Feed Me, Mama

Feed Me, Mama

Discussing Biblical homemaking, stewardship, natural health, social responsibility, pregnancy, parenting, homesteading, and handling life with grace!

Timeline photos 17/11/2017

A few weeks ago, I went with my gut, took a leap, and invested an unexpected bit of business profit back into my business and purchased ’s course, “How to Work with Brands to Build Your Empire”. My long term goal is to write a book and share our miscarriage stories and encourage fellow angel mamas- but I can’t do that without already having an audience. So I’m building my audience- right here. The courses that Alison has created are an incredible value- I have learned so much and it’s already paid off big time in my business. I can’t wait to put so much more into practice. Today is the last day to get these courses at their introductory price- so seriously, RUN! I know it’s scary to invest in educational resources- this is worth it, boss babes. You won’t regret it! Hop over to and smash the link in her profile to join the party!

Timeline photos 13/11/2017

HEY MAMA. DOUBLE TAP if it’s been a while since you’ve seen your running shoes..... I’ve been there, you’re already on edge because you meant to work out this morning, but chose sleep instead. You, mama- you don’t have enough hours in the day, do you? If you do, can you spare one for me?
Working out has become an integral part of my self care maintenance plan, but it is HARD. It’s actual work to carve out the time to run or stretch or walk or whatever. I have to fight for it.

A few weeks back, I discovered and I am SO glad I did. It’s an incredible tool for busy mamas to be able to fit workouts in at home. There’s even a maternity/postnatal track! Wish I had known this time last year ;)
Tap the link in my profile to learn more about Aaptiv AND to get a FREE 30 day trial! WHATUP. Ps- I have no affiliation with Aaptiv, I genuinely think their app is awesome and wanted to share! :)

Timeline photos 10/11/2017

Mindfulness just DOES NOT come easy to me, especially in this season. I just sat down for the day (it’s almost 9pm here) and I realized that the only time I’ve truly gotten alone today was 2 trips to the bathroom to p*e. Meditation? Self care? You’re crazy!

But like- this isn’t sustainable either. I get to a breaking point at about 4pm where I shy away from kisses from my daughter and I can’t have any music playing and I want to lock myself in a dark room. Ummm not exactly healthy...

I’ve had to learn the really hard way to carve out moments for myself that can be restorative even in the middle of the overwhelm. Even when I can’t get away. Things like: keeping essential oils in my car and attaching an affirmation to each oil I use during the day. Or going on long walks/runs and listening to podcasts. Or wearing jewelry that is intentional and helps me in my spiritual growth. Or taking 3 minutes for the quickest meditation ever. Yes Or leaning in to silence when it happens- even if just for a few seconds. Glorious, fleeting seconds. ✨

What are some ways that you practice self care or mindfulness even when you can’t get the “proper time” to do so? Tell me your tricks!

Timeline photos 08/11/2017

We lost our beloved dog, Lucy, a week ago today. It’s been a lot to process- she got sick very quickly and we literally got her the best care in Rwanda and things happened and she didn’t make it. We are heartbroken- and it’s honestly just felt like the straw that broke the camel’s back. It’s been a rough few weeks.

I didn’t anticipate the conversations this would bring on with Halle. This is probably the closest death she has experienced- she knows about our losses and she knows about our Pappy passing a few months back, but this was more tangible for her- she said goodbye to our Lucy and then she didn’t come back.

It’s wild how strange it all sounds to explain death and burial to a child- “her body is in the ground, Daddy buried her, but she is in Heaven”. Immediately, she responded, “maybe Lucy can be my brothers and sisters dog in Heaven!” She was so excited about this and it brought her such comfort and peace. It brought on grief for me that I just didn’t expect. How quickly she thought of them, how real they are to her- it was both a beautiful and painful thing for me to process, even though it caught me completely off guard.

In your journeys of grief- what are things that have surprised you? Given you hope, or stirred up difficult feelings, when you didn’t expect it?

Drawing of sleeping Lucy by my sister, 💚



I’m giving away a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins over on my Instagram! Go enter!


Good morning, USA! My 2017 Gift Guide is HERE!

Every year, this is my favorite post to write, hands down! 6 years ago, this blog started as a way for me to educate my friends about companies doing awesome things and how they can shop responsibly and make a difference with their dollars. While this blog has taken on many different roles since then, supporting great people and causes is still very important to me- so, this gift guide is SO fun for me to write!

This year, I have a mix of products that I am personally loving, amazing causes that are Rwanda based, and some newer companies that I’m crushing on. I hope you find something you love!

*If your business is featured, I would SO appreciate you reposting this link! Thanks!


Timeline photos 06/11/2017

It took me a long time to learn it, but- gifts are my love language. Tell me I’m awesome, wash my car, rub my feet, whatever- the best way to show me love is through giving me gifts, hands down. It also took me a while to realize that THIS IS OKAY and doesn’t make me a materialistic snob. Buying me a coffee is as meaningful as buying me a handbag.

Marriage is especially hard when you don’t speak the same love languages naturally, as is the case with and I. If you know my handsome hubby, you know he is a very good steward of money ;) but man- he has been SO intentional about loving me well in these past few (very trying) weeks, and it has made all the difference in my mental state. For example, he snuck this amazing skirt into my shopping bag WITHOUT ME SEEING and surprised me with it the other day. I’m a little obsessed 😍

Do you and your significant other speak the same love language? What are ways that you are intentional to love each other well, even when it doesn’t come naturally?

Timeline photos 29/10/2017

I can’t make these two up.

This season is so tiring. But so beautiful. I’m grateful for all the mamas around me who keep me encouraged.

Tag some wonderful mamas who need a virtual high-five today! We are proud of you and grateful for you :)


Good morning, friends!

I read Jen Hatmaker's new book and I really loved it :) On the blog today, I have 3 reasons why I think you should read it (even if you're not particularly a fan of hers these days) AND a way for you to listen to the audiobook for FREE!


Timeline photos 20/10/2017

My heart.

This girl has been challenging me so much lately. She is an empath and a feeler just like her mama- I see my best and worst reflected back to me in her each day. Add onto this my own struggles with anxiety and overstimulation, and very little sleep, and it’s a daily battle of the wills. Yesterday, I broke her out of a craze by singing Moana to her...”this is not who you areee” 🤣it worked!

Dang, parenting is sanctifying. Especially for control-loving type-A’s like me. The highest highs and the lowest lows. I come face to face with my own selfishness and stubbornness and inflexibility all day.

But also- wow. She is hilarious. So kind. Patient and gentle with others. She loves to match me and snuggle and leans into the family traditions I create. She loves music and always asks me to read to her about “Jesus Christ” when we have tea and read the Bible in the afternoons. These beautiful moments- they erase the hard ones and then some.

Friends- what are some beautiful, small moments you’ve had this week? The ones that have gotten you through the hard times? Share them below!

Timeline photos 12/10/2017

Friends- I get questions ALL. THE. TIME. about how the heck I get any reading done with two little kids. So I wrote a blog post about it.

Also, I scored you a FREE MONTH of Kindle Unlimited.


A FREE MONTH of Audible! (2 books!)

Share with your friends! And give me all your tips....because I've got a long book list ;) link in profile!

Timeline photos 04/10/2017

The past few years have been a journey for me, as I’ve lost a son, had another son, and moved across the globe to Rwanda. It’s been like pouring miracle grow on all of my flaws and it’s fast-tracked my quest to figure myself out and learn about my personality. Through this crazy season, spiritual disciplines and liturgy have become an integral part of my daily life, and very well may have saved my faith.

Along the way, I came across the planner. Now, I’ve been a devoted Simplified Planner user for years (and still highly recommend the SP to everyone), but the SOD planner seemed to meet me where I am right now: still needing the organization and intentionality of a daily planner, but wanting to infuse that with my spiritual life. I haven’t been disappointed.

Read more about the Sacred Ordinary Days planner in the link in my profile. And tell me- what's one spiritual practice that has changed your life- OR one that you hope to implement in the coming months?


A friend and I had a conversation the other day about trying to say "yes" to our kids more than we say "no". But honestly- being a mama of little kids is HARD and sometimes this season feels all about correction and discipline and overwhelm and not a lot of "yes" happening.

I've been trying to be conscious of this, the past few weeks- and particularly things I can do when I feel like I'm about to lose my mind that help my kids feel loved, rather than ignored or like they are a burden. Because even miracle kids can drive you crazy.

And so, I give you this blog- in which I confess my daily exasperation and offer some humble suggestions of how to show love anyway 🙂



Every Friday, after I pick up Halle from school, we go have bagels and cream cheese for lunch at one of our fave places (Jlynn's in Gacuriro for you locals). This is about the only place I know of in Rwanda to get a bagel and cream cheese- and, if there is another place, this one is definitely better. A few weeks ago, they started serving Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, so, now I get one of those, too 🙃 I say it's my reward for getting through the week alive 😉
I love little rituals like these- I'm slowly crafting more of these special but ordinary rhythms and weaving them into our weekly routine. I think it's helpful for any busy family, but especially as expats- having some concrete things that anchor our weeks in the midst of chaos is really helpful to our spirits. I've been listening to a lot of 's lately, and there's been a few comments about being "on purpose" with ordinary things and making them special- whether it's a lunch date with your kids or a movie night with your spouse. This really resonates with me- I'm trying to get better at it.
So tell me- what are some ordinary things that you've made special in your family? Traditions or rhythms that you hold to in the chaos? OR- what's one thing you would like to START doing? .

Timeline photos 28/09/2017

Practicing what I preached in my last blog post on self care by having a cup of my favorite honey vanilla chamomile tea at 5pm instead of a cup of coffee. I also tried for the first time, and did some yoga, during nap time! But really, I wanted to just scroll Insta and have coffee. I'm definitely glad I chose tea and yoga instead! And now, here's a picture of my Rae mug and a plant, because Instagram. PS- is focusing on self care this week AND they are doing a giveaway- go check it out!


Good morning! Today's blog post is SUPER important- and helpful! Quick fixes for self care- which one will you incorporate into your day today?

I think #5 is my most controversial, ha!


Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2017 25/09/2017

FRIENDS! I’ll keep this short- DON'T MISS OUT!

Today’s the final day to pick up the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle for $29.97.

If you wait until tomorrow, you would have to spend over $3,700 to get the same resources. Yikes!

You're getting 107 Healthy Living resources at your fingertips. You're helping support our family's ministry in Rwanda. WIN WIN!

To get the best deal, click here before midnight tonight: https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UHLB2017/a662/

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2017 It’s an amazing selection of digital tools like eBooks and eCourses designed to equip, inspire, and give you an extra helping hand on your health journey.



I LOVE KOMBUCHA. You will too if you give it a shot! We've been brewing our own on and off for about 5 years now, and it's always amazing and SUCH a good thing to incorporate into your diet. Kombucha helps maintain good intestinal flora and supports healthy digestion- and tastes delicious!

So YAY for a free bottle of Kombucha Pro with every Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle purchase! just one of a whole slew of great freebies you get with purchase! And yes- a hefty portin of the proceeds (70%) come back to us to support our ministry.



Where my KETO BABES at?!

The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is an ESPECIALLY good deal for you! Included are:

8 Grain/Gluten Free Cookbooks

8 Paleo-specific Cookbooks

4 Keto Cookbooks

7 Real Food Tips & Tricks Cookbooks
..including this gem, 30 Keto Meals in under 30 Minutes! I feel amazing eating a Keto diet, and these cookbooks are a huge help in making it easy!

These are just a snippet of the healthy resources available to you right now- and it's all only $29.97. I've bought this bundle (previously, with other books) several times and it's always an AMAZING value!

Get yours here: https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UHLB2017//


Good morning, USA!
Just TWO MORE DAYS to get the deal of the year- I just went through all of the contents again and I am blown away. I don't even know where to begin! I am SO grateful to be able to use this as a fundraiser for our family


One of my favorite bonuses from this Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle: two boxes of bone broth! Making your own broth is great, but sometimes having pre-made broth is SUCH a time saver while allowing you to remain healthy. This is typically $15 BY ITSELF- but it's included with the whole library (107 resources!) for just $29.95! And yes- a hefty portion of the proceeds (70%) come back to us to support our ministry.


My Secret to Making Healthy Living Easier 22/09/2017

Hey Friends!

In case you missed it- the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is LIVE and it's so amazing this year. But it's only available FOR THE NEXT 2 DAYS!

Want to learn more about this steal of a deal? It's $3500+ worth of resources for under $30!

Read more here: http://feedmemama.net/2017/09/20/my-secret-to-making-healthy-living-easier/

My Secret to Making Healthy Living Easier What’s standing in the way of a healthier life for you and your family? Is it… Having a Walmart budget when you’d like to shop at Whole Foods? Feeling overwhelming by all the changes you’ll …


One of the biggest changes I've made to my health in the past 6 months is incorporating maca powder into my diet. I have felt great changes in my hormones and just feel like a saner, more balanced human. I was so excited when I saw that The Maca Team is offering a free bag with every UHLB purchase!

This is typically $15 BY ITSELF- but it's included with the whole library (107 resources!) for just $29.95! And yes- a hefty portion of the proceeds (70%) come back to us to support our ministry.


Timeline photos 03/05/2017

Mother's Day is coming but don't worry! I wrote a gift guide. For new mamas but really, for all the mamas. Enjoy!



We've started doing a "devotion time" with my 3 year old each morning during her brother's nap. She reads picture books about God and I read my Bible! But... I need more picture books for her!

We already have The Jesus Storybook Bible- what are some other suggestions that you love?

The 2016 Give Back Gift Guide 27/11/2016

My favorite blog post to write every year! I actually think I skipped last year with all the craziness....but anyway. My 2016 GIVE BACK GIFT GUIDE is live! These are all companies that that have missions bigger than themselves, are working to make a difference in the lives of others, and are genuinely worth your support this holiday season!

If you know of a company that fits this criteria, I'd be happy to add them. Let me know! Many of these are owned by friends or are companies that I have had personal interactions with over the years :) Enjoy!


The 2016 Give Back Gift Guide When I first started writing this blog (almost five years ago!) one of my main goals was to educate my friends and family on choices they were making with their purchases and how they could better …

Timeline photos 21/11/2016

Hey Y'all! I'm doing something I've NEVER done before---->

Everyone is on the hunt for good deal right now--especially when it helps you get some of your Holiday shopping done, right?!

This week only, I am going to be offering Buy ONE get ONE free essential oil deals! (Including flat rate shipping!)

I will be posting here daily all week-long (Nov. 21-25) giving you a heads up so you know about the special BOGO event and how to use my favorite products.

You do NOT need to be a member with doTERRA or have any previous essential oil experience to take advantage of these deals!

This will be the perfect way to:
(1) Stock up on your favorites
(2) Handle a few gifts
(3) Hook yourself up
(4) And did I mention buy one get one free?

Stay tuned! XO

Timeline photos 06/11/2016

Is this not the most adorable packaging you've ever seen? Can't wait to show you what's inside ✨

Timeline photos 04/11/2016

Working on my birth bag packing list- what item(s) were essential to you in your labor?

Timeline photos 01/11/2016

Today is the last day of October- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

1 in 4 women will remember babies that will never trick-or-treat tonight.

No costumes, no candy, no doorbells or pumpkins or holding hands as the sun goes down.

If you know one of these women, here's some tips on how to bless your grieving friends:
