Project Israel Truth

Project Israel Truth

Project Israel Truth is a Jewish hospitality group for education and spirituality needs which both can be learned from The land of Israel.

Project Israel Truth is a religious Jewish hospitality and tour group whose goal is to educate, enlighten, and encourage both the spirituality and the history of the Jewish people.


today everyone knows that those who try to tear a part and give away Israel, our G-d given Land , to an imaginary people are just anti-semites--and i say they can just kiss my southern Jewish a🫏🤣😍✡️💙🕎💞


"ויקחו אליך שמן זית זך כתית למאור גו'"[א] אומרים רז"ל[ב] שישנם שלשה סוגי שמן, ולמנורה היה צורך ב"שמן הראשון".
כפי שדובר פעמים רבות קיים כל ענין בתורה – ובמיוחד מעניני המשכן והמקדש שלגביהם מפרשים רז"ל את הפסוק "ושכנתי בתוכם"[ג]: בתוך כל אחד ואחד מישראל[ד] – בעבודה רוחנית בנפש האדם. בתורה ישנן שלוש דרגות: מים, יין ושמן. החלק הנגלה שבתורה הוא – "מים"[ה], רזי התורה – "יין"[ו], ורזין דרזין – "שמן"[ז]. "שמן צף על גבי יין"[ח]. כלומר: השמן הוא בדרגה נעלית יותר מן היין[ט].
כשם שכל עניני התורה ישנם הן בדרך כלל והן בדרך פרט – כך גם בדרגת ה"שמן" עצמו ישנן שלש דרגות: מים, יין ושמן – שבשמן[י]. לפיכך ישנם בתורת החסידות עצמה – פנימיות התורה שהיא דרגת ה"שמן" שבתורה – כל חלקי התורה. כפי שאומר כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר[יא] שבתורת החסידות יש גם מחכמת המוסר ומחכמת החקירה, אלא שהם ברוח החסידות[יב].
יתרון השמן על המים והיין הוא: המים והיין נמצאים במקום בו עומדים אך אינם ממשיכים ללכת, ואילו בשמן יש דין של תורה שהוא "מפעפע בכולו"[יג], כלומר: כשהוא נמצא במקום מסוים הוא חודר אל כל המקומות הקשורים במקום זה.
כך גם ברוחניות: כשאדם לומד הנגלה של התורה בלבד עלול להיות שלמרות שנמצאת בו תורה הרי הוא והתורה מהוים שני דברים נפרדים, ואילו בלימוד רזין דרזין – שבדורנו זו תורת החסידות[יד] – "השמן מפעפע בכולו", הוא חודר לקרבו עמוק-עמוק עד שהוא והתורה נעשים לדבר אחד, כדוגמת אותיות חקיקה[טו].
כאמור לעיל היה דרוש למאור "השמן הראשון", שמן שבשמן. ההבדל בין פנימיות התורה (בכלל) לבין הנגלה שבתורה הוא: גליא דתורה לבושה בשכל האנושי, ולפיכך יש גם אז מקום בשכל האנושי, ולפיכך יש גם אז מקום למציאות והרגשת הישות, ואילו פנימיות התורה דנה בענינים של אלקות וביטול העולמות – ואין כאן מקום לישות כל כך[טז].
כך גם ההבדל בפנימיות התורה עצמה בין "מים" ו"יין" שב"שמן" לבין "שמן שבשמן". מאחר שגם פנימיות התורה ניתנה באופן שאפשר לקלוט אותה בשכל הרי מבחינת ההשגה וההבנה זה ענין של מים ויין (שבשמן)[יז]ד, ולכן נאמר שצריך להיות שמן שבשמן, כתית למאור[יח], כלומר: ההתבטלות שבפנימיות התורה, הבאה במיוחד לאחר עבודת התפלה.

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 20/02/2024

רק עם שבת יש אהבה ואחדות בנינו 😍💓🥰😘


where is G-d ? wherever He's allowed in🤔Kotzker Rebbe💓

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 19/02/2024

Parashat Tetzaveh - A Hebrew lesson from linen and wood - You shall make a linen ['שש'] Tunic of a box-like knit. You shall make a linen ['שש'] Turban and you shall make a Sash of embroiderer's work. For the sons of Aharon you shall make Tunics and make them Sashes; and you shall make them Headdresses for glory and splendor. (Ex. 28: 39-40)
You shall make for it two gold rings under its crown on its two corners, you shall make on its two sides; and it shall be housings for the poles [לבדים] with which to carry it. You shall make the poles [הבדים] of acacia wood and cover them with gold. (Ex. 30:4-5)
In the Temple, שש and בד ['Shesh' and 'Bad'] were eternal symbols of our duty to trust in G-d, Who created the universe and directs it, Who 'brings low and raises up' (I Sam. 2:7).
שש and בד evoke the shesh [שש also meaning six] from the six days of creation, through which G-d, alone [לבד] and set apart [בדד], created the world.
The purpose of Creation was the Exodus from Egypt. That is, G-d created the world so mankind would know His greatness and might, praise and extol Him, and seek to emulate Him in thought and conduct. The Exodus concretely showed the world G-d's greatness and might, when He withdrew His nation from servitude to a nation from which until then not one slave had managed to escape, and established Israel as the Chosen People who would make known G-d's might to the world.
There is great significance to G-d's having called the ark poles [and, accordingly, the staves of the altar in our Parasha] a בד, ['Bad'] and not a מוט, ['Mot', also meaning stave or pole], because while 'Mot' can mean something that carries, it also connotes falling and collapse, as in, 'The earth trembles and totters ['mot hit'motet']' (Isaiah 24:19); and, 'All the foundations of the earth totter ['yimotu']' (Ps. 82:5). Thus, 'Mot' can mean both ascent and lifting up, as well as falling down. This is the connection between 'Mot' and 'Matah' [מטה]— meaning 'down'. Moreover, the person without strength collapses in bed ['mitah',מיטה]. 'Mavet' [מות]— 'death' — is also tied to 'Mot', for death is permanent collapse.
Therefore, every rod fashioned by man to strengthen and support, carry and lift, can ultimately break and collapse. Yet, the rod G-d commanded to be made to carry the ark cannot collapse and break, because it symbolizes the power of G-d, Creator of the Universe, of Whom it says, 'G-d established the earth upon its foundations that it should never ever collapse' (Ps. 104:5); and, 'The world is established. It cannot collapse' (Ps. 93:1).
The ark pole is not a 'Mot' — it cannot collapse. Whoever trusts in what the ark pole represents, G-d's infinite power, will never falter. As it says, 'He will never let the righteous collapse' (Ps. 55:23), and, 'The righteous shall never collapse' (Prov. 10:30). The 'Bad' is not a 'Mot', but the symbol of Divine mastery and monarchy, of the yoke of His kingdom which will never collapse. The 'Mot', on the other hand, symbolizes the yoke of the nations which G-d broke during the first redemption: 'I am the L-rd your G-d Who brought you out from Egypt where you were slaves. I broke the bands of your yoke and led you forth with your heads held high' (Lev. 26:13).
So will G-d break the yoke of the nations in the future, as it says, 'They shall know that I am the L-rd, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them from those who enslaved them' (Ezek. 34:27).
On the one hand, G-d called the pole a בד 'Bad'. On the other hand, He established for the kohanim, the holiest segment of the holy nation, linen [בד as well as שש also means linen] garments: 'The kohen shall put on his linen [בד] garment, and his linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh' (Lev. 6:3). Likewise, on Yom Kippur we find, 'He shall put on the holy linen [בד] tunic, and have linen pants on his body. He must also gird himself with a linen sash and bind his head with a linen turban. They are holy garments'(Lev. 16:4).
We find the same thing when David dances before the ark: 'David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, as were all the levi'im who bore the ark, and the singers... And David had upon him an ephod of linen'(I Chron. 15:27). Metzudat David comments, 'The linen ephod was akin to the ephod of the Kohen Gadol, and was reserved for those who isolate themselves in the service of G-d.'
Precisely when the Kohen Gadol is dressed in linen, and precisely when he stands between the ark poles [Badim], the poles of faith and trust in G-d, does the Kohen Gadol perform the Yom Kippur service. The holiest man is Israel on the holiest day in Israel performs the service dressed in linen, as stated above, and standing between the poles [בדים].

Indeed, linen garments were reserved for those isolating themselves in Divine service in the Temple, for they were the symbol of the Master of the Sanctuary Who created His world in six ['Shesh'] days. G-d therefore decreed that His kohanim must serve Him in linen garb, called 'shesh' [שש].

Following is Or HaChaim: “Israel shall thus dwell securely”: When? When they are alone. “They shall dwell” naturally follows “He shall proclaim, 'Destroy!'” G-d commanded Israel to annihilate every soul of the inhabitants of the land. By doing so, “Israel shall dwell securely, alone [בדד].”
The Jew who believes and trusts in G-d, in בדים, will arrive at truth and faith and tranquility, whereas he who trusts in man, in human strength, will arrive, G-d forbid, at, 'How does the city sit alone'[בדד] (Lam. 1:1).
To our sorrow, those who try to pervert the separatist faith and trust of 'a nation that shall dwell alone [לבדד]' (Num. 23:9) by claiming that it is forbidden to rile up the nations, and that the Jewish People, even when powerful, still depend on the nations, have no faith and distort the whole concept of trust in G-d.🤔
Yet faith and trust in G-d are no small matter. The Jewish People must prove their trust in G-d by difficult, frightening, and sometimes ostensibly dangerous acts, acts that demand of Israel courage, acts which by their very nature show disdain for the non-Jew, anger him and threaten to bring a confrontation between him and Israel, and all must be performed with complete faith and trust that if Israel do what is decreed upon them, then G-d, too, will fulfill what He promised His treasured nation.
We must know and grasp this great principle, which is the key to speedy, magnificent redemption, without suffering or tragedy. A brilliant redemption, in which G-d's promise of “haste” (Isa. 60:22) is fulfilled, will come only when the Jewish People are alone, set apart, in isolation, and trusting fully in G-d to defeat our enemies.😍💓🥰


Parshat Tetsaveh unlike Teruma,which dealt with outer structures ,deals with what's inside Preistly clothes have a secret inner meaning before the Kohen entrs Tent of Meetin or Alter to work in Holy Place.Doin exactly what is commanded or die,followin orders to the tee as Holy soldiers at war puting life at risk with every move🤔 Then a description of every single task done by the Priests inside The Tabernacle(Mizbaiach) .Tabernacle includin---service😍construction💓dismantleing🥰performing tasks💗and reapeatin again💟Tabernacle connects earth with Heaven❤️‍🔥assembled even slightly incorrect causes it not to work,completly malfunction,only question is will it be done right and lift off to heaven or wrong and fizzle away from hollywood💛💚🤎The moment of Truth is totally com,pleteing G-d's Will💙Never giving up!!!! each time Ahron slaughtered Korban and when nothin happened it was all taken apart and done all over again and again!!!for 7 days🖤Rashi; -only on 8th day when both Ahron entered Tent and prayed together,G✡️D"S glory was revealed andfire ascended upon The Alter 💜🩵🧡💞and The Nation all bowed down on their faces-every detail forms the greater Whole as does all The Nation unified-Betsalel made everything precisely accordind to instructions!!! 🕎 So We must never incorperate anything foreign into The Torah or Holy work!! anything foreign is idolatry not just idolatrous religions and practices but also anything else-anarchism-democracy-communism-socialism-philosophy-psychologies not inline with Torah-etc.🫣🤔all works when we give our body,heart and soul completely to the task😍💓🥰😘

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 19/02/2024

the begining of time (Shabbat) meets the beginning of space(Temple) and beyond that point there is neither time nor space-but what do i know i'm just a dumb Jewish redneck as was pointed out

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 19/02/2024

"And you bring near to yourself your brother Aharon, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel to serve Me: Aharon, Nadav, and Avihu, Elazar, and Itamar, Aharon's sons. You shall make holy garments for your brother Aharon, for honor and glory." Exodus 28:1-2) they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, and crimson wool, and twisted fine linen, the work of a master weaver. It shall have two connected shoulder straps at both its ends, and it shall be entirely connected. And its decorative band, which is above it, shall be of the same work, [emanating] from it: gold, blue, purple, and crimson wool, and twisted fine linen. And you shall take two shoham stones and engrave upon them the names of the sons of Israel. Six of their names on one stone and the names of the remaining six on the second stone, according to their births. [Similar to] the work of an engraver of gems, [similar to] the engravings of a seal, you shall engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel; you shall make them enclosed in gold settings. And you shall put the two stones upon the shoulder straps of the ephod as stones of remembrance for the sons of Israel, and Aharon shall carry their names before HaShem upon his two shoulders as a remembrance." Exodus 28:6-12)

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 18/02/2024

כל הדר בחו"ל כאילו עובד עבודת כוכבים-כתובות- 110-עמוד ב😞🤭😓🤔 רבי ישמעאל אומר "ישראל שבחוצה ארץ עובדי עבודת כוכבים בטהרה "-עבודה זרה-8 א🤭🤔


bad news: i can't change them, good news: i can change😍💓🥰🤔

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 17/02/2024

Torah nurtures and nourishes us like mothas milk🥰while those erev rav who make laws to persecute and harm followers of Torah ,"are cookin a goat in its mothas milk",they are the same ones who yesterday ,literally and metaphorically killed The Messenger🤫🤭🫣🤔much of my suffering has been from how i treated others and a tiny bit from bein whistle blower😞a slave thinks only about himself and by enslaving someone their ability to fight for truth ,justice and needs of others is curtailed and they can't achieve what they came here for😍May Hashem open the eyes of the blind Jewish slaves so they may come home and leave blah blah blah✡️❤️‍🔥🕎as Elisha prayed for Hashem to open eyes f Gaichazi ,to see spiritual and true physical world💙🥰😘💞😍💙🖤💓🥰😘
נחש =משיח 😮 עבד עברי=משיח😲 הכל התהפך לטובה💗💚💞😍💙🖤💓🥰😘


The Rav taught us that the problem is not Jews on the left or Jews on the right but "Jews for nothing" WHATEVER IS DONE WITH GOOD INTENTIONS IS GOOD How wonderful it is to be a good Jewwwww😍🖖🏾🖖🏾🥰✡️💗🕎💟🤔


one of my hats is a psychologist-psychotherapist and one of the 4 main s**tot i learned and use are Logo therapy by the great Doctor Victor Frankel😍🥰Viktor Frankl, one of the great psychiatrists of the twentieth century, survived the death camps of N**i Germany. His little book, Man’s Search for Meaning, is one of those life-changing books that everyone should read.
Frankl once told the story of a woman who called him in the middle of the night to calmly inform him she was about to commit su***de. Frankl kept her on the phone and talked her through her depression, giving her reason after reason to carry on living. Finally she promised she would not take her life, and she kept her word.
When they later met, Frankl asked which reason had persuaded her to live?
"None of them", she told him.
What then influenced her to go on living, he pressed?
Her answer was simple, it was Frankl’s willingness to listen to her in the middle of the night. A world in which there was someone ready to listen to another's pain seemed to her a world in which it was worthwhile to live.
Often, it is not the brilliant argument that makes the difference. Sometimes the small act of listening is the greatest gift we can give.💙😍many of you know i'm here if you need me🥰😘with love schmuel Hacohen 😍🥰😘

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 15/02/2024

how were donations made to Mishkan?"every person whose heart moves him! "open your heart!😍🕎🥰🖖🖖😘

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 14/02/2024

Hashem commanded Moshe to build a portable moveable (TEMPLE) Beit Mikdash (MISHKAN) with vessels.@ rooms inner sanctum (HOLY of Holies),which only the Kohen Hagadol could enter once a yearon Yom Kippur,and outer room Kodesh ,both closed in coutyard called (AZARA).These 3 were and will be in the Third Temple. Mishkan and First Mikdash contained Holy Ark in Kodesh Kodeshim while 2nd Temple Kodes Kodeshim was empty.In all 3 there was Menora🕎Alter🔥and Table📦for(LECHEM HAPANIN) ALLbody parts of human bein are represented in the Temple to remind us to guard our personaal Temple as we would The Holy Mikdash and Mishkan.Head and brain ,with double membrane like entrace of Kodesh Hakodeshim, inner and outer sanctum,Holy of Holies hidden thoughts and secrets🫣😲🫢🤔eyes👁👁=🕎nose 👃=Ketoret🔥-mouth👅Table of Showbread🥖-neck courtyard- 🫀=heart =Alter -higher sacrifices and so on.We connect today to the Beit Hamikdash by purifying our inner and outer sanctums💗which for Jews this may be truly forged only in Eretz Yisrael💙number 1, giving to Jews and institutions in Eretz Yisrael✡️2-preparing and coming home💗🕎and supporting those putting their lives and souls on the line💝the faithful will adhere call of Hashem and merit to rebuild and see Beit Hamikdash again on Temple Mount 💞

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 14/02/2024

במדבר כדי לשרוד צריך להיות בקי בתורה ש בעל פה🤫 כמוני ו דוב דריבן הידיד נפש שלי זכר צדיק קדוש לברכה 😎🐎💗קראו לנו חלילים מזנונים🤣זה המוכתר סעיר אז, באמצע אינתיפאדה הראשון 🤭🥰🤔 🤫 Dov and i in the middle of Seir in the middle of the first intifada!! we were the sherifs!!-the airabs shot and threw stones at all the army while fearing and respectin us!! they called us halielim maznunim🤣😍😂🤔


they shall make me a sanctuary and i shall dwell inside them -why inside them and not it--inside them means Hashem resides in every Jew if they prepare themselves and purify themselves for Hashem to come in---the father of musar in our times Rabbi Eliahu Dessler teaches us that we and our bodies are formed like a sanctuary and we have a personal choice until the final redemption to personally act and be part of the exile or be part of the redemption its our choice!!!!!!😂✡️😍🖖🖖😘🕎🤔

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 13/02/2024

you're wonderful 😍you're sweet🥰you're loved😘 you'll grow even more tomorrow with Hashems help🖖🖖we all have growin pains😔😍🤔

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 13/02/2024

not every muslum is an active terrorist but every terrorist is an active muslum😔🤫🤭🥵😡🤔if you don't get this you're probably prayin to a cow or your head is up 🐂🫣🤔

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 13/02/2024

all the things keepin us from happiness and success in life is all a fantasy-Rabi nachman😍💓💗💙🥰😘

Photos from Project Israel Truth's post 12/02/2024

חודש אדר / ז` באדר יום לידתו ופטירתו של משה רבנו✡️
על משה רבנו אנחנו יודעים על פי המסורת שה' מילא ימיו ושנותיו, והוא נולד ונפטר באותו תאריך. התאריך הוא ז' באדר אלפיים תפ”ח (2488 לבריאת העולם לפי המסורת). אחד הדברים המיוחדים במותו של משה היה שה' בעצמו קבר אותו, לא נודע מקום קבורתו לעולם. Moshe Rabeinos birth and yortseit 7 ADAR✡️🥰🕎😘we learn 1 of the 2 most important traits from Moshe Rabainu,bitule,bestlearned from sefer HaTanya of Admor Hazaken😍🥰🤔 💜


i won't tell a long story but when i was growin up i was first called dirty Jew ,cause i wasn't a blond blue eyed white ,and after awhile super Jew--the whites started to like me and called me super Jew the wild redkneck-- the blacks always loved me and called me an african Jew street ni**er cause i didn't kiss anybody's ass-the cherokees said i had red indian blood but inside i knew it was all horses**t--i'm a Jewish priest from the tribe of Levi and therefore my dna -checked -is different than other Jews-all people hung up on external skin color are superficial fools full of s**t -i am from G-ds chosen Israeli Jewish Hebrews to help lead in the final redemption-who ever comes to me in peace-white ,black or purple i will love and receive in peace -but whoever tries to frak me will learn why they called me superJew cause this Jew don't turn the other cheek haus😍✡🥰🖖🏿🖖🏿🦁😘🤔


כך נראה אלוף אמתי😍!!! זכיתי לקבל ממנו צלש ו הוא אמר בצחוק ,"אני מוכן ללכת למלחמה עם שמואל בעינים סגורות הבעיה יחידה שלו היא, שהוא דתי"😂🤣🥰 --היום בוחרים אלוף לפי כמה הוא צפונבוני אלוב!!!!


עם ישראל נחשב לשמן זית כי שניהם תמיד עולים על סביבתם💓

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