

The FaceBook page for my YouTube/Twitter/Instagram/Blog! (Recipes/makeup/fashion/health/mylife!)


First Trimester Update! (Baby #2) Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!


Hang out/ get ready with me!

Let's chitchat about why I quit making videos and whatever else!

Erasing The Stigma on Pregnancy 04/07/2018

Erasing The Stigma on Pregnancy Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!

Marcironi 13/06/2018

Marcironi Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!


Happy Sunday! Even though this picture is from a couple weeks ago, it's a beautiful day here in the Grand Valley! Today I plan on doing some Spring cleaning, planning out food for the week, a trip yo the grocery store and set up my planner!
I believe the best thing you can do for yourself is prepre for the week. You can massively reduce some every day stressors by doing this!
I also feel that this is a huge thing you can do for self care!
How are you taking care of yourself and preparing for your week this Sunday? 🌻


Happy Monday!
Spring cleaning doesn't always mean cleaning out your microwave.. Spring clean your life! Declutter your space, your social media news feed, who you follow. Detoxify your mind! 😊
How are you detoxifying today? 🌺🌸💮💐


It's currently snowing here in Colorado.. from Denver to Grand Junction! After the last few days have felt so spring like, Colorado seems to have remembered we're in the middle of winter still! Haha. How is your weekend going?


How's your Monday going? I haven't been as productive as I would have liked.. but that's okay! Because as soon as I post this I will change that! Have you been productive today?

Last Minute Superbowl Nachos! 05/02/2018

Last Minute Superbowl Nachos! Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!


Happy February! I'm very excited for a new month! Not only is today the first day of a brand new month, it's also National Get Up Day! This day reminds us to pick ourselves up when we've fallen & give it another go. Maybe you failed your resolutions in January. Well it's a new month! There's always time to start over! Set your intentions, and get back up!


Good morning and happy Monday! Who else is ready for February? I feel like January has gone on for awhile this year.. anyone else? I'm choosing to be positive today, and my happy thoughts this week are: Orin's is 6 months on Wednesday, and Thursday is a new month! What's keeping you positive this week?


Happy Saturday! Hubby has to work this weekend, so Mr Baby and I will be running some errands, meal planning, house cleaning and decorating my planner for February! What do you have planned this weekend? 😊


Hi! I'm Marcie, this is my face! I've gotten some new followers, recently, and I've seen people getting tagged to do "5 Facts About Me" on InstaStories... I haven't been tagged, and today is Friday so I figured I'd introduce myself and tell you 5 Facts about me!

1) I have a baby (Orin) who will be 6 months old in 5 days and I don't know how to process that! 😭😊

2) I have lived in Grand Junction, CO for about 4 months, and it has been so great. I'm so happy we moved here, and now I can't imagine living anywhere else!

3) I have a "Mom Car".. a 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew. It's a beast. We've had it for almost a year!

4) I got new glasses recently! Do you like them? They're maroon. I got another pair (yay America's best) and I'll post a picture of those later.

5) There's been lots of changes to YouTube.. and my camera recently died. I miss filming videos, and I had lots planned. So while I search for a new camera, I will be posting more on my blog! The link is in my bio, so follow me there!

Also follow me on Snapchat... There's usually a baby to be seen there! 😊


Good morning and happy Monday!
How are you slaying today? 😊🦋


Good morning and happy Monday!
Start by loving yourself. Do something for YOU. When you are happy, you are more willing to do for others. You don't have to love strangers, or anyone for that matter. But SHOW them love. Hold a door for someone. SMILE at someone. Say hi. The smallest action of kindness and love can make the biggest difference!

How are you showing love today?

On To The Next.. 12/01/2018

On To The Next.. Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!


Good morning and happy Monday!
It was a rough night with Mr Orin last night, darn teeth coming in! (He actually has one popped through! 😮) But rather than being upset that he woke up multiple times, wouldn't fall asleep unless he was in my arms, I am choosing to look at it as I get to spend more time with my rapidly growing baby! I know he won't be this little and want to sleep on my chest for very long, so I'm cherishing it! How are you going to live more this week?


Happy Friday!
While it's not snowing here in Colorado, (yet) I'm definitely reminiscing about off-roading with Zac in the Jeep! While we're not off-roading anytime soon, I am planning exciting things this weekend! What are your plans? 😊


Good morning! We have a lot to accomplish today!
Including the blog post I was trying to get up on Monday!
And we are going to make it a good day!


The first sunset of 2018 looks promising!

Blog post might be up late tonight, trying to do dishes and all the other things I need to do have been interrupted all day by a squishy baby. But that's okay, because I know he won't be this little for long. ❤️

Stay tuned for the blog post!


Good morning, happy new year, new month, new week! 🎉🎊 There could not be a more perfect way to start the year! Chose to be happy this year. Chose to see the good in things. When you look for the good, and chose to e productive and happy you will be amazed at how your life can change! How are you deciding to be happy today? 😊


Going to bed early again this year..this time because being a parent is exhausting lol. 😂

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe night, and you wake up ready to set new intentions and take on the new year! 😊😘


2017 has been one of the most life changing!
More to come in a blog post, but for now here's my !


Not only is it a new week, it's the last week before Christmas! 😮 There's so much to be done! And I'm so excited, because it's my sweet babies first Christmas! 😄 What are you doing this week to prepare for the upcoming holiday? 🎄☃️🎁❄️🎅🤶🌲⛄


Happy Monday! After this busy holiday weekend we had, today is a day of planning and cleaning! Planning blog posts, videos, (you will have one of each this week!) planning Christmas things and reorganizing my house after our trip! What are you doing with this lovely Monday?


Good morning and happy Monday! You can choose to dwell on negative things happening in your life, even in the world and be miserable... Or you can choose to wake up and focus on the positive things in your life and in the world! I promise no matter how negative things may seem, there is ALWAYS something positive to focus on!


Happy Wednesday! My mom always used to tell us that Wednesdays were great, because Monday and Tuesday were like climbing a ladder to a slide. Wednesday you are on top of the slide, Thursday and Friday you slide down to the weekend! So enjoy your hump day everyone!

Oh How Time Flies! 23/10/2017

OOH a late night blog post! Check it out!

More will be coming soon!


Oh How Time Flies! Makeup, Outfits, Recipes, Lifestyle, Jeeps and Adventures!

Target Haul and The Beefy Crunch Burrito Adventure 22/10/2017

Target Haul and The Beefy Crunch Burrito Adventure Yep this is an old vlog... haha. I hope you enjoy it anyway! :) Follow Us Everywhere! *My Main/Beauty Channel: *My Blo...


Its been a pretty productive and good Sunday for me so far! Being aware of everything you have to be grateful for is a great way to reset yourself and stay grounded! How are you refueling your soul today? 😊

Videos (show all)

Hang out/ get ready with me! Let's chitchat about why I quit making videos and whatever else!