Fundamentals of Self-Awareness

Fundamentals of Self-Awareness

Looking to get daily content on how to live as your most aware and graceful self? Are you ready to connect with a tribe of devoted creators?Welcome famILY.

In our modern world where we are constantly being overly stimulated, through our daily interactions, the media, our own thoughts and patters, the 'hustle' and so much more, it can be perceived as difficult to find a moment of stillness, a moment to ground and become clear. Through the awakening of Self-Awareness, one learns how to engage with life in a much more graceful and deliberate manner. Wha


Temporary fixes for your soul,
How does it feel?
It is here and then it’s gone.
A cyclical nature of sorts.
One attaches and then is forced to release.
So let go, my friend,
For there’s time for every season.
And yes, we are cyclical beings.
So enjoy the fruits of your present labor,
Know this too shall be gone.
It is all transient.
It is all valid.
Make those choices.
Make love deeply.
Enjoy this shared time, right now.
This is all we’ve ever had.
Muah. 💋

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Blessed we are to be alive to witness another summer solstice!!!
From the deepest part of my BEING
May we continue to shine and elevate as we triumph through old patterns!
May we continue to be the gate keepers for our ancestors and for all of humanity!
Alchemizing ways of BEing that no longer serve us, heck,
That NEVER served us!
Even if we don't talk much
And even through our differences,
Have a blessed summer solstice!
Celebrate Familia, however that may look like for you.
This morning I awakened to a beautiful message sent from one of my teachers,
Educating me on how the Andean Shamans who are guardians of Pachamama (Earth) are using this incredibly auspicious day to be in ceremony, holding the vision and great intention of
And they ask that we too, with all of our might, carry these vibrations throughout our day today.
I feel them praying,
I am joining them in prayer and ceremony,
Through my actions, words and thoughts,
If only for ONE DAY
If we all do it, wow, IMAGINE!!!
If we all can rally up and get so excited about sports or invest emotional energy to what the media is feeding us,
We can too gather all of this power we hold as the masses,
To devote this day to HAPPINESS AND LOVE!
It's never too late to start!

Timeline photos 09/05/2018

Feminine embodied
Join us this Sunday!
At our new home,
✨The Mandala Shala✨
4-8pm, DM for address.
What to bring:
Food for potluck
Flowers for altar
Instruments to sing & play
An open heart
$10 for donation & anything else you'd like to share!
I will be guiding us through an
Elemental meditation, where we will connect with the elemental forces within & without.
We will be speaking on the obsidian mirror, its teachings
& everyone will have an opportunity to connect with the obsidian mirror.
Open word circle.
Music for movement.
And all good things & more!
Don't miss out on this beautiful opportunity to connect with the sisters in YOUR community.

Timeline photos 08/05/2018

There's always something to say
Something to do.
I just seem to have forgotten
All those passing thoughts
& revelations.
So, I just thought I'd let you know,
I had something to say,
The words just left me by already.
At the very least though,
I tried to let you know.
A little letter to my Instagram account,
For the countless of times I
Told myself "I'm going to write about this later"
But the moment is gone & the passion with it.
I guess I should write things down more often as I journey through life,
So I don't forget about all these cool
Things I want to share about.

Timeline photos 02/05/2018

Did you know you can become fully aware and conscious in your dream state?
Is this a phenomenon that has occurred to you personally?
Does the dream world intrigue you?
What if I told you, there are deliberate techniques and practices one can use to induce lucid dreaming, would you want to learn more about what those are?
My beloved, has launched a lucid dream course for us all to have access to these wakeful dreaming tools.
I am so excited to be a part of this four week online immersive program,
Where we get to acquire practices and techniques to induce a lucid dreaming state & tools on how to navigate this realm during our lucid experience.
There is a plethora of benefits that come with this practice,
Aside from the obviously fun and intriguing experience we'll get to induce,
We will become conscious manifestors
Of our sleep & waking life.
If this is something that resonates with you, message me or for more details.
See you all in the Astrals!✨

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

"You are the most specific, most active summoner and utilizer of the Energy that creates worlds, that exists anywhere in this always evolving, eternally becoming universe.

You are creative genius expressing here in this Leading-Edge time-space-reality for the purpose of taking thought beyond that which it has ever been before."
- Abraham Hicks consciousness

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

This last month I've been diving deep into studies of ancestry and family connections through a beautiful form of "therapy" if you'd like to call it that (it's so much more than that on a quantum level) it is called family constellations. It is teaching me that no matter how great meditators, yogis, or spiritual we are, if we aren't going down to the root of our BEings, none of that matters.
And what are our roots in the most obvious way? Our blood family connections.
I am learning about trauma and patterns and how it is passed down from generations through genetics.
I am also learning that we are in the perfect moment to be the gate keepers of all those patterns and create new, rewarding and clear ways of being and relating.
My own relationship with my family is very distant, in a sense. I am not one to call much or check in much. But I am starting to see the importance of this. And I am becoming more & more curious of where I come from, Colombia, and where my mother and father come from and their stories, so that I can be the gate keeper and pave the way for the future generations. This is a beautiful service, to myself and for everyone around me, and I want to encourage all of you to become curious about where YOU come from.
Who IS your mother.
Who IS your father.
Blood runs deeps and carries memory, just like the waters we drink.
"In many ways, healing from trauma is akin to creating a poem. Both require the right timing, the right words, and the right image. When these elements align, something meaningful is set into motion that can be felt in the body. To heal, our pacing must be in tune. If we arrive too quickly at an image, it might not take root. If the words that comfort us arrive too early, we might not be ready to take them in. If the words aren't precise, we might not hear them or resonate with them at all."
So start, however that may look for you, ask those questions, be open to listening and seeing. Apply the tools of the yogic path to help heal ancestry and generational wounds and trauma. We have everything accessible to us to do so. If you are curious about this type of work and wish to dive in deeper into your roots, message me.
Blissed be all.

Timeline photos 26/04/2018

I can remember a time when this word had a negative connotation to it, one of weakness.
Now I know better, now I can say the word with confidence and truth.
Vulnerability is the most courageous form of being.
A vulnerable person is the person that opens up over & over again no matter the past or circumstances.
A willing nature of vulnerability is held by a person whom no matter what happens, their hearts remain untouched, tender and open.
Open open open.
To a world of possibility.
To a world of creativity.
Living in a state of vulnerability requires great tenacity and LOVE.
It is not for the faint of Heart.
It is for those who know there is no true living without trust and faith.
In the beauty that we choose to create.
We live in a world of vibrations, where we get to choose what we are creating through what we are focusing on.
Choose deliberately, in every second, every breath, to bring awareness to your thoughts, breath, and sensations.
And trust.
In all that is.
Which is you.
Thank you for the image 🙏🏼🐝


I am currently sitting in a New Orleans airport preparing to board and head back to Florida.
This past week, words can't give it justice.
But I will try,
To express, even if just a little,
How impactful this trip has been for me
And for everyone witnessed in this video.
I am leaving this beautiful city with so much SOUL in my Heart.
Yes, Soul, because New Orleans is nothing but.
The people here,
They carry so much history,
So much culture
So much passion.
I am in awe of the creativity.
The inspired individuals I have met during my travels here.
I have been completely swept off my feet by this land here.
As we were first driving up to this farm where we shared most of our time,
I could feel how it was a slave land,
I could feel the healing that has taken place
And that will be taking place during our stay there.
It was a powerful weekend,
The most intense and beautiful one I have yet to experience.
I am grateful for all of the poetry shared around the fire.
By everyone.
Everyone here is a poet.
I am beyond grateful for my partner, Miguel.
For his beautiful orchestration of words formulating into magickal songs that guide us into journeys.
Thank you, Amor, for all that you are
And for the wonderful way you continue to show up for us.
Thank you to all of my teachers.
Thank you for this land.
Thank you thank you thank you.
There's more I can say,
More precise details and stories to share.
But it is one of those things that need to be spoken about in person.
This is as much as I can share.
As I said, words are merely a speck.
The shifts this week has brought me,
In my heart.
I am forever anew.
I am forever grateful.
And I will carry these teachings,
Everywhere I go,
In my daily affairs,
In my future travels,
In all of my engagements.
Wow, simply, THANK YOU.
What a beautiful marvelous LIFE!

Timeline photos 25/04/2018

Take me back where the wild things grow.
New Orleans, you'll forever be in my Heart.
Until the next time.

Timeline photos 28/03/2018

Family! The Magick Mansion is moving and we need YOUR help!

If you've been to our home in Cooper City, you have been to the Magick Mansion.

This has been our home for many moons and in the last two years we've had the privilege, honor and pleasure to be able to host a variety of gatherings, events, trainings and ceremonies. This has been a tremendous blessing in our lives and for all of those who have stepped foot into this home.

The time for transition and growth is now upon us. Recently we've had to limit our events or go to great lengths to accommodate off-site parking because of neighborhood restrictions. Our lease is ending and we have found an incredible home (and land!) for us to move to so that we can not only continue the work we're doing as a community, but also grow, expand and step into our "next level" as individuals and as a community.

Through a series of amazing synchronicity we have been accepted and have made our first series of deposits (totaling 10K) and we're in the final stretch. Unfortunately, a personal loan we applied for did not come through and we are in a time crunch to raise the rest of the funds we need for us to move in.

We need your help and support at this time to raise these funds. We ask that if you have been to this house or have enjoyed any of the work or events that we offer (Miguel Antonio Fleischauer, Alex Issaev, Kelsey Cavanagh, Daniela Andrea Garcia) and resonate with our community offerings, contributions and service, that you support us in these times. Help us manifest this vision of community. ❤

Timeline photos 24/03/2018

Extending my deepest gratitude for all of the women in my life. For the mammas, the sisters, the co creators, THANK YOU.

Through these shifts we feel growing pains. May we learn to tune into our bodies in order to transmute emotional or mental blockages. And may we look at our surroundings and feel a deep sense of joy knowing we are surrounded by those who are mirrors and those who are there to hold us accountable so that we can be in our highest alignment, thank you sisters for being those mirrors.
And most of all, thank you for reminding me about the power of
The willingness to show up, I see it in each and everyone of you and it continues to inspire me to harness that energy of willingness within my own being for all of my endeavors.
Ladies, the Women's gathering is rescheduled!
We will be gathering
✨April 8th✨
Im excited to see all of you to continue to propel our visions forward.

✨Activate: Women's Retreat✨
Come play with us, grow with us!
April 27th-29th at the
Everglades Hostel.
Link in bio.
Message me for any question or how you can be a part of this co creation with your sisters.

Timeline photos 08/03/2018

Happy international women's day!
I am so grateful for all of the women in my life, for being such strong pillars.
There are so many of you that have impacted my life in ways I couldn't even imagine, it makes me proud and honored to be a woman myself.
I am grateful for this time in my life, in which I have been called to work closely with women.
Back in December, I had the opportunity to host our first women's gathering, it was a calling and a dream of mine that I've had for many years now.
And every time we get together I feel the butterflies in my belly, because of the immense power and potentiality being created just by us women gathering in the same space.
Add an open heart and willingness to that equation of women, and we create an unstoppable creative vortex.
Thanks to my own willingness and hearing of the call, this year I am being asked to continue to gather the women in our community and to share my gifts in the form of expression through movement.
You can find me flowing in bliss as I guide women, sisters, goddesses through a journey of movement, into the deepest crevices of who we are. Cultivating our sensuality, humanity, and uniqueness, through dance.
The woman who is connected to her body, her senses and her intention, is an unstoppable force of nature.
Come explore your potentiality with me through this workshop I will be offering at our 🔮women's retreat🔮 end of April.
I am excited to connect with each of you, thank you for the sisterhood.
Link in bio for retreat and women's gatherings information.
•This Sunday @ tree tops park, Women's Gathering, 3pm.•
Aloha, so much love.

Timeline photos 01/03/2018

You are radiant. Mystical. Beautiful.
A full spectrum of BEING-NESS.

Your tribe is calling out to you, your sisters are ready to unite and create beauty with you.

Join us April 27th-29th.
At 🌿the Everglades Hostel🌿 in
South Florida.

An all inclusive women's retreat.
Vegetarian-Vegan Meals/Dorm Accommodations/ Workshops/ Yoga/ Sacred Feminine Teachings/ Kirtan/ Movement/ Herbalism/ Self Care/ Astrology/ Community/ & so much Love.

Early Birds: $275
After April 1st : $325

Limited spots available.
[email protected]
Link in BIO.
Looking forward to our re-connection.

Timeline photos 01/03/2018

The spirit of the willed.

Unwavering determination.

How many of us choose to dive head first into ourselves, our choices & the deep components of what constitutes our BEing? To be honest with ourselves, to not look away but rather look right at our reflections. The path of willingness, of truth, of authenticity.
For a long time I played the role of victimhood, I chose to shy away from myself and my unwanted creations. Even at times I catch glimpses of those old patterns, but now the recognition is there, the awareness that succumbing to those old ways is not who I am, alchemizing the moment, connecting back to willingness and reconnecting to the bigger picture, I bring myself back to the present moment. I have dared, over and over again, to dive deep into my BEing, grasping my roots and watching them grow. How many of us will dare to walk this courageous path. This head on journey to that clear destination of oneness, unity. How many of us will join hands and dare to explore?
I hope to catch you on the deep side.

Timeline photos 19/01/2018

This ceremony of breath.
Auspicious and inviting.
An exclamation of birth, to be felt, seen and heard.
A joyful trance, with high and lows.
A wheel of cycles, that brings us back to whole.
A tender passing touch with the divine.
A giggle in the deepest crevice of who you are.
A shedding.
A constant surrender.
To blossom, once again, to
Who we are, here again, now and forever more.
Do you feel that? It is you.

Timeline photos 19/01/2018

Good morning bb's. We got this more than we realize, no need to have all of the answers, no need to see the path to know we are on the way.

Timeline photos 17/01/2018

The vastness of a still breath
Surpasses everything that gets away
As we join the dance
Of our native ways
We surrender in organic bursts
Like the collision of pure magnetism
Curated by our roots and cosmic dust
Elevating through all of our deeds
Creating harmony, for this how it is.
And so we dance.
As we surrender to the vastness of the still breath, surpassing all fear, we join the dance because it is our very nature, to move in pure melodic magnetism, becoming the dance itself. Transforming every move into an imprint of electric intention, flawlessly molding into each given beat that is orchestrated by this comic dance.
Melting into the vastness of a still breath.
Welcome Home.


For the last couple of weeks, my partner and I have been taking part in a beautiful practice called AgniHotra. It is performed during sunrise and sunset, guided through with mantras as we feed the fire with ghee. This ancient Ayurvedic practice is used for many healing purposes, one being that it purifies the air around you, up to a four mile radius, neutralizing harmful radiation. It reduces stress, nourishes plant life, helps to bring harmony of mind. And the list goes on!

Timeline photos 17/12/2017

"Consciousness is the
moment-to-moment integration of the individual's perception of the world. How well, one could almost say how
gracefully, an individual accomplishes this integration determines that individual's unique adaptive response to
existence. We are masters, not only of individual cognitive activity, but, when acting together, of group cognitive activity as
well. Cognitive activity within a group usually means the elaboration and manipulation of symbols and language.
Although this occurs in many species, within the human species it is especially well developed. Our immense
power to manipulate symbols and language gives us our unique position in the natural world. The power of our
magic and our science arises out of our commitment to group mental activity, symbol sharing, meme replication
(the spreading of ideas), and the telling of tall tales."
-Terence McKenna

Timeline photos 25/11/2017

Manifesting rainbows on our path, seriously how cool is this? One of my favorite pictures from Zen, I love you ladies💚🌈

Timeline photos 25/11/2017

Cultivating a relationship with the elemental forces has changed the way I view and engage with life. Bringing awareness to how the elements teach and speak to me on a daily basis has made my life much more tangible and enjoyable, in the sense that I no longer walk around feeling distant from my surroundings but rather I am learning to listen and commune with nature in all of its marvelous and mysterious forms. Truly, we live in a
magical playground, full of textures, sounds, movements, emotions, all perfect
ingredients to create and play.
I give thanks to the Element of Space/Spirit, Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, for teaching us the nature of alchemy within and without.
Thank you water, for your rainbow body that hydrates us and for retrieving wisdom from the akashic records, impregnating our cells and blood with cosmic knowledge.
Thank you Fire, for the warmth you provide us when we gather around the fire,
and for speaking to us with crisp certainty. Thank you Air, for teaching me that
I am always supported and provided for! I remember having a fear of drowning or
lacking air to breathe and I recently learned that it was a fear I had of not
having enough or a sense of lack which showed up in my life in different ways. The element of air has taught me that the air that goes through me goes through you too and as we learn to support each other, we will never experience lack. I can hear the words "I support you, I support you, I support you."
I also want to acknowledge the element of Earth, for it has taught me about the beauty of our humanity and the
blood that we shed, how pure and raw this experience can feel, and how much it
shows us.
And thank you for the element of Spirit, for your ambiguity and omnipresence, for your vastness, and for your giving nature. As I commune with these forces of nature, I am continuously humbled and in awe.
What has awakened your relationship with the elements? what do you do on a daily basis to acknowlegde these forces? (aside from showering ;) Let's engage and ponder together the mysteries of life!

Timeline photos 09/11/2017

We talk so much about manifesting but little about the actual of . How do we manifest?
The formula is intention + embodiment = manifested. Have you ever stopped to notice that when you're having unpleasant thoughts your body literally tenses up? This is important. If we can give ourselves the permission to stop, be of our thoughts and it's physical manifestations, we can literally choose to and , or do whatever feels natural at that moment in order to loosen up.
Intention = Becoming clear of what one desires to manifest.
Embodiment = Actually FEELING and completely your thoughts with your intention.
Intention must be the main focus on all levels. Let it IGNITE you.
When we combine our breath with our speech and make our speech intentional (a prayer, mantra, spell) and adding the special ingredient of absolutely and irrevocably this truth, prayer, mantra, intention. You have the recipe to be an active creator of your reality.
Reminder = Be patient with yourself, it takes focus and discipline to cultivate awareness of your thoughts and how they manifest in your physical body (tension, reactions, energy.)
The Goal = It is to have FUN!!! Know that if at times you didn't catch your thoughts and projected. We are ALL learning and experiencing.
Patience = Take time everyday (10-30min) to sit with yourself, this opens up the space to stop, observe, and relax. Putting a hold on your constant thought patterns. This is the of . Through this practice you will cultivate stamina, focus, and . Slowly this awareness will effortlessly spill all throughout your life, enhancing your over all human experience, engagement, and of life on all levels.
For more info there's so many amazing meditation and awareness practices to tap into so that you can apply this on a basis, don't be afraid to be intrigued, ask questions, and get out of your comfort zone.
I am here of service, feel free to reach out!💚🔮 It is my absolute pleasure to help guide you, as you heal I heal too.
Blessed journeying, beloved.

Timeline photos 11/10/2017

I have been waiting for your arrival for far too long, and now you are here. The beauty and intention that went to each card is incredibly admirable. I can feel all of the Love that has been poured through the process of creating this deck. It is my first ever tarot deck, I have dreamt of this, I have felt the colors and imagery of these cards before I received them in physical form. This is one of the first spreads/readings I did, and I am in immense gratitude for the clarity that it is bringing into my life and I am excited to dive in deeper with them. As my journey of Self Love, Self Nourishment, and Self Care progresses, I am delighted to add this deck as a part of my spiritual tools.
In other news, I am feeling at my most optimal self, I am coming out of a long deep process of and . It has been a time of heart opening experiences. Let me just clarify, the decision to show up and with an to grow can and will bring about 'scary' and rather 'challenging' situations in ones life. The decision is made in every second, with every breath, and every Smile! Our journey and stories are not meant to be and glorious at all times, this path of self discovery asks us to be , to believe in our strength & regardless of the sh*ts, Love this Life for every second that it is! The of life is constant, changes are inevitable, so enjoy where you are right , for I guarantee it won't be this way forever. Have fun with your life, cry, , prance, smile, , give Thanks, find beauty in the small things, sit with the , it's a playground out there made up of and ,
Play play! Pray pray!

Timeline photos 04/10/2017

Let's talk about sisterhood.
Let's talk about creating safe and nurturing communication tactics with one another.
Let's remind each other that this is a team effort.
Let's hold hands and shower each other with affection, in awe of our feminine beauty.
Sister, why do we compare?
Have we forgotten?
I know, I know I am not perfect, I have felt all those aversion rise within my own being way too many times, to finally realize that is not who I want to be!
I want to empower you sister
I want to Love you and to be the one to remind you of your divinity.
I'm sorry if you felt rejected by my actions, I am sorry because all I wanted deep down was to feel safe, to open my Heart to you.
I am sorry because I now realize that I was projecting those fears and insecurities.
I love you, let's rise with held hands, sister.
It is time we as women reclaim our power, this New Earth will be birthed through the unification and empowerment of us all.
"My brothers and sisters
No more time to hold back
There's no sense in holdin' it back now, we're all
Beaming light, all beaming' light, all beamin' light."
-Ayla Nereo

Timeline photos 03/10/2017

Creative vortexes of the unknown
Spilling through me
To let you know
You are never alone.
Welcome home.

Timeline photos 03/10/2017

When practice becomes state of Being.
The end.
Every second.
Of Light.
Creation forming
Through us
Becoming whole again.

Image by

Timeline photos 03/10/2017

Finding ease in pain
Letting it all in, all in
Floating in the great abyss
As divine current sways you here & there
Let it in, Let it in
Sensory deprivation or sensory stimulation
All in the same
Relativity is creations greatest game
A plethora of experiences
All to
Let it in, Let it in

Image by

Timeline photos 02/10/2017

Practice becomes state of Being.
The end.
Every second.
As perceived
By you & me.
Of Light.
Creation forming
Through you & I.

Image by

Videos (show all)

Temporary fixes for your soul,How does it feel?It is here and then it’s gone.A cyclical nature of sorts.One attaches and...
I am currently sitting in a New Orleans airport preparing to board and head back to Florida.This past week, words can't ...
🔥AgniHotra🔥For the last couple of weeks, my partner and I have been taking part in a beautiful practice called AgniHotra...
