My Midlife Mentor

My Midlife Mentor

I help women fall asleep AND stay asleep so they can feel better and wake up energized.


A Simple Way to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Many of us are struggling with stress and anxiety these days. I want to share something that's worked for me. It's simple, and you can take it or leave it—it's entirely your choice.

Could you turn off the news?

We often feel like watching the news is our civic duty. But the truth is, it isn't. The news can be divisive, fear-inducing, and downright depressing.

Since I stopped watching the news, my stress levels have decreased, and my optimism has grown. Trust me, you’ll still find out the important stuff. But by being mindful of your consumption, you can create an environment that supports a peaceful and calm mind.

We don’t need to listen to it every day. Protect your peace.

Try it for a week. See how you feel, and let me know if you notice a difference.


Exciting News! – I’m Speaking at the Power of Us Mastermind!

I’m delighted to share that I’ll be a featured speaker at the Power of Us Mastermind, hosted by the incredible Kelli Nelson. This event brings together a dynamic lineup of speakers focused on three essential pillars: Empowerment, Enrichment, and Vitality.

My session will focus on Mastering Your Circadian Rhythm. I will teach you how to reset your circadian rhythm, optimize your sleep, and enhance your overall well-being. This is a unique opportunity to learn from top visionaries and thought leaders, enhance your lifestyle and discover sustainable wellness practices.

Join us for valuable insights and actionable strategies to help you thrive.

Secure your spot today and participate in this transformative experience. The registration link is in the comments.

Can’t wait to see you there!


Do you journal?

It's been amazing for me to see how much I've changed over the last few years.

The more time passes, the more valuable those old entries become.

Journaling lets you be totally open without any judgment.

It's a great way to reflect. I usually write whatever is on my mind or coming up for me. Sometimes, I use a prompt, but often, I don't.

The first few sentences can feel awkward, but you'll often be surprised and delighted by what you discover about yourself.

Why not give it a try and see where your thoughts take you?



I used to be a "good girl."

I followed the rules.

I was polite.



Perhaps many of you can relate.

Yet, there comes a moment when you begin to see the patterns and conditioning that have shaped your life, mostly without your conscious awareness.

And then It dawns on you: this isn't serving me anymore.

Do you find yourself in a similar situation?

Are you ready to break free from the constraints of "good girl" conditioning?

I understand that making this shift can be daunting. Just thinking about it, let alone taking action, can make your heart race.
But consider the alternative: staying silent, surrendering your power, and playing small.

You deserve to live authentically, in full expression.

Please consider this your invitation if you want permission (though you genuinely don't need it).

Listen to your intuition.
Please act on what you think is right.
Speak your truth, even if it's uncomfortable.
You can just take actions that may raise a few eyebrows.
Own your uniqueness, and revel in the freedom it brings.
Trust me, it's worth it!

Have you had a similar experience?

Please share your story in the comments, and let's support each other on this journey.




The world pushes us to live at a frantic pace.

To be doing more.

And to move faster.

But the hustle and grind culture has taken its toll on our health, relationships and essence.

There is a deep craving for rest, reconnection, and inward reflection.

Do you feel it, too?

Listening to that inner voice, letting go of the familiar, requires effort.

It demands the bravery to say, “I will do it differently.”

Are you feeling a shift but still determining your path?

Trust those feelings.

There are no missteps: what you are going through is perfect.

Embrace where you are.

Looking for personalized support?

Drop me a message.


I want to share a recent experience with you that has prompted some reflection.

Recently, someone close to me said something that triggered a strong reaction.

This led me to contemplate triggers, what they mean, and why they occur.

A trigger is when someone says something that holds a profound message for you, often tied to thoughts, emotions, or beliefs that may be lurking beneath your awareness.

Triggers signify an emotional wound that hasn’t fully healed.

After experiencing this trigger, I took a few days to think about it and eventually decided to journal about it.

This process gave me valuable insights into patterns I hadn’t recognized before. It highlighted the importance of understanding what these triggers are trying to convey, paving the way for healing.

I wanted to share this with you because, in moments of being triggered, it’s easy to react impulsively.

However, exploring why it happened and what it’s trying to communicate can lead to a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of oneself.

So, the next time you find yourself triggered, consider delving into the root of it. You might discover recurring patterns that hold valuable lessons for personal growth.

Do you recognize patterns with your triggers?



I can't believe it's been a whole year of embracing the sunrise!

Time truly flies, and I've discovered unexpected joys and shifts.

Now, I eagerly anticipate my morning routine, craving that precious time.

My body wakes up naturally; no alarms are needed.

Sleep is restful, and energy is abundant. And my mood stays steady.

Watching the sunrise has given me a broader view, showing me the bigger picture.

With a natural rise in cortisol, I feel calm, grounded, and at ease each day.

Sustained energy accompanies me throughout the day.

I have become more aware of nature- the acrobatics of squirrels, the ever-changing sky, the soothing sounds of Canadian geese.

Seasons shift, and the changing sunrise times make me acutely aware of life's beautiful rhythm.

Every day begins with gratitude and a heart full of joy.

Here's to sticking with this sunrise habit.

Do you have a cherished morning routine?

Share your rituals!


Tis the season, but you're in a holiday funk, lacking energy and motivation; here's a game plan to turn things around.

Circadian Rhythm: Are your daily routines all over the place? Your body's natural rhythm might be the key. It's not just a fancy term—it's fundamental.

Morning Phone Check: Is your phone the first thing you see? That early screen time messes with your brain's cortisol levels. Start with natural light instead.

Outdoor Time: Did you know that even brief moments of sunlight signal your brain to release feel-good hormones? Living indoors can impact mood, energy, and motivation. Get outside more often.

Artificial Light at Night: That pre-bed screen glow messes with cortisol, melatonin, and blood sugar and impacts sleep. Cut back on screen time and consider blue-blockers.

Sugar and Alcohol: These culprits sap your energy and mood. Pay attention to how you feel after indulging.

The 'HELL Yes' Principle: Save your energy for the things that truly matter by saying 'no' unless it's a 'hell yes.'

Melatonin Magic: Did you know melatonin keeps your immune system strong? Make sure your sleep environment is cool and dark for maximum production.

Alone Time: When did you last unwind without an agenda? It's a game-changer.

Are you feeling the holiday blues and need a boost?

Let's craft a plan to revive your energy and motivation.

Please feel free to reach out and schedule a session with me so you can make this season one to remember.


My patient ran late, and as I gazed at the dental chair before me, a quiet but insistent voice urged me on.

“Krista, it’s time.

Enough with the overthinking, the analysis, and the constant weighing of the pros and cons. It’s time.”

I felt it, a deep knowing.

You see, I’d been stuck in a job for years.

It felt oddly comfortable, yet it wasn’t.

I could predict what tomorrow held; the routine was set.

Feeling stuck is a universal experience-we’ve all been there in relationships, jobs, or situations.

It’s like Groundhog Day on repeat, day after day.

Despite the heaviness, feeling “stuck” is a chance for change.

If you feel stuck now, let’s consider it an invitation to a fresh perspective.

Most of us cling to the familiar out of fear.

The unknown scares us; we prefer the safety of what we know.

Our minds do this to protect us, but when we examine the fear keeping us stuck, we can question its validity.

Is this fear real?

Our intuition often uses this fear to guide us toward something better.

Crossing to the other side of fear can be transformative.

To break free, turn inward, identify what’s holding you back, and take a small step forward.

A change in perspective can surprisingly soften resistance, and your feelings can shift with action.

If you are ready for the first steps out of your rut, reach out.

Together, we can create a plan to empower you, move forward, and tune into your intuition.



Ready to slow down, connect, and go inward?

Change is in the air!

The world pushes us to live at a frantic pace.

To be doing more.

And to move faster.

But the hustle and grind culture has taken its toll on our health, relationships, and essence.

There is a deep craving for rest, connection, and inward reflection.

Do you feel it, too?

Listening to that inner voice, letting go of the familiar, requires effort.

It demands the bravery to say, "I will do it differently."

Are you feeling a shift but still determining your path?

Trust those feelings.

There are no missteps: what you are going through is perfect.

Embrace where you are.

Would you like personalized support to guide you?

Please reach out and send me a message about my exciting November offer.



Are you looking for a free practice to improve energy, sleep quality and blood circulation?

Get outside and earth!

Earthing is when you physically connect to the earth and receive a flow of negativity charged electrons to your body.

There are MANY benefits to earthing but here are a few to consider:

🍃Increase Energy Levels


🍃Anti Inflammatory

🍃Reduces Pain

🍃Improve Sleep

🍃Blood Thinner

Earthing works fast and it is subtle.

And there is an unlimited resource available to us at all times.

If this is a new practice for you summer is the perfect time to start.

Share your earthing experience and/or feel free to drop your question below.


How do I start the day to feel my best?

First off, I keep it simple.

I don't have hours to devote to my morning routine (and I am sure you are the same!)

I do what I enjoy and what I know will support my sleep and overall well being.

🌺 I get morning light. Now that the weather is warm I sit outside and sip a warm drink and listen to the birds sing.

🌺 I journal my desires and write what I am grateful for.

🌺 I move my body every morning (strength train, yoga, walk, short spin class.)

🌺I eat protein for the first meal of the day.

This is MY routine and does not need to be yours.

Want to upgrade your morning but not sure where to begin?

Think about what you enjoy, make it a priority and be consistent.

This will help you start the day so you can feel your best.

Are you looking to increase your energy, improve your mood and feel your best?

If you answered YES, save your spot for my August 18 sleep Masterclass. I will be sharing the Six Secrets Women Need To Know if they want to wake up refreshed and energized each morning. Comment SLEEP in the comments and I will save you a spot and send you the details.


Struggling with falling and/or staying asleep?

A dysregulated nervous system may be the reason why.

The autonomic nervous system comprises two parts, the sympathetic, “fight and flight” and the parasympathetic, “rest and digest”.

Our body can only be in one mode at a time and are meant to cycle between the two nervous states.

If the sympathetic nervous system is dominant you will feel on “ alert” and sleep may be problematic.

We want to spend more time in the parasympathetic state so our body can heal, restore and feel safe.

When your body feels calm sleep will occur naturally because it won't feel as if it is fleeing from danger.

Which is why supporting your nervous system throughout the day is critical.

Here are five ways to support your nervous system:

🌻Be mindful of your senses: turn off bright overhead lights, remove yourself from loud noises.

🌻Breath work. Slow nasal breathing activates the parasympathetic state through the vagus nerve.

🌻Get outside and enjoy nature and sunshine

🌻Reduce/eliminate time on electronic devices

🌻Do activities/hobbies that make you feel good.

These are simple ways to regulate your nervous system which in turn will promote restful sleep.

So you can feel energized, happy and live the life you dream about.

I am hosting a FREE sleep masterclass on August 18 at 7 pm EST and you are invited to attend. You will learn more about nervous system regulation and why "mainstream" sleep advice doesn't always apply to women in peri menopause/menopause.

If you are ready to feel your best this fall type IN below and I will send you the details to register.


Calling All Single Ladies!!

Raise your hand if you feel you could use a little help navigating life after 50 on your own.

Feeling excited about your future comes down to three things:

Health: Understanding the changes were going through and how our lifestyle effects it.

Security: Knowing how much money we will need to live the lifestyle we choose for the rest of our lives and having a plan.

Confidence: Feeling empowered to take on anything life has to throw at us and not just survive it, but THRIVE through it.

If you’re unsure about what the next chapters of your life will be like, I can guess why…

You’ve lived your entire life based on a vision of how you thought it would be. And now that bubble has popped.

When you got married, you thought you’d grow old together and live happily ever after.

You spent your life taking care of everyone else and putting yourself on the back burner.

You’ve always lived with someone else and never knew how to be alone with yourself.

Am I right?

If this sounds familiar let me introduce you to the Single Again After 50 Summit. It is 14 days of insight and wisdom from me and top experts who are there to help you envision your best life ever and learn how to make that vision a reality.

Interested? Comment below Summit and I will give you the details.



Let me are hungry AND angry.

Your patience is gone, your head is pounding and you need to eat ASAP!

You scour the pantry looking for anything that will fix this out of control feeling.

You uncover the leftover chocolate chips from Christmas baking, inhale the package and look for something else...

You find yourself eating random things because you need to EAT NOW!

After you consume “all of the things” you start to feel better, calm down and let out a sigh of relief.

Raise your hand if you have felt this way too?

This is an example of unstable blood sugar or hypo glycemia.

And these up and down roller coaster “swings” impact your sleep.

Many women have erratic and unstable blood sugar levels which leads to nighttime wakings. If you are having blood sugar issues during the day this will continue into the evening.

And this fluctuation between high and low blood sugar is a stress on your body.

And when your body is stressed it secretes cortisol.

Guess what happens when your body is under stress at 3am? It wakes you up!

So if you are a busy woman who feels hangry during the day and wakes up at night your blood sugar may be the reason why.

Balancing your blood sugar is life changing!

No, I am not exaggerating.

Blood sugar regulation is key for energy levels, sleep, mood, weight and SO much more.

I know many of you are struggling with nighttime wakings and low energy so I have created a workshop just for you!

On Wednesday June 29 at 7 pm EST I will be be hosting a live training where I will be explaining WHY balancing your blood sugar is critical for restful sleep.

You will learn HOW to support your blood sugar so you can feel better and sleep through the night.

Meal plans and blood sugar balancing recipes are also included.

You will learn what blood marker to ask your MD for and how to interpret what it means.

it will be a JAM PACKED session so come ready to learn.

If you would like to attend comment BLOOD SUGAR in the comments and I will send you the link to register.

I am curious, have you ever felt hangry during the day and wake up at night? Let me know.



Easier said than done, right?

Here is one tip you can implement tomorrow, I want you to give it a try and tell me below what meal you'll choose to try it.

Chew your food properly and eat in a peaceful environment.

I can't convey how important it is to help your digestion along and not make it harder on your body. Don’t underestimate the value that taking your time when you eat and chewing your food properly can bring.

A sure way to NOT do this correctly is eating under stress, so do the best you can to sit down and actually enjoy your meal.

What meal can you mindfully chew and enjoy tomorrow?


The Number #1 Step To Getting A Good Night's Sleep 😴😴

If you've tried and failed time and time again to get your sleep on track, and to STAY on may be feeling a bit frustrated to say the least.

I totally get it.

You just want to SLEEP.

You're ready to go all in...

But you notice doubt trickling in.

Can I really get a full nights sleep?"

It seems like this is impossible now that I am in peri menopause/menopause.

Where do I even begin? 🤷‍♀️

There's something you have to remember. It's so important to have a positive support system that holds you accountable.

Your environment is everything. So if your friends and family aren't willing to support you through this next's time to get some outside support.

Someone (or a group of people) who is in your corner and truly gets what you're going through.

That's why I've built the group, I Just Want To Sleep Community.

Because I know how important it is to have an expert to help you get the results you want and deserve and have a supportive community of women just like you in your corner!

Taking back control of your sleep doesn't need to be as hard as it may seem right now. There are so many resources and paths available to you!

The #1 action step you can take to set yourself up for success is to build a solid support system around you and your goals so you can have the accountability you need to create lasting change.

And just so you know, you have me in your corner now 🙂.

Which is why I want to personally invite you to a free training with me so you can break free of your limiting beliefs and fears, and truly create the life you want!

On this free training class, you'll discover:

🌸How to fall asleep easily without tossing and turning so you can wake up feeling well rested, have the energy to work out in the morning, make healthy food choices and just feel like yourself again!

🌸Why you may be waking between 1-3 am each night.

🌸The six pillars I use for women I work with so they can feel better and function.

🌸That women in the middle of life have specific nuances which are often neglected by mainstream sleep advice.

🌸That your body is NOT broken, you have the ability to change this, 100%!

If you want to attend this training on May 12, 7 pm EST comment ME below and I will send you the details. Registration is required. I will be recording the class so if you cant attend live I will send you the replay.


One minute you are sleeping peacefully, the next minute you are wide awake.

Ladies, I know how infuriating (and exhausting) this can be!

Especially when you need to be sharp and clear headed the next day.

But have you ever wondered WHY you are waking?

Hormones? Snoring spouse? Bladder?

Let's clear something up before I explain WHY you may be waking.

First things first, it is normal to have ‘awakenings” throughout the night. Everyone does and most often you won't even remember them occurring.

But if you are reading this post I am assuming that is NOT what YOU are experiencing.

You may be waking frequently, night after night and not sure why. You may also struggle to get back to sleep which impacts your overall physical/ mental health and you not feeling your best.

Am I right?

If you similar to the women I support these are the common reasons why I see this occurring:

Blood sugar imbalance: When your blood sugar dips in the middle of the night this is a stress for your body. Your body wants to remain safe so in response it secretes cortisol which regulates your blood sugar. Cortisol is stimulatory meaning it keeps you alert…and awake. Blood sugar management is key for getting a good night's sleep and is often overlooked.

Cortisol/Melatonin Dysregulation: These two hormones cycle during the day/night and are meant to be high/low at specific times during a 24 hour time period. When our circadian rhythm is out of sync this makes our hormones confused and they will not secrete at the appropriate time. Your body loves a predictable routine to be able to work optimally. Are you giving your body (and hormones) this?

Liver issues: Our liver detoxifies toxins and does an amazing job. Organs also follow a circadian rhythm. Guess when the liver is most active, 1-3 am! If you are waking between these hours your liver may be a reason why..

Bedroom Temperature: Our bodies like to sleep in a cool dark environment. As women with fluctuating and declining hormones, body temperature may be an issue, am I right? . Sleeping in a warm bedroom and/ or sharing it with partners and pets may also be contributors. Make your bedroom a cave, cool and dark. This is the optimal environment to be able to sleep through the night.

So If you have been experiencing broken, too short, NOT restful sleep these may be a few reasons WHY.

If you are tired of feeling tired and want support with your sleep so you can feel better and live life to the fullest send me a message and I can share how I address these common obstacles so you can STAY ASLEEP night after night.


If you are over 40 and are ready to make your next chapter your healthiest chapter, listen in!

My friend Linda and natural health enthusiast, is bringing together 30+ health experts for a free online event with the goal of supporting women 40 plus with natural approaches to increasing energy, improving sleep, addressing hormone changes and building a strong, fit and beautiful body! I’ll be speaking about how to fall asleep AND stay asleep, night after night.

If you want access to this FREE event comment ME and I will send you the link to register.


I am excited to share that I am a speaker for A Healthier You After 40 Summit. 🤩🥳

Join me and 30+ health experts where we will empower women to learn natural approaches to hormone balance, increased energy, balanced moods and building a fit and healthy body so you can live your best life ever! 💪🚶‍♀️🍓

This is a FREE event and some of the topics covered are:

🌸Understand how herbs and plants can help address hot flashes, mood issues, sleep and more.

🌸Balance your hormones naturally or with the help of bio-identical hormones

🌸How To Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep (my talk) 🥱😴

🌸Manage Mood and Mindset

🌸Optimize Energy

🌸Period Talk

And So Much More!

This events begins April 25-May 9. ☘️

Registration is required. Just comment ME in the comments and I will send you the link to register.

Will you join me?


Raise your hand if at the end of the day you want to be left alone?

To relax on the couch, grab your phone and escape?

After all, work is stressful, your grocery bill is skyrocketing and you feel like you are constantly juggling everyone's needs but your own!.

You are tired, anxious and wish the pressures of daily life would ease.

You can't escape your current reality so…

You pull out your phone.

Instantly your stress melts away as you zone out and escape into a new reality.

You suddenly notice 2 hours have gone by.

You should be in bed, tomorrow is a busy day and you know you need your sleep.

So you crawl into bed, refresh Instagram one more time and decide it’s bedtime.

But let me guess…

Even though you’re exhausted you can't fall asleep.

Your mind is racing about the email you didn't send and the vet appointment you forgot to book.

If this is a common scenario here is what you may already know.

Your phone is keeping you up at night.

Want to know why:

Your phone will upset your body's natural circadian rhythm. Blue light emitted from your phone will delay the production of melatonin which will inhibit sleep. We need melatonin to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep.

A smartphone will stimulate your brain. We want our mind to be calm and relaxed as we drift off to sleep.

I know the addiction is real. And I know this can be a challenging habit to break.

But the benefits to receiving restorative sleep night after night is life changing.

Give yourself the opportunity to feel refreshed, energized and live a happier and healthier life.

I am curious, do you think your phone keeps you awake? Let me know in the comments.


Celebrated my husbands birthday, it was a BIG one!


When was the last time you took a “time out” for yourself?

To just be.

I know you have a lot on your plate.

You are juggling many hats and doing a damn good job.

But I also know that you are frazzled, overwhelmed and irritable. You have nothing left to give… even to yourself, am I right?

You feel like there is no time. You have too many demands and responsibilities to simply rest, that is for “other” women, not YOU.

I understand and empathize. I know it's not easy to rest. I get it…I do!!

But let's be honest. There is ALWAYS going to be someone or something needing your attention.

Can you at least consider this…

Give yourself 15 minutes.

Put your phone away, close your eyes and breathe.

Nothing else.

Giving yourself 15 minutes/day is vital to your physical, mental and emotional health.

And if you want to go into the second half of your life feeling your best…

You need to take a break. Everyday. 15 minutes.

Unplugging will reduce stress, improve mood and increase your creativity and productivity.

Resting allows your body to recover and reset itself. And what woman doesn't need more r and r time?

Bonus: you will make better decisions and be equipped to handle your lengthy “to do” list.

Please…capture the lost art of resting.

Your body will thank you.

If this resonates, share with a bff and comment below.


Who is ready for a spring refresh? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

The snow is melting, the birds are singing and the air feels warm. 🐦💐🌞

The signs of spring are everywhere and after a winter of hibernation I am ready to emerge! 🌸🌺🌷

Want to join me?

If your energy is low, your digestion feels off and you are experiencing brain fog and sleepless nights, a spring refresh may be the nudge your body craves.

Our bodies already do an amazing job of detoxing on a regular basis, however, just as we organize our closets this time of year, our bodies could benefit from a “spring clean” too.

One of the primary organs responsible for detoxifying is the liver.

Our liver is amazing and responsible for over 500 daily functions (and is often neglected).

In order to support our liver the first thing we can do is reduce its burden.

Eliminating toxins in food, our environment and home is a first step. 🍟🍕🍷🏠💊

Supporting our detoxification pathways is another way we can love up our liver and this can be done with simple lifestyle changes, no crazy shakes or potions needed! 🌿🌿

And one of the easiest ways we can support our liver is to hydrate our body.

Many women I work with in The Sleep Better Tonight Method are dehydrated and often unaware (hello coffee/alcohol). Drinking filtered water is essential for liver detoxification and the effects are often noticed quickly: increased energy, clear thinking and bowel regularity to name a few.

So, if you are ready to clear out the cobwebs this month so you can have energy to do the things you want to do, follow my instagram stories this month (mymidlifementor). Each day I will share easy lifestyle choices I make to support my liver and give it a much needed spring refresh.

Are you in? Comment below.


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Let's get a little comfortable talking about uncomfortable things... you guessed it.  ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Constipation and gut he...
Self care can mean many different things to different people.  🧘‍♀️ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍  To some it's loving manicures and massag...
Let's get an elephant out of the room about self care that often comes up.... Self care is NOT selfish. ☝️☝️☝️The two ar...
Waking between 1-3 am every night? Have a listen...
Exhausted by can't sleep? Are you sleeping in a sanctuary?
Calling all ladies who want a good night's sleep! Learn how to become a melatonin making machine...
Still waking up every night between 1-3 am? Have a listen, your blood sugar may be the reason why!
1-3 am wakeups getting you down?
