Favour's Books

Favour's Books

"Queen of Suspense," wielding words like a crown and books as her kingdom's keys. đź‘‘đź“š


{She fell first, he fell harder}đź’ž

THEME: Betrayal and Redemption

By; Chibuifem Favour Samuel

Chapter 87đź’”88

Dalton Owen

Two Hours Ago

I stared at Daisy, who was sitting comfortably, breastfeeding the baby. The room was filled with a quiet calm, but inside me, a storm was brewing. I had been lost in thought, memories of the past swirling in my mind like a haunting melody that refused to leave.

"Why did you call me, Dalton?" Daisy asked, her voice soft but laced with curiosity. Her eyes searched mine, but I remained silent. Five long years had passed, and I had changed so much. The man I once was happy with, with a smile that came easily, was gone. Now, all that was left were cold, empty blue eyes that rarely reflected anything other than pain.

I had thrown myself into work, burying my emotions under the weight of endless tasks and responsibilities. But that didn’t mean I had completely let go. Over the years, I had quietly monitored her Sky. I had placed my men to watch over and protect her, just in case she ever tried to take her life again. Every month, I received reports on her well-being, even if I pretended not to care.

"I need a favor from you," I finally said, my voice colder than I intended.

Daisy and David were the only ones who had stuck by me, who made sure I was okay when everything else fell apart.

"What is it?" Daisy asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. I hardly ever asked her for anything, so this was out of character for me.

"Pretend to be my wife," I said flatly. The glass of wine in Daisy's hand slipped, crashing to the floor, shattering just like the emotions in her eyes.

"Are you crazy?" she yelled, her voice sharp and filled with disbelief. I had expected this reaction.

Five years ago, after everything had fallen apart, David finally found the courage to tell Daisy that he loved her. I always knew he had harbored those feelings for her, but he was too afraid to act on them. At first, she was shocked and rejected him, but David was persistent. He never gave up. Three years ago, they got married, and now they have two sons who I loved dearly, probably more than I loved anything else.

"Today is Sky's book signing," I said, my tone devoid of emotion. "I'm going, and I want to show her that I can live without her."

All these years, I had resented Sky for what she did, and I still do. The hatred I had harbored for her was immense, but at the same time, I couldn’t ignore the fact that I still loved her deep down.

"Dalton," Daisy whispered, her voice softening as she saw the pain I was trying to mask.

"Please, Daisy," I pleaded, my voice almost breaking. "I'll talk to David, just this once."

She hesitated, the conflict clear in her eyes. But after a moment, she nodded. "Okay, I'll go get ready," she said quietly before heading upstairs.

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and guilt. I wanted to light a cigarette, to let the smoke calm my nerves, but I knew better. Daisy would kill me if I smoked around her children, especially with their three-month-old baby in the house.

Today, I was finally going to see the girl who shattered my heart and broke it into a million pieces. I had read all her books, and I couldn’t deny her talent. She was incredible, but that didn’t change the fact that she had hurt me more than anyone else ever could.

I wanted to see her, even though I hated her. I wanted her to feel the same pain I had gone through. I wanted her to know that I could live without her, that I had moved on.

As I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts drifted to how beautiful she would look today. I hated her, but at the same time, I hated myself even more for still loving her after everything that had happened.

When our eyes locked, my once unyielding heart skipped a beat. The same effect she had on me years ago was still there, lingering beneath the surface. But I buried it deep, masking everything with my cold, emotionless gaze.

"Sign it," I said, my voice as frigid as my expression. Sky's eyes widened in shock, her composure faltering for just a moment.

"Hi, Sky," Daisy chimed in with a warm smile. I knew Daisy had always wanted to see Sky, to check on her despite everything that had happened.

"Hi, Daisy," Sky replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. Her voice was still as beautiful as I remembered, and her presence still managed to pull at something deep within me. Her hair had grown longer, and she looked more stunning than ever.

And yet, despite everything, my foolish heart kept loving her, over and over again.

"You're staring too much," Daisy whispered, trying to stifle her laughter, but she couldn’t hold it in and burst out laughing.

I muttered a quick "f**k you" under my breath as she continued to laugh. But when I looked at Sky again, I saw the sadness in her eyes, a sadness that mirrored my own. I wanted to hate her for using me all those years, for breaking my heart, but I still yearned for the impossible for her to love me one day.

"Here," she said, her voice strained as she handed me the signed book with a forced smile.

"Love, let's go," I said to Daisy, who leaned in to kiss my cheek. Liam, the baby, was already asleep in my arms. As we walked away, I could feel Sky's gaze on us, her eyes following our every step.

Then a thought crossed my mind. Without hesitation, I tossed the book she had signed into the bin as we walked out, making sure she saw it. I wanted to hurt her the way she had hurt me.

Standing outside, Daisy looked at me with concern. "You okay?" she asked, and I forced a small smile.

"I am," I lied.

"I know you're not, Dalton. I know you still love her," Daisy said softly.

"Don't," I snapped, glaring at her. She sighed, understanding but helpless.

"Take care," she said gently. I opened the car door for her, placing Liam beside her, and watched as the car drove away. Once they were gone, I pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up as I inhaled deeply, trying to smoke away the depression that clung to me like a second skin.

After the events five years ago, I spiraled into a deep depression, battling anxiety, sleepless nights, and relentless nightmares. I suffered in silence for a year and a half, and if it weren’t for Daisy and David, I might not have made it through. All of that pain was because of the gaping hole Sky left in my heart, a hole I could never truly fill.

I resented her.

"Boss," one of my men said, handing me the book I had tossed in the waste bin. I had thrown it away, but there was no way I could truly discard Sky’s book, *Shattered Reflections*. That book had helped me through my darkest days, not because of its literary merit, but because I knew she had poured her heart into it. Every page was a reflection of the pain and regret she felt, and in some twisted way, it connected us.

"Get the car ready and keep it inside. I'll be waiting here," I ordered, and he nodded, walking away.

As I stood there, lost in thought, I heard a voice behind me, making me freeze. I knew that voice, Sky.

"When did you start smoking?" she asked, stepping in front of me. Her presence was both comforting and torturous. I stared at her coldly, watching as she shivered, a small part of me relishing her fear.

"Get lost," I said, my voice sharp and unfeeling. She stood there in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. This was the first time I had ever spoken to her like this, and though part of me hated myself for it, I knew it was necessary. It was the only way to protect what little was left of my heart.

Just then, my car arrived, and as the door opened, I began to walk past her, ready to leave her behind. But then, she grabbed my coat, her touch sending a shock through me. Instinctively, I pushed her away, harder than I intended, and she fell to the ground, her eyes filled with shock and pain.

I didn’t mean to push her like that. For a split second, I wanted to reach out and help her, but I stopped myself. This was for the best.

As I was about to get into the car, I heard her voice again, trembling and broken.

"Do you still love me?" she asked, her sobs filling the air.

I stopped in my tracks, but I didn’t turn around. My heart ached, every fiber of my being wanted to hold her, to tell her the truth. But I couldn’t.

"All that's left for you is hatred…and regret," I said coldly, my words slicing through the air. With that, I got into the car, shutting the door behind me, leaving her behind, sobbing on the cold ground.

As the car pulled away, I looked out the window, watching her figure grow smaller in the distance. It felt like I had lost her all over again, but I told myself it was for the best. Anything was better than going through the agony I endured five years ago.


{She fell first, he fell harder}đź’ž

THEME: Betrayal and Redemption

By; Chibuifem Favour Samuel

Chapter 87đź’”88

Sky Williams

Five Years Later

I walked out of my mansion, slipping on my coat as the chill of the New Year’s Eve air brushed against my skin. I found myself in the garden, drawn to the old swing that had become my solace over the years. The snow had begun to fall gently, covering everything in a blanket of white, as if trying to hide the past I could never escape.

It’s been five years. Five long years since I last saw my parents, since I moved away, since I last saw Dalton, Daisy, and David. Five years since Asher’s death.

That night still haunts me as if it happened yesterday. The night Asher shot himself after revealing the whole truth every painful, agonizing detail. The truth behind my baby’s death, the lies, the betrayal. And, though I hate to admit it, I resent myself for not seeing through him sooner. I was so caught up in my own pain, in the bitterness of unrequited love, that I couldn’t see the torment he was enduring. The suffering inflicted by my parents, the unhealed wounds left by Crystal’s death. I was blind, lost in a fantasy where my pain was all that mattered.

But life is about healing, isn’t it? And I’ve been healing for the past five years.

After Asher’s burial, I fell into a deep, cold blue, a numbness that lasted a year. I had lost everyone dear to me my family, my friends, and even the man I truly loved. It took me that long to realize that I had loved Dalton with all my heart, but I was too consumed by revenge to see it. Even though I knew Dalton would do anything for me, I couldn’t bring myself to contact him. The shame was too great.

During that year of isolation, I began to rethink my life. When the truth came out, my modeling agent reached out, urging me to return to the industry. But I declined. When I needed their support the most, the people I thought were my friends abandoned me. I was left to fend for myself, and it was then that I found solace in writing.

Writing became my lifeline, a way to piece myself back together. I wrote about life, about struggling, about the pain that nearly consumed me. And now, I’m the biggest and most popular writer in the world. I have millions, no, billions of fans eagerly awaiting my next book. My best-selling book, Shattered Reflections, released last year, took the world by storm, and they’re already asking for more.

But despite all the fame, despite the accolades and the success, I still miss him Dalton. I want to tell him how sorry I am, even though I know what I did was unforgivable. A part of me fears he’s moved on, and I know it’s selfish of me, but I can’t help it. The thought of him living his life without me tears at my heart.

The snow fell more heavily now, and I watched as it blanketed the world around me. I moved to Canada after that first year, hoping to start anew, and I don’t regret it. The distance, the change, was what I needed to rebuild myself.

My phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced at the screen and saw it was my assistant, Mia.

“Hey, Mia,” I answered.

“Miss Sky, Happy New Year!” Mia’s voice was bright and cheerful.

“Same to you,” I replied, a small smile tugging at my lips.

“Just wanted to remind you that you have a book signing next week on the 10th in New York.”

“Thanks, I’ve got it,” I said, noting it down in my mind.

“Goodnight, Miss Sky.”

“Night, Mia,” I said with a smile before ending the call.

I stood up, the cold seeping into my bones, and decided it was time to go back inside. As I walked through the quiet mansion, I couldn’t help but think about the life I’d built here, away from everything that once was. But as I crawled into bed, one thought lingered no matter how much time passes, some wounds never truly heal. And some love stories, no matter how broken, are never really over.

A week later…

Today was the day of my book signing in New York the place where I grew up, where my story began. As I stood in my hotel room, the city skyline in the distance, I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous excitement bubbling within me.

I carefully chose my outfit, one that reflected both my status as a successful author and my personal style. I opted for a sophisticated yet approachable look: a tailored black blazer over a white silk blouse, paired with high-waisted, wide-legged trousers that elongated my figure. The outfit was simple yet elegant, exuding confidence without being overly flashy. I slipped into a pair of black pointed-toe heels, the click of the leather sole against the marble floor grounding me as I moved around the room.

My hair was swept into a beautiful, sleek bun at the nape of my neck, the simplicity of the style accentuating my features and leaving my face open and approachable. I applied a touch of makeup just enough to enhance my natural beauty without overpowering my look. A swipe of red lipstick added a pop of color, a nod to the boldness I hoped to embody today.

Grabbing my bag, I walked out of the door, my security detail following closely behind me. It almost felt like I was a president, given the protection I needed due to my crazy fans. As I slid into the backseat of my Lamborghini, Mia settled beside me, her presence comforting as always.

"Sky, this is going to be big," Mia said, her tone filled with excitement. She only called me by my name when we were having a friendly conversation.

"I know, right? I’m nervous," I admitted with a chuckle, trying to mask the jitters that came with each new event.

"Nervous? This isn’t your first time," Mia laughed, shaking her head.

"Shut up," I teased, rolling my eyes at her. "But seriously, I can’t wait for book two of Shattered Reflections."

I knew I had to write the sequel, but I’d been facing a severe case of writer’s block. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what to write; it was the challenge of breaking the story into chapters that flowed seamlessly.

"You’ll have to wait like the rest," I said, smirking at her playful pout.

"Can’t you just give me a hint?" she pleaded, her tone turning cute, almost like a child begging for a treat.

"No, Mia," I laughed, shaking my head.

"You’re so mean," she said, crossing her arms in mock frustration.

Mia and I met three years ago, and she quickly became my best friend and biggest motivation. Though I didn’t tell her everything about my past, she never pressured me to open up. I did, however, share the story of Dalton, Asher, and me, and let’s just say she had the wildest imagination when it came to how that story should’ve ended.

"Sky," Mia said, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"We’re here," she said as the car pulled to a stop.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. The door of my Lamborghini was opened by one of my security team, and I stepped out, Mia following behind me. Paparazzi swarmed, but the security kept them at bay as we made our way inside. The sight that greeted me took my breath away, fans, more than I could count, filled the venue, their energy buzzing with excitement.

Today was going to be a busy day.

"Sky, we love you!" someone screamed from the crowd, their voice cutting through the noise.

I took the mic handed to me, smiling as I began, "Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here, and I love you all too. Today, I’ll be signing my books and taking some pictures with you. And yes, Shattered Reflections Book Two will be coming soon!" The crowd erupted in cheers, their excitement palpable.

Mia shot me a confused look, but I ignored it. I knew I had to start writing something now, especially after that promise.

Three hours later, I was already exhausted. Mia suggested we take a 30-minute break, which I gratefully accepted. But soon enough, I was back to signing books, determined to make sure every fan got their moment.

I was busy searching for my pen, which had fallen to the floor, when I noticed a fan placing a book on the table. I smiled, ready to greet them as I picked up the pen, but the words died in my throat when I looked up.

"Hi, I—" The smile froze on my face, and my breath caught in my chest. It was Dalton.

My eyes widened in shock. He looked so handsome, even more so than I remembered, but there was something different about him. His eyes, once filled with warmth, were now cold, as if I was staring at a stranger. My heart began to race, the memories of our past flooding back all at once.

A wide smile crept onto my face despite the tension. "Dalton," I whispered, the name slipping out like a prayer, happy just to see him again.

But he stared at me with no emotion, his face a mask, and I felt a sharp pang of pain in my chest. Then, my eyes drifted down to the little child in his arms, a boy who looked around two years old. My heart sank even further.

Is this Dalton's child? The question echoed in my mind, but before I could process it, another figure appeared beside him.

It was Daisy, holding a newborn baby in her arms, her hand intertwined with Dalton’s. "Hi, honey," she said, her voice sweet, but the smile on my face immediately faded.

The world seemed to crumble around me. I couldn’t breathe. My past had caught up to me, and it was more painful than I ever imagined.


{She fell first, he fell harder}đź’ž

THEME: Betrayal and Redemption

By; Chibuifem Favour Samuel

Chapter 85đź’”86

Sky Williams

I was heartbroken hearing what Asher had said.

My baby had died in my stomach, tears began to fall from my eyes.

I sobbed loudly, the pain in my chest unbearable.

When I thought that life behind me was slowly healing from it, I realized I had never even started.

Asher, seeing me cry, felt like his heart was being ripped out. He loved me to the extent that he wanted to take all my pain away. Why didn’t he love me all those years? The guilt he felt for the way he treated me was unbearable.

As he clutched onto me, he was about to touch me.

I slapped Asher’s hand away before he could.

"Even if my baby died, I still hate you! You made my life a living hell," I screamed angrily.

"I had no choice," Asher replied, and I stared at him as if he was crazy.

"No choice in calling my baby an abomination, a bastard?" I yelled. "He was your child too!" I screamed.

All the pain I had held back, swallowing it down, came rushing out in a torrent of fury and grief.

"You called him a mistake," I yelled, my voice raw with emotion. "You said he was a curse, a burden! How could you, Asher? He was our baby, our child! And you treated him like he was nothing, like he was some kind of disease."

Asher's eyes widened with every word, his face a mask of agony.

"You belittled me every single day," I continued, my voice rising with every accusation. "You said I was unfit to be a mother, that I was irresponsible, that I was ruining your life. Do you know what that did to me? How it tore me apart from the inside?"

Asher opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"You made me feel worthless, like I didn’t deserve happiness, like I didn’t deserve to be a mother. You called our baby a bastard, an abomination. You said he was the result of my poor decisions, that he was going to ruin your life. How could you be so cruel?"

Tears streamed down my face, and I could see the guilt and pain reflected in Asher's eyes.

"You treated me like garbage, Asher. You isolated me, made me feel alone in the darkest time of my life. You said I was nothing without you, that I was a failure. And all the while, you were hiding the truth from me, letting me believe it was my fault, letting me believe I killed our baby."

Asher reached out again, but I stepped back, shaking my head.

"I don’t care why you did it. You destroyed me, Asher. You took away everything that mattered to me and left me with nothing but pain and guilt. I’ll never forgive you for that."

The weight of my words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. Asher stood there, tears streaming down his face, his expression one of utter devastation.

"I thought I was healing," I whispered, my voice breaking. "But now I see that I never even started. You took away my chance to mourn, my chance to heal. And for that, I’ll never forgive you."

Asher fell to his knees, his sobs echoing in the empty street. But I couldn’t find it in my heart to feel any sympathy. The damage was done, and there was no going back.

Tears fell from Asher's eyes as he stared at me.

I was broken beyond repair.

“Sky, I'm sorry,” he whispered.

I stared blankly at him, though the tears didn't stop flowing, nor did the pain in my chest go away. I had lost everything. Everything that was dear to me. I got my revenge, but the scars were still there.

“Sorry is too late, Asher. I hate you with every fiber of my being. Whether you killed the baby or not, it doesn't matter. I hate you for the things you did and the names you called my unborn baby,” I said, knowing I could never forgive him.

Asher sobbed loudly, his anguish palpable. He knew this was it. Sky was never going to love him again. He could see the hate and everything else in my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Sky. I know the way I treated you was horrible, but I lost Crystal before my eyes. The pushing and everything made me lose my mind, and I blamed it on you,” he sobbed.

“I was beyond angry when I heard you were pregnant. I thought you made me drunk on purpose. I fell for your mother’s lie because I was at my lowest when Crystal died,” he said as I listened to him.

“So I took out my anger on you. I’m so sorry I called our dead baby those names. It’s not an excuse.”

Asher’s voice cracked with every word, the weight of his guilt and regret hanging heavy in the air.

“But then I fell in love with you. I fell harder than I ever thought possible,” he continued, his voice softening as he recounted his feelings.

“It started in the smallest ways. I remember one morning, you were sitting by the window, the sunlight casting a golden halo around you. You were reading a book, completely engrossed, and I couldn’t help but notice how peaceful you looked. In that moment, something shifted inside me. I saw you not as the person I blamed for my pain, but as someone who was also hurting, also trying to find a way to survive.”

Asher paused, his eyes locking onto mine, searching for any sign of understanding.

“I began to notice the little things about you. The way you laughed when you thought no one was listening, a soft, melodic sound that brightened even the darkest days. The way you cared for others, always putting their needs before your own, even when you were hurting. Your strength, your resilience, the way you faced every challenge with a quiet determination. It was impossible not to be drawn to you.”

He took a deep breath, his voice trembling with emotion.

“I remember the first time I realized I was falling for you. You were standing in the garden, surrounded by flowers. You were crying, but there was a strength in your sadness that took my breath away. I wanted to hold you, to take away your pain, but I was too much of a coward to admit my feelings. I was terrified of my own emotions, afraid of what they meant, afraid of how much I needed you.”

Asher’s tears flowed freely now, his sorrow mingling with the memories.

“I fell in love with you every day, in a thousand different ways. Watching you laugh with your friends, seeing the kindness in your eyes, feeling the warmth of your presence. Every moment with you was a reminder of the person I wanted to be, the person I could be if I was brave enough to love you. But I let my fear and anger control me. I hurt you, pushed you away, and now I have to live with the consequences of my actions.”

He fell silent, the weight of his confession hanging between us.

“But I fell in love with you, Sky. Completely, irrevocably. And I hate myself for not showing you that love when it mattered the most.”

I stood there, numb and broken, unable to process the depth of his words. The man who had caused me so much pain was now baring his soul, revealing a love I had never known existed. But it was too late. The damage was done, and no amount of remorse could erase the scars he had left on my heart.

“When I noticed that I was falling harder for you than you ever did for me, I had to protect you from your parents. Your mom was trying to kill the baby, so I took the blame on myself. Everything I did to hurt you was to save you from what your mother had planned.”

His words cut through the air like a knife, each revelation more shocking than the last.

"I knew Dalton wouldn't be in the building when I sent it collapsing. Your father sent assassins to kill Dalton at the building, but I told him I'd do it. I thought Dalton being in a coma would make your father think he was dead, but Dalton still came to you.”

A gasp left my mouth.

“Though I hate Dalton, I hate him so much because I know he loves you better than I did. But he meant so much to you, and I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. When I saw you in Dalton's arms that day, I lost it. I let my demon take over, and I shot him out of jealousy.”

I stared at him, wide-eyed, as he continued.

“When I saw you crying, I didn't know how to comfort you, Sky. Everything I did was to protect you from the evil of your parents,” Asher finished, his voice breaking.

I stood there, stunned, processing the depth of his actions.

“You know that saying where they say she fell first, and he fell harder? I guess that’s my case because I fell harder and I keep falling in love with you,” he laughed before standing up. “But I know you don't have any love left for me, and I hate myself. If I could go back in time and set everything right, I would.”

Asher stood up, picking up the gun, and my heart began to beat faster.

“Asher, what are you doing?” I said, fear gripping me.

“I love you, Sky, and I hope Dalton treats you right because I know you love him deep down.” With that, he pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger.

I watched in horror as he fell to the floor.

“Asher!” I screamed, my voice echoing in the night.


{She fell first, he fell harder}đź’ž

THEME: Betrayal and Redemption

By; Chibuifem Favour Samuel

Chapter 83đź’”84

Asher Black

I couldn’t live without Sky, I have to go see her.

I’m dying without her.

My heart feels numb.

I couldn’t live without Sky. Each day without her felt like a slow, torturous death. I had to go see her. My entire being ached for her presence, and the pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that it felt like my heart was being squeezed by an iron fist, draining the life out of me with each passing second.

I was dying without her. The emptiness inside me was a vast, gaping chasm, an endless void that swallowed every ounce of happiness and light, leaving behind nothing but a cold, dark abyss.

I was drowning in my own despair, suffocating under the weight of my own longing. My heart felt numb, a lifeless organ beating mechanically within my chest, devoid of any warmth or feeling. It was as if all the colors had been drained from my world, leaving everything in dull, lifeless shades of gray.

Every memory of her was a double-edged sword, slicing through me with the sharpness of lost joy and unattainable love.

Each moment without Sky was an eternity of loneliness, a relentless march through a desert of sorrow and regret.

The silence was deafening, a constant reminder of her absence, echoing through the empty halls of my mind. The world felt hollow, as if it had lost its very soul, and I was left wandering aimlessly through this desolate landscape, searching for a glimpse of the happiness I once knew.

I was a shell of my former self, a ghost haunted by memories of better days. The laughter, the love, the moments of pure, unfiltered joy – they were all gone, replaced by an unending ache that gnawed at my very core.

I missed her smile, the way her eyes sparkled with mischief, the sound of her laughter that could light up the darkest of days. Without her, everything felt meaningless, a series of monotonous tasks that held no significance, no purpose.

I grabbed my hoodie, the fabric rough and comforting against my skin, a small reminder of the world outside my pain. Taking my car key, I stumbled out of the door, driven by an insatiable need to see her, to feel her presence once more.

The drive to David's mansion was a blur, the road ahead a hazy ribbon stretching into the unknown. But then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, I saw her. Sky, walking aimlessly on the road, her figure a beacon of light in my dark, empty world.


Sky Williams

I walked, the only thing on my mind was to kill Asher. The burning rage in my chest felt like it was about to explode, and I could barely see straight through the haze of anger and grief. Each step I took was fueled by the bitter memories of betrayal and loss.

Then a car pulled over, blocking my way. The tires screeched against the asphalt, and the sound snapped me out of my trance.


I looked up to see Asher. My heart pounded in my chest, and all the sadness and agony vanished, replaced by a cold, deadly resolve. I grabbed the gun hidden in my pocket and pointed it at him, my hands steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

I'll kill him.

"It's because of you," I yelled, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. "Because of you, Dalton hates me."

Asher stared at me, his eyes wide with confusion, not knowing what to say. The silence between us was thick with unspoken words and broken promises.

"Please, Sky, drop the gun," he pleaded, his voice trembling.

"You f**king ruined my life," I screamed, my voice cracking under the weight of my pain. "You took everything from me and killed my baby." I aimed the gun at Asher, my finger hovering over the trigger, ready to shoot.

I expected Asher to say something, anything, to defend himself. But he just kept quiet, his head hanging low. It was as if he was surrendering to his fate, accepting the punishment I was about to deliver.

Then, when he raised his head, I saw something I hadn't expected. Tears were falling from his eyes, genuine and raw.

"I didn't kill the baby," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"What?" I said, my voice trembling with shock and confusion.

"I didn't f**king kill the baby, Sky. The baby was already dead," Asher yelled, his voice breaking with emotion.

I stared at him, frozen in place, my hands shaking so violently that I almost dropped the gun. The world around me seemed to blur, and I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered, my mind racing to make sense of his words.

There was a long, painful silence before I yelled again, desperation clawing at my throat, "Tell me, Asher, tell me!"

"When my doctor came to check on the baby, it was already dead in your womb," Asher said, his voice heavy with sorrow. The gun fell from my hand, clattering to the ground.

My eyes widened at the revelation, my mind reeling from the shock.

"You're lying," I shook my head, refusing to believe him. "You have to be lying."

"I'm not, Sky. When Andrea told me, I told him not to tell you because I knew it would break your heart. I knew you would hate yourself more. I knew the baby was your redemption. That's why I kept it from you. That's why I pretended to mix something in your drink and made you think I was the one who killed the baby," Asher said, tears streaming down his face as he poured out his heart.

"I didn't want you to live in guilt. It would have hurt my heart, and I loved you too much to let you live with that guilt of hating yourself. So, I had to make you hate me, even if it meant hurting myself in the most painful way. Everything I did was for you, Sky, and I hate myself for telling you."

I shook my head, tears blurring my vision, not wanting to believe Asher. I searched his eyes for any sign of a lie, but all I saw was sincere, heartbreaking truth.

"I didn't kill the baby, Sky. The baby was already dead in your womb," he said finally, as I crumbled to the floor, my world shattering around me.
