Lekker Running

Lekker Running

Running enthusiast and motivated athlete. Sharing training tips, race updates, and inspiration.


🌅 We go again

Photos from Lekker Running's post 31/03/2023

Last workout before , and the track was wet as usual :) Happy with how the legs are feeling today. They are still a bit heavy but I am sure come Sunday, they will be ready to go.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 12/03/2023

This time last week I was dealing with a runny nose and stiff legs post Cambridge Half 😃 Today was a totally different story. I am feeling so much better and the weather was perfect too 😎

Photos from Lekker Running's post 09/03/2023

Went out looking for spring weather - there was nothing to be found 😃


✅ Week 14 of 18

Even though I had a cold I enjoyed last weeks race at Cambridge. The fitness is really there, I ran the HM sub 1h32, and since I wasn’t 100% I decided not to run since then. I learnt from previous injuries and sicknesses, that there is no point in pushing just to tick off the training plan. You could lose all the fitness you gained?!

Happy to say that I am feeling so much better today. So tomorrow I will be lacing up again and seeing out the last 2 weeks before the taper.

Chase progress, not perfection, if perfection comes, then it’s a bonus

Photos from Lekker Running's post 05/03/2023

Cambridge Half Marathon done! It’s been a tough week, battling a cold, and almost not starting today, but happy to have got it done. Just wanted to clock in some mileage at tempo pace . Time to rest and see the last few weeks of training for Brighton out.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 21/02/2023

✅ Week 12 of 18

A solid recovery week banked last week! It feels good to have seen out 3 months of training, and since most of the cold weather is on its way out, things can only get better. Hopefully we can start to drop some layers 😃

The next few weeks will be crucial for improving my top end speed, especially the tune up race in 2 weeks time. This part of the training block is all about running at faster paces and keeping the slower runs really slow. You want maximum recovery for maximum effort.

Really looking forward to going a bit faster in the next few weeks.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 13/02/2023

✅ Week 11 out of 18

I Decided to put the hammer down this week and test the fitness on my Friday / Sunday runs. They were both harder than my usual efforts, and I am still feeling all aches today. But it was all worth it though. You have to push the ceiling of your discomfort levels if you want to run faster and longer.

This week is recovery week and then 3 weeks later it’s time. Really looking forward to getting to race again.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 08/02/2023

I thought the temperatures were on the up but I was wrong 😂

Kept it nice and easy this morning, just getting the body moving, conserving energy for the next two sessions. Sunday will be a 20 mile run, so the focus is to be recovered as best I can.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 07/02/2023

Just keep moving.. keep moving.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 06/02/2023

✅ Week 10 of 18

Another week completed and it’s starting to take shape nicely. The hardest part was yesterday’s 29km run, it was really tough. I felt good aerobically but not physically. Another reality check that the physical and respiratory adaptations are not always aligned.

I also enjoyed the speed work sessions this week. I opted not to use paces, running them my feel and HR. The paces I noticed were really positive based on my running stats. So it’s a good bet to perhaps focus on race paces a bit later in the block, as I am trying to be a bit more cautious with so many unknowns in my first marathon block.

No running today 😀

Photos from Lekker Running's post 03/02/2023

A good start to the day with the first interval session of the training block. My hip is still paining a bit, so decided to ease into the session, run by feel, then take it from there. I am to have gotten the session done and the progress looks promising. Time to rest up and ease into the weekend!

How was your run today?

Photos from Lekker Running's post 02/02/2023

Recovery runs on the 🥅 pitch.

I like to give the legs as much recovery as possible and opt for running my easy runs on the grass.

Luckily for me there are loads of spaces nearby 😀


Happy birthday to my wife!

Thank you for all your support in every aspect of our lives. I am truly blessed to have you in my life, and I thank God that we get to spend this time together. I hope you have a great day ahead, and that all your dreams come true in the next year.

Love you

Photos from Lekker Running's post 30/01/2023

✅ Week 9 of 18

This has been a tough week. Really feel drained. I am not even really sure why, but we are halfway there.

Just focusing on getting the best recovery and nutrition that I can do for now. Tomorrow we go again. 9 weeks left, 4 weeks to , looking forward to test this fitness.

Ready for this week! 💪🏼


For those who are constantly pushing the boundaries, seeking the best versions of themselves, remember, each steps counts.

We might not always come out with the desired results but we leave with more experience than if we never tried at all. Progress is progression, moving forward, not accepting the status quo, perfection might come, but it is not the end goal. Growth is.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 24/01/2023

Running on tired legs today = no fun. Decided to abort today’s fast finish run so that I can get a bit more time to recover. Let’s see how I feel tomorrow.

Happy that there are no new niggles since Sunday, and everything’s looking good so far!


✅ Week 8 of 18

Another recovery week completed and feeling proud of last week's progress.

My body's feeling a bit sore today, so I'm taking extra care to prep for tomorrow's run. Last week was all about building mileage and training my body to handle fatigue. This week, it's all about maximizing recovery and ironing out any niggles.

Next week, I'll be starting the peak training phase which means new workouts and a focus on running faster and improving leg turnover.

How's your training coming along?

Photos from Lekker Running's post 22/01/2023

Pretty chuffed to have hit the 25km mark for the first time.

I knew that with this being my first marathon training block I would be reaching mileage never done before, so the body was definitely tested. The goal was to listen to the body and run at the pace that felt comfortable. I also wanted to test my pre run meal, and fueling during the run to figure how the body responds on the long run. Everything worked out well.

Time to relax and enjoy Sunday !


I use an online date calculator to find out how many weeks I have left until race day.

A quick google search for "calculate weeks between dates" will give you plenty of options to choose from. Based on my calculations, for my race on the 2nd April 2023, I have about 10 weeks left to prepare.

Having a solid timeline is crucial for staying on track and reaching your goals.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 18/01/2023

Nice and easy run this morning in the crisp sub zero temperatures.

My right calf was a bit tight so opted to run on the grass instead of the road. I hope by Friday it will feel better as there will be no running until then.

A quick strength session tonight and then a full recovery day tomorrow. Looking forward to that😀

Hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday!


Such a powerful way of thinking - shift your energy and attention on the things that you can control, and let go of things that you have no influence over.


Photos from Lekker Running's post 15/01/2023

Just banked some good mileage - closing out another good week ! Looking forward to putting the feet up, watching some movies and get in some much needed calories!

Have a good Sunday everyone!


Starting a training plan? Make sure you've picked the perfect race! Here are my tips for choosing the right one:

Pick a distance that's challenging but doable for you. It'll help you stay focused during training.

Choose the location of the race where you want to run - a park nearby, a place a bit farther, or even abroad! Any excuse to see a new place is always enjoyable in my view.

Research event organizers near you and worldwide. In the UK, check out events like , , and . But don't forget about sources like and .com_. There are loads of others available so gather some good sources for now and for future races you want to do.

Think about the surface you want to run on - road or trail? I personally have only ever raced on the road but hopefully one day I can do it in nature.

Ask a friend or family member for recommendations - that's how I got started with my first race! Sometimes, the best information is just a conversation away.

Photos from Lekker Running's post 13/01/2023

💪🏼Hills reps you have shown me again that you mean business! But I am not backing down! See you next week 😃

Photos from Lekker Running's post 11/01/2023

It was nice to run without my rain jacket this morning smile 😃 I banked some easy miles and was happy with my hamstring after yesterday’s little scare. Things are looking good again.

I have a strength session planned for later and tomorrow is a rest day. So I am looking forward to knock off the workout this evening, and just rest up for some more hills on Friday !

Happy Wednesday!

Photos from Lekker Running's post 10/01/2023

Another wet fast finish run to start off the week 💦

I felt comfortable hitting the tempo paces but after a few kilometers my left hamstring started to tighten up. I then decided to back out from there. It’s still early days and I am not going to push too hard now!

Today's session
Warmup: 5 minutes (Z1)
Easy: 35 minutes (Z2)
Fast Finish: 15 minutes (Z3)