Ngomo's Light of Love

Ngomo's Light of Love

I Am an open conduit of minimal distortion, that allows the energies of Infinite Intelligence to flow through me. I Am a servant of The Creator of all Life

I am certified in Spiritual Response Therapy, Signature Cell Healing, Tapping, AFT, EFT and Divine Energy. I utilize a bit of all of the healing modalities I have learned for the most Benevolent outcome for each individual. My Energy Sessions may include some or all of the above. However I am not the healer, I Am an open conduit of minimal distortion, that allows the energies of Infinite Intelligence to flow through me. I Am a servant of The Creator of all Life.


Thought! 07.16.2022
Why does the Biden regime, think the Blacks of America do not realize they have innumerable loved ones incarcerated for minor drug infractions and our current president championed the bill to hold drug possessors acccountable for a minimum of five years. That is fine Joe, but Treason is Death for you and Yours. Peace.


Thought! 06.08.2022
When you sit back and study history, you realize that President Trump was well taught. He is like a Cohn x 100. The thought of you having to go through a knowledgeable man, who will hold you accountable for our Nation's Constitution and it's peoples rights at this level is unprecedented! Enjoy life and golf Mr. President, and continue to ensure our nation has office holders who will Honor our Nation's Constitution. De Santis, Cruz, Jordan, MGT, it is Go time! Peace.


Great job!, De Santis, Cruz, Jordan, and MTG. We the People are with you all. Stop the unreasonable madness! Peace.

Do young Americans know anything? Get your kids out of public screwel. Watch this. 04/06/2022

Really? Every American leader ought to be Horribly ashamed and imprisoned for what they have done to Humanity and our Planet. You are all responsible. this is 6th grade stuff. Peace.
Larry Murray

Do young Americans know anything? Get your kids out of public screwel. Watch this. This is not a one off. This is the vast majority. Home school your child and they will be miles ahead of the rest of the bunch. Teach them at home because nobody else will. Source: Sorry, unknown due to the fact that this particular channel I got t…


I Think I heard somewhere before about healing the body after the jab, The only thing that can save any of us at this point, is, connecting to the True source of who and what you are! If you choose to follow demons to their own destruction, well have at it. Just know, it is your own conscious choice. Do not harm humanity or another that has nothing to do with your individual decision to destroy your soul and its evolution. Teach, educate, and discern for yourself, after all, you and yours are the ones who have to pay the price. Now you see why they are working overtime to desensitize Men? Think for yourself. Get rid of the fake Politicians. Teach yourself a better way. Learn your Constitution, but most importantly, learn who and what you truly are. Peace, and much love.


Question and thought to self! 06.04.2022
If an Author creates a book, What could give that book life to overtake the Author? Is that even possible for an inanimate entity to overstand an animate entity? Learn who you are, and the laws of your land! Peace.


Thought! 06.02.2022
The Democrats have also lost the Black vote and they Know it! They are portraying themselves on MSM as favorites in the Black community. If you corrupt, feckless leaders will get out of your echo chamber, you will realize You and your agenda, Is totally off base, let alone a point of popularity within the Black community! You are all horribly off base, and all of you including you Feckless Rhino Republicans, will all be held accountable according to our Nation;s Constitution! Learn your Nation's and state's Constitution and laws for yourself. otherwise enjoy consentual slavery! Peace.


Memorial Day! Wow! 05.30.2022!
My thought on gun control?
It makes sense until someone comes into your home, uninvited with deceptive means of harm, Then, what do you do? will they allow you to call the police on them? or is it better to have a ready and waiting competent deterrent for anyone who feels and think it is their right to take your hard-earned property and put you, and your family's life at risk?
If you think the criminals are going to be the ones to give up their guns, you are sadly mistaken! that would leave law-abiding citizens totally vulnerable and at the whims of an unregulated and chaotic existence that you may want to look through the whole picture First! as opposed to being guided by the emotional rhetoric. Tyranny and Human slavery is exactly why our Fore Fathers, in their magnificent foresight and wisdom put it in Our Nations Constitution! When the First Amendment is being annihilated by most of our Nation's so-called leaders, you have the second Amendment to correct the imbalance. Yet it will Not happen in your demonic and destructive way that you have planned. Humanity's future shall be Magnificent! I and Humanity thank you Facebook, Google Nextdoor, for your positive assistance to a better world. Think and Discern for yourself! Peace.

/// PROSECUTE NOW 22/05/2022

/// PROSECUTE NOW BREAKING NEWS -UNLAWFUL CDC MASK MANDATE OVERTURNED BREAKING NEWS -UNLAWFUL CDC MASK MANDATE OVERTURNED W E T H E P E O P L E  “It’s time we demand our elected state officials appoint special prosecutors to investigate criminal behavior by our elected and appointed officials. Join Prosecute Now...


Interesting! 05 21.2022
Deceptive Practices
Dear Elected Representative(s), I am a Indiana resident and citizen of the United States of America. You are among the state government leadership for whom I voted. You represent me and were elected to serve and protect the interests and civil liberties of Indiana residents. I am sending you this letter to demand that you use the power and influence of your office and stewardship to immediately appoint a special prosecutor to investigate crimes committed upon me, my family, and the residents of Indiana and our country. The unprecedented societal, financial, medical, and economic crises that have gripped our state and nation are a clear and present threat to my personal and civil liberties and those of my family. These crises, and those who have participated in their causation, have endangered and continue to endanger me and my family, and our very way of life as free citizens of this democratic republic. They have harmed and injured us personally and our property, our rights to work, to provide for our needs, our rights to travel, to meet and associate, and much more. The federal government, and portions of our state government, business interests, and other organizations, have violated and continue to violate the Federal Constitution and civil and criminal statutes as well as the Constitution of Indiana and Indiana’s civil and criminal statutes. Specifically, federal and state governments, their administrative agencies, healthcare and academic institutions, health care practitioners/doctors, pharmaceutical and medical services provider corporate entities, and others have specifically communicated information to me regarding the existence of, the efficacy of, and the safety of, an injection that they have consistently, persistently called a “vaccine” to address the “novel virus” the ICTV officially name SARS-CoV2. This is the same “novel virus” the ICTV emphatically asserts causes the “novel disease” that the World Health Organization has officially named “COVID-19.” I now know that the injection is not a “vaccine.” The injection administered as the COVID-19 “vaccine” is not a vaccine under the definition of the 1986 Vaccination Liability Protection Act. All of these parties have either intentionally or negligently used deceptive language and practices that confused me about the proper medical care I needed. I and my family have been personally harmed and injured as a direct result of those deceptive actions and practices and confusing information. All of this resulted in me being deceived and confused about my own health. Moreover, these same parties have given me information, intentionally or negligently, for the purpose of deceiving me and confusing me regarding the benefits of the injection that they have consistently and persistently told me is a “vaccine.” These same parties have told me that by receiving the “vaccine,” I would be immunized against COVID-19, that I would not be able to spread COVID-19, if in fact I were to be infected by it, and that I would need only one injection. Then two injections. How many more? These same parties have repeatedly told me that the “vaccine” is “safe and effective”. The injection they told me was a “vaccine” is neither safe nor effective. None of the parties ever told me that no human trials had ever been conducted with the injection to determine its safety or effectiveness, or its short-term or long-term side-effects or health consequences. None of these parties told me that it has not been proven to be either safe or effective in any in vivo studies. None of these parties told me that they had little, if any knowledge, regarding either the short-term or long-term effects of the injection that they consistently told me is a “vaccine,” even while asserting it was “safe and effective”. The injection provides no immunity. It does not prevent me from being infected by SARS-Cov2. It does not prevent me from spreading SARS-CoV-2 they insist that it immunizes me against. For these reasons, I demand that you take immediate action to appoint a special prosecutor/independent counsel to investigate the deceptive practices of all of these parties. They have violated Consumer Protection Act. Their actions have been deceptive and confusing. I and my family have suffered personal injuries as a consequence of their deceptive and confusing statements, communications, and representations. This is a matter of personal and national interest to me. As my legal representative in state government, I demand you take immediate action to appoint a special prosecutor/independent counsel to investigate and peruse the violation of this and other state laws. Respectfully,


Question to all American so-called leaders, How can you imbeciles sit back and do Nothing on either side of the aisle. You are all corrupted and have horribly failed the American people, our Nation , and your Oath of Office, You are all a collective Disgrace to our Nation and We the People! Border and immigration is soo bad, no so-called leader does anything about it, while the problem is getting totally out of control? You have ruined families, our youths future, all with no proof or scientific evidence? trust your agenda?
I hate to be the bad bearer of news to you, but, There is No such thing as immunity with an expressed and willing intent, to harm another, let alone willing intent to commit murder. There is also No excuse for Humanity to accept this type of treatment from any entity. Wake up!


Thought! 05.06.2022
Every so-called Leader who votes for anything Unconstitutional and against their own constituents, stop playing with them. All of their votes are public records. The private vote is unconstitutional, They can not hide their Corruption and Treason when all votes are made public instantly! Show the American People where our money is going, or get indicted or whatever you choose. Choose wisely. Peace.


The Democratic and Republican party is watching and supporting the destruction of our Nation! The Democratic party is soo controlled, No one can even have a difference of opinion, outside of their Demonic agenda. Demon crats, You, will never get the Black vote again. We see back to K*K, MLK, X, Ford... All Documented Public records! What are you upholding besides the ra**ng and destruction of your own , communities, Nation's and planet! Now what? All of you must be replaced for what you have done to God's creation. No more.


Thought! 05.03.2022
What is the uproar about Roe vs. Wade? Why is it easier to murder a life, instead of teaching our youth foundational, moral values that allow them a chance to make better decisions for themselves and their future, along with Fathers and Mothers taking your time and making better decisions for yourself and the future of your offspring, who are the future caretakers of our Planet, and life itself?! We must all truly think about this, and allow exeptions! Human life, or altered life? We don't know the outcomes of the jibb as of yet on our youth? Who would not want to abort a demon? Why are they wanting to overturn this now? This is not about Rep. or Dem., That is the vision and game they want you to see. This is not physical. This is Spiritual! Please look at both sides, all the info you can gather, and discern for yourself. Peace.


Thought! 04.29.2022
It would be truly interesting to see and hear all of our leaders from the local, county, state , national, and international and corporation levels, explain to the People of this planet what their scientific basis was for total lockstep on the lockdown of our planet? American and Indiana officials, get ready questions are gonna be coming! Peace.


Thought! 04.28.2022
Which of our governmental organizations, has authority and power over a living man? Let them come forth! Any Organization that claims authority over a living man, let them step forward Now! Otherwise, You have all that you will get! I a living man do not consent to your serum of destruction without factual proof. BTW, the so-called FDA approved [vaccine] will not be available until 2023! What, are our so-called government and so-called leaders Mandating to We the People that the F.D.A. approved version will not be available til 2023? All of our Nation's leaders have a lot of explaining to do to We the People! How can something of this magnitude for Life itself! and None of you Knew nothing about this? The American People are no longer buying it! We the People see you all for who and what you truly are! Peace.

Homeland Secretary Mayorkas FORCED TO ADMIT America's Sovereignty is Disintegrating! 28/04/2022

Homeland Secretary Mayorkas FORCED TO ADMIT America's Sovereignty is Disintegrating! Representative Clag Higgens Republican of Louisiana puts the fear of GOD into homeland Security secretary Mayorikas and forced him to admit his failures and ...

Ireland Forced To Admit COVID-19 Does Not Exist 28/04/2022

Ireland Forced To Admit COVID-19 Does Not Exist Ireland Forced To Admit COVID-19 Does Not Exist.

COVID LIES with 'Former Pfizer Vice President/Chief Scientific Officer' Michael Yeadon 🦠😷💉 26/04/2022

Interesting! 04.26.2022

COVID LIES with 'Former Pfizer Vice President/Chief Scientific Officer' Michael Yeadon 🦠😷💉 In today‘s “Friday Roundtable” guest Dr. Michael Yeadon joins the CHD team for a discussion on COVID lies. From mRNA and immunity to spike proteins and mutation, looking at 12 lies from the past two years will opens viewers‘ eyes to the dark and dee…

How the "Economic Hitmen" of the CIA work to destabilise non compliant nations and work to push forward the cabal's agenda. 23/04/2022

Interesting! 04.23.2022

How the "Economic Hitmen" of the CIA work to destabilise non compliant nations and work to push forward the cabal's agenda. How the "Economic Hitmen" of the CIA work to destabilise non compliant nations and work to push forward the cabal's agenda. 🎩

LGBTPQIA2 teachers openly talk about grooming your children 17/04/2022

Interesting! Discern for yourself. 04.16.2022

LGBTPQIA2 teachers openly talk about grooming your children I don't give a rats ass who this offends or pi**es off. If you are watching videos on my channel you are in the wrong place if this offends you. Why parents aren't pulling their kids from these indoctrination centers is mind boggling. These thing…

Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave Documentary, Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022. 15/04/2022

Just sayin! 04.15.2022
If We the People don't get our head out of our butt, your so-called elected leaders will soon bring this to your neighborhood by softshoe or force! Peace.

Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave Documentary, Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022. Documentary by SBC News covering Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave.Philadelphia's most dangerous street.Problems with Drugs and Crime in Kensington Ave...


Thought! 04.15.2022
“It just dawned on me after reading a previous post by a neighbor on recent, and constant, power outages, that maybe that is the reason you do not see grass, trees, or flowers hardly in any of these new movies, maybe, because Hollywood figured that they had to portray their desired future to the masses. If everything is electric, well, grass, trees, flowers, or Human's for that matter, do not grow and evolve off of EMF frequencies alone! Humans breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, Plants, trees grass and all Nature breathes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen! Do you think and feel this perfect balance is not necessary? Please choose wisely. Peace.


If our Nations Constitution was written and came to fruition during wartime, what makes you imbeciles think that any wartime mandate can obliterate our Nations Constitution? Wake the heck up Peace.I


Thought! 04.10.2022.
Why is it, that all of our Nation's Governors. Are following mandates, that are Totally against their own states Constitution, as well as Nations's Constitution? Reps, Congressmen, Senators? Sheriffs Know the laws of your land and uphold them. That is all We the People ask, is for our elected officials to uphold the laws of our land! Peace.

Stunning: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative—Incredible Statistics 09/04/2022

Stunning: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative—Incredible Statistics INCREDIBLE new study from the practice of Dr. Paul Thomas, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, showing that the Big Pharma vaccine scam has been bogus all along and that there are ZERO vaccines that ma…


Interesting! 04.08.2022


World Events Are Not Pre-Planned? - Watch This - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast 07/04/2022

Interesting! 04.07.2022

World Events Are Not Pre-Planned? - Watch This - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Our Video Sponsor - Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke - Available Now - The Answer is available now at…


04.04.2022! Thought!
Teaching victimhood and excuses will never teach our youth to become responsible adults! If I was taught victimhood and excuses, I would probably still be living in my parent's home (crib)! Peace.

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