Ulster Project New Orleans

Ulster Project New Orleans

It is an international peacekeeping program aimed at developing leadership skills and encouraging tolerance in teens in Northern Ireland and America.

The Ulster Project accomplishes its goals by bringing Catholic and Protestant teens from Northern Ireland to America to learn tolerance among all religions. Teens participate in service projects, leadership activities, worship services, and fun activities throughout the month of July. The Ulster Project in New Orleans is paired with the town of Castlederg, Northern Ireland. Ulster Project New Orleans is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Ulster Project Farewell Celebration 24/06/2024

We are very disappointed to announce the cancellation of the Ulster Project for this summer. After exhausting all avenues, including reaching out to Ulster Projects in other states and many insurance companies within and outside of Louisiana, we have not been able to secure insurance for our Project for this summer. Without insurance we cannot go forward with our plans to have one last group of teens visit from Castlederg.

Although we will not be welcoming teens to New Orleans this year, we would like to celebrate the many years of the Ulster Project here in our city. We will be having a Thanksgiving Dinner Reunion to get together and reconnect with old friends and share memories. We will have many old pictures and scrapbooks to share with everyone as well as chances for lots of Irish door prizes for everyone who attends. We will also have one last candle pass for everyone who wants to participate.

The Thanksgiving dinner will be held on Saturday, July 20 at 6-8pm at St Catherine of Siena Barrett Center at 105 Bonnabel Blvd. Dinner will be provided, so please use the link below to RSVP so that we have enough food for everyone. A pub crawl, not sponsored by the UP, will occur after the Thanksgiving Dinner for those who are interested in continuing the celebration. More information can be provided for those who are interested.


Thank you so much for your support of the Ulster Project over the many years! We hope to see you at our celebration!!

Ulster Project Farewell Celebration Please let us know if you will attend the farewell Ulster Project New Orleans Thanksgiving dinner and pub crawl by Friday, July 12. We look forward to seeing you there! Thanksgiving Dinner, Saturday, July 20 6pm - 8pm, St. Catherine of Siena Pub Crawl, immediately following Thanksgiving dinner

GiveNOLA Day! 07/05/2024

TODAY is the DAY!!

As we plan for the last summer of the Ulster Project, we will need a little help to put it on. If you are interested in donating funds to support our Project this summer, GIVE NOLA DAY is a great way to do it!! Your donation will come directly to the Ulster Project.

We will be sending out a SIGNUP GENIUS for help with food for some of our events and other volunteer opportunities soon! Watch this space!!

We are planning to have pictures and old scrapbooks from many of the summers available at our ALL ULSTER EVENTS. Plan to come and reconnect with old friends and see reminders of your Ulster Project experience!!

Church Service and Talent Show June 30
Western Night July 5
Pub Crawl July 19
Mardi Gras Ball July 20
Church Service and Thanksgiving Dinner July 21

GiveNOLA Day! GiveNOLA Day, an initiative of the Greater New Orleans Foundation, is a one-day online giving event. For 24 hours, everyone who loves our region can support their favorite local causes by donating to one or more of 700+ participating nonprofit organizations.


Dear Friends and supporters of the Ulster Project of New Orleans,

It is with a heavy heart that we tell you that our project to be held this summer in July 2024 will be the last one. We know that you will understand that this has been a difficult decision for all of us here in New Orleans and in Castlederg, but with waning volunteer and financial support, we simply cannot continue the Ulster Project as we have known it.

We are planning some fun All Ulster events this summer and hope many of you will come to the events, and see old friends, make some new ones of our newest teens and families and continue to support the New Orleans Project as our activities come to an end.

We would like to thank you for your support and hope to see you this summer!! Watch this spot for more information to come soon!!

The New Orleans Ulster Project Board


We have bath bombs! Order now for quick and easy stocking stuffers!


Bath bombs are a great gift to show appreciation to those that you care about. Order now to support a great cause!
