Haleys Young Living

Haleys Young Living

Here to share with you what I have learned on my young living journey and to take you with me as I learn more and more!!!

Photos from Haleys Young Living's post 25/08/2018

So I’m going through my order trying to decided what I want to get next month (yes I plan ahead lol) and I remember that little miss Sara and I had come across this oil. Now any one who knew Sara knew she was someone who would always put a smile on your face. Or if you were upset she was there to make you feel better. As you can see this oil has a soothing scent used in difficult or emotional times. I know what I’m getting next month now.

Photos from Haleys Young Living's post 02/02/2018

All week I’ve been checking purolater to see when my order was coming( shipped on Monday) and it kept saying no info 😞 but it was a nice surprise coming home and finding my order had come in!!!! And all the stuff in the first picture was free!!!! That’s the best part!!!! I love young living!!!!

So glad that Sara now has toothpaste, shampoo, bath gel, vitamins and lotion that all have no chemicals, parabens or toxins of any sort!!!! One more step closer to a chemical free home!!!!


I’m so happy to replace yet another toxin in my home with all natural young living products. I’m not much of a make up person but now that I’m back working in the service industry there’s pressure to look your best. Maybe now I’ll actually enjoy putting make up on knowing I’m not harming myself by wearing it. And best of all I can lead by example for my beautiful daughter.


This is so interesting yet scary. Now I don’t wear make up very often but I do know many women or young ladies that do. And especially having a daughter of my own I worry about what she will be putting on her face and what she uses for lotions and body wash. And seeing this scares me but knowing she has love for young living just like I do I know she will choose the safer products like our savvy minerals make up line. I know my daughter will be escaping this 5 lbs of chemicals a year when she’s older because of young living.

Do you want to know more about our chemical free make up and products give me a shout and I will help you become a healthier you :)


The look on Charlie’s face when I have my daily ningxia red is priceless and I know I better give him a taste or it’ll be the end of the world we’ll not so much but he does let me know he’s not too happy with me lol not to mention it should help him kick these infections in the butt

Timeline photos 22/09/2017

Laundry day!! Loving the fact I don't have to separate Charlie's clothes from our clothes because of harsh chemicals. Love how long one bottle of laundry soap lasts me!!! My to mention never having to buy dryer sheets again!!! Want a chemical free alternative to do laundry message me!!!

Timeline photos 29/08/2017

This summer has been a busy summer from cleaning the house too to bottom to splash park days. This summer so far (even though it's almost over lol) I have gotten two new members of my awesome team, realized more uses for the oils I have on hand, shared my love of oils with family and friends, got a kitten so destiny( my puppy) has someone else to play with, and so much more.

One oil I have recently come to love is digize. There have been a couple times I have been sick to my stomach and that made it harder to take care of my kiddos. Also made it longer to get over it. Until the other night yet again I felt like p**p. Went to bed and woke up multiple times in the night . Then in the morning as I was still feeling ill and all Charlie's wanted to do was play I went to my oil shelf and remembered I just recently purchased digize. So I took one drop and rubbed it on my stomach. Instantly I was starting to feel better.

Lately I have also been drinking a lot more water. And for those of you who know me I have a hard time drinking plain water so I usually use those juice squeezers or crystal lite singles packages. And we all know those really aren't the best options. Well I just got some lime essential oil and have been having either lemon lime waters or tangerine lime waters. I fill up my water bottle (canadas 150 young living water bottle as pictured) about 3 or 4 times a day now.

This company has really made a change to my life. Since I started switching the chemicals out of my life and the life of my families it has been an amazing change. I can't speak for all of us but I've been feeling much better, my fiancé diffuses at night and has been sleeping a lot better ( he's slowly making the change over as well lol)


Alrighty guys last month I ranked up to star!!! Yay!!! Now this month I'm looking for more sign ups. And this months promo for being the first to sign up this month will be a bottle of ningxia red from my personal stash!!! Want to know more message me and we will get you started :)

Photos from Haleys Young Living's post 03/08/2017

I absolutely love my shower routine. Feel so refreshed after every shower. Don't be fooled by the big bottles o washed them out and put my young living lavender mint shampoo and conditioner in them diluted of course. My hair has never had so much body before.

Orange blossom cleanser makes my face feel so clean. And the satin mint scrub makes my face feel so soft.

Last but not least my morning start bath and shower gel wakes me up with the refreshing scent. It's so nice to be replacing the toxins in my home with young living

Timeline photos 27/07/2017

Wow!! I'm so happy I chose to be apart of the young living family. My order was supposed to go through on the 25th but there was an issue with payment. So yesterday I called and got it all cleared up. Well just now I finished unpacking my order as it was dropped off about half an hour ago! See wow!

Ok so now I'll go through my order keep in mind I did order some stuff for a friend too but I'll start off with the items on the right. Starting with two thieves laundry soaps. Can never have enough and I'm about halfway done my last bottle so I neede o stock up.

Thieves foaming hand soap refill. I have two pumps and one is empty so it's always nice to have some extra!

Sulfurzyme capsules. Honestly I chose these because I'm suffering from post partum hair loss. Which sucks lol and I know most of you moms understand. So I'm hoping it will help. I'll keep you posted!

Lavender mint shampoo and conditioner. One step closer to being a chemical free home.

M-grain essential oil. That one is self explanatory. I have always had issues with migraines and this oil is made specifically for migraines.

DiGize because believe it or not I got two R.Cs instead of an R.C and a DiGize lol and it would have really helped when the flu was going around.

satin mind scrub for my friend because I fell in love with it! And wanted her to try it.

Lavender well who doesn't need lavender :) it's such a universal oil!

Everything on the left is what I got for free this month! Just missing the stainless steel water bottle which I will be getting with my order next month.

Copaiba was my loyalty oil for being apart of the young living essential rewards program for 6 months straight (want more info message me)

Two ningxia red bottles, lemongrass, two thieves, ginger and tranquil roll on all items I needed or wanted to try so the promo this month really benefitted me!


Alright guys sorry I haven't been in touch lately a mom life is a busy life lol. But even though I've been busy "moming" it up lol I managed to grow my business. i am proud to say I have added two new members to my team! Welcome Donna and Janine


Young living has currently taken over Utah with convention. So excited as I see people posting all the new items coming out!!!! Will be posting as soon as possible what we will have in store for you. I must say there is a line new moms and moms of babies will love as well as many more new items!!!!! Most of everything will be available July 1st!!!!!

Photos from Haleys Young Living's post 06/06/2017

I'm a little lat posting for may but I wanted to wait until everything came in. In first picture is my nfr order I have the premium shaker bottle, pure protein complete chocolate (soooo yummy) and my morning star bath and shower gel. I wanted the pure protein complete to fill in my morning meal because I'm not one to eat breakfast but with breastfeeding I have to make sure I'm eating enough. The bath and shower gel because it smells amazing and wakes me up.

The second picture I have the other half of my nfr order but this is all stuff I used my reward points for. The genesis hand and body lotion mixed with the carrot seed oil will be my new sunscreen. Sniffleease to help my kiddos with their coughs and colds, tummygize for my little boys gassy tummy (not nearly as bad since I cut coffee out but he still likes to fart) and for any other tummy problems either sara or Charlie may have. Owie explains itself lol. I wanted it for and scrapes or bruises my babies may get ( knowing kids especially sara there will be a lot of those) and for Charlie's teething (cut his first tooth just he other day). Genyus to help sara concentrate. The lip balms because I just had to try them out. Will keep you informed on how I like them :P

And the last picture is my er order for may. There I have my orange blossom facial cleanser and satin mint scrub for my new routine. For those of you who know me well I'm a very busy mom and usually don't have time to wash my face constantly and when I was younger I used proactive to help with my acne but even back then I was busy. I hated all the different steps just to help with my acne. But the worst part was I hated how proactive made my face feel. Well now my routine is a 3 step process. And my face feels amazing. I use the orange blossom first then the satin mint scrub and I finish off with the art creme mask ( which I got a spare for free this month!!!) I got the theives aromabright toothpaste and orange oil because Sara and I have joined in on the teeth whitening challenge that our leader has set for us so I wanted to make sure I have enough( results will be posted on the 26th) the theives foaming hand soap because you can never have enough soap lol. Ningxia red because I ran out and believe me my body feels it when I run out. Valor because it's finally back and I can't wait to start using it and learning how I can use it. And frankensense because I was out and it helps me keep my depression at bay. Tangerine, en r gee, jade lemon, Angelica and the art creme mask were all freebies this month.

Sorry for the long post but I love this company and all the products. I love sharing them as well. The most important thing is I love working from home. I'm still new to young living so I can't live off it yet but I will get there. :) be the first one to sign up under me and you will get one free oil from my collection and I will pay the shipping :)

Timeline photos 26/05/2017

Father's day is coming!!!! Your father Athens king of the grill? Well then get him this wonderful package!! These oils can be used for cooking or grilling :) a little goes a long way!!!

Timeline photos 24/05/2017

This is my young living essential rewards order for may.

I ordered the Valor because it Valor and I want to learn what I can use it for. I have had it in a pain cream and that pain cream worked amazingly.

Frankincense because I was out and needed to refill it. I used most of it in morphine bombs for my grandma and for getting myself out of a mental slump.

Orange because I'm almost out and will be doing the teeth whitening challenge with my daughter. And it's great in water.

Theives aroma bright toothpaste because you can never have too much toothpaste. And it makes my teeth feel so clean.

Orange blossom facial wash because I tried it at a beauty night and fell in love with it. I love how clean my face feels after and how little you use at a time.

Satin mint scrub tried it at the same beauty night and fell in love with the way it made my face feel.

Theives handsoap because I'm running low and already spent too much to get the refill bottle plus now I have two pumps for the house

Ningxia red because I ran out about a week ago and believe me there is a difference lol. It will be nice to clear my mental fog!!! And get my energy back.

I have used Jade lemon, and the art creme mask but the other free oils are new to me. As I use them I will let you know how I chose to use them.

Timeline photos 18/05/2017

I'm not one for drinking water without juice crystals or those squeeze things but I went and invested in a glass water bottle so that I can use my oils in my water. The benefits are so amazing. Today I'm having grapefruit in my water. For a couple reason one the taste is great not too strong. And two because it's detoxifying and cleans the kidneys. Just another way young living is making me healthier maybe now I'll actually be able drink all the water I'm supposed to

Timeline photos 08/05/2017

These oils are so amazing that even hospitals are starting to use them!!! Can't wait until Canadian hospitals start using them

Timeline photos 08/05/2017

Sick and tired of cleaning your house with harsh chemical? Wanting the same clean but a healthier alternative? Young livin has a starter kit for that. The theives collection leaves your house smelling fresh and clean without the toxic chemicals that can harm you. Did I mention they have laundry soap that can be used on infants clothing because it's so gentle on the skin but still does the job!!!!!

Want to replace the medicine in your cabnet with something that doesn't have side effects and works almost instantly? Young living has a starter kit for that. Oh and did I mention each oil has multiple uses?

Feeling drained but don't like how coffee or energy drinks make you feel? Have you thought about a healthy alternative to et that energy back? How bout one full of antioxidants? Young livings ningxia red line is amazing.

Want to know more? Message me or comment on here and I will message you!!! Let me share my young living journey with you!!!!

Timeline photos 08/05/2017

Here is a breakdown of how much you save when purchasing the premium starter kit!!!! And what exactly you get in the starter kit

Timeline photos 28/04/2017

Now this is a delicious way to start the day a ningxia red and tropical smoothie so ooooo yummy. Love all the different ways to get the energy I need to keep up with the kids!!

Timeline photos 26/04/2017

How good is ningxia red you ask well this gives an idea. I personally drink it because it gives me a great natural energy boost not to mention how much it has boosted my immune system. This time of year especially with how crazy the weather has been I'm usually sick as a dog. Since I've introduced Ningxia red into my daily routine I feel so much better. Anyone interested. In trying some out?

Timeline photos 25/04/2017

Don't mind the picture I'm not very photogenic lol but i have to share with you this product I tried for the first time last night.

My skin is very oily and acne prone and I wish I would have taken a before pic but I didn't even think of it. So last night after my shower and washing my face I decided to try out my young living ART creme masque.

It's a moisturizing blend of essential oils and natural botanicals. I have I say I have used many different kinds of masks and my face has never felt so smooth and not to mention the acne I had last night is barely there today.

I chose for the first use to only leave it on for 25 minutes. But next time I think I'll leave it on over night and see the difference that makes. I'm very happy with the results. I'm not going to lie I just bought it because I needed some extra PV points to get my free laundry soap this month so I didn't really know what to expect but my face is sooooo smooth I'm glad it's the prouducy I chose to be my filler!!!!

Timeline photos 24/04/2017

Boy oh boy do I love this company. Put my order in on Thursday and just got it today!!!! Not to mention everything one the left was free!!!! No I can start making my bugs sprays and clean my house without the harsh chemicals!!!!

Timeline photos 24/04/2017

Check out this amazing sale going on!!! Get yours while you can!!!! I'll make you all a deal if enough people want to order I'll just do a big order and I will cover the shipping cost!!! That's right save on ningxia and no shipping can you pass this up?


Boy oh boy all the different uses each oil has is amazing. I usually use theives on the bottom of our feet or in the diffuser.

Well I don't know if any of you have this problem but at least once a year I get a canker sore on he inside of my bottom lip. Now usually I use salt and put it directly on it which stings like hell. I just read that theives theives, frankensense or clove oil are good for canker sores. I chose to go with theives. All you do is put a drop directly directly on directly on it. If you find it is a hot/ strong oil your welcome to dilute with coconut oil, v-6 vegetable oil or any other carrier.

Now I did just apply it but it instantly took the stinging sensation away and the pain. Let's see how fast it will heal. Usually I'm stuck with it for about a week. I will keep you ladies posted!!!!

Timeline photos 13/04/2017

Are you looking to get into a healthier chemical free lifestyle? Interested in replacing those harmful cleaners in your home? Or the medicine in your medicine cabinet with all the scary side effects? Message me for details about young living essential oils and how they can change your life

Timeline photos 12/04/2017

Very interested in trying these oils. They are new to Canada!!!!

Common Sense™ essential oil is a proprietary blend of essential oils formulated to enhance rational decision-making abilities leading to increased wellness, purpose, and abundance. Essential oils: Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Ocotea, Golden Rod, Ruta, Dorado Azul, Lime

Highest Potential is an exotic blend designed to increase your capacity to achieve your highest potential. It combines the uplifting and inspirational qualities of Australian Blue with the power of Gathering to help bring greater unity of purpose. Jasmine is added to enhance self-confidence, while ylang ylang calms, soothes, and harmonizes


Who here has tried young living essential oils? What did you use them for?