Mr. Moussakis talks about a situation that has reached an impasse and asks the workers themselves not to exaggerate themselves when they feel that their health is at risk.

In particular, in a previous report had captured the situation prevailing in hotel units and groups. Physical and psychological fatigue, weakening of forces and over-intensification of work is a difficult mix that brings workers in the summer period to the verge of burnout.

This is not a very frequent phenomenon, since scattered and almost every summer we hear and read about such incidents, this year, however, the problem is clearly bigger. It is not only the incident of violence against a lifeguard by other workers that has seen the light of day in the past... It is not only the incident of the hot oil spilled on the face and hands of a young assistant cook... But, now, the working staff of the hotels broadcast an SOS since in a period of almost two weeks only in the prefecture of Heraklion we have ten fainting spells.

The president of the Union of Cooks and Confectioners of Heraklion prefecture and general secretary of the Labor Center of Heraklion, Nektarios Moussakis, speaking exclusively to, noted: "We have had more than ten fainting spells in hotels of Heraklion prefecture in the last two weeks. It's an unbearable situation. There is no working staff. There is a serious over-intensification of work and all this creates a picture that provokes reflection. In many cases the ambulance has come and intervened. Fortunately, there was nothing more serious."

Raised 150 beats

It's not just the fainting spells, but other incidents as well. According to reports from Mr. Moussakis, last Friday a 35-year-old woman raised a high temperature in her body, with the immediate consequence that her heartbeats skyrocketed. As Mr. Moussakis claimed to, the particular lady, who worked as a cook's assistant in a hotel in Stalida, had over 150 heartbeats per minute. She stopped her work and was given first aid, as she had symptoms of dehydration, while as reported by, Mr. Moysakis remained at the hospital where they performed general examinations.


But there is another incident. And more specifically, a young adult woman, aged 24-25, worked as a cook's assistant and did not drink water. Her work was exhausting with the immediate consequence that she passed out. The fainting was sudden and sudden, and an ambulance immediately rushed. In any case, there is no danger to this woman.

However, as explained by Mr. Moussakis: "What we observe is that almost all incidents occur in hotels that are small to large in size. Attention is needed from both the employees and the owners of the hotels."

In any case, Mr. Moussakis maintains that the Union of Cooks and Confectioners of the Prefecture of Heraklion has made it clear in its announcement that, in case the person feels unwell, he should immediately stop his work.

Mr. Moussakis clarified by emphasising: "Each worker must take care of himself. If the worker feels dizzy, then he should stop his work. Physical integrity must not be violated. Each hotel unit has its own doctor, to whom the employees should turn when they do not feel well. Likewise, every worker in areas such as hotel kitchens, where temperatures are high, should have a bottle of water next to them. He should hydrate frequently to avoid phenomena such as dehydration and fainting.""

Ξενοδοχοϋπάλληλοι στο Ηράκλειο: «Πέφτουν» σαν τα κοτόπουλα στις κουζίνες των ξενοδοχείων - Λιποθυμούν από την υπερκόπωση Άλλα δέκα περιστατικά λιποθυμίας λόγω υπερκόπωσης των εργαζομένων μέσα σε 2 εβδομάδες αναφέρθηκαν στο Σωματείο


Crete - fire risk tomorrow - high

Σοκ στα Μάλια: 20χρονος κατέρρευσε ξαφνικά μπροστά στους φίλους του – Διερευνώνται τα αίτια του θανάτου του 07/08/2023

Heraklion - Malia:

"Shock in Malia: 20-year-old suddenly collapsed in front of his friends – The causes of his death are being investigated

The unfortunate young man and his group had returned from their night out when the incident occurred.

A shocking incident occurred in the early hours of Monday, August 7, at a hotel in Malia, when a 20-year-old man suddenly collapsed in front of his friends.

According to information, the young tourists had returned to the hotel room after their night out when the 20-year-old German fell dead in front of his friends.

Immediately at the scene, help was called, with an EKAV ambulance, to rush to the scene, whose crew confirmed the death of the unfortunate young man.

The circumstances under which the incident took place remain unknown so far, while the forensic examination will shed more light on the causes of the 20-year-old's death."

Σοκ στα Μάλια: 20χρονος κατέρρευσε ξαφνικά μπροστά στους φίλους του – Διερευνώνται τα αίτια του θανάτου του Ο άτυχος νέος και η παρέα του είχαν επιστρέψει από τη νυχτερινή τους διασκέδαση όταν σημειώθηκε το περιστατικό

"Καζάνι που βράζει" ο χώρος της υγείας στην Κρήτη – Επικίνδυνες συνθήκες περιγράφουν γιατροί και εργαζόμενοι (vid) 07/08/2023

Crete - healthcare

A foreword from us:
For those of you that live here or have used the public medical system in Crete (as we have ourselves), it is beyond being under serious pressure. The Greek Govermennt wants all the 'hospitals' on the island to be transformed into health centres and the primary hospital on the island to be PAGNI, Heraklion University Hospital.

Doctors and staff at the hospital are being forced to take up positions that are not qualified for nor have any experience in. You really don't want to get sick here in Crete if you can help it because of the pressure on the health system, the workers, nurses and doctors are EXHAUSTED and quitting at an alarming rate.

See the attached article for further reference.

"The health sector in Crete is a "boiling cauldron" - dangerous conditions are described by doctors and workers

The exhausting shifts and the "mandates" for the movement of doctors from Venizelio Hospital (in Heraklion) to Rethymno (Hospital) brought resignations, threats of extrajudicial proceedings and a complaint to the prosecutor, while clinics in the island's hospitals are headed for "lockdown"

The presidents of the Medical Associations of Crete are asking for solutions here and now regarding the situation that prevails in the hospital of Crete. At the same time, the Association of Doctors of the National Health Service of Rethymnon addressed a written complaint to the head of the Primary Prosecutor's Office, requesting his immediate intervention regarding the operational problems of the Pathology Clinic of the Rethymno Hospital, in order to stop putting people at risk due to the lack of pathologists, as a result of which it is necessary to move pathologists from other hospitals in Crete.

In fact, all this "going" to Rethymnon for Venizelei doctors (from Heraklion), after an exhausting period of on-call even during their normal leave period, led one more pathologist and one hematologist to resign.

In particular, the presidents of the island's Medical Associations describe the health situation in Crete as extraordinary in a joint letter.
Through the letter, they request that a joint meeting be convened with the administration of Crete, the administrators of the hospitals of the region of Crete, the presidents of the Medical Associations of the region of Crete and the elected representatives of the doctors in the hospitals of Crete, with simultaneous notification of the Ministry of Health. In fact, yesterday Friday two other doctors of the Venizelio Hospital of Heraklion submitted their resignations. This is a pathologist in the Department of Blood Donation and a hematologist, with the situation in the Hematology Clinic becoming even worse, since there are now three doctors left in this particular clinic.

As far as the Medical Associations of Crete are concerned, in their letter they specifically mention: "For the first time we are observing an irregular situation, concerning the operation of the hospitals of Crete:

- There are no pathologists at the Rethymno Hospital, as a result of which pathologists have to be transferred from other hospitals in Crete, thus creating a problem for the supplying hospitals, while at the same time there is poor treatment of patients due to the lack of medical continuity in their diagnosis and treatment.

- At the Venizelio Hospital of Heraklion, doctors are threatening extrajudicial proceedings because they believe that the already understaffed Venizelio Hospital is being weakened by the move.

- The resignations of medical surgeons were announced at the Chania Hospital, due to the excruciating hours on call.

- In the Hospitals of Agios Nikolaos and Ierapetra, the absence of doctors in key specialties has as a consequence the general dysfunction not only of specific departments, but also of the hospitals as a whole. Faced with this generalized dysfunction of the Health System in Crete and before further deterioration occurs with dramatic consequences, we invite all parties to a discussion to find solutions".

The letter is signed by the five presidents of the island's Medical Associations.

Complaint to the Primary Prosecutor's Office by the NHS doctors

At the same time, the administration of the Rethymnon ESY (PublicHealth System) Physicians Union is addressing the following complaint to the head of the First Instance Prosecutor's Office, communicating it to the commander of the 7th Department of Health, the commander of the National Health Service of Rethymno and the OENGE.

"The Pathology Clinic of our hospital has 6 organic positions. A colleague with the rank of director is currently serving. The colleague has been on leave for a few days to replenish his exhausted strength, given that he alone was in charge of the clinic where 30 patients are treated. Two more colleagues, one with the rank of director, is on maternity leave and one supervisor B is on maternity leave.

- Those responsible for the negative and health-threatening situation of the patients devised to fill the gaps with mobile doctors from the neighboring hospitals. You realise that this has nothing to do with the safe operation of the clinic, and this is because the commuter does not know the condition of the patients, because he is not a doctor of the clinic every day. His role is essentially that of a "sentry guard", so that, if something happens, he can raise the alarm, except that in our case there is no "army" to rush to save the patient from danger. There is no doctor in general supervision of the clinic and it operates even during working morning hours with a doctor on call, who is there for whatever comes up and not to deal with the investigation and follow-up of patients.

- In our opinion, we have a classic case of the offense of exposure to danger, but also a violation of the rules of operation of a clinic based on the law, and the perpetrators are the commander of the hospital and the commander of the 7th H.E. (Health Depeartment of Crete), who lives in Heraklion.

- The false statement that constitutes the movement of a doctor in order to simply have someone in the Pathology Clinic is the result of a conscious act by the commander of the 7th Department of Health, who, implementing a specific policy, indifferent to the risk to the health and lives of hospitalised patients, but also those who, not knowing the real situation, turn with confidence to the Rethymno Hospital.

- In addition, the specialists of the clinic do not have a supervisor and a coordinator (who must be a doctor appointed to the clinic).

- Our Union did what was necessary, i.e. it repeatedly raised the question of the report with the governor of the hospital and the H.E., it tolerated the volunteering of its member doctors to work non-stop and offer what they can and their fatigue allows from staying up all night and working long hours every day.

- The question that arises is: Will the Prosecutor's Office be indifferent to the situation? Will the Public Prosecutor's Office be activated when what will definitely happen, that is to say, the health of the hospitalised patients is irreparably damaged, until death occurs? Certainly, neither for the deterioration of health, nor for the death will the doctors be responsible. But, having the negative experience, we fear that the doctor will become a scapegoat, without of course the purification being accomplished.

- We await your actions, notifying that this text will be made public.""

"Καζάνι που βράζει" ο χώρος της υγείας στην Κρήτη – Επικίνδυνες συνθήκες περιγράφουν γιατροί και εργαζόμενοι (vid) Οι εξαντλητικές εφημερίες και τα “εντέλεσθαι” για μετακινήσεις γιατρών από το Βενιζέλειο στο Ρέθυμνο έφεραν παραιτήσεις, απειλές για εξώδικα και καταγγελία στον...

Tο Οροπέδιο Λασιθίου ανοίγει πανιά και μάλιστα …. ενεργειακά - Ο πρώτος ανεμόμυλος σε λειτουργία 03/08/2023

"The Lasithi Plateau opens its sails and in fact.... energy - The first windmill in operation

The first energy windmill was installed today
A visionary project for the Lasithi Plateau, the revival of traditional windmills with new technology, which in 2019 was captured as a strategic goal with the statement of the then Mayor Yiannis Stefanakis:

"Our vision is the gradual restoration of the wind farm and the image that the Plateau once had, but with a sustainable character for the future" became a reality. In 2023 this vision of years - of all Lasithi people - became planning, research, experiment and from today Reality on the Plateau of Lasithi. The new Lassithiot Windmill - Energy now - just opened its sails! The Municipal Authority provided the innovative idea, the Mediterranean University of Crete provided the knowledge and the Municipality and the Region provided the funding.

Satisfaction from Mayor Yiannis Stefanakis

The Mayor of Lasithi Plateau Yiannis Stefanakis expressed his satisfaction for this important development and thanked the Regional Governor of Crete Mr. Stavros Arnautakis as well as the Rector of ELMEPA and the team of researchers for their important contribution to the project.

"We Listen, We Innovate, We Design, We Create and we make our shared Vision a Reality in all areas and for all. With confidence and perspective, we move forward, steadily and developmentally only forward" he emphasizes in his statement.

The project is based on the proposal made by the Municipal Authority to ELMEPA for the creation of a windmill that visually will be a faithful copy of the traditional one, with respect and in the footsteps of Spirtokoutis (Emm. Papadakis), Markostefanis, the modern Giorgos Hatzakis and the global of pioneering Lasithi Craftsmen, who will produce electricity, with the ultimate goal of installing such windmills throughout the Plateau, which will ensure energy independence and free electricity for every citizen of the Lasithi Plateau. The first energy windmill was installed today

Today, after a necessary 4-year research at the University, development and tests carried out in the experimental energy windmill in the premises of the Wind Energy and Synthesis of Energy Systems laboratory of the Mediterranean University of Crete by the laboratory and research team of Professor Dimitris Christakis, with the help of the Rector Professor Nikos Katsarakis and the financing of the Municipality of Lasithi Plateau and mainly of the Region of Crete, the 1st energy windmill was installed in Lasithi Plateau. The location of the first energy windmill is now located at the entrance of the Lasithi Plateau in the valley of Kardamoutsa (Community of Lagos) being a point of reference for all of us, which was also indicated by the laboratory-research team, to monitor the windmill for data extraction now in the environment itself and the special conditions of Lasithi. The installation of other energy windmills follows

Lasithians and visitors can see up close the 1st modern windmill "grinding", with memories coming alive. While the installations of the rest of the energy windmills will follow regionally and in key locations of all the villages of the Lasithi Plateau, in the immediate future.

International innovative application – The benefits

The installation and use of the energy traditional windmill is an international innovative application and it is expected that the benefits will multiply in the near future, as the aim is to supply electricity to both residents and non-residents through Net Metering 4All processes, while at the same time upgrading the tourist product of the place, offering a spectacle similar to the traditional pumping windmills with the addition of autonomous lighting to each mill, in order to extend the time of stay and overnight stays with multiple development benefits in the area. At the same time, the Municipal Authority, in continuation of the vision, proposed to the research team the conversion of the system's security camera to infrared, so that the temperature and humidity of the soil in each separate property can be displayed in real time so that the producer can be immediately notified of the needs of irrigation, fertilization, etc. of his crop. The cost of erecting the new traditional windmills for power generation in their full development, is planned to be covered by special financing programs for our region and for each Lassithiotian separately, with the aim of the full re-operation of the first and largest wind farm in the world, while at the same time through sustainability, the restoration of part of the old pumping windmills is also foreseen."

Tο Οροπέδιο Λασιθίου ανοίγει πανιά και μάλιστα …. ενεργειακά - Ο πρώτος ανεμόμυλος σε λειτουργία Εγκαταστάθηκε σήμερα ο πρώτος ενεργειακός ανεμόμυλος
