Hip Hop recording artist


Some days we’re bold and fearless. Other days are riddled with self doubt, hesitancy, and fear. Idk if that’s a bad thing. I think it’s just a nature of the beast. If I’m doubtful, yes I try to figure out why. But I don’t beat myself up. It just is what it is. And that helps.


Not everybody is destined for greatness, some of us have that special “it” factor, some people just have better opportunities and get lucky. If you believe any of that..I have good news. You are the only thing standing in your way.


When someone tries to get a rise out of you, continue moving with grace. You’ll thank yourself later.


Always be in the search for new thoughts. Allow your mind to explore new avenues and different perspectives. It just makes for a richer life.


So many of us have admirable traits that come natural to us i.e. good listener, problem solver, generous, etc. And since these traits come so easy to us we fail to see the power in them. Sometimes, our superpowers are the skills we take for granted.


Those of us that are competitive, rooting for others can at times feel unnatural. But I’ve learned that rooting for others doesn’t dampen your competitive spirit. It does the opposite. It boosts your competitive drive and teaches you to learn from your competitors.


Why does life get better? Because we get better. Think about it.


That loser self talk tries to get all of us. Don’t be foolish enough to listen to it. It has no bearing on who you are and what you are capable of. Shut that sh*t down and get to work. Happy Tuesday.


I’m learning that our vision has to be bigger than our minds can conceive. When you move like you’re trying to change the world, you’re bound to make changes in yourself.


Today, there is only today.


It doesn’t matter. Nobody cares. Nobody is watching. We are all self absorbed. And the ones that like to gossip will gossip regardless of what you do. Let all that BS go. Do what you love and enjoy it without apologies.


One more try really won’t hurt.


My heritage is something I am truly proud of and will never take for granted. The amount of pure joy the Armenian community has brought into my life is unparalleled. I feel we have a natural need to connect with our roots. We mustn’t neglect it.


We need to be in constant communication with ourselves. And that conversation must have an underlying tone of encouragement and endearment. The one friend we often need most is ourselves.


When things that should be celebrated become over looked, finding joy becomes impossible.


My journey has brought me to Queens, NY and I have absolutely fallen in love with my neighborhood. And it honestly has less to do with the location and more to do with the decision I made to whole heartedly love this city when I arrived. We get to set the tone.


What I do, I do for me. Everything else is secondary. I’m proud of that. It drives peace into my life, I’m less bitter, and in turn I become a better individual for my family, friends, and patients.


Some say life is about balance. Some say forget balance, be obsessive. Some say sleep well and be up at 5 am. Some say work all night and sleep when your dead. There’s a lot of noise and it can get confusing fast. Find YOUR philosophy and stick to it.


When you have a moment of inspiration, jump on it. You can’t put inspiration on the back burner and try to access it at a later time. At least for me, inspiration is fleeting so when I feel inspired to do or write something, everything else takes a back seat.


A hint of narcissism is necessary. Don’t humble yourself to death. Especially if your humility is driven by a need to appease others.


I know we are told to find our why. Find our purpose. And once we find it, we will be more motivated. But that search can often be paralyzing. I don’t think we can think our way to our purpose. Start somewhere. Get to work. And let your work guide you to your why.


When you know you could be doing more, it’s an uneasy feeling. But that’s good. Don’t beat yourself up. Appreciate your self awareness and let that uneasiness be your cue to get to work.


There’s a reason why our best moments of the week are with the ones we love. Never overlooked. Always cherished.


When all of somebody’s actions are blatantly disrespectful, yet you find it in you to be empathetic towards them. That’s a skill we can all work on. It’s hard to do but I think it’s one of the ultimate life hacks.


It’s crazy how much time and effort we dedicate towards something and how quickly we move on after achieving it. When I speak to high achievers, very seldom do they talk about their wins. They’re often reminiscent of the grind, the struggle…not the carefree days under the sun.


If your emotions are linked to the actions of another individual, brace yourself. You are in for a powerless and miserable existence.


Read a book, listen to an audiobook, listen to a podcast, ask others for advice..all of that has its place but what also needs to happen which often gets neglected is sitting there, in silence, with your thoughts and asking yourself, “okay..what the f is going on?”


Most of the disturbances we have in our lives are there because we allow it. Don’t focus so much on the disturbance itself but rather focus on your relationship with the disturbance.


How many times have you showed up in high pressure moments and delivered? That wasn’t luck. That was you. So next time, hopefully soon, when you really gotta bring it, just’ve done it before.


Humans have a natural ability to relate to one another and regardless of what you read/watch, we are more alike and less different. This relatability is what makes the human experience so profound. Look for that connection. It will swallow up any unwarranted hatred or discontent.

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What would Kobe do? 🐍
Never been afraid to say what’s on my mind at any given time of day 🎙 #renegade
Pick yourself up and continue 💪.Shoutout to Self Health Gnd for the Sponsorship.