Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport

Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport

SLOCAT is the international multi-stakeholder partnership that enables collaborative knowledge and ac


📌 What is SLOCAT's Tough Questions, Smart Answers on All Things , People and Planet series?

💡 Together with the SLOCAT-Volvo Research and Educational Foundations Young Leaders in , our podcast series brings together voices across generations of change makers to deepen our understanding on prevailing, burning and emerging issues in the intersection of transport, and .

🎙️In the episode “En route to low-carbon, sustainable and resilient and ”, we captured an insightful conversation between Mr. Jan Hoffmann and Mr. Marc Jonathan Douanla Fotseu.

🔖 We invite you to listen to their lively conversation now and stay tuned for more episodes!➡️


📌 What is SLOCAT's Tough Questions, Smart Answers on All Things , People and Planet series?

💡 Together with the SLOCAT-Volvo Research and Educational Foundations Young Leaders in , our podcast series brings together voices across generations of change makers to deepen our understanding on prevailing, burning and emerging issues in the intersection of transport, and .

🎙️ In the episode "Integrating urban electric mobility solutions - What does it take?", we captured an insightful conversation between Mr.Oliver Lah, Ms. María Rosa Muñoz B. and Mr. Spencer S. Taylor, Jr.

🔖 We invite you to listen to their lively conversation now and stay tuned for more episodes!➡️


📌 There are significant gaps in the current approach to freight transport and logistics within and Long-Term Strategies ( ).

💡 What should third-generation NDCs and new LTS include to scale up climate ambition and action on and ?

1️⃣ A transport-related GHG mitigation target in addition to the common economy-wide emissions mitigation target.

2️⃣ Feature balanced, integrated and intermodal actions for freight transport across the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework.

3️⃣ Actions across all freight modes: road transport, urban freight, railways, inland waterways, domestic and international aviation and maritime transport, as well as necessary intermodal ports and terminal infrastructure.

4️⃣ Actions to enhance the adaptation to climate change and the resilience of freight transport infrastructure.

🔖 Read the analysis by SLOCAT produced in cooperation with Kühne Climate Center and learn more➡️


📌 transport and are not sufficiently addressed in the NDCs’ and LTS’ mitigation measures.

📑 Second-generation NDCs focus more on passenger than freight (split of 5:1), a decline compared to the first generation of NDCs (4:1). Yet, it is not possible to attribute to either passenger or freight transport two thirds of the transport actions that are featured across and .

🔖 Read the analysis by SLOCAT produced in cooperation with the Kuhne Climate center and learn more➡️


💡 Non-GHG transport targets can support a shift towards sustainable, low-carbon .

📌 Among the total of 120 non-GHG transport targets in the , only 12 targets in 11 second-generation NDCs are associated with transport and . Across LTS, there are nearly twice as many freight transport and logistics targets (18 out of a total of 105) than in second-generation NDCs.

🔖 Read the analysis by SLOCAT produced in cooperation with Kuehne Climate Center and learn more➡️


📌 The analysis developed by SLOCAT and the ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation shows that less than 20% of mention a in the sector. Even when specific provisions for transport are included, the needs and roles of workers in rail, road, urban transport, aviation, and maritime are generally ignored.

💡 As countries develop the next generation of NDCs, it’s crucial to prioritise a just transition for transport workers in order to set the foundation for a sustainable, resilient and just path forward.

🔖 Check out the analysis on prioritising just transition for transport in Nationally Determined Contributions and learn more ➡️


📌 A to equitable, healthy, green and resilient and mobility systems are central to socio-economic prosperity for the people and the planet. Moreover, just transition secures the future and livelihoods of workers and their communities during the transition to a low-carbon economy, effectively limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

💡 What does it take to secure a just transition for transport workers?

🔖 Check out the analysis on prioritising just transition for transport in Nationally Determined Contributions by SLOCAT and ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation ➡️


📌Angel Cortez, SLOCAT's Project Officer - Analysis supported the facilitation of the "World Café: Scaling impact through industry transformation", organised by Agora Verkehrswende at regional conference in Bangkok, for a discussion on prioritising industry transformation solutions to accelerate .

💡 All participant countries (China, India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia) shared their insights on three topics: Supply chains and circularity, creating demand in the mass market and charging infrastructure and grid integration.

🔖Highlights from the conference will be available soon on NDC-TIA's website➡️


💡At the session co-organised by Safetipin App and GIZat regional conference in Bangkok, "Promoting Equity towards Sustainable Transport", Alice Yiu, SLOCAT’s Director for Policy Outreach and Strategic Communications contributed to discussions that making systems gender-responsive and accessible will also make them efficient as they will address the needs of the majority of the population. Besides, efficient transport systems will require less government investment in the long term. If we can achieve that “Many move as one" the voices of women in the transport sector will be better heard.

🔖Highlights from the conference will be available soon on NDC-TIA's website➡️


💡The session, organised by World Resources Institute at regional conference in Bangkok, "Improving access to climate finance for sustainable and low-carbon transport" shed light on two crucial barriers that Asian countries need to address to improve their access to :

1) Small and medium businesses face fiscal constraints recovering from the adverse effects of the hashtag , such as workforce shortages.

2) Government funding for transport projects is too low.

📌 Alice Yiu, SLOCAT’s Director for Policy Outreach and Strategic Communications contributed to discussions that both factors make overcoming the high initial costs of green technologies even more difficult, as there are limited financing options for .

🔖The daily updates will be available soon on NDC-TIA's website➡️

Photos from Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport's post 09/07/2024

🎙️ At the SLOCAT-REN21 joint session "Accelerating the Transition to Fossil-Free Transport”, held as part of the regional conference in Bangkok, Maruxa Cardama, SLOCAT's Secretary General, and Angel Cortez, Project Officer - Analysis, along with Rana Adib, Executive Director of REN21, led the insightful discussions.

📌 The session highlighted that effective coordination between the and sectors is crucial for transitioning to transport. This involves addressing infrastructure and supply chain constraints, overcoming policy and regulatory barriers, and managing the increased demand for renewable energy and critical minerals.

🔖 Thanks for joining us and being part of the discussion! The daily updates will be available soon on NDC-TIA's website➡️


💡Freight and logistics play a key role in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy, creating green jobs, scaling up low-carbon technologies and enabling low-carbon value chains. However, the way goods are moved today results in significant negative and impacts.

📑The analysis, developed by SLOCAT in cooperation with the Kühne Climate Center, reveals significant gaps in the current approach to freight transport and logistics within NDCs and Long-Term Strategies (LTS).

📌 To address this gap, the next round of NDCs and new LTS must include balanced, integrated, and intermodal actions for freight transport across the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework. More ambitious targets are needed, encompassing all modes of freight transport and addressing both decarbonisation and adaptation contexts.

🔖 Read the analysis and learn more➡️


💡 What is the Transport Decarbonisation Index (TDI) and how can it support policymakers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)?

🌱 The TDI will be instrumental for policymakers in developing targeted emission reduction actions and supporting LMICs in fulfilling their climate pledges, with an ultimate goal of achieving net zero by 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

📝 Beyond diagnosing decarbonisation efforts, the TDI also serves as a progress tracker, indicating whether more stringent measures may be necessary in the future.

🔖 Read the State-of-Knowledge Report by Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport and Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI), developed as a part of the High Volume Transport Applied Research's programme➡️


✨ We're !

📣 We're excited to announce that we're looking for a Policy Analyst to join our team!

📝 The will contribute to the policy analysis work of the SLOCAT Secretariat and to the translation of such analysis into messaging and tools for decision-makers. In doing so, this position will help bridge SLOCAT activities on knowledge and analysis with global advocacy, from the conceptualisation stages to outreach.

🤚 Do you think you're the one we're looking for? Then check out the detail description, responsibilities and required skills for this position ➡

📅 Deadline for application ➡ 11:59 PM Pacific Time (California, U.S.) on 22 July 2024


💡 Why is prioritising hashtag for transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) important?

🌱 A just transition to equitable, healthy, green and resilient hashtag and mobility systems are central to socio-economic prosperity for the people and the planet.

📌 As countries develop the next generation of NDCs, it’s crucial to prioritise a just transition for transport workers in order to set the foundation for a sustainable, resilient and just path forward.

🔖 Interested? Find out more on the infographic by Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport and the ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation ➡


🎉 We launched the Manifesto for intermodal, low-carbon,
efficient and resilient freight transport and logistics last week!

🔖 In the coming months, we’ll keep on building up technical capacity through a compendium of policy and financing interventions and multistakholder dialogue.

📝 Stay tuned if you already signed on! If not, you can still sign on via our website ➡


📌We need to maximise both new technologies & solutions and optimisation of the current systems to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

💡Thanks for joining us to share your insights at International Road Federation’s Young Professional Talks Series!

📼 Couldn’t make it to the debate? Watch the recording and find out what our discussion was like ➡️

Photos from Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport's post 28/05/2024

🎙️At the 2024 , Alice Yiu, SLOCAT’s Director for Policy Outreach and Strategic Communications, highlighted the current momentum and the required ambition to break the bottlenecks for a low-carbon future in for Asia and the Pacific, alongside SLOCAT partners. At the roundtable with key regional stakeholders and donors, she urged the finance community to meaningfully support the global transport community in creating an actionable shared vision for transformation towards the upcoming UN Decade for Sustainable Transport.

💡Alice also shared insights on how to create bankable projects for climate finance and enhance economic appraisals for sustainable, low-carbon transport at the regional workshop organised by United Nations ESCAP.

📼 Feature film of the forum➡

Photos from Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport's post 28/05/2024

🌍✨ Philip Turner, SLOCAT's Director of Global Advocacy and Engagement, addressed key regional actors and donors at the 57th Asian Development Bank (ADB) Annual Meeting during the session, "Driving in Developing Asia and the Pacific." He shed light on crucial breakthroughs where gained significant traction in the global processes for and . He underscored the pressing need for more ambitious climate pledges, stressing that current commitments and ambition still fall short. With the horizon to the 2025 UN Climate Change Conference ( ), which marks the submission of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions, Philip urged countries to act swiftly, advocating for a balanced approach encompassing Avoid, Shift, and Improve measures for the transport sector.

📼 Watch the full session ➡


💡 Which side are you on? New technologies and solutions or Optimising current hashtag systems?

📌 Our SLOCAT-VREF Volvo Research and Educational Foundations young leaders in hashtag are joining this insightful debate at the International Road Federation (IRF)'s Young Professional Talks Series, where young professionals share their works and suggest a few policy recommendations.

🔖 Don’t forget to register and join our debate happening in 3 days! ➡️


We are thrilled to announce that the Manifesto for intermodal, low-carbon, efficient and resilient freight transport and logistics was launched today at the first United Nations Global Supply Chain Forum organised by United Nations Trade and Development and the Government of Barbados from 21 – 24 May 2024.

Read and sign on to the manifesto: and sign on to the manifesto: -transport/

- what does it take?
Governments and businesses need to prioritise systems that efficiently and resiliently combine low-carbon services from the first to the last mile, be that local or intercontinental. Urgent actions are needed to transition to zero emission fuels and renewable energy, optimising logistics systems and creating local and circular value chains.

Why do we need this transformation?
In a world of interconnected challenges, our economies and societies must transform to remain competitive, equitable and resilient, while keeping global warming to 1.5ºC. Accelerating the transformation of freight transport and logistics is among the most impactful steps the global community can take to enable overall positive socio-economic transformations by mid-century.

SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport and Kuehne Foundation Climate Action, together with CONCITO, IDDRI, International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), Smart Freight Centre , UIC - International union of railways and World Resources Institute have co-initiated this manifesto. So far, we have already gathered support from 30+ multi-stakeholder organisations. Join us and be part of the change!


💡 What is the vision for equitable and renewable electric for Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) member countries?

🎉 It was a pleasure to celebrate the achievements of our joint initiatives with IsDB!

📼 Watch the discussion here➡️

IRF Young Professional Talks Series - Official Website of the International Road Federation (IRF ) 03/05/2024

📌 Our SLOCAT-VREF young leaders in are invited to speak at the International Road Federation's Young Professional Talks Series!

🔖 Register for the webinar now and join our discussion on New Technologies and Solutions vs. Optimising Current Systems! ➡️

IRF Young Professional Talks Series - Official Website of the International Road Federation (IRF ) The IRF Young Professional Talks Series is a new initiative launched by the IRF Young Professionals Programme in preparation for the upcoming IRF World Congress 2024, scheduled for 15-18 October 2024 in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Türkiye. As part of this series, a lineup of webinars will be host...


📢 Happening today!

🔖 Don't miss out the last chance to register for our virtual event with Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) on the potential of sustainable solutions➡️


📢 Join us to reflect the achievements of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)-SLOCAT joint initiatives at this special event!

🔖 Register now➡️


🌍Happy !

🌱At SLOCAT, we empower, engage and transform to accelerate the to for the people and the planet.

🔖Explore our impact and action in 2023➡️


💡 In the next Nationally Determined Contributions of the Paris Agreement, countries should operationalise COP28 agreements with robust targets towards -efficient & -free . Listen to SLOCAT Secretary General, Maruxa Cardama, addressing the UN General Assembly at the Global Stocktaking on Sustainable Energy on 19 April:

Join our movement to double the share of energy efficient and fossil-free forms of land transport by 2030!

Photos from Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport's post 21/04/2024

🌍 Let's celebrate by steering towards a future where both the planet and people thrive! Transitioning to equitable, healthy, green and resilient and systems paves the way for prosperity for all🌱

Why is transport the lifeblood of prosperity and livelihoods? Learn more at:


Tune into the Global Stocktaking on Sustainable Energy:

Let's recognise the urgent need for immediate and radical transformation in both the transport and energy sectors. Join our movement to to double the use of energy-efficient and fossil-free forms of land transport by 2030:

Photos from Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport's post 18/04/2024

🌿Investing in sustainable infrastructure is crucial to building a more connected world.
🌐Join today's informal dialogue on infrastructure connectivity:

Videos (show all)

📌 There are significant gaps in the current approach to freight transport and logistics within #NDCs and Long-Term Strat...
📌 #Freight transport and #logistics are not sufficiently  addressed in the NDCs’ and LTS’ mitigation measures.📑 Second-g...
💡 Non-GHG transport targets can support a shift towards sustainable, low-carbon #transport. 📌 Among the total of 120 non...
📌 The analysis developed by SLOCAT and the ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation shows that less than 20% of...
💡Freight #transport and logistics play a key role in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy, creating green...
💡 What is the Transport Decarbonisation Index (TDI) and how can it support policymakers in low- and middle-income countr...
✨ We're #hiring! 📣 We're excited to announce that we're looking for a Policy Analyst to join our team!📝 The #PolicyAnaly...
💡 Why is prioritising hashtag#JustTransition for transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) important?🌱 A j...
🎉 We launched the Manifesto for intermodal, low-carbon,efficient and resilient freight transport and logistics last week...
📌We need to maximise both new technologies & solutions and optimisation of the current #transport systems to achieve net...
We are thrilled to announce that the Manifesto for intermodal, low-carbon, efficient and resilient freight transport and...
💡 What is the vision for equitable and renewable electric #transport for Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) member countrie...