E3 Wellness, LLC

E3 Wellness, LLC

E3 Wellness is a wellness consulting company focused on Encouraging, Educating and Empowering individuals to achieve optimal wellness.

E3 Wellness provides health coaching services as well as detailed analysis of various lab and test results. I take a holistic and systematic approach to evaluating a client's current state of health and helping them understand lab results, how their symptoms can be associated with various diseases and offer suggestions that they can take to their healthcare practitioner to maximize their healthcar

Integrative Approach and Patient Perspective in Chronic Lyme Disease: A Case Report - Townsend Letter 28/06/2021

Really informative...They get into some treatments like hyperbaric and ozone. I got lyme yet again after camping in Tennessee earlier this month. I started Doxy immediately. One interesting thing I noted while on Doxy was the area where I had a tooth infection in the past became less inflamed. This is the same area where I had a root canal done when I had Lyme in 2003. I eventually removed that tooth and then later the 2 teeth surrounding that one after infections in those. I have not yet had implants as I wanted to make sure all the infection was gone. The last removal theoretically should have treated infectious material (with ozone), but I've had ongoing and periodic pain and inflammation in that area. I think it's in the bone and hyperbaric can be effective treatment as can ozone.

Integrative Approach and Patient Perspective in Chronic Lyme Disease: A Case Report - Townsend Letter By Gisell García, MD,¹ and Mitzu Fajardo, MD, MSc2* AbstractA case of a 57-year-old woman who has a five-year history of previously treated chronic Lyme disease (CLD-PT) is described. Her condition was characterized by severe chronic fatigue, blurred vision, difficulty thinking, depression, and se...