Kath Miller

Kath Miller

A girl should be two things: who and what she wants!

cleopatra seduction Archives - Women Love Power® 13/04/2024


cleopatra seduction Archives - Women Love Power® 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes: The “Boss” By The BOSS You command power in the boardroom and the bedroom. The sage.... Is your DOMINANT feminine archetype. The lover... even if not your second highest archetype, is ACTIVE and over 70% on the quiz, ideally. “Life is a dance between making it...


Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!:

How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Help You Live a Happier Life 16/03/2024


How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Help You Live a Happier Life Happiness can feel impossible, but it’s always within reach. We’ll break down 27 science-backed habits to help you get your mood on track.

FREQUENCY OF CREATION – frequencyofcreation.online 16/03/2024

Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!

FREQUENCY OF CREATION – frequencyofcreation.online

FREQUENCY OF CREATION – frequencyofcreation.online 16/03/2024

Do you know the frequency of creation?

Our program is based, above all, on the conviction that we are already ALL and POSSESS all the desired prosperity, for we are conceived in the image of the Creator of all things, regardless of their religion or personal beliefs.
When we are living contrary to this truth, our life gets stuck, literally, as in the presentation video was said: like a car brake pulled hand. So we need to reprogram ourselves

However, only with willpower and good intention, sometimes this reprogramming does not occur, because we are living a life of lies, scarcity, sadness etc. For that, we must throw hands of impactful "tools" to our unconscious. As if we literally cleaned our internal hard drive and installed new programs of happiness, abundance and sense of worthiness.

HOW IT HAPPENS: Processes are available in reprogramming audios (guided meditation + frequency in solfege tones). 2) PREPARATION: Contact with your Higher Self 2) JOURNEY CREATION OF YOUR NEW SELF: 7 daily processes, based on Creation.
Each day it deals with an aspect of the individual’s life. You can listen wherever and whenever you want, because we also provide the file in mp3, and of course, in video format with impactful images.
BONUS: This bonus alone is worth the investment. It is a program specifically aimed at abundance and prosperity. Always with the same principles stated above. The guidelines on how to proceed to this program have been carefully put into e-book. IT IS FANTASTIC. The results are amazing.
This product is not for marketing. It is a serious program and has been thoroughly tested on myself, on assisted my in therapy, relatives and strangers. We have a SPIRITUAL commitment to this purpose, because as I have also said: THE BLESSING THAT IS NOT USED IN SERVICE TO THE NEXT BECOMES A CURSE. We do not lend ourselves to deceive anyone, because in this field we believe that life charges a lot of these false gurus who intentionally deceive people.
I’m sure it will be a game changer in your life! And you have 7 days to ask for the refund, although my refund rate is almost zero. Come with us and be our next testimony of success!

Meet now and transform your life!:

FREQUENCY OF CREATION – frequencyofcreation.online

What is Mental Health? 29/02/2024


What is Mental Health? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

8 atitudes que podem melhorar a sua saúde mental e bem-estar 25/02/2024


8 atitudes que podem melhorar a sua saúde mental e bem-estar Buscar atitudes que podem melhorar a sua saúde mental e bem-estar é um ato de carinho consigo mesmo e com as pessoas que você ama!


Sustainable Weight Loss: Practical Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Losing weight may seem like a challenging task, but with proper strategies and commitment, it is possible to achieve satisfactory results in a healthy and sustainable way. Here are some practical tips to help you initiate and maintain your weight loss journey:

Set Realistic Goals: Define achievable and specific goals. Instead of solely focusing on the number on the scale, concentrate on objectives such as incorporating more vegetables into your diet, increasing physical activity weekly, or reducing consumption of processed foods.

Adopt a Balanced Diet: Prioritize natural and nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Make balanced meals that include all food groups to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Control Portions: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, serve yourself only once, and avoid seconds. Chew slowly and savor each bite, allowing your body time to recognize feelings of fullness.

Practice Moderation: Allow yourself to enjoy foods you love, but in moderation. Don't completely deprive yourself of culinary pleasures, but learn to balance them with healthier choices in your daily life.

Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly throughout the day. Dehydration can be mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating. Having a water bottle always at hand can help keep your body hydrated and your cravings under control.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Find a physical activity that you enjoy and fits into your routine. Whether it's walking, running, swimming, dancing, or weightlifting, the important thing is to move regularly to burn calories, strengthen muscles, and improve cardiovascular health.

Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep plays a key role in weight control and metabolism. Prioritize a proper sleep routine, aiming for about 7-9 hours per night. Quality sleep helps regulate hormones related to hunger and satiety, contributing to healthier food choices.

Manage Stress: Chronic stress can trigger increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as meditation, yoga, nature walks, or hobbies that bring relaxation and pleasure.

Track Your Progress: Keep a record of your weight, body measurements, diet, and physical activity. This can help you identify patterns, celebrate achievements, and make adjustments when necessary.

Be Patient and Persistent: Healthy weight loss is a gradual process that requires time, dedication, and patience. Don't be discouraged by minor setbacks, and remember that every step toward your goals is a victory.

Remember that sustainable weight loss is not just about reaching a certain number on the scale, but about adopting a healthy lifestyle that promotes long-term physical and mental well-being. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you'll be on the right path to achieving your goals in a healthy and lasting way.


At this stage of our lives, we are focused on seeking personal well-being. We've learned that taking care of ourselves goes beyond appearance; it's a deep commitment to ourselves, a celebration of who we are, and an affirmation of our own worth.

We've discovered that self-care is an endless source of energy and serenity. From morning meditation practices to invigorating walks outdoors, every moment invested in our well-being is a contribution to our happiness.

We've learned that balance is essential for a fulfilling life. We find harmony between work and leisure, between responsibilities and pleasures, and we know when to say no to what no longer serves us, without guilt or remorse.

Looking back, we see the challenges overcome, the tears shed, and the laughter shared. Each experience has shaped who we are today: strong, resilient women grateful for the journey still ahead.

We embrace our age with pride and gratitude. Every wrinkle tells a story, every silver hair is a sign of our wisdom. We are works in progress, constantly evolving, finding our greatest well-being in the journey to become the best versions of ourselves.

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Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!:https://frequencyofcreation.online/frequency-of-creation/
Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!:https://frequencyofcreation.online/frequency-of-creation/
Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!:https://frequencyofcreation.online/frequency-of-creation/
Meet now the Frequency of Creation and transform your life!:https://frequencyofcreation.online/frequency-of-creation/
