The Big Society

The Big Society

Be the change

Working towards a global socially inclusive society It is free and easy to use. "the world of peace and joy is at our finger tips.

"Be the change"

Until those among us decide to live their lives the way they believe the world should be, how can it really begin to create momentum for change? The Big Society offers a platform for those who wish to be the change they wish to see the chance to come together and share in the process. The website provides a database of anything that is part of the process.


If you could change one thing, globally. What would it be?


How to have more meaningful conversations

Steps to Sustainability Workshop 06/07/2023

Steps to Sustainability Workshop Steps to Sustainability Workshop


This man was forced to give his dog to the Humane Society due to undergoing lengthy hospital stay. This nurse found out and immediately went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily and will return him as soon as the man is released!
