Vivacious Vegan Women

Vivacious Vegan Women

A place for vegan women to connect and talk about women's health.


Episode 10 of Menstrual Matters is here, and this one is about the health benefits of Laughter!

There are so many ways laughing benefits our body, mind, and spirit. Check them out here.

But what does laughing have to do with menstrual health? You're going to have to watch to find out!

To learn more about Carly, check out the website
Or if you want to contact Carly, email
[email protected]


Menstrual Matters Episode 9 is here. This time I wanted to share a personal story.

I have been dealing with my thyroid as of late, and I want to share my experience with you. So many women deal with thyroid issues and maybe do not even know it.

Check out the video to hear about my symptoms and how I'm working through it!

If you feel like someone you know is going through something similar and could use another view, please share this video with them.

To contact me either message me here on FB or email Carly at [email protected].


I got some cherries fresh off a friend's tree AND happened to find a recipe that called for cherries! What are the chances?! I've been enjoying this for lunch for the past few days, and it's not getting boring! It is so fresh with a little bit of tartness... mmmm!


What is your fave food of the summer?!


In this episode, I go through 5 foods that will help you move forward on your goal to happy periods!

I share what to do before you start as well as why they are helpful and how to purchase and use these foods. I believe that it is easier to add in good stuff than it is to take out bad. So that is what I talk about.

As always, you can contact me through FB or email: [email protected]. If you think you need added support, do not hesitate to contact me.

You can also let me know what you thought of this video and/or topics you would find interesting in the future.

Yours in plant love,


This week I am solo, and I discuss a few points about the great book I just read called P***y: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer.

You'll find out if I think this book is a must-read or!

There is a part in the book about how we as women tend to relate to one another and it was a huge eye-opener for me.

If you like what you see in this video, let me know. Message me here or email me at [email protected].

Enjoy, friends!


If you have been wondering about yoni steaming, this episode is for you! Honestly, even if you haven't, I think you will really like this one!


🌺Hey there! Welcome to the new episode of Menstrual Matters!🌺

I am chatting with Sarah Szeszorak all about her menstrual history and present.

This is a great episode because Sarah shares details of her menstrual issues that we do not often hear. She shares what issues she had, where she is now, and how she got here!

It is a great episode for those who may be having bad periods, but do not know they are not ideal. I have noticed a lot of people who menstruate think the suffering is normal and what it means to be a woman.

Listen to Sarah's story, you won't regret it!

This Is What It Would Look Like If the Golden Girls Went Vegan - ChooseVeg 26/03/2019

I LOVE the Golden Girls... I would watch these episodes!! ❤ You?

This Is What It Would Look Like If the Golden Girls Went Vegan - ChooseVeg Daiya cheezecake anyone?

All About Folates and Folic Acid | Precision Nutrition 19/03/2019

This is a great article clarifying the difference between folate and folic acid. It has great info even if you are not planning on getting pregnant.

It describes the MTHFR gene mutation, why you need to take B vitamins as a group, as well as how it related to cardiovascular health.

Great read!

All About Folates and Folic Acid | Precision Nutrition More than 200,000 people agree: Precision Nutrition is different. Our world-class experts have spent the last 15 years working 1-on1 with thousands of nutrition coaching and certification clients. With this research and experience, we've uncovered an exact formula for getting results.

Antioxidants in a pinch 19/03/2019

If you are bored with the same old foods day in and day out, to change it up the easiest way, add on some new herbs and spices.

This not only gets you out of a rut, it is super healthy as well. Check out this video from to see why!

Antioxidants in a pinch Subscribe to Dr. Greger’s free nutrition newsletter and get the Evidence-Based Eating Guide: A Healthy Living Resource from Dr. Greger and

'Period blood' emoji aims to destigmatize menstruation 15/03/2019

So this is happening! What are your thoughts?

'Period blood' emoji aims to destigmatize menstruation A collection of more than 200 new emojis, including symbols for guide dogs, in*******al couples and period blood, will be part of the new batch of Unicode Consortium’s update later this year.


I can personally say I have been through this. Coming out of the doctor's office when you have been told that the pain and discomfort you feel is all in your head, can really make you question your body and your mind.

This video is both frustrating and liberating. It shows us that we are not the problem. The problem is the larger medical system as well as how women are viewed in our society.

It reminds us that we know when something is off with our body, and we can fight if and when we need to - to make sure we get the care and support we need.

A Documentary About Periods Won An Oscar And Twitter Freaking Loved It 11/03/2019

I've got this on my list in Netflix. Anyone else?!

A Documentary About Periods Won An Oscar And Twitter Freaking Loved It “I can’t believe a movie about menstruation just won an Oscar!” Rayka Zehtabchi, director of "Period. End Of Sentence," said during her acceptance speech.

Videos (show all)

Menstrual Matters Episode 10 Laughter
Menstrual Matters Episode 9: My Thyroid Story
Menstrual Matters Episode 8: 5 Foods for Happy Periods
Menstrual Matters Episode 7 Pussy!