

Salto Architects is a Tallinn based office founded in 2004. They have been lecturing in several institutions in Europe and Russia.

Salto Architects is interested in the fascinating area between architecture, landscape design and art. By operating in the border areas of architecture we try to experiment with context; including also social and economical, and rethink our methods every time. Our designs range from installations that serve as architecture to buildings that become a new landscape, or architecture that can be used

Photos from salto's post 12/06/2024

Enamvähem samal ajal kui salto sai 20-aastaseks, avati Pärnus meie seni kõige väiksem maja

Photos from salto's post 11/12/2023

Saime Tartu Ülikooli uue õppe- ja teadushoone võistlusel 2. preemia / 2nd Prize for the University of Tartu New Academic and Research Building

Narva Riigigümnaasium: huvitav, ent keeruline projekt - EhitusEST 05/12/2023

Aitäh! See oli nii ootamatu uudis, et meil pole isegi veel hoonest professionaalseid fotosid, mida siinkohal eksponeerida.

Narva Riigigümnaasium: huvitav, ent keeruline projekt - EhitusEST Aasta ehitusprojekt on Narva Riigigümnaasium: selle ehitamine pakkus heas mõttes väljakutseid, sest hoone on väga keerukas.

Photos from salto's post 27/11/2023

Jõudsime Tallinna Sadama A-Terminali arhitektuurivõistluse tihedas konkurentsis kolme parema hulka, aga kahjuks sellega asi ka piirdus. Maastikuarhitektuuri aitas teha KINO / We were among the three finalists in the Port of Tallinn A-Terminal competition, but unfortunately that was all.

Photos from Thermory's post 18/09/2023

A newly built State High School in Rakvere clad in our brushed & oiled thermo-pine. 🖤

▪️ Product: Thermory Benchmark thermo-pine (
▪️ Architect: salto
▪️ Photo: Karl Kasepõld

Salto wins the competition of the Rae Municipal Hall! - Salto 03/04/2023

Eelmise nädala tore uudis oli see, et võitsime Rae vallamaja arhitektuurikonkursi!

Salto wins the competition of the Rae Municipal Hall! - Salto After a really strong competition we are extremely happy to reveal our winning design of the Rae Municipal Hall. It is our second winning in this category in 18 years. The first one was Sõmeru Commuty Centre - one of the first winning competition entries for Salto overall in 2005 and brought us the...


uus büroo / new office

Photos from Thermory Polska - deski tarasowe, deski elewacyjne's post 18/10/2022
Photos from Tallinna Kunstihoone's post 17/10/2022

Täna oli juba natuke katust ka peal / Today there was some roof as well already

Photos from Fotograaf Tarmo Haud's post 05/10/2022
Photos from salto's post 20/04/2022

Osalesime üle pika aja kutsutud arhitektuurivõistlusel ja jäime teiseks! Uusküla spaa-hotell Peipsi järve ääres, kus hoone on kompaktselt olemasoleval lagendikul, et võimalikult vähe kahjustada ilusat metsamaastikut ja kus toad on laotatud ühe kihina hoone peale, et ei peaks muretsema, kas ikka saab järvevaate, lõunapäikese ja terrassiga toa kui läbi reserveerid. / We participated in Uusküla spa hotel invited competition and became second! Which is nice.


Kruiisiterminalil läheb hästi. Kultuurkapitali peapreemiale ja Arhitektide Liidu preemiale lisandus eile Aasta Betoonehitise tiitel. Ville Lausmäe tehtud fotol on lumega markeeritud betoonist silla vari. / Tallinn Cruise Terminal is performing very well. In addition to the Cultural Endowment Prize and Architects Union Prize it is als the Concrete Building of the Year. On the photo the shadow of the pedestrian walkway is marked by snow.

Photos from salto's post 07/02/2022

Tallinn Cruise Terminal won the main prize of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Association of Architects Annual Award

Photos from salto's post 07/02/2022

Emajõe Barge Society complex won the Annual Architecture Award of the Architecture Endowment of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Photos from salto's post 14/04/2021

Puitfassaadiga kõrghoone Tartus sai täna ehitusloa! High-rise building with a wooden facade in Tartu recieved a building permission today!