Ester Eckhaus Poetry

Ester Eckhaus Poetry

A place to read Ester's poetry, and stay updated on the anticipated book release!

As I work on publishing my book of poetry, this page is where you can find my poems, updates on my book and website, and other fun poetry related things.


Just a question to ponder…

אם אשכחך ירושלים 
תשכח ימיני 
תדבק לשוני לחיכי 
אם לא אזכרכי 

אם לא אעלה 
את ירושלים 
על ראש שמחתי 

If I forget you, Jerusalem
May my right hand forget herself
My tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth
If I do not remember 

If I do not raise Jerusalem
As my highest joy. 

#pray #tehillim #psalms #prayers #prayforisrael #Jerusalem #Israel #song #healing 12/10/2023

Only prayers can express how I’ve been feeling this past week. And it’s all I have to offer to my loved ones back home in Israel.

I’ve been crying on and off since Sunday, and singing these songs. As a balm, as prayer, as an offering of love, and to express my longing to be back in my land with my brothers and sisters.

So I put aside my self-consciousness and perfectionism, sat down to sing and pray, and kept my camera on so I can share my offerings. Please pray with me. My hope is that it can bring some comfort where it is needed.

אם אשכחך ירושלים
תשכח ימיני
תדבק לשוני לחיכי
אם לא אזכרכי

אם לא אעלה
את ירושלים
על ראש שמחתי

If I forget you, Jerusalem
May my right hand forget herself
My tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth
If I do not remember

If I do not raise Jerusalem
As my highest joy

אם אשכחך ירושלים תשכח ימיני תדבק לשוני לחיכי אם לא אזכרכי אם לא אעלה את ירושלים על ראש שמחתי If I forget you, Jerusalem May my right hand forget herself My tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth If I do not remember If I do not raise Jerusalem As my highest joy. #pray #tehillim #psalms #prayers #prayforisrael #Jerusalem #Israel #song #healing

Only prayers can express how I’ve been feeling this past week. And it’s all I have to offer to my loved ones back home in Israel.

I’ve been crying on and off since Sunday, and singing these songs. As a balm, as prayer, as an offering of love, and to express my longing to be back in my land with my brothers and sisters.

So I put aside my self-consciousness and perfectionism, sat down to sing and pray, and kept my camera on so I can share my offerings. Please pray with me. My hope is that it can bring some comfort where it is needed.

שיר למעלות: 
אשא עיני אל-ההרים, מאין יבא עזרי. 
עזרי, מעם ה’, עושה שמים וארץ. 
אל יתן למוט רגלך; אל ינום שומרך. 
הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל. 
ה’ שומרך ה’ צלך על-יד ימינך. 
יומם השמש לא יככה וירח בלילה. 
ה’ ישמרך מכל-רע ישמור את-נפשך. 
ה’ ישמור צאתך ובואך מעתה ועד עולם.

Song of Ascents
I lift my eyes to the mountains
From where will my help come?
My help is from Hashem
Creator of heaven and earth
He will not let your foot falter
Your Gaurdian will not sleep
The Guardian of Israel will not slumber nor sleep
The Divine is your Guardian
The Divine is your shade 
your right hand
By day the sun will not harm you
Nor the moon by night
Hashem shall guard you from all evil
He shall guard your soul
Hashem guard your comings and goings
From now and forever 

#tehillim #pray #prayforisrael #israel #psalms #song #healing #accapella #praying 12/10/2023

Only prayers can express how I’ve been feeling this past week. And it’s all I have to offer to my loved ones back home in Israel.

I’ve been crying on and off since Sunday, and singing these songs. As a balm, as prayer, as an offering of love, and to express my longing to be back in my land with my brothers and sisters.

So I put aside my self-consciousness and perfectionism, sat down to sing and pray, and kept my camera on so I can share my offerings. Please pray with me. My hope is that it can bring some comfort where it is needed.

שיר למעלות:
אשא עיני אל-ההרים, מאין יבא עזרי.
עזרי, מעם ה', עושה שמים וארץ.
אל יתן למוט רגלך; אל ינום שומרך.
הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל.
ה' שומרך ה' צלך על-יד ימינך.
יומם השמש לא יככה וירח בלילה.
ה' ישמרך מכל-רע ישמור את-נפשך.
ה' ישמור צאתך ובואך מעתה ועד עולם.

Song of Ascents
I lift my eyes to the mountains
From where will my help come?
My help is from Hashem
Creator of heaven and earth
He will not let your foot falter
Your Gaurdian will not sleep
The Guardian of Israel will not slumber nor sleep
The Divine is your Guardian
The Divine is your shade
your right hand
By day the sun will not harm you
Nor the moon by night
Hashem shall guard you from all evil
He shall guard your soul
Hashem guard your comings and goings
From now and forever

Only prayers can express how I’ve been feeling this past week. And it’s all I have to offer to my loved ones back home in Israel. I’ve been crying on and off since Sunday, and singing these songs. As a balm, as prayer, as an offering of love, and to express my longing to be back in my land with my brothers and sisters. So I put aside my self-consciousness and perfectionism, sat down to sing and pray, and kept my camera on so I can share my offerings. Please pray with me. My hope is that it can bring some comfort where it is needed. שיר למעלות: אשא עיני אל-ההרים, מאין יבא עזרי. עזרי, מעם ה’, עושה שמים וארץ. אל יתן למוט רגלך; אל ינום שומרך. הנה לא ינום ולא יישן שומר ישראל. ה’ שומרך ה’ צלך על-יד ימינך. יומם השמש לא יככה וירח בלילה. ה’ ישמרך מכל-רע ישמור את-נפשך. ה’ ישמור צאתך ובואך מעתה ועד עולם. Song of Ascents I lift my eyes to the mountains From where will my help come? My help is from Hashem Creator of heaven and earth He will not let your foot falter Your Gaurdian will not sleep Behold The Guardian of Israel will not slumber nor sleep The Divine is your Guardian The Divine is your shade your right hand By day the sun will not harm you Nor the moon by night Hashem shall guard you from all evil He shall guard your soul Hashem guard your comings and goings From now and forever #tehillim #pray #prayforisrael #israel #psalms #song #healing #accapella #praying



Sometimes when I sing, pray, or write, I get a distinct feeling that I am no longer the one acting, but become merely the channel for something infinite and wordless to come through. These are the moments that are a deep reprieve from the incessant mind.

And what if, when we’re in those soul-centered moments, thinking that we are praising God, blessing the Infinite One for life’s miracles, that we are nothing more than what God intended us to be: blessings. Sung with the intensity of nameless emotions and devotion, uplifted, changing in the air, and then dying down to sit in divine silence again.

To all who are praying and fasting tomorrow, may it be meaningful and deep ❤️



An old poem that sprang up again in my heart this morning. It’s a constant journey trying to lean into the mystery. If I’m being honest and vulnerable, most days I don’t succeed. Praying to find self compassion and a new way through.


NETZACH Affirmations 💫

Endurance, confidence, mastery, precision, clarity, victory, eternity.

Through the process, I am being clarified.

I am learning to harness the storm.

I may fall and stumble, but I am building confidence and mastery.

I am fine tuning my motivations, so that all can stem from genuine love.


You may as well make a wish
Soon enough
The wind will do it for you
And the wish that was once
A child’s gleeful impulse
Will become lodged in the heart
Always waiting
for next Spring


רצוא ושוב
There is beauty in the brokenness and repair. The back-and-forth balancing act between independence and interdependence, solitude and connection, freedom and safety…


You never know when the moment will be just right.


Off, my shoes come
In quiet reverence
To this intricate prayer room.

If I sit still enough
I can hear the multitude
Of your voices
Cradling me back
To peace.



Love as meditation.
Love as spiritual practice.
Love as a window to the infinite Other.

Collab poetry withconscious.poet 💕


As I lay my head
To rest
I give my soul back to you
To cleanse

On the days when
My life feels like one
Unending note
I remember
That I give my soul
Over to you each night
And you give me my life
Anew each morning

This is the faith
We exchange
Over my head
As I dream




Let me drink
The elixir of trust

And devote myself
to truth

What is my voice
If I do not use it
To express You








“Most people come across glimpses of happiness by accident, when the mind is rendered speechless for a moment. Such as in the face of great beauty.”

-Eckhart Tolle



The Hebrew term for “repentance” is “Teshuva,” which actually translates as a “returning.”

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana, which happened last week, is marked by the collective blowing of the Shofar horn—a piercing sound that is intended to wake up the listener’s heart and soul.

Yom Kippur, which begins tonight, is marked by fasting, praying, and Teshuva/repentance/returning.

Together, the succession of these two holidays calls us back to ourselves. Back to Spirit’s call. Back to our heart’s wanderings and soul’s yearnings. Back to a forgotten path. Or a new path that has been ours all along.

Like most returnings and reconnections, it can begin with that soft and subtle recognition that somehow, along the way, we lost touch with something precious.

It feels like a long time since I have felt deeply connected to myself, my intuition, my child-like wonder. Auto-pilot takes over, and days bleed into each other. Prayers become uninspired, and I realize I haven’t danced or written a poem in awhile.

God, I am far.

Though you remain the same, I have lost touch. I know that reconnecting can happen in one short instant, so I am not afraid. I’m continuously returning home.

See you soon.


Even When It Hurts 🎵



One part yearns to let go and be free.

The other is given the task to hold on and protect.

But neither can prevail until they work together as partners.



We are all
Like candles—

Those lofty, flighty flames,
Longing to merge into the air above.

And the wick—
That devoted lover—
Holding his flame down.
Sustaining her,
Even as she devours him.

And the wax,
Once solid,
Now shifting—
As the earth beneath us
Molds around each fleeting life.

Videos (show all)

Even When It Hurts 🎵
