Taylor/Steele and Associates

Taylor/Steele and Associates

Financial Consultants/ Analysts/ Advisors, Investment Mangers/Brokers, Bankers


Thirty plus years in the Wall Street financial services industry, as Principal and CEO of Taylor Steele and Associates give me the insight, experience, and ability to identify and place highly skilled and talented financial services executives into better opportunities for themselves and their families. There is no one more prepared or better qualified to provide professional consultation


BILL PARCELLS-“ You are what your record says you are”
HERE’S MINE. Thirty plus years in the Wall Street financial services industry, as Principal and CEO of Taylor Steele and Associates gives me the insight, experience, and ability to identify and place highly skilled and talented financial services executives into better opportunities for themselves and their families. This has been memorialized on a large scale over that period .There is no one more prepared or better qualified to provide professional consultation and coaching, and to handle all aspects of negotiations for those open minded and elite Wealth Management individuals getting ready to make a change and transition into major firms or independent channels.

I have developed one of the highest scale Wall Street Placement and Consulting Services firms. Based on our track record of success for the financial advisor community, I have been Judicially acknowledged as " An Expert on Recruiting " by being selected as an expert witness in an important industry court case in Cleveland, Ohio, as well as in multiple arbitrations on behalf of FA's being legally challenged in employment disputes in New York, Dallas, Chicago, Miami and Palm Beach. My documented 30-year track record includes successful facilitation for FA's with UBS, Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo and Lehman Brothers amongst others.


"Exemplary 33 Year Track Record of Service" - Our firm has an exemplary 33 year track record of integrity and performance in the financial service recruiting industry. The metrics are getting stronger for revenue producing Financial Advisors and Wealth Management Professionals, as firms are now focusing on their recruiting goals for next year. Send us a confidential message through this page or a private email to [email protected], so we can facilitate the next scale of wealth for you and your family.
