Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J

Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J

Mental health, Family court, mothers' rights, fathers' rights. Laws have to change.

Consult Services: Awareness of the Entrustment Agreement, Court System, Adoption gone wrong, cps, the aftermath of an adult child dying and the drama that came with it.


I know Tracy (Trap P ) would say, ma why did you write this.
Because people really need to stop being fake about others, after they die.
Less than 10 people showed up for his candlelight.
Just stop it.
Depression is very real. When someone take their life, people be saying oh my little bro or my n-----. Let me say this, the street life, his mind thinking, his real blood mother and daddy b/s, drugs, his children mother, the daddy girlfriend and whomever. Let's get one thing straight all the streets so call friends my son had, they didn't help him. I could not help a grown man. Tracy Lamont Palmer only had one blood sister on his daddy side and one blood sister on his mother side. That's me. Tracy had three blood brothers. All the b/s can really stop.
Where was y'all when Tracy (Tray P ) was calling me, calling his sister and other people to pick him up at the wee hours of the morning, because he didn't have a place to lay his head, because of the drama he caused.
Just stop the b/s. My son Tracy Lamont Palmer better known as Tray P. is gone, not on earth, died, passed away. All the b/s that came after my son Tracy passed away. Just stop with the fake b/s. Yes, one real friend I see is missing my son and not fake about that.
I don't know the whole life my son Tracy was living; however, I know I didn't agree with his lifestyle, because I was around drugs and drama when I was growing up.
Ya'll need to stop posting oh my little bro. That person was not even invited to my son's viewing like I was not told.
Trust me, the full life story and the mess that comes with being broken and having a child at a young age. Tracy life story will be told as well.
Tracy Lamont Palmer real mother Carla J



I know Tracy (Trap P ) would say, ma why did you write this.
Because people really need to stop being fake about others, after they die.
Less than 10 people showed up for his candle light.
Just stop it.
Depression is very real. When someone take their life, people be saying oh my little bro or my n-----. Let me say this, the street life, his mind thinking, his real blood mother and daddy b/s, drugs, his children mother, the daddy girlfriend and whomever. Let's get one thing straight all the street so call friends my son had, they didn't help him. I could not help a grown man. Tracy Lamont Palmer only had one blood sister on his daddy side and one blood sister on his mother side. That's me. Tracy had three blood brothers. All the b/s can really stop.
Where was ya'll when Tracy (Tray P ) was calling me, calling his sister and other people to pick him up at the wee hours of the morning, because he didn't have a place to lay his head, because of the drama he caused.
Just stop the b/s. My son Tracy Lamont Palmer better known as Tray P. is gone, not on earth, died, passed away. All the b/s that came after my son Tracy passed away. Just stop with the fake b/s. Yes, one real friend I see is missing my son and not fake about that.
I don't know the whole life my son Tracy was living; however, I know I didn't agree with his lifestyle, because I was around drugs and drama when I was growing up.
Ya'll need to stop posting oh my little bro. That person was not even invited to my son's viewing like I was not told.
Trust me, the full life story and the mess that comes with being broken and having a child at a young age. Tracy life story will be told as well.
Tracy Lamont Palmer real mother Carla J


I used to watch what you were saying and during. It's weird, when I logged onto this account, I thought you were okay March 28, 2018. It's weird that I was logging in and seeing something that was not true at the time. It's weird that I logged on to around the same time you jumped. That's weird;however it was something that I knew that you did something. I didn't sleep well. Your sister called. Wow. I will never get that call saying oh ma why or ma you are dead to me or ma I just want to say I love you and I want to hear your voice.
You will never be forgotten my first born son.
Remembering the good and the bad. Rest easy Tracy Lamont Tracey Palmer My first born. Tray P. 😍😘 Kiss your aunt Pam, my mother, my grandmother Virgnia.


Written by Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J Mother
Life is full of ish. Then someone speaks up, they are called crazy. Tracey Palmer knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to stop all the pain that was caused by others and himself.
The pain of Tracey Palmer. His real name was Tracy Lamonte Palmer. No Jr. You can hate the birth mother. However, do you really know the truth of the birth, life and death of Tracy Lamonte Palmer? His birth certificate never said Jr. The life and death of someone that was in pain for years.
You can't save a person that want to end his/her pain.
Carla J.



Deonna PeedeTracey Palmer
Thinking about going back out there to the yard. It will never be the same without you 😢



Franklin Faye
May 12, 2019 ·
Owe oweee I want to wish a very strong, special lady in my life to have a happy, blessed, peaceful MOTHERS DAY !!🤣🍾🌹🥰you’ve taught me a lot about life and how it has its many twists and turns, fake and phonies, ups and downs and I appreciate it mom💛see you soon 🥰💓🥰
— with Tracey Palmer and Carla J.


Tiara M Wilson is with Tracey Palmer.
Tracey Palmer just know I didn't forget about you either homie you were a good friend and so kind at heart. I remember when I first had rah and I couldn't get to the store because it was so cold, it was only me and him in the house you left work to bring me diapers and formula because I ran out. Thank you for all you've done and just know you are not forgotten.

Remembering Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J . ***de


Tracey Palmer wanted to end the pain that he was dealing with. Medical records do not lie.
All the drama and lies, before and after his death.
Let that sink in.
The mental health, the family drama, the baby mother issues, jail life, etc.


Tracey Palmer speaks from his ashes. Audio from him do not lie at all.
Do not claim you love your children father and you did what you did to him. Karma is something. The truth, others will let them know the real truth about how you treated their father.
Stop lying on others that had nothing to do with your lies and how you treated your children father.
Lesson learn from losing your children father. You think you are hurting others from Tracey Palmer family. Nope. They don't care to even be used by you at all.
That's all you want to use others for money. It will never happen at all.
The bucks have stop from the other side. You will never ever do what you did to Tracy Lamonte Palmer. They don't care to be bother with users with no relationship at all.

This is what drives people to su***de.
Written by Carla J Kee-Franklin


This is a message for anyone that does not know the narrative of the real-life truth of Tracys' mother and their relationship. A lot of people just love the drama. No one wins at all. A life was loss due t6o the false narrative and what so many have said and done.

Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J didn't have a chance when mother and father come from a messed-up family.

I see the truth hurts. You all can report all you want to on this page. The truth really hurts. Karma is a blank. Tracey Palmer is dead because of life and his choices. Until you really know what happened to Tracy's mother, you can't speak on anything. Look at your own life and reflect on that. Your truth is your truth. What you don't know what really happened in a person's real life, just hear say you don't know what happened. Saying all of that, the lies, the drugs, the lifestyle that Tracey Palmer lived is just that. How he lived. Until you really know what the heck the family court system did to Tracy's mother you can't speak on that. Mind your business. If you want to blame anyone, blame Tracey Palmer so call father. Blame him. Blame the lies that was told to Tracey Palmer. Don't ever blame a person that only tried to help her son. Blame the screw up system that never help at all. Blame the mentality of an abuser that abused Tracey Palmer and his mother. Blame the fact that what you did to your child's father. Blame the recycle trauma of your parents. When you are grown and start having children, you can't blame anyone besides yourself period. Blame yourself for lying. Blame yourself, you are grown. It's time to woman up. You can blame all you want to for how Tracey Palmer was. When the other side of the family tried to help Tracey Palmer and yourself, you didn't want the help. You kept your children away from the other side of the family. Every time Tracey Palmer mother would come and pick your kids up, Tracey Palmer had to stop at the store and buy them brand new clothes and food. Plenty of times Tracey's mother pick you up and drove you places. Tracey Palmer even said on the phone, he didn't think your first child was his. He even text and called crying about you were selling your body. Yes, I know you are telling your truth. Well, Tracey Palmer is dead and he can't tell his truth, can he. The toxic relationship and the abuse. Remember Tracey Palmer and yourself went to court for abuse of your children. Remember Tracey Palmer lied to the social worker about not wanting his mother at the courthouse. Guess who he called every time he got locked up and scream and cussed at, because his life was not going right? Blame, yourself because you had other people to want to help out. Now blame yourself not your dead child's father. Everyone want to tell their truth, make it make sense. You sold your last child for crack. You are in and out of jail. So is that your baby father children's fault. You can't blame that on him. He is dead. You said you loved your children's father, you lied. You lied, you lied.
Stop blaming Tracey Palmer mother. You forget she tried to help you, or you forgot. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Written by Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J .


Tiara M Wilson
You never know what a person is dealing with prayers to the family I still pray for Tracey Palmer he jump off Oceanview pier depression is a #1 killer
Jessica Jackson
a car drove off the pier
and into the waters below
the brake lights flickered in hesitation
as if deciding whether or not they should go
within those last few seconds
before the deep submerge
I felt a close relation
to being on that same verge
a car drove off the pier
of the beach in my hometown
How long was the driver
considering to drown?
Did they decide that very morning
to end where the sea meets the sky?
Or did they give this years of thought
and say their last goodbyes?
a car drove off the pier
Anonymously you drowned
I wonder if on the ocean floor
peace was finally found
How long have you been hurting?
When was the last time someone held your hand?
Did you feel alone for a long time
Like no one would understand?
A person drove off the pier
I do not know their name or face
But I’ll think about them every time
I revisit this place
-Jessica Phylicia Jackson 🤍

Sign the Petition 24/03/2024

Tracy was about of the entrustment agreement story. He didn't have a chance. The false narratives of what others are saying. The system failed Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J and his mother.

Tracy took his life due to his life, his children's mother keeping his children away from him, Tracy's mother and father don't get along.

Tracy's father and his mother was in a relationship. So many false narratives.
The truth will be coming out. Not on social media at all.
Sign the petition. The Entrustment Agreement Story is based on a teen mother that wanted the best for her son.
Laws has to change in order for mothers to continue to make their decisions and not be dragged back and forth in court by the father that didn't sign the papers and the mother doesn't get contacted.
Tracy Lamonte Palmer Son of Carla J mother was kicked out of her fathers' home twice. A lot of people do not want the truth to really come out.

FYI: Through research, producers may have made a movie regarding the entrustment agreement story. Only Carla J Kee-Franklin will be telling, producing anything.

Be careful what you say, because people will steal whatever you speak about and never pay you.

Be careful what you believe.

Sign the Petition Mothers Rights, Adoption Laws, Teens Mothers, Mothers. Family Court, Cps Laws

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