Friends of Burkina Faso

Friends of Burkina Faso

Friends of Burkina Faso, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) affiliated organization

Friends of Burkina Faso, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable NPCA-affiliated organization:

1 - Maintains a network of returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and friends of Burkina Faso;
2 - Provides funding and assistance to support projects in Burkina Faso;
3 - Improves social interaction, communication and information exchanges; and
4 - Educates others about Burkina Faso and its culture.


En raison d’une réponse massive, l’appel à propositions 2024 est désormais fermé. Aucune soumission supplémentaire n’est acceptée. Merci pour votre intérêt.

Due to an overwhelming response, the 2024 call for proposals is now closed. No further submissions will be accepted. Thank you for your interest.

Photos from Pull for Progress Burkina Faso's post 15/08/2024

Well done to Pull for Progress Burkina Faso 🇧🇫
They are continuing to conduct important work in Burkina and we are glad to support them!


L'Appel à Projets 2024 est OUVERT à partir du 15eme juillet 2024. Le dossier de candidature est disponible sur notre site de web:
La date limite pour postuler est le 31 août 2024.

The FBF 2023 Call for Project Proposals is OPEN as of 15 July 2024. The application is available on our website:
The deadline to apply is 31 August 2024.

FBF accepte actuellement les propositions à prendre en considération pour le financement de la subvention. Les projets proposés doivent être liés au développement communautaire OU liés à l'aide humanitaire. Dans le domaine du développement communautaire, cette année une priorité spéciale sera donnée à un ou plusieurs projets axés sur les opportunités d'éducation des filles.

Proposed projects must be related to community development OR related to humanitarian assistance. In the area of ​​community development, this year special priority will be given to one or more projects focused on girls' educational opportunities.

Les propositions doivent être soumises avant le 31 aout à :
[email protected]
N.B. : Les subventions seront distribuées en fin janvier 2025.

All proposals must be submitted via email to projects@friendsofburkinafaso by 31 August 2024.
Grants to the selected projects will be distributed in late January 2025.


Are you interested in volunteering with Friends of Burkina Faso? We are looking for a Newsletter Content Manager to help produce our biannual newsletter. This position involves collecting and developing articles and other information and compiling them into the newsletter twice per year. The newsletter is our main communication with FBF members and is our opportunity to show the great work our grant recipients are leading in Burkina Faso.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested or have questions about volunteering with us! Barka wusgo 🇧🇫

Photos from Friends of Burkina Faso's post 07/07/2024

Did you attend Faso Days last month in Washington DC? Friends of Burkina Faso was honored to receive a Certificate of Recognition for our contribution to support Burkina Faso! FBF was represented by Etienne Yonly, board member, and Drissa Dao, projects committee member. What a great event!


Will you be in LA on August 3rd?!

Donate 08/05/2024

Impact4Life, a 2023 project partner, is asking for 🚨 emergency 🚨 monetary donations to assist with food needs for homeless youth in Ouaga. If you are able to help with a donation, please use this link:

📣 From Impact4Life: “Each 25 kg bag of rice [a $20 donation] can feed approximately 6 children for a month. Our goal is 80 bags of rice to support about 500 children.“

Impact4Life received FBF funding in 2023 and runs a youth center in Ouaga. It is a dynamic organization with experienced leadership and solid infrastructure.

Donate Dear Donors,The disadvantaged children we serve are not looking for a handout, but a future of self-sufficiency that can only be achieved through quality education. With the generous support of individuals, sponsors and organizations, Impact4Life...


"𝐐𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐞́𝐥𝐞́𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐬.

Toute l'équipe de BEOG-NEERE vous souhaite une 𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐞̂𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐥'𝐀𝐢̈𝐝 𝐞𝐥-𝐅𝐢𝐭𝐫 !

Photos from Infos du Monde's post 10/04/2024
Photos from Friends of Burkina Faso's post 25/03/2024

Project update from Pull for Progress Burkina Faso (PFP BF), a 2024 recipient of FBF grant funds!

In collaboration with the U.S. Embassy Ouaga, PFP BF recently held the Stop the Bleed (StB) launch ceremony. Mrs. Leila OUEDRAOGO / THIAM from the Department of Public Affairs gave a practical demonstration of the StB strategy. The training session for the inaugural class of Burkina Faso’s Stop the Bleed instructors was then conducted. See pictures from this ceremony below!

The president of PFP BF, Samy Bendjemil, MD, MPH, also presented the Stop the Bleed initiative to the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) at the International Advanced Trauma Life Support Global Symposium in early March. PFP BF was recognized as a Stop the Bleed "Champion" in Burkina Faso and garnered support for this important work.

Although the circumstances that render Stop the Bleed necessary are heartbreaking, this tool is essential to saving lives and supporting communities. We look forward to hearing more from Pull for Progress!


Happy International Women’s Day!

Très belle célébration de la journée internationale des droits des femmes!


Le Burkina Faso déploie le vaccin contre le paludisme pour les enfants avec le soutien de USAID, U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) et nos partenaires de Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Ce vaccin devrait changer la donne au Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 où plus de 11 millions de cas de paludisme et plus de 4200 décès afférents ont été signalés en 2022.
USAID West Africa USAID Global Health

‘We don’t need air con’: how Burkina Faso builds schools that stay cool in 40C heat 03/03/2024

‘We don’t need air con’: how Burkina Faso builds schools that stay cool in 40C heat Architects use local materials and merge traditional techniques with modern technology to make schools and orphanages cool, welcoming places


Friends of Burkina Faso is thrilled to announce that we fulfilled our fundraising goal of $75,000! We will be able to fully fund all 6 projects that were selected for this year.
We want to send a humongous THANK YOU to our members and supporters for making this year a huge success!
We are eager to be able to start sharing project updates with you as these deserving organizations begin their great work around the country!

Read Thomas Hale Fox's Obituary & Leave Condolences 02/02/2024

Friends of Burkina Faso was saddened to learn of the passing of Tom Fox on January 3, 2023.

Tom was the Peace Corps Country Director for Upper Volta I, a founding member of Friends of Burkina Faso, and constant supporter of FBF’s projects and activities.

We are grateful for Tom’s support and all of his efforts on behalf of Burkinabe and so many others in the world through his life of service to our global community.

Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Read Thomas Hale Fox's Obituary & Leave Condolences Thomas Hale Fox died surrounded by family on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 in Washington D.C. Born in Boston in 1939 to Bertrand Fox and Mary Zeigler Fox, Tom …


Bonne semaine à tous 🇧🇫!
Le Burkina Faso la destination à ne pas manquer!!!


🇧🇫🇧🇫🇧🇫 The final countdown! The home stretch! We've extended our annual fundraiser until the end of the month and we just need $8,000 more! This amount will allow us to fully fund 6 local organizations to support their communities and achieve their goals. Spread the word far and wide and help us close out this fundraiser with a bang!! Thanks as always for your love, support, and dedication for Burkina Faso 🇧🇫🇧🇫🇧🇫 17/01/2024

We're so close to meeting our goal of sending $75,000 to support 6 projects across Burkina Faso. We've extended the deadline until January 31st for a final push to raise the remaining $18,000. Thank you for your continued support of FBF and the people of Burkina Faso- let's finish this fundraising campaign strong!


Introducing the final project for this year's fundraiser which ends next week on January 15th! As the projects committee was sifting through proposals, they realized a common theme was supporting displaced people who had lost their civil documents. While the right fit for an organization to lead this project hasn't been identified yet, the FBF Board is in discussion with a few potential partners and incoming funds have been earmarked for this cause.

When individuals are forced to flee their homes and villages due to terrorist activity, they often lose essential civil documents, such as national identification cards or birth certificates. In some areas, municipal buildings have been destroyed, along with vital records. Regaining lost documents is often a necessary first step to starting a life in a new location within Burkina Faso. FBF will be partnering with local organizations working specifically with displaced persons in the North and East regions to coordinate with the National Office of Identification in acquiring these important civil documents.


Dear Friends,

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported this fundraiser so far, whether by donating or spreading the word. When we identified the 6 projects to fund this year, we knew we were setting another ambitious target, and our largest one yet.

With a little more than 1 week left, we still need to raise $20,000 to meet our goal and fully fund all 6 projects. Please help us spread the word, share across your social media networks, with loved ones, and any other friends (or not-yet-friends) of Burkina Faso. These projects are so deserving of funds and with your help, we can support them in accomplishing their great work around the country.

We challenge you to create your own social media post (feel free to use the graphics we've previously shared on here!) to help get the word out of this final push. These projects are counting on us- thanks for making sure we can count on you!

See you again soon with the final results of the fundraiser. Until then, have a good start to the new year!

- Jennica Betsch
Technology Officer


Just 2 more projects to introduce for this year's annual fundraiser! Project #5 of 6 : Creating a Framework to Train Civilians to Identify and Respond to Life-Threatening Bleeding (North, North-Central, Central, and Central Plateau Regions) – This project is sponsored by Pull for Progress Burkina Faso, an organization founded by a Burkinabe physician and a US surgeon, and whose purpose is supporting sustainable development through initiatives in health, education, and social and economic development in underserved areas. As Burkina Faso has experienced an alarming increase in firearm injuries due to extremist violence, this has resulted in preventable deaths from hemorrhage, as there is no formal emergency response system in the country. This project will bring the evidence-based Stop the Bleed training to critical provinces around Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya, including rural areas and IDP camps. Using a train-the-trainer model, a total 18 instructors and 4,320 individuals will receive education on how to respond to life threatening hemorrhage before the arrival of first responders.

A shoulder shimmy made this African teen a global sensation 02/01/2024

The day that made Aïcha Bonou N’Donkie into an international viral sensation started as usual, with the 18-year-old collecting firewood, cooking for her family and selling peanuts she’d grown at the market in her village in western Burkina Faso…

A shoulder shimmy made this African teen a global sensation Aïcha Bonou N’Donkie went to a concert in her village looking to have fun. Her shoulder shimmy made in famous in Burkina Faso and beyond.


FBF’s End of Year fundraising campaign is ongoing through January 15! Donate by December 31st for a 2023 tax-free deduction and help us raise $75,000 for 6 important projects.
Learn more and donate online at


Learn about project #4 of 6 that we are fundraising for this year!
Providing Agricultural Extension and Advice to Vulnerable Producers (Zoundwéogo Province, Central Region) – This project is sponsored by Appui aux Initiatives pour la Valorisation Durable du Potentiel Local (AIVDPL), with whom FBF has partnered since 2017. AIVDPL builds the technical capacity of local producers, including women, with a goal of increasing agricultural production and combating food insecurity. Past efforts have resulted in increased yields and greater income generation, and funds will support training an additional 225 individuals, of whom 60% are female.
Donate online at


Dear Friends,
Our 2023 fundraising campaign is at the halfway point, and we are so thankful for the donations that have been made. As of today, we are 51% of the way towards our fundraising goal. This is great progress!
While the response to date has been generous, the needs in Burkina are great, and FBF seeks to fully fund this year’s six projects addressing community development and humanitarian assistance needs.
Will you help us get to the finish line? We still need to raise $38,000 to reach our overall fundraising goal. Please show your solidarity with Burkina Faso and with the selected six groups doing transformative work on the ground by making a donation today.
No amount is too small, and every dollar will make a difference.
Thank you and happy holidays!
Caroline Chambre Hammock
Projects Chair

In Building the Future, a Blueprint From the Past 14/12/2023

Francis Kere continues his groundbreaking work!

In Building the Future, a Blueprint From the Past Moderating the dialogue between the traditional and the modern in the search for a new architecture for Africa.

Photos from U.S. Embassy Ouaga's post 11/12/2023

Peace Corps staff alum, Sylvie Tougouma, is continuing to do great work in Burkina Faso!


Learn about project #3 of 6 that we are fundraising for this year!
Improving Yam Production Systems for Greater Food Security (Sissili Province, Center-West Region) – This project is sponsored by Nekene Douane, a cooperative representing yam farmers, a research team from the Institute of the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA), and the agricultural extension service in Léo. Yams are highly nutritious and contribute to food security in many parts of West Africa, including Burkina Faso. However, yam farmers face many challenges including low yields, poor quality planting material, disease, pest and weeds, low rainfall, and declining soil fertility. The aim of this project is to build on 6 years of research on new yam production methods that contribute to sustainable land use while improving yam yields. A total of 420 farmers (50% women) from the commune of Leo will be selected to participate, with 4,200 people indirectly benefitting from this project.
Go online to


Learn about project #2 that we are fundraising for this year! Supporting Market Gardening Production (Sanguié and Boulkiemdé Provinces, Center-West Region) – This project is sponsored by Action Micro-Barrages, an organization founded in 1987 to support community development efforts through the construction of micro-dams. This project aims to both improve the socio-economic status of beneficiaries through the implementation of market gardening production activities as well as the food security of the larger population through greater supply of market gardening products. Working in four villages and targeting 25 individuals (2/3 of whom are women) in each, this project will increase the capacity of 100 producers through training, infrastructure improvements, irrigation pumps, tillage, and enhanced seed access.
Go to

Videos (show all)

🇧🇫🇧🇫🇧🇫 The final countdown!  The home stretch!  We've extended our annual fundraiser until the end of the month and we j...
Happy Wednesday post…The Croix Rouge Zoundwéogo shared pictures and video of the newly installed well for internally dis...
We hope these thank you messages received from our local partner, Croix Rouge Zoundwéogo, put a smile on your face. Bon ...
We have just 10 days left in our 2022 Fundraising Campaign to raise $5k and meet our $71k goal! Donate today at www.frie...
Donate today at!There are only 3 weeks left in our 2022 Fundraising Campaign...
Donate today to support our 2022 Projects Fundraising Campaign!
Donate today to support our 2022 Projects Fundraising Campaign!
FBF was thrilled to receive over 30 proposals from diverse grassroots organizations in Burkina Faso! Our Projects Commit...
Global NEEED
AIVDPL Test Fields Site Visit
AIVDPL Agriculture Project Update