

OSU..is all about fighting misunderstanding and prejudice...forget trying to understand us......OVER STAND US.....OSU


people that need self status ....use evil tricks to drain your energy ....when someone does or says something loving , they live in your heart and it gifts you with gaba ..which is fortifying for the maintenance of human health ...it allows mental stamina when pursuing sustenance......but when the opposite is put upon you , hateful action and speech alarm a nervous system so the experience lives in head and repeats producing cortisol continuously in order for the human to be on alert to what is indicating pathogenic to that humans peace ...peace is cultivative so a disturbance to this virtue is a threat ...so having a human experience negativity is actually draining in regards to primal mechanism ..only be around those that give you experiences that live in the heart .....this is why islamic community manners attracted me logically..it is completely fortifying to a human ....look at the habit of salams


happy husband happy life ...help us be our peace


Sleep architecture of consolidated and split sleep due to the dawn (Fajr) prayer among Muslims and its impact on daytime sleepiness
Ahmed S. BaHammam,1 Munir M. Sharif,1 D. Warren Spence,2 and Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal1,3
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Muslims are required to wake up early to pray (Fajr) at dawn (approximately one and one-half hours before sunrise). Some Muslims wake up to pray Fajr and then sleep until it is time to work (split sleep), whereas others sleep continuously (consolidated sleep) until work time and pray Fajr upon awakening.

To objectively assess sleep architecture and daytime sleepiness in consolidated and split sleep due to the Fajr prayer.

A cross-sectional, single-center observational study in eight healthy male subjects with a mean age of 32.0 ± 2.4 years.

The participants spent three nights in the Sleep Disorders Center (SDC) at King Khalid University Hospital, where they participated in the study, which included (1) a medical checkup and an adaptation night, (2) a consolidated sleep night, and (3) a split-sleep night. Polysomnography (PSG) was conducted in the SDC following the standard protocol. Participants went to bed at 11:30 PM and woke up at 7:00 AM in the consolidated sleep protocol. In the split-sleep protocol, participants went to bed at 11:30 PM, woke up at 3:30 AM for 45 minutes, went back to bed at 4:15 AM, and finally woke up at 7:45 AM. PSG was followed by a multiple sleep latency test to assess the daytime sleepiness of the participants.

There were no differences in sleep efficiency, the distribution of sleep stages, or daytime sleepiness between the two protocols.

No differences were detected in sleep architecture or daytime sleepiness in the consolidated and split-sleep schedules when the total sleep duration was maintained.

Keywords: Consolidated sleep, daytime sleepiness, Fajr prayer, sleep architecture, split sleep
Most people sleep continuously at night for 7 to 8 hours and stay awake during the day (consolidated sleep). For various reasons, others split their sleep into two or more periods while maintaining the same total sleep duration. A previous study in mammals demonstrated that consolidated sleep is necessary for proper waking performance.[1] However, some investigators have shown that split sleep may improve daytime function. The first documented report of splitting sleep, published in 1897, reported that splitting sleep while maintaining the same sleep duration enhances the recuperative benefits.[2] Subsequently, several studies reported that total sleep duration is the main determinant of the restorative function of sleep, as reflected by alertness and performance.[3,4]

The sleep schedules of Muslims are influenced by prayer times.[5] Muslims have five obligatory prayers per day, and, because the first prayer (Fajr) is at dawn (approximately one and one-half hours before sunrise), they are obliged to wake up early on weekdays and weekends. The last prayer (Isha) is in the evening, approximately two hours after sunset. Summer nights have an earlier dawn and shorter nights, so Muslims may have less nighttime sleep during the summer. As a result, during the summer, some Muslims wake up to pray Fajr and stay awake for 30 to 45 minutes and then sleep until work time (split sleep), while others sleep continuously (consolidated sleep) until work time and pray the Fajr upon awakening. Data on the effect of split sleep due to the Fajr prayer do not exist. However, some experimental studies have compared the effect of consolidated and split sleep on alertness and neurobehavioral function under controlled conditions. In most of those studies, published in the space and aviation literature and dealing with astronauts, the investigators assessed the daytime performance and cognitive function of the participants involved in the two sleep protocols. In general, these previous studies have demonstrated that daytime performance and function depend on total sleep duration, independent of whether the sleep was consolidated or split.[6]


it is the bodies interest to remember bad experience it is the souls interest to remind the body of its reason ....the soul powers the careful body by the grace of its maker , and thrives in the remembrance of the provider of life that thrives on health , peace and contentment rising to gratitude ....the cultivator of love ....the soul loves to extol ....the spiritually intelligent submit to a life of enabling the soul to stay connected to what it loves to remember , the creator , provider , fashioner..compassionate ..the generous that created us to know we are loved ..existence has only this reason for being ....the awe of love ..without being willed , there would not be such full moments of consciousness..remember this ..it pleases Allah ..that you feed the soul he made you


there is a massive evil so called born muslims do to the beauty of islam ...they are riddled with the culture they did not let go of prior to claiming to be muslim, and have allowed their communities to be polluted with un islamic practices of the mushrics and kafirs around them.....this makes islam very ugly and hated by people that come upon these misrepresenters...when you go to the mosques they built and listen to their imams you quickly realise the talks are catering to hypocrites..something i never understood being a revert to islam , who has left voluntarily all these so called born muslims are indulging in daily and are constantly being reprimanded for..this mess has nothing to do with the reverts that have left what these people left their countries for and seem to find irresistible ...its uncomfortable watching them wallow in the filth we left behind gladly ...we easily sacrificed everything they seek fatwas for in order to convince themselves its just disliked .......reverts suffer psycho spiritually in this atmosphere of reluctant people who would rather sleep than fill the mosques at fajr ....and be in the club relying on what they believe will allow them forgiveness ...the lip service that they identify as muslim .....its like im looking at a trans movement thinking identifying is enough ..it smells of their history of probably being from people that were conquered by muslims and hated it , so instead of embracing the power source of their conquerors they specialised in outer display in order to be left in peace but in private they stayed loyal to the cultural depravities .....the environments these people frequent are meant for them ....us reverts need to find each other and enjoy the sight of a human being that loves being a muslim and following everything of the best we can find from the prophet peace be upon him so epigenetically we can mutate away from the sorry state we were in...and save ourselves from these hypocrites and half steppers that have more time for what we left then what you are trying to connect with ....beloved highly practiced islam...may Allah guide and forgive them once they are fit to be forgiven ....and forgive us for following any of their dilution and guide us to the beautiful truth and the practice of it in its purest highest ex*****on ...so we get our right to return the super human we were created as ....Ameen


The life I live
Grow in
Get gifted means to keep breathing
And share them with those I love
Nurtures me to mature
Become enough
To keep it up
I mutate to maintain this space
For those who depend on my strengths to thrive in
I become a me
To me and them
This is where I meet elements of myself
Authentic character adapted through actions that hatch humanity
I am the love I prove
Imagine the anger when threatened ..attacked
Forced in this terrible moment
To leave the self of love
And become monster enough
To fight a savage off.
I miss myself as I mutate to slay you
I'm hateful for being taken away from beauty by the abuse you try to inflict
I will be a killer
With all of me
Full of rage because I had to leave kindness
You will die for this
For changing me forever
I will never be without violence again
It's part of me now
You should leave good souls like me alone
We love being left to love
Why did you have to find out how much ...dummy


what they say
imposes its notion of me
promised i would perish
if i dont embellish
they managed to embarrass me about my nature
created lovable
to give back what internalised
opened wide
they took advantage
and planted their vantage
avalanche of add ons
till i was gone
and the character they call john
acted on the lack of value
they palmed off
trafficked to serve their props plot
they want to be gods
molding children into un recognizable
sized by the bored with self
branding of some weak mind
confessing their disfunction
addicted to signs of importance through my life of bo***ge

i was wronged
it did not fit
my authenticity
tormented me to be my being
i was intended to know my value
from how Allah molded me
imposed self.. destructive.. my spirit healthy
hieroglyphic incidents teaching
to kill the melts spell
i put me in situations to murder this absurd persona
once in danger
i felt myself.. my truth surfaced
defying the curse to serve me love
beneath this opinion of me
pinned to me ....stinging my innocence
was a drive to keep breathing

seeking peace
i felt essence
tuned in
and merged with the love that feeds the will to live
everyday i kill the liar that claims its... i
a million times ...i dont tire
im not what i do
im love
just like life
i have no figure
no important face
im a sign of alive
breathing to point to the grace
that made me the killer of what they say
im gratitude
im a sensation
sustained by the will
that allows me stillness
till all i am
is worship

Allahu akbar


the chaotic want to make you chaotic
so their plot thickens
its a kidnapping
your their casted actor
compelled to help spell a scene out
its bad , it gets worse ..and then there is a survivor
a life time of wind up
active subtraction
depravity to see how much a being can take
while the children ach from being depraved
more to add to this movie the scorned scored
waking up everyday war torn but still here

your a hero of sorts
neurotic vomit
of those under this relentless curse
of constructing a persona that can survive the worst
ehco chamber of a bad experience
that started the narcissism as a coping mechanism
for the vulnerability that wont cease creeping the victim out

as long as weak
this self obsession will be

its believed

no cure until the core problem
stops being ignored
and the being stops being appalled at being born

constant cruelty to be immune to
until the last heart beat

rest at last

from a life of reaction to some action
that subtracted from the gifted naturally
and constructed a warped being you cant unsee
subconscious adaptation
from fiction feed

this makes me weep
its a mind f**k to the highest degree
i pray freedom for we
for every being
your not what your d.n.a old days say
your its savior
be the love you be
intend it at least
thats the intention in everything
its why its all trying
to exist


depth perception deficit
of the love that has the essence of heaven in
how can a slave be free
emancipated by realising the true identity of being
thats how
who is this saviour

your behaviour

the heart is the start of the art
bravery to love again
join in with the expression of everything your made of
catering obeying Allah
diligent vigorous in symbiotic synchrony
symphonic harmony
charms everything that comes upon it
amplifying where from

direction for love

the chaos opted for we see
is the result of terror
some error
making fear the focus
being left alone to this
trips survival obsession
rest detested as the victim creates a message to the self
we will never be vulnerable again
drawn to tests it can calculate vanity against
no age limit of these victims
terrible takes.. made by the mind
to create the hunger in desire
now life is hypnotised to achieve and have the conspired
symbolism of position
just so the victim can create an image of power
fear is behind this
and in some future hour this truth will surface
teeth will grind , hands will wring
after a life of not worth it
an absurd trip of looking to be gods
just because you are afraid a lot
worn out trying to be fresh when rotten in the core
you help score the sad music of

love is what we are
power is only for spreading more
teaching infants the truth of them
by being what we are
no matter what happened to you
its your confusion depriving your truth

thats your problem

the body was hobbled
but the love you are was untouched
it is fully functional hating the story of lack of love
you keep repeating to your soul
thats the outer stuff
but your still whole ..loving you no matter how much

your blistered soul was scolded

my role in this is to spit these poetic reminders
that the chaos you use to numb , distract and story conduct
are depriving you of what you are made of
and should only be conscious of
to live love
live content
be grateful with
the you that lets love exist
by the grace of him
that will never desist
just so we can be ourselves in insist ..to love
be love eternally
what a trip
this consciousness is

no matter the tatters we find our ignorance inflicts
after all the mess
we can still spit in the eye of self hate
and be the love we are instead
now thats some loving strength
vulnerable will not dement
the soul being whole loving
without relent

iqama salat


beta men have raught narc women that attention leads to resources .....only fans was inevitable


the obsession with illusion is a panic attachment in order to escape despair


i get so angry at being distracted from the peace connection to love brings


the point of life is to always find your self in the immediate moment fully conscious of love


i take the time to talk , but the person hearing my words only hear their voice and version for their comfort zone .....trying to put this pentagon in their hole ...its been lonely ..my play back is some weird adaption so the re mixer can fit me into what they been taught , so time equity does not feel like a mistake ....soul corralled until the madness of trying to escape does them in and they become a citizen of some heathens imprint .....incarcerating me in their mind so my freedom does not reflect back that they have been hacked ....and reassembled to resemble their tormenter ...im either criminalised predictions that my uniqueness will be my demise .....or sentenced to just being plain insane .....but listen and ill leave you with this , your the ones represented by means while im my unique genes , you have traditions while i just do love ...you feed monkey and swine energies ..while im devoted to the soul ....mind how you go


listen to me
you selfish thing
im your energy
sustaining by the permission of the sustainer
you are the fragile one
obsessed with being safe
loves comfort
and thats ok
to look after you proves the goodness of the light i am

now you have to listen to me
all must stop
dont distract me
im giving us our greatest means
our meaning
the sensation makes sense
and us sane
we are here by way of a maintainer
malnutrition steals our consciousness of how blessed
so be still as i appreciate and make a plate of love
i dont want to be disturbed by even a twitch
stay still for me ...everything stop
as i let you feel the love we have to give
to the one that has no end and had no beginning
content with his perfection
loving enough to share with us perception
of what is the wonder of him
all atom stop static
as i tune in to how much love i can witness..and manage
in my practice of gratitude
ruku and sadju
a natural movement only allowed to do
fitting for the truth that blesses a mood
and gives to our immune system
to avoid letting in interruption to a life that reflects the love of him
be still until the heart cries
ruku and sadjud again

a salamu alaikom my friend


young man to put so much investment into a woman ..worries them ...it signals you are not busy enough with building for future security when age and illness calls for it


how many of us men are just the numbing cream to women that have not got over an ex partner


i remain dangerous because i am increasingly discovering humans that pursue means for desire and pleasure that they are willing to turn off empathy for their selfish gratification ...there is deep desperation for distraction from some sort of discomfort and or pain , to suspend empathy in order to get your altered state....not caring for a being that is abused, disrespected or exploited in order for you to consume your particular soother ..makes you a concern for me and a thing i will disable if you choose to disturb the peace of any being i am around that your not concerned with their soul state as you indulge your depravity


a predator that takes s*x from a woman that does not want to ...has the same dynamic mentally as a male that watches p**n ...both are driven to be s*xual and involve s*x with women that dont want to have s*x with them


young men today are trained to pursue women they are attracted to without learning its more important that a woman is attracted to them ...with out the womans real interest young man your attraction will drive you to being abused and used by your source of attraction who is saving her bonding for the man she will be attracted to you will be used for means and entertainment while she waits for her desired genes


p**nography eliminates a mans courage


Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whatever is stolen from [a Muslim] is charity…” [i.e. He will receive the reward as though that item was given in charity]

(Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1552)


may my death inspire as many humans as possible to appreciate and love the creator deeply for the life you have and is still ahead of you to wonder at and be in awe of ....oh Allah i ask you to give my children the gift of deep dhikr and connection to you ..so they can love from themselves with every fibre they are gifted with


my toil of joy
to maneuver through the atoms
gathering facts of the adder of them to everything
subtraction my test
boil me down to my zest
osmosis in my mental motioning
leave behind the heaviness of stories of me
till only my soul is revealed
mentoring me through sensation when action harmonises
and my soul smiles
this befits
i gather the manners and admire the acquired
now i sense the provider
and pure love teaches its size
my nervousness is missing an ingredient
and experience deprives
seeking to perfect
hoping i connect through the means
i choose via my beloved muse peace be upon
im telling you johnny this is the reason for longing
when the morning welcomes you back
to another day of gathering the miracles
whos language allow the awe
to stir the love you are trying to be conscious of
until you disappear
and accept your the stuff
you thought was out side of yourself
your the essence ruh
never lose yourself again


la hawla wa la quwatta illah billah


having things ....status symbols ...only indicate and stagnate you in the reality of the amount of your neediness....you are really expressing how empty you feel....signs of insecurity , being incomplete , insulting god ...ignorance to how perfect you are ...and the love that allowed you to be ...when you know your creator , there is no need to create an avatar ...what you are is perfect ...from the perfect love that put attention into intending your detail ...so you can reference your creator and have faith in the love of the one in whos care you are and will be


like one about to die
i cry , scream for life
my love for living is evident
nothing matters more to me
than another second
breathing my best breath
look at the love
breaking my heart at the thought of being gone
every part of me wants to keep on
wants to be conscious
without complaint
even if naked
the purest gratitude expressed
not wanting to go to nothing yet
a part of a moment to enjoy
my meaning is displayed

so when you see me breathing deep
im taking life in
to gesticulate
with the floor beneath my face
i feel like im in my last moment everyday
how else but to exist like a near death man
to give life the right gratitude
while i still can
it is sanity to be in sajud


i get to see my meaning
looking after the body that keeps breathing
everything within that makes it live to be me
i have committed to witnessing my grace
i bow and prostrate my face
turning away from seeking staples
to motionless thanking from heart in chest
so my soul has a go at its role
catering for my nature
nourishing with love
keeping my back strong enough
feeding only one intestine
to distribute to the destitute
my fortune
to consume their right on me
would only be poisoning by their charity
my heart beats happily
if the creation of Allah
remembers him
im glad to bring the tidings in

i fast to rest my flesh
light the load on my bones
to moved quick to defend the defenseless
the story they told me when an infant
insulted my authenticity
i watch my spirit being kind to me
to be a peace to other beings

no insult makes sense
when my own company protests
with deed in intent to respect
what im blessed

i was born to meet my essence
the soul in my core
helps my sentences
remind me im adored
by the one that gifted me capable of the love
i came back from being ticked off
thats the past...thank god

thank you Allah azawajal

kaffarah. [What you give, you’ll get it back]


being lost to my heart for so long ...coming back to what you lot call a normal self was never enough


freedom is not doing what ever you want ...its not being forced to do what ever they want


without islam you will be on rinse and repeat continually ..and endless continuum of feudalism and misery

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